English Language Arts Florida Standards (LAFS)

15659261068953“Let Your Dreams Set Sail” 00“Let Your Dreams Set Sail” 567690107015700634931910223000019922772062339PARENT & STUDENT HANDBOOK2018 -201900PARENT & STUDENT HANDBOOK2018 -2019692785126788Important QWE Facts:School Hours 8:00a.m. – 2:00p.m.Students may enter the cafeteria at 7:15a.m.Breakfast is served from 7:15 – 7:55a.m.Crossing Guards Times 7:15-8:00a.m./1:55-2:30p.m.All visitors must provide picture identification before entering the schoolYour child’s teacher and the front office need to be notified if there is a change in how the student goes homeEarly dismissals are to be requested before 1:30p.m.We are a Unified Dress Code schoolQWE After School Care 754-322-8144PTA Office Number 754-322-8112020000Important QWE Facts:School Hours 8:00a.m. – 2:00p.m.Students may enter the cafeteria at 7:15a.m.Breakfast is served from 7:15 – 7:55a.m.Crossing Guards Times 7:15-8:00a.m./1:55-2:30p.m.All visitors must provide picture identification before entering the schoolYour child’s teacher and the front office need to be notified if there is a change in how the student goes homeEarly dismissals are to be requested before 1:30p.m.We are a Unified Dress Code schoolQWE After School Care 754-322-8144PTA Office Number 754-322-81121206500495301QUIET WATERS ELEMENTARY PARENT & STUDENTHANDBOOK2015-201600QUIET WATERS ELEMENTARY PARENT & STUDENTHANDBOOK2015-2016School Website: quietwaters.District Website: Volunteer Application Website: getinvolved Lunch Application Website: broward.k12.fl.us/foodservice/freereduced.htm2228369112539Quiet Waters Elementary4150 West Hillsboro Blvd.Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442Phone 754-322-8100Fax 754-322-814000Quiet Waters Elementary4150 West Hillsboro Blvd.Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442Phone 754-322-8100Fax 754-322-814051930302125850078442720869800This book belong’s to:Name:______________________ Student ID #_____________Teacher’s Name_____________________________________Teacher’s Email Address______________________________Website______________________ Website______________________Log In________________________ Log In________________________Password_____________________ Password_____________________Website______________________ Website______________________Log In________________________ Log In________________________Password_____________________ Password_____________________Website______________________ Website______________________Log In________________________ Log In________________________Password_____________________ Password_____________________ Dear Parents and Students,Welcome to Quiet Waters Elementary, as we set sail into an amazing new school year. We will be working together to make your child’s dreams come true. The faculty and staff are looking forward to working with you as we provide the best possible education for your child in a safe, nurturing, engaging and rigorous learning environment. Creating a strong home-school connection is key to the success for all our students. This handbook has been prepared to inform you of the policies and procedures at Quiet Waters. Please read the information carefully and keep it for future reference. We encourage you to visit our school website, to keep up to date with the activities and events at the school. () Do not hesitate to call our office when you have questions, concerns or suggestions. We thank you in advance for your cooperation, support and communication. 754-322-8100Sincerely,Geoff HenningGeoff HenningProud PrincipalVISIONTo create a positive teaching and learning environment that fosters self-motivated and life-long learners.MISSION STATEMENTQuiet Waters Elementary School’s students, staff, parents, and community will strive to ensure that all students reach their maximum potential in a safe and nurturing learning environment.BELIEFSWe believe the basic skills in reading, writing, and math is the cornerstone of educationWe believe all members of the school community should respect themselves and othersWe believe educational decisions need to be based on individual student needsWe believe that parents, staff, students, and the community are a team that share in the responsibility for each student’s achievementWe believe it is our responsibility to meet the challenges of change and keep abreast of current educational research and strategiesWe believe a safe and nurturing environment is needed to promote learningWe believe in the importance of creating an environment which accepts and respects the diversity of individualsWe believe the curriculum support classes play an integral part of a well-balanced education.ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT STAFFPrincipal Mr. Geoff HenningAssistant Principal Mr. Bill HartnerAssistant Principal Mrs. Ramona RelifordLiteracy Coach Ms. Nina CohenGuidance Counselor Mrs. Sue DonahueELL LiaisonMrs. Kristen BlankenshipESE Specialist Mrs. Jennifer GussackAFTER SCHOOL CAREWe are pleased to announce that Quiet Waters Elementary School operates our own School Board Operated After School Program. Our inclusive childcare program provides children with culturally enriching programs that promote the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development in a safe and nurturing environment. Weekly activities will include snack time, homework assistance, outdoor play, access to technology, and enrichment/academic programs. This service is available from 2:00-6:00 pm on school days. There is a onetime Registration Fee of $25.00 per family- due at registration. Monthly Payments are $172.00 per child plus an additional $7.00 per month activity fee. There is a 5% Sibling