HTML Color and Style

HTML Color and Style


| | |

|The three most common ways to include style information are: |Linked style sheets have NO HTML other than properties, |

|Linked Style sheets (separate style page) |selectors, and values. They do not even have a style tag. |

|Embedded Style sheets (in head section style tag) | |

|Inline style notation (as attributes/values of tags) |USING CLASSES |

| | |


| | |

|The link tag usually consists of three parts: | |

|Type, Href, and Rel (hint: T, H, R - ee) |CONTEXTUAL SELECTORS |

| | |

| |italics in list items, you would select as follows: |

| | |

|THE STYLE TAG |LI I {property: value} |

| | |

|The style element consists of three elements: selectors, |COLORS |

|properties, and values. | |

| |Color values actually consist of 3 values, the red value, the |

| |green value, and the blue value. Two hexadecimal digits are used|

| |The most browser-safe colors are created by combining 6 degrees |

| |of red, 6 degrees of green, and six degrees of blue. The |

| |following table summarizes the values: |

|Example: |Hexadecimal |

| |Decimal |

| | |

| |51 |

| | |

| |66 |

|The comments are necessary to avoid the style appearing if a |102 |

|browser does not understand the style tag. | |

| |99 |


| | |

| |CC |

| |204 |

| | |

| |FF (Full color value) |

| |255 |

| | |

| | |

| |No brightness of all colors = black (#000000) |

| |Equal midrange brightness = grey (#666666) |

| |Full brightness of all colors = white (#FFFFFF) |

| | |

| |The safest colors that are also named: |

| |Aqua (Cyan) |

| |#00FFFF |

| | |

| |Black |

| |#000000 |

| | |

| |Blue |

| |#0000FF |

| | |

| |Fuschia (Magenta) |

| |#FF00FF |

| | |

| |Lime |

| |#00FF00 |

| | |

| |White |

| |#FFFFFF |

| | |

| |Yellow |

| |#FFFF00 |

| | |

| | |


| | |

|A list is used to select fonts because the chosen font may not be|In |

|on the computer. The list starts at the left and moves to the |Inches |

|right until it finds a specific or general font style it can use.| |

| |Cm |

|Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif |Centimeters |

|Times New Roman, Times, serif | |

|Courier New, Courier, mono |Mm |

|Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif |Millimeters |

|Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif | |

| |Pt |

|FONT FAMILIES |Points (72 per inch, used with fonts) |

| | |

|Serif |Px |

|Sans-serif |Pixels |

|Cursive | |

|Fantasy |% |

|Monospace |Percentage |

| | |


| |Red, Blue, Aqua, etc. |

|Font-family | |

|See above under font selectors and font families |Hex Numbers |

| |#FF0000, #0000FF, #00FFFF |

| | |

|Font-size | |

|See measurement units |PSEUDO-CLASSES |

| | |

|Font-style |The most common pseudo-classes are used to make text roll-overs |

|Italic, normal |in Internet Explorer. |

| | |

|Font-weight |A:link |

|bold |A:visited |

| |A:active |

|Text-transform |A:hover |

|Capitalize, uppercase, lowercase | |

| |You then add the chosen properties and values |

|Text-decoration | |

|None, underline, line-through |A:link {text-decoration: none; color: #CCCCCC} |

| | |

|font |WHY “CASCADING”? |

|Use a font name | |

| |Cascading Style Sheets are called such because they have a |

|Line-height |cascading order of importance. |

|See measurement units | |

| |Generally speaking the closer the style information is to the |

|Text-align |actual information it affects the higher the precedence is. |

|Left, right, center | |

| |Except in some versions of Netscape, Inline style information |

|Text-indent |takes precedence over embedded style information which takes |

|See measurement units |place over linked information. |

| | |

|Background |Some versions of Netscape place linked style information at a |

|A color value, url to an image |higher priority than embedded information. |

| | |

|Background-image |FOR MORE INFORMATION |

|A url/image | |

| |Webmonkey has numerous Web programming tutorials written in a |

|Text-indent |clear, easy-to-follow manner: |

|See measurement units | |

| |reference/stylesheet_guide/ |

|Margin-right | |

|See measurement units | |

| | |

|Margin-left | |

|See measurement units | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Author: Kevin Harville | |

|Rev: 02/05/01 | |

| | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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