Chapter 9; Section1

Chapter 2 Name_____________________________________

NOTES Harms/Sociology


Culture is…

1. ___________ – the rules that guide our behavior collectively

  (Includes society’s ________________________________________________________________


(Also consists of the ___________ people make and use that reflect their ways of life.

2. A _____________ is a large number of people who:

*live in the same area

*see themselves as separate and different from people outside their territory

*participate in a common culture

(consists of __________________________ among people who think of themselves as similar.

**differences still exist within society**


Culture is the set of things that society, not biology, passes on to the individual. The division between biology and culture is not clear cut. Biology determines basic human needs and capacities. The hunger drive, for example, is biological. It makes us all want to eat. But what, how and where we eat is determined by our culture.

--How much of human behavior is inherited and how much is learned?

--What is the dividing line between culture and biology?

--Is the formation of families biologically or culturally based?

--What about crime? Is it provoked by biological aggression, or is it a criminal behavior shaped by the culture?

  **Sociologists do not agree on the answers! ( **


3. Cultural Traits - _______________________________________________________________________

(The smallest unit of a culture is the cultural trait

4. Cultural traits usually combine to form culture complexes (_____________________________________)

5. ___________ culture – refers to the set of concrete __________ created or used by the people of a culture.

(single objects are called ________________

6. ________________ culture – is composed of __________ human creations.


Material and non-material culture are intertwined. Material objects are created to make our lives easier or better, such as computers and cars and they require that we learn particular skills to use them.

|Examples of Material Culture |Examples of Non-Material Culture |

|computers |ideas |

|desks |rules |

|cars |skills |

|sofas |beliefs |

|books |language |

|cooking utensils |social patterns |

|clothes |work practices |

|skyscrapers |political systems |

|jewelry |economic systems |

7. Real Culture v. Ideal Culture

IDEAL CULTURE: _______________________________________________________________

define what people should do.

REAL CULTURE: ________________________________________________________________

as it appears to an observer

Key Elements of Culture

|Values |Norms |Symbols |Knowledge and Beliefs |

|cultural values: |norms: |symbols: ______________ |Knowledge is an element of culture that|

| | |______________ gestures, words, objects,|_________, |

| | |sounds, colors or designs that have come|_______________________________________|

| | |to _______________ |_or the reality of the world. |

| |• folkways __________ |_____________________ | |

| |_____________________________________| |Beliefs are the _________ |

| |_ |•language – the organization of written |____________________ |

| |and conventions that people obey |or spoken _______________ into a |about the nature of the physical and |

| |without giving them much thought |standardized system with rules for |social world. |

| |(thank-you notes) |putting the symbols together | |

| | | | |

| |• mores |•signs are ____________ | |

| |norms that have ______ |and more flexible than language | |

| |___________________ | | |

| |___________________attached to them | | |

| |(drug use) | | |

| | | | |

| |laws _____________ | | |

| |___________________ | | |

| |enacted and enforced by governments | | |

| |sanctions _________ | | |

| |___________________ | | |

| |*positive and negative* | | |

| |Informal – given by individuals or | | |

| |groups | | |

| |Formal – given by organizations | | |

(____________ – prohibition against a society’s most important mores

|Elements of Culture |

|Values |Freedom of expression Loyalty to a leader |

| |Strong Families Religious Beliefs |

| |Competition |

|Norms |Folkways: Mores: |

| |Greetings Taking care of the homeless |

| |Child-Raising customs Honesty |

| |Laws: Sanctions: |

| |Marriage and Divorce laws Raises and promotions |

| |Laws against murder Fines |

|Symbols |Words Traffic Signs Emergency vehicle sirens |

| |Maps Logos |

| |Diagrams National Anthems |

|Knowledge and |History Skills needed to perform the work of the society |

|Beliefs |Science Ways of doing things |

| |Medicine Ways of making things |

Cultural Variety

All cultures are different because they adapt to meet their special circumstances.

(Cultural Universals – features that are _____________________________________________________

  •Features that are ________________________________________________________________

•We eat, find shelter, take care of children and deal with aging and ill parents

  -Every human community begins with the ____________________________________________

  -Groups must organize to function

  -Almost all groups have some form of __________________________

  --Chiefs, priests, mayors, prime ministers

  -________________________________________ their organization to newcomers and children (Family members, day care centers, schools, colleges, libraries, Internet)


|Examples of Cultural Universals |

|Athletic Sports | |

|Body Adornment |Laws |

| |Marriage |

|Dancing |Medicine |

|Decorative Art | |

|Family |Myths and Legends |

|Food habits, taboos |Personal Names |

|Games | |

|Gift Giving |Surgery |

| |Tool Making |

|Inheritance Rules |Visiting |


(Cultural Diversity – still exists even with many universals

  •Obvious within single nations with some groups holding beliefs and customs __________________


  SUBCULTURES – form when people ______________________________________________ but also follow values and norms that are unique to their group

  (May be formed around some occupations or places of work, such as hospital workers or teachers.

  (May be defined by racial or ethnic groups, regions of a country or age groups.

  (List examples of regions or age groups:

| | | | |

  COUNTERCULTURES – When a ____________________________________________________ of the larger culture and ______________________________ with a new set

  (List examples of countercultures:

| | | | |


ETHNOCENTRISM – The _____________________________________________________________


-Coined by William Graham ___________ in _____________

(leads to conflicts between groups (war among nations)

(promotes group pride and strengthens countries

CULTURAL RELATIVISM – Principle that _______________________________________________


CULTURAL DIFFUSION – the ______________________________________________________

from group to group or society to society

**Occurs through: exploration, military conquest, missionary work, ________________, tourism

|Examples of Cultural Change |

|Diffusion |Acculturation |Environment |Population Shift |War |

|Marco Polo carries noodles from|Italians begin eating noodles. |A volcano’s eruption ruins the |Declining birth rates lead to |Farmers become soldiers. |

|China to Italy |When they migrate to the U.S., |land for farming. There is |school closings. Entire towns | |

| |Americans’ diets change. |widespread poverty. |disappear in some communities. | |

|The explorers of the Americas |Potatoes brought to Europe from|The discovery of gold in |Population increases lead to |Refugees take their customs to |

|bring smallpox, which nearly |the Americans become a staple |Colorado in 1849 produces boom |overcrowding and shortages of |new countries. |

|wipes out some native groups. |food, and the Europeans |town and encourages immigration|food and supplies. Famines | |

| |population experiences huge |from China. |occur. | |

| |growth. | | | |

List some of the American values that our country takes pride in.

How are American values changing?

______________________ - the commitment to thoroughly develop one’s talents and potential

______________________ - extreme self-centeredness

______________________ - the pursuit of pleasure above all other values


In ______, George ______________ published a list of over 60 cultural universals. The manner in which these cultural features are expressed varies from culture to culture.


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