Discount available.Sheila Thomas is our QWE Aftercare Supervisor. You can contact her at 754-322-8144 for information or questions regarding registration.ARRIVAL PROCEDURESStudents may enter the cafeteria at 7:15 a.m. and wait until classes are dismissed to their classrooms at 7:40 a.m. From 7:40 a.m. - 7:50 a.m. the students wait in the hallway outside their classroom. Supervision is provided in the hallways during this time. At 7:50 a.m. students may enter their classrooms and school begins at 8:00 a.m.Students being dropped off in the car rider line must get out along the sidewalk, not from the second lane of traffic. Please help us keep our traffic lanes open and flowing by pulling up as far as you can. Students should have their belongings in hand and ready to get out of the car as you stop at the curb. If you are utilizing the parking lot area for drop off, you must park your car to let your child out of the car. Students must be escorted by an adult if they are to cross the parking lot. For your safety please utilize the crosswalk. Do not leave any cars parked in the traffic lanes as they disrupt the movement of cars.ATTENDANCEStudents must be in school unless their absence has been excused for one of the reasons listed below. For reasons 1-6, parents must report the absence the day of or within two (2) days following the absence. Excused absences include:Illness of studentIllness of immediate family memberReligious holidays of the students’ own faithRequired court appearancesSpecial Events IF the student gets permission from a school administrator at least two weeks ahead of timeDoctor or dental appointments or counseling sessionsATTENDANCE CONTINUED…New state laws addressing school truancy have dictated how elementary schools must monitor absences. Each absence will be an unexcused absence unless the parent provides a note or contacts the office to report the absence; the absence may become an excused absence. You must call each day your child is out or report them for multiple day absences, so all days will be coded as excused.When a student has an unexcused absence, a Parent Link phone call will be made to the home. If a student acquires five (5) unexcused absences, a conference will be set up with administration to develop a plan to improve the child’s attendance.If a student acquires ten (10) unexcused absences and interventions to improve attendance are unsuccessful, the State Attorney’s Office will be notified, and they will issue a subpoena for your child’s records. The State Attorney’s Office may take appropriate action up to and including criminal prosecution of the parent/guardian of the truant child for breaking Florida Statute 232.19(6) (a)Both excused and unexcused absences along with tardies and early sign-outs will continue to be counted when determining a student’s pattern of non-attendance. A student has a pattern of non-attendance if he/she is absent from school a total of 30 hours (5 days) in any one marking period or 60 hours (10 days) within 90 days.BIKE HELMETSAs of January 1, 1997, Florida Law 316.2065 requires all bicycle riders and passengers under the age of 16 years of age to wear a properly fitted and secured bicycle helmet that meets nationally recognized helmet standards.There is no bike riding on the sidewalks around the school at any time. School Board Policy prohibits the riding of bikes, roller blades/skates, Heelys, scooters and skateboards on any school property. Please remind your child to follow the bike laws.BIRTHDAY RECOGNITIONStudent birthdays may be observed during lunch or in the classroom and are limited to the student distribution of store bought cookies or cupcakes to classmates. In accordance with school board policy and for health/safety reasons, homemade food items may not be distributed to students. Student birthday celebrations are discouraged at school. No balloons, goodie bags etc. will be permitted. Students may bring store bought edible items with them to school or a parent/guardian may drop off the goodies to the front office. The front office staff will ensure that the student receives the items. Parents/guardians will not be permitted in the classroom or cafeteria for the birthday recognition. BUS TRANSPORTATIONBus transportation is provided for students residing more than two miles from school or when there is a safety concern. Only students who are assigned to a bus may ride the bus. Bus students must obey the bus rules. Failure to do so will result in suspension from the bus. Bus suspension does not excuse an absence from school. Parents will be expected to transport students.The importance of proper conduct at the bus stop and while riding the bus cannot be overemphasized. Any behavior that distracts the drivers instantly endangers all students. Parents are encouraged to review bus safety rules and the necessity for following them. If a student received two bus referrals, he/she may be excluded from the next class field trip in which a bus is involved. Specific consequences for different levels of bus misbehavior can be found in the Code of Student Conduct Handbook.CAFETERIALunch and breakfast are served each day. Students are encouraged to pre-pay breakfast, lunch or milk by the week or the month. Meals may be purchased in advance in the cafeteria on Monday mornings. Checks should be made payable to Quiet Waters Elementary School. When a student pre-pays, his/her name is placed on a roster for the number of days, and then one day is deducted each time he/she eats a meal. Breakfast is $1.20; lunch, including milk, is $2.00 daily; and milk alone is $.40. Reduced price breakfast is $.30 and reduced-price lunch is $.40. U.S.D.A. regulations