Dancing Dots







0.05 UPGRADING TO 9.02


This document will describe how to install Cakewalk Pro Audio 9. Your CD of Pro Audio 9 may be Version 9.0, 9.1, or 9.02. To run CakeTalking you will need to at least have 9.02 or higher. If you don't have 9.02, it's easy to upgrade by downloading the 9.02 patch from the Cakewalk web site. The exact procedure to do this is at the end of this document.

Now, the instructions in this document are quite detailed. In fact, if you are veteran of installing programs, you may find it too detailed. So, for those who wish to cut to the chase, a quick and simple description of the install is listed first. After installing Pro Audio, make sure you go to the bottom of this document and read the procedure for upgrading to 9.02 or higher.


1. Insert the Pro Audio 9 CD in the CD-ROM drive to begin the installation.

2. In the first dialog, choose Install Cakewalk Pro Audio 9.

3. In the second dialog, type in your CD key number including the 2 dashes. The number is on a sticker on your CD.

4. The fourth dialog reminds you to have all unnecessary programs closed. Next and Cancel buttons are available.

5. The fifth dialog is your favorite: the Software License Agreement. Yes and No buttons are available.

6. The sixth dialog is the Registration dialog. There are 3 edit fields for your name, company name and your registration number. Your registration number is on a piece of paper that came with the purchase of Pro Audio. A Next button is available.

7. The seventh dialog is the "Choose destination Location" dialog. C:\Program Files is the default destination for the install of Pro Audio. Accept this destination. A Next button is available.

8. The eighth dialog is the "Type of Setup" dialog. You can decide whether you want a typical, compact or custom installation of Cakewalk. A Next button is available.

9. The ninth dialog is "Select Program Folder" dialog box. This tells you that icons for Cakewalk will be added in the programs selection in the start menu. If you don't want that for some reason, type in another path in the program folders edit field. The next button is available.

10. the tenth dialog is the "Start copying Files" dialog box. It lists the info you enter: Your name, company CD key number, serial number, the destination to which Pro Audio will be installed, and the type of setup you chose. If any of this info is not correct, you can go Back to the previous dialogs by tabbing to the back button and pressing ENTER. The Next button by default is ready to be pressed.

11. The installation process will start, but there are different choices still to be made. Your installation may bring up some dialogs and not others. Here are a few that may come up:

a. The "question" dialog box pops up and asks you if you want to install Micro soft direct show, which is necessary if you are going to record audio, not just MIDI. Yes and No buttons are available.

b. The "Question" dialog box, asking you if you want to install the sound font manager. This makes available a selection of software sounds that Cakewalk can use. Yes and no buttons are available.

15. The installation proceeds and then the "select Components" dialog box pops up. It has 5 checkboxes for telling windows to always associate Cakewalk with the file extensions listed for each check box. the first 3 are automatically checked. Also check the .Cal and .mid checkboxes.

A next button is available.

16. As the installation comes to a close, if you had a previous version of Pro Audio on your computer, you may get an information only dialog telling you that Cakewalk has preserved your instrument definitions and your chord library.

17. When the installation finally completes, the "Setup Complete" dialog box will open. This dialog is often out focus, so you may need to ALT+TAB to get it into the foreground and in focus. There are two radio buttons. The first one says "I want to start my computer now", and is checked by default. If you want to restart your computer now, first remove the Cakewalk CD, and then press the ENTER key. If for some reason you want to restart by yourself, arrow down to the second radio button, which says "No, I will start my computer later." Then press ENTER. Make sure you remove the CD from the Drive before rebooting.

18. After rebooting, when you arrive back at the desktop, you will find a folder with Cakewalk icons in it. It is there only the very first time that Cakewalk is installed. Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 can be accessed through the Start menu. In the start menu go to programs, then Cakewalk. Then open Cakewalk’s submenu. At the top is Cakewalk Pro Audio 9. Open its submenu and select Cakewalk Pro Audio 9.

19. When Pro Audio loads, if you had an older version of Cakewalk installed, You may get the "Migrate Cakewalk Preferences" dialog. This dialog allows you to merge its settings and preferences with the new version. For purposes of tidiness, CakeTalking recommends that you do not choose this option, till standard CakeTalking configurations are set up in Cakewalk. So, press ESCAPE to bypass merging past Cakewalk preferences.

20. Next you will get the "Cakewalk Wave Profiler" dialog. It tells you that your audio hardware needs to be tested. You should say OK to this. So press ENTER.

21. Next you'll get another dialog that will tell you the name of your Soundcard. It may also tell you if you want to use the standard settings for it. Unless you are an expert who knows better, choose "Yes" by pressing ENTER.

22. Finally, you will get a dialog that says the audio hardware has been successfully profiled. Press ENTER. However, if there is a problem with your sound card, you also will be informed.

