know and be able to CULTURE


Folk Culture

318. acculturation

319. artifact

320. built environment

321. cultural appropriation

322. cultural assimilation

323. culture complex

324. cultural convergence

325. culture hearth

326. culture trait

327. culture region

328. cultural


329. folk culture

330. globalization

331. glocalization

332. habit

333. material culture

334. mentifact

335. neolocalism

336. nonmaterial culture

337. placelessness

338. popular culture

339. sense of place

340. sequent occupance

341. sociofact

340. taboo

341. uniform landscape


342. animism

343. autonomous religion

344. branch

345. Buddhism

346. Catholicism

347. Christianity

348. Confucianism

349. cosmogony

350. denomination

351. diocese

352. ethnic religion

353. fundamentalism

354. hierarchical religion

355. Hinduism

356. inhumation

357. interfaith boundary

358. intrafaith boundary

359. Islam

360. Judaism

361. Mahayana

362. monotheism

363. Orthodox

364. pagan



366. polytheism

367. Protestantism

368. religion

369. sacred space

370. sect

371. secularism

372. shamanism

373. Shi’ite

374. Shintoism

375. Sikhism

376. Sunni

377. syncretism

378. Taoism

379. Theravada

380. tribal religion

381. universalizing religion

382. Zionism


383. Accent

384. Afro-Asiatic language family

385. Anatolian/Renfrew/Sedentary Farmer Hypothesis

386. creole

387. dialect

388. dialect chain

389. extinct language

390. Germanic languages

391. ideogram

392. Indo-European language

393. isogloss

394. isolated language

395. Kurgan/Nomadic Warrior Hypothesis

396. language

397. language branch

398. language family

399. language group

400. language convergence

401. language divergence

402. lingua franca

403. literary tradition

400. national language

402. official language

403. pidgin

404. polyglot

405. Proto Indo-European

406. Romance languages

407. Sino-Tibetan language

408. Slang

409. Slavic languages

410. standard language

411. trade language

412. vernacular


Folk Culture

✓ define culture, cultural geography, and culture regions.

✓ identify and name macrocultural regions and identify the major language and religion of each.

✓ compare and contrast aspects of folk and popular culture:

• origins

• methods of diffusion

• culture regions

• current distributions

✓ provide specific examples of folk culture and folk regions.

✓ provide specific examples of specific popular cultural traits and discuss their diffusion.

✓ discuss ways in which cultural traits are affected by and affect:

• the natural environment.

• the “built environment” (cultural landscape).

• the economics of a region.

✓ discuss ways in which communications technologies differ in terms of

• their effects on culture.

• their diffusion and distribution.

• the ways in which different governments respond to them.


✓ identify the following characteristics of all major religions:

• point of origin

• method of diffusion

• current distribution

• landscape expression

✓ map the religious regions of the United States and account for the distributions and patterns.

✓ discuss the major branches, their origins, and their current distributions for the following religions:

• Christianity

• Islam

• Buddhism

✓ distinguish between ethnic and universalizing religions (and provide examples):

• different holy sites

• different holy days

• different methods of diffusion

✓ describe ways in which the environment influences religion and ways in which religions affect the natural environment.

✓ discuss various specific religious conflicts around the world in terms of the following:

• religion vs. politics

• religion vs. religion - interfaith conflicts

• religion vs. religion - intrafaith conflicts

• religion vs. secularism


✓ explain how language families, branches, and groups are classified and related.

✓ map the distribution of major language families worldwide.

✓ show the division of Europe into the following language groups and give specific examples from each.

▪ Germanic

▪ Slavic

▪ Romance

✓ describe the following characteristics of English:

▪ its origin and historical development

▪ its worldwide diffusion

▪ its spatial variation

▪ its cultural and economic roles

✓ explain the significance of official languages, national languages, and lingua francas.

✓ describe how languages become extinct and efforts used to preserve them.

✓ discuss the regional and local variety in language using the following terms

▪ slang

▪ isogloss

▪ accent

▪ vocabulary

▪ spelling

▪ syntax

▪ pronunciation

✓ explain how language affects cultural identity

✓ explain how toponyms create a sense of place and are reflections of culture and history


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