require that all reduced-price breakfast/lunches be paid for on Monday mornings for the entire week. Free and reduced-price meals are available to eligible students based on the total gross household income. A free or reduced application must be completed each year, and income will be verified. All applications for Free and Reduced Meals must be completed on-line.Only one charge for lunch and breakfast will be allowed. A receipt will be given to your child when he/she pays with a charge. If a child forgets his meal money a second time and has not paid his first charge, he/she will be given a jelly or cheese sandwich and milk provided by the Quiet Waters PTA.Children bringing their own lunch to school should bring straws, plastic utensils, and napkins as these are not provided by the cafeteria. Glass containers, metal cans and aluminum foil cause our trash compactors to jam. Please do not pack these items in your child’s lunch. We strongly discourage the sending of soda as a beverage. We also discourage you from bringing in fast food lunches from outside vendors, since most of our students are not afforded this special treat. Parents/guardians are not permitted to eat lunch with students on school campus. Breakfast and lunch menus are published each month and can be viewed on our school website. They are also published weekly in our local newspapers. If your child forgets his/her lunch money or packed lunch, please bring it to the front office and we will make sure your child gets his/her lunch or lunch money. Ice Cream Day is Wednesday - $.60 and Juice Bar is Friday-$.50. Students may also purchase ALA CARTE items (i.e., water, Capri Sun, yogurt, etc.).School Payments Solutions is an online payment portal designed to allow parents to make quick online payments and monitor their child’s cafeteria account. Sign up for an account at: .As per the Broward County Public Health Department, all food items that are prepared in a private home shall not be served to students at the school. Cupcakes, cookies, etc. that are brought in for the children must be store purchased and not homemade.CHARACTER EDUCATIONThe School Board recently adopted eight-character traits as part of the Standards of Service. These traits are: responsibility, citizenship, kindness, respect, honesty, self-control, tolerance and cooperation. When students, staff and community members model these traits, it is easier to provide quality education in a safe and secure learning environment.CLINIC/HEALTHThe school clinic is located in the office. By law, school clinics are centers for first aid and emergency care only. The office staff is allowed to give TLC (tender loving care) and make the child comfortable. The office staff may check for a temperature with an oral thermometer, put ice on a bump, or a Band-Aid on a scratch. Often rest, reassurance, and TLC will solve the problem. If your child still feels ill after 15-30 minutes, the clinic policy is to call you and ask that you come for your child. In an emergency, there are several staff members trained in first aid who will handle the situation.Parents are to notify the teacher in writing each year if their child has any chronic health problems such as heart, diabetes, asthma, seizures or allergies which should be noted on the health record.You are encouraged to give medication outside of school hours when needed. However, if your child needs to take medication at school, you must submit a Medical Authorization Form to the school signed by a doctor and yourself. The form, available from the school, authorizes the principal or designee to dispense medication. It also identifies the medication, the dosage, and how long it is to be taken. An adult must bring the medicine in the original container with the prescription label attached to the front office. The medical container must include a readable label.The school will check the head of all children from time to time. No child will be permitted to remain in school with any infestations of lice and/or nits. If you find head lice or nits on your child, it is important that you contact the school so that the other students in the class can be checked. Further information regarding the treatment of head lice may be obtained in the front office. Contagious diseases shall include, but not be limited to: Pediculosis (lice), Impetigo, Scabies and Ringworm. Please send a note to the front office if your child has had a recent surgery, broken bones, etc. The school is unable to provide a wheelchair for use on campus. It is available for emergency use only. COMMUNICABLE DISEASESStudents having or suspected of having a communicable disease are not allowed to attend school. In order to return to school, parents must obtain a doctor’s note stating that the student is no longer communicable. Chickenpox is the only communicable disease that does not require a doctor’s note. CONFERENCESConferences between parents and teachers are very important in understanding each student’s progress. Individual parent/teacher conferences will be held at least twice during the school year, usually before or after regular school hours. Parents are encouraged to contact the teacher when they feel the need to discuss any phase of their child’s progress. Teachers will not conduct a conference during instructional time. Once a conference is scheduled, the parent/guardian must check in at the front office before going into the teaching area for the conference. Parents/guardians will not be permitted on school campus without a new, visibly seen volunteer badge. Once the conference is over, the parent/guardian must come back to the front office to sign-out and return the visitor’s