23. Cakewalk will continue loading, and then you may find you're in the "Tip of the Day" dialog box. This dialog box gives tips whenever you open Cakewalk. Press ALT+S to disable it so it doesn't come up any more.

24. Next you might get a "Quick Start" dialog that also gives you information that we don't want to come up automatically whenever we launch Cakewalk. Press ALT+S to disable it.

25. You are finally in the main recording window of Cakewalk, the Track view. Now it’s time to consult the 2ConfigureCakewalk document for how to configure Cakewalk for use with CakeTalking and JAWS.



1. When installing Cakewalk, Only the JAWS program and utility programs like Norton Utilities should be open. All other programs should be closed.

2. Cakewalk has an auto run install program that works well with JAWS. All you need is the Cakewalk Pro Audio CD and 2 numbers. You should be able to install Cakewalk without a sighted assistant. However, you need assistance to know exactly what those two numbers are.

One number is your CD key. It can be found on a sticker on your Cakewalk CD case. It appears something like this: 784-800205-5449. The other one is your serial number. It is on a separate piece of paper. It appears something like this: CWPA0.00-000000

3. All installation programs have dialog boxes with static text in them that cannot be read with the PC Cursor. To have JAWS read all the contents of each one of the dialog boxes automatically, set your screen echo to "All". To do this, press INSERT+S. Each time you press INSERT+S, JAWS will toggle through a different screen echo setting. The choices are None, Highlighted or All. The normal setting is Highlighted. So after setting your screen echo to All for the Cakewalk installation, be sure to return the screen echo setting to Highlighted after the installation. If you don't, nothing disastrous will happen. It's just that JAWS will chatter too much.

4. You can also have JAWS reread the contents of a dialog by pressing INSERT+B. Or, if you wish to read line by line, then you must use the JAWS cursor. To do this, do the following:

a Press INSERT+NUM PAD DASH. This Activates the JAWS cursor in the dialog window by routing it to the PC cursor.

b. Press page up. This will put the JAWS cursor at the top of the dialog window.

c. You can then read each line of text by using the down and UP ARROWs, and the left and right arrow will take you from character to character, or word to word if you hold down INSERT. You can of course, press INSERT+DOWN ARROW to have the entire dialog box read to you.

d. When you're done reading, reactivate the PC cursor by pressing NUM PAD PLUS.

5. If something occurs during the installation process that causes you to want to stop the installation, don't worry. You can always exit, with no harm done, by pressing ESCAPE. You will then get a dialog telling you the setup is incomplete, but that you can always run it later. Just keep pressing ESCAPE at each dialog, till you completely exit the Cakewalk auto run program.

6. At certain points in the installation process, the dialog boxes will give you an opportunity to go back to the previous dialog, without exiting. That way you can change information you entered if you change your mind.


1. To start the installation or Cakewalk Pro Audio 9, open your CD-ROM drive and put the Cakewalk Pro Audio CD, face up into the tray. Make sure it's the Cakewalk Installation CD, not the Tools CD.

2. Wait till You hear "Cakewalk CD autorun."

3. If you don't hear "Cakewalk CD autorun", then the automatic setup has not been triggered. Don't worry. Just do the following.

a. Get into the start menu with CONTROL+ESCAPE.

b. open the run dialog by pressing R.

c. If the drive letter of your CD-ROM is D, (as in David) type the following, using no spaces:


Or, if your CD-ROM drive is E, Type:


And so on.

d. Finally press the ENTER key, and the Cakewalk install program will start.

4. There will be 6 choices that are available to you. You can use the DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW, or TAB and SHIFT+TAB keys to move between them. The choice we want is, "Install Cakewalk Pro Audio 9". By default you will be on that choice. If you are not on that choice, TAB to it and press ENTER, or press the shortcut ALT+C.

5. You will hear the computer start crunching and JAWS will tell you that the setup is beginning and that it will guide you through the process. Next you will hear, "CD key dialog. CD key edit." You are now in a dialog where you enter your CD key number. The number should be typed in with not just the numbers, but the two dashes also. There will be 3 numbers then a dash. Then 6 numbers then a dash. And then the final 4 numbers. Type this string of numbers and dashes in this edit field.

6. Now TAB to the next button, or press ALT+N to close this dialog box and go to the next step.

7. The welcome dialog will open. It tells you to close all programs before installing Cakewalk. You can have JAWS open, and any utilities like Norton uninstall, open. But other programs should have been closed. Press ALT+N to go to the next step in the installation. Or, If you haven't closed any unnecessary programs, exit the setup by Tabbing to the cancel button and pressing ENTER. Close the unnecessary programs, and then start from the beginning again. When you exit an installation like this, don't worry that relics of the aborted installation are cluttering up your computer. They are not.

8. Assuming that you had to exit the setup and close some open programs, when you start the installation again, if the autorun worked automatically when you initially closed the CD tray, then when you're again ready to install, just open the CD tray and then close it again. That will trigger the auto run program. Or else, just go to the run dialog and type the letter of your CD-ROM drive followed by a colon and the word autorun, with no spaces. That will start the installation again.