badge. DISCIPLINETeachers and administrators assume the responsibility for promoting discipline on the school campus as well as in the classrooms. A schoolwide discipline plan is in place and our expectations will be taught to all students. Students will not be permitted to disrupt the educational program. In cooperation with home, our staff and administration believe that we must work to provide a positive and safe environment where teachers can teach, and children can learn. The Code Book for Student Conduct is available to students and parents electronically. This book lists, in writing, the student’s responsibilities and the consequences for not meeting these responsibilities. Please review the rules and policies with your child so that he/she understands acceptable school conduct. Please sign the Acknowledgement Form and return it to your child’s teacher. Signing the Acknowledgement Form demonstrates that you and your child are aware of the contents. Each student must return a signed Acknowledgement Form. DISMISSAL PROCEDURESStudents are expected to leave the school immediately and go directly home unless otherwise directed by the parents. No student will be kept after regular dismissal time unless the parent has been notified. Parents must sign a permission form for all after school clubs or activities. Dismissal procedures begin at 2:00 P.M. To ensure a safe dismissal for all students, all pick-ups for students who are car riders, must be made at the sidewalk on the west side of the campus, not from a second lane of traffic. Cars may not be left unattended in the moving lane of traffic. Children must be escorted by an adult if they are to cross the parking lot. Please be patient and do not honk your horn. Our regular dismissal usually takes about 10 minutes. There will be no supervision for late dismissal. Please make sure your child is picked up by 2:05 p.m. We suggest that you discuss safety measures with your child as they are going to and from school. We strongly discourage the drop-off and pick-up of students in the parking lot of the adjacent shopping mall. The Management of the Mall has indicated that they will do whatever is necessary to stop this practice, including towing. If there is a change on how your child goes home, please notify the front office by 12 noon, so that the message can be conveyed prior to dismissal.Please try to make all medical and dental appointments after school when at all possible. However, in the event of an early dismissal, students will be released only to the parent who registered and signed the registration form or to another adult as indicated on the form. A photo I.D. will be required to sign a student out of school. This is for your child’s protection. All students must be signed out and will be released through the front office in the case of early dismissal (SEE Star Program). Our teachers utilize each minute of the day to maximize learning. All students are expected to be in attendance until 2:00 P.M. Early dismissals should be for emergencies only. There will be no early releases after 1:30 P.M.DRESS CODEQuiet Waters Elementary School has implemented a school unified dress program. The school uniforms will consist of the following:Bottoms: Navy Blue or Khaki-Pants, shorts, skirts, culottes, skirts, jumpersTops: Collared shirts or blouses – Navy Blue, Forest Green, White and Pale Yellow. All shirts and blouses must be tucked in. Sneakers are required on PE days. We have designated Friday as our “School Spirit T-shirt Day.” Students will have ten days from the first day of registration/attendance in school to comply with applicable provisions of the Elementary Code of Student Conduct. Parents/Guardians may request exemptions for their child from participating in the school unified dress program by completing an “Application for Exemption.” Contact the front office for additional information.EARLY RELEASE DAYSDuring the year, there will be designated Early Release Days for all students. The purpose of Early Release Days is for instructional planning and training for the staff. Please check your calendar for specific dates. Dismissal on early Release days is at 12:00pmEMERGENCY DISMISSALIn rare instances, the Superintendent may close all schools or dismiss students earlier than usual due to an emergency, such as very severe weather. School authorities will use local radio and television to inform the public about an emergency school closing or early dismissal.You can prepare for such an emergency by working out an emergency plan with your child. Be sure your child understands where to go if school is dismissed early. An emergency dismissal form must be completed for each student and kept on file by your child’s teacher. EMERGENCY INFORMATIONIt is very important to notify the office if you change your address or telephone number. If you change your address, you must provide two proofs of residence to the front office. Also, please notify us if you change your place of employment. You will need to furnish us with the telephone number at which you can be reached in case of emergency during the day. Update this information as often as necessary. Your child’s welfare depends on accurate and current information. The only person who can modify the child’s emergency card is the parent that signed the card.The district has established a 24-hour security hotline. This hotline has been established only for individuals to call and/or to report a possible problem. The number is (754) 321-0911.FIELD TRIPSField trips are scheduled to enhance a planned course of study. Field trips are also planned to enhance language and concept development. Field trip permission forms will be sent home to be signed and returned to the teacher before the child may participate in a field trip. This year, all field trips must be paid online by going to estore.. Cash will not be received as payment. For the safety of the students, teachers have the option to deny permission to attend the field trip to those students whose behavior could be disruptive on the trip. Refunds can be made if notice is given 24 hours prior to the trip. However, some trips require advance payment by the school. These trips are non-refundable. Only students at Quiet Waters may be allowed to go on the field trip. Parent chaperones may not bring younger or older brothers and sisters along. Students with repeated bus referrals may not be eligible to go on the field trip. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR CHILDREN’S ACTSThe School Board of Broward County requires notification in student handbooks that parents of minor children shall be held responsible for acts of willful or malicious damage to or theft of school property up to $2,500. This also applies to textbooks, computers, and library books.GRADING SYSTEMProgress reports are issued every nine weeks for students in grades kindergarten through five. In addition, interim reports may be issued at the mid-point in the grading period. Both the progress reports and interim reports should be signed by parents and returned to school.Kindergarten, first, and second grade students will receive report cards which will indicate progress and instructional levels. These students will not receive letter grades. Please be aware that not all student work is graded. Teachers assign work for practice and strengthening of skills and not always for assessment purposes.In grades three through five, student performance will be reported with letter grades. These letter grades are based on the following numerical scores:GRADING SYSTEM CONTINUED…AOutstanding Progress90-100BAbove Average Progress80-89CAverage Progress70-79D Lowest Acceptable Progress60-69F Failure to Meet Lowest Acceptable ProgressQuiet Waters has established Character Trait of the Month awards, as well as the Gold and Silver Honor Roll to reward excellence in academics and behavior. GUIDANCEThe guidance Program is designed to help each student develop physically, emotionally and intellectually. The guidance counselor provides classroom guidance lessons and group counseling. The guidance counselor hopes to help students know and understand themselves better.Parents will also be given assistance in understanding their child’s needs and development. The school guidance counselor is available for conferences, and we encourage parents to utilize this resource. Information regarding Broward County Family Counseling Centers, located near Quiet Waters is available through our guidance counselors.HOMEWORKBroward County’s School Board Policy states: Homework shall be encouraged and assigned to individual students when and where appropriate to enhance the learning situation and to provide for skill improvement. The type of homework and amount assigned shall be consistent with the ability of the student as well as his/her age and grade level. Parent encouragement and support are important factors related to the way a child approaches homework. Several Suggestions to provide a positive approach to homework are:Take an active interest in what your child is doing and promote good study habitsProvide a suitable place, free from distractionsProvide time for homework in your daily scheduleGive encouragementEncourage students to seek clarification if assignments are not understoodHOMEWORK/MAKE-UP WORKStudents are required to make up work missed due to absences. Students have two (2) days for each absence to complete all make up work. Students are responsible for contacting their teacher for make-up work. Parents are encouraged to request assignments if they know that their child will be out for an extended length of time. The assignments will be due on the day they return to school. (A 24-hour notice for requested work packets is required.) The teachers will not be able to repeat in-class demonstrations, lectures, and instruction. Tests will be made up at the teacher’s convenience.HONOR ROLLThe following honor roll criteria has been implemented to encourage student excellence for the purpose of promoting quality performance for students in grades three through five.Gold Honor RollSilver Honor RollAll A’s(On grade level in all subjects)All A’s & B’s (must have one A) (On grade level in all subjects)No N’sNo N’sNo 3’sNo 3’sINSURANCESchool insurance forms will be sent home the first week of school. This insurance is available at a low cost and is optional. Please read the information carefully. Fill out and send back the remittance directly to the company. The school acts as a medium in supplying the forms and assumes no liability for injury or negotiations with the company.INTERIM REPORTSInterim Reports are another means of communicating student progress to parents. Broward County School Board Policy #5104 states that an interim repot shall be sent to parents of students who are experiencing difficulty including, but not limited to the following: 1. Failing, 2. Drop of two or more letter grades, 3. Unacceptable behavior, 4. Excessive absences.Interims Reports can also be used to indicate satisfactory work and behavior as well as areas needing improvement. By sending home the report midway in the quarter, positive action can be taken to correct any concerns before report card is issued.LIBRARY/MEDIA CENTERThe library/Media Center offers books, magazines and newspapers, as well as audio-visual materials. The media center is available to students daily from 7:30a.m -2:00p.m. The school media specialist and media clerk work with students to help them use the materials. Students are strongly recommended to return books and materials when they are due. If the library book, textbook or materials are damaged, the student will be held responsible for paymentLOST AND FOUNDChildren’s sweaters, jackets, lunch boxes and other belongings should have their names on them. Any lost items will be kept in the front office where students may check daily. Lost articles which are not claimed within a two-week period will be given to charitable organizations.PARENT GROUPSParents are encouraged to become involved in PTA, School Advisory Forum, and/or the School Advisory Council. All meetings are announced in the “Manatee Messenger” and our school website and are open to all parents. PTA is a partnership of parents and teachers whose primary interest is the education and well- being of our students. PTA enables parents to learn more about school programs, meet teachers, work on schoolwide projects and become acquainted with other parents in the school community.The School Advisory Forum (S.A.F.) studies, reviews and advises on matters of curriculum, safety, budget and other areas of interest.The School Advisory Council (S.A.C.) is a combination of parents, teachers and community members working together to meet state accountability goals focusing on school improvement. PARENT LINKQuiet Waters Elementary uses an automated telephone program called “Parent link.” This program is a parental involvement tool that helps schools increase communication with parents. This program is used in many ways by the school and the district to notify parents of important information. We will also be using this system to notify parents of unexcused absences. At the end of each day, all unexcused absences will be entered into the system and the system will then make phone calls to notify parents of their child’s absence. The calls are schedule to be made between 5:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. It is very important that if your home telephone number has changed, that you notify the front office immediately with phone changes. PERSONAL PROPERTYAny personal property brought from home, including bicycles, money or school supplies, is at the risk of the owner. The school cannot assume the responsibility for the care of this property.Money in large amounts should not be brought to school. Toys are to remain at home unless the teacher requests them for educational purposes. Candy and gum are not to be brought to school. The use of locks for bicycles is strongly recommended. If a bicycle is stolen from the bike rack, the parent must complete the necessary stolen property report with the sheriff’s office. It is advisable that all bicycles have a registration number. The following items need to be left at home:Weapons, all kinds of balls, toys and sharp pointed objectsMoney in large amountsSkates, skateboards, scooters, Heelys, and roller bladesRadio, beepers, cell phones, Walkman’s I-Pods and tape/CD playersElectronic games such as (Gameboy, Mega Pets and Tamagotchi)Pokémon Cards, Yu-Gi-Oh, Trading Cards and Silly Bands. These items will be kept in the office until reclaimed by a parent.RAINY DAY DISMISSALThe safety of all students is a priority at Quiet Waters Elementary. Please be assured that we have a concern for your child during severe storms which often occur in Florida. Students will not be released during a storm until it is safe for them to go outside. Please talk to your child about what he/she is to do if it is raining at dismissal. You should remind him/her frequently. Calling home should not be a part of the instructions since phone lines are busy with incoming calls. Agreeing on a rainy-day plan will eliminate unnecessary confusion and assure your child’s safety. SAFETY Quiet Waters Elementary is a single-point of entry school. This means that all visitors should only enter the campus through the front office. Visitors should never enter the school through a gate, classroom or cafeteria. All visitors must be signed in and must obtain a visitor’s badge from the front office. Visitors will not be permitted on campus without signing in and receiving an official visitor’s badge. Visitors must sign-out in the front office. Visitors should never exit the campus through a classroom, cafeteria or gate. Visitors must come to the front office, officially sign out and turn in your visitor’s badge. All students must wear an identification badge through-out the school day. The identification badges will remain in the classrooms. Students will put their badges on in the morning when they arrive to school and they will take them off when they depart for the day. If there is ever a need for the school to be locked down due to an emergency in the area or on the school campus, a parent-link will be sent out to all parents/guardians. This automated message will inform you that we are on a lock down. Specific information related to the reason for the lock down may not be available. STAR PROGRAM (Security Track and Response)For the safety and security of all students in Broward County schools, including Quiet Waters Elementary, the district has implemented a system to document and track visitors and volunteers/mentors as they enter and exit the school site. The STAR security system identifies, monitors and stores digital images of people as they enter and leave the school campus. You will be asked to provide a Driver’s License, passport or other picture identification to enter the campus or pick up a student. Please make sure you have the required ID when you arrive on campus. STUDENT IDENTIFICATION CARDSEach student will be issued a student identification card within the first two weeks of school. New students who register throughout the year will be given a student ID within a few days of registering. Students will also be issued a lanyard so that the ID card can be worn during the day. The ID card will have the students name, grade level, teacher, and bar code of their student number. Student ID cards are required to purchase lunch, check out books or material from the media center and participate in any school related activities such as field trips, etc. Students will leave identification cards in school. They must wear them through-out the school day. Any lost or damaged cards will need to be replaced at a cost of $3.00TARDINESSPunctuality is an important character trait. We trust that you will help us by seeing that your child arrives on time. Students may enter the classroom at 7:50 A.M. and classes begin at 8:00 A.M. Students will be marked tardy if they arrive after that time. Late students should report to the main office for a late pass after 8:00 A.M. and will be asked to sign in. Disciplinary action which may involve the School Social Worker may be taken for excessive tardiness as this interferes with student progress. Teachers in the classroom will mark their attendance in Pinnacle of the students that arrive after 8:00 A.M. Since many of our classes go to their specials by 8:15, students need to be in class on time for attendance and morning announcements. TELEPHONETo better serve the students and you, we are asking your cooperation in eliminating the excessive use of office phones for personal calls and messages to individual students. It is very important that our students’ classroom instruction is not interrupted. Messages to students and teachers will be placed in the teacher’s mailbox and/or delivered right before our dismissal process.TITLE IQuiet Waters has been identified as a Title I school for the 2016-2017 school year. This is based on our number of free and reduced lunch students. Title I is a federally funded program for economically disadvantaged children. Title I funds are used to provide supplementary instruction for students who are not meeting the challenging state standards. Title I also funds personnel and support staff that directly contribute to the education of children and parents. Please visit our website to find out more information about our School Improvement Plan, Title I Parent Involvement Plan, and the School Parent Compact. TRANSFERSIf your child is transferring from Quiet Waters, please inform the office and the teacher in advance so that the child’s complete records may be prepared for transfer to the new school. The child must return all textbooks, library books and any other items given to the student no later than the last day of attendance.Why Florida Standards MatterOur goal is to ensure Florida’s students graduate high school ready for success in college, career and life. To prepare our students for success and make them competitive in the global workplace, we must provide them with a set of clear, consistent and strong academic standards. The Florida standards will equip our students with the knowledge and skills they need to be ready for careers and college-level coursework. Having the best and highest academic standards for our students today will prepare them for the jobs of tomorrow.English Language Arts Florida Standards (LAFS)English Language Arts Florida Standards provide focus on in-depth critical-thinking and problem-solving skills rather than rote memorization and “teaching to the test.” These standards were adopted in?February 2014?and will be in use in kindergarten through 12th grade starting in the 2014–2015 school year. Expectations include:Read Literature. For example, a student in the 2nd grade should be able to understand key ideas and details in stories. Read Informational Text. For example, a student in the 2nd grade should be able to integrate knowledge and ideas from text. Mathematics Florida Standards (MAFS)Ensuring students can understand and apply mathematical concepts means more than just making it to the next grade level. The new standards lay a foundation for students to use mathematics skills in life. These standards were adopted in 2014 and will be in use in kindergarten through 12th grade during the 2014–2015 school year. Expectations include:Understand the “why” behind addition and subtraction. For example, in?first grade a student should be able to place value and have an understanding of operations to add and subtract. Gain tools to build a lifetime of mathematical knowledge and understanding. For example, by the 12th grade a student should be able to use probability to make decisions. Florida Standards AssessmentWith the new Florida Standards in place to help Florida students succeed, the Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) in English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, will serve Florida students by measuring education gains and progress. Students, parents/guardians, and educators are encouraged to stay connected to the to receive important announcements and access information and resources as they are available.?The statewide?science assessment will still be administered to students in grades 5.The Florida Standards challenge students to develop to their full potential. The Florida Standards are designed to engage student so that they gain the critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential for college, career and life—whatever their path may be.Visit - ................

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