9. The license agreement dialog box will open. the default button is Yes. So, presuming you agree, press ENTER on it, or press it's shortcut ALT+Y.

10.Now you are in the registration dialog box, where you type in three pieces of information. Your name, a company name, and the serial number.

a. By default, you are first in the User edit field. So type in your name.

b. TAB once and you'll be in the Company name edit field. Type in a fictitious name if you don't have a company. Making up your own company name can be fun but it can also be required by some versions of the Cakewalk installation programs. This field should be optional but sometimes is not!

c. TAB one last time, and you'll be in the Serial Number edit field. Type in your serial number. The default button is the next button. So press ENTER or ALT+N.

11. You will now be in the "Choose destination Location" dialog box. This dialog gives you an opportunity to install Cakewalk into an alternative folder rather than the default location. The default location for the installation of Cakewalk Pro Audio will be in the Program Files folder. At this time, CakeTalking requires you to select this destination. The default button is the Next button, so just press ENTER, or ALT+N.

12. Next you will be in the Setup type dialog box where you decide whether you want a typical, compact or custom installation of Cakewalk. There are three radio buttons, which you can move through with the DOWN and UP ARROW. The first one which is checked by default is called Typical. The second one is Compact. And the last one is Custom. Typical is recommended, unless you really are at a premium for space on your hard drive. If so, then select Compact. Those who know what they are doing can choose Custom. That will take you to a dialog box where you can choose what and what not to install. When you are ready to move on, the next button is active so press ENTER, or press ALT+N to go to the next step.

13. You will now be in the select program folder dialog box. This tells you that icons for Cakewalk will be added in the programs selection in the start menu. If your an expert and don't want that for some reason, type in another path in the program folders edit field. The next button is ready to be pressed so press ENTER or ALT+N to go to the next dialog.

14. You'll now be in the "Start copying Files" dialog box. This is purely for information. It lists your name, company CD key number, serial number, the destination to which Pro Audio will be installed, and the type of setup you chose. If any of this info is not correct, you can go Back to the previous dialogs by tabbing to the back button and pressing ENTER, or just press the shortcut for the Back button, ALT+B. Otherwise, the Next button by default is ready to be pressed.

15. Now the installation process will start, but there are different choices still to be made. Your installation may bring up some dialogs and not others. Here are a few that may come up:

a. The "question" dialog box pops up and asks you if you want to install Micro soft direct show, which is necessary if you are going to record audio, not just MIDI. The audio effects require Direct show. If you are not using audio now, you can say no, by pressing ALT+N. Later, when you get into the audio end of Cakewalk, you can always come back to the CD and install Direct show. Otherwise, the yes button is ready to be pressed, or just press ALT+S. Wait as you hear the computer crunching as it installs direct show. It takes around 20 seconds.

b. You will get a "Question" dialog box, asking you if you want to install the sound font manager. This makes available a selection of software sounds that Cakewalk can use. Unless you need to really conserve space, press the Yes button, type the shortcut ALT+Y. Otherwise press the No button.

16. Now the installation really gets going. You will hear " Cakewalk setup. Cancel button". Just wait another 20 seconds or so.

17. Now you'll get the "select Components" dialog box that has 5 checkboxes. It is recommended that you arrow down to the last checkbox and check it by pressing the spacebar. And then press the Next Button to go to the next step. Basically, checking the options in this dialog box allows you to inform windows to always associate the Cakewalk program with any file that has a certain extension on it. Sometimes different programs have the same extension, and if so, windows needs to know which program you want by default, to be opened up when that extension is present. The normal Cakewalk file has the extension .wrk. The first checkbox in this dialog tells you that the .wrk file can be associated with Cakewalk. This check box is of course checked by default. So are the second and third checkboxes. The fourth and fifth ones are not checked. The fourth one associates Cakewalk with so called CAL files. The fifth one is for MIDI files that have the extension .mid, or .mff, or .smf. MIDI files are generic files, with the minimum information needed to play your music. You can save a music file as a MIDI file in any music program. And then it can be played in any other music program. On the other hand, individual music program files, like Cakewalks .wrk files can only be played by that program. So, if you check the last option in this dialog, it says that when you open up a MIDI file, outside of Cakewalk, the Cakewalk program will open up and play it. If you are an expert, and have more than one MIDI music program on your hard drive, and don't want Cakewalk to by default always play your MIDI files, leave this option unchecked.

18. As the installation comes to a close, if you had a previous version of Pro Audio on your computer, you may get an information only dialog telling you that Cakewalk has preserved your instrument definitions and your chord library.

19. When the installation finally completes, the "Setup Complete" dialog box will open. But for some weird computer reason, this dialog is often out of focus. So you may need to ALT+TAB to get it into the foreground and in focus. This dialog says the setup is complete. You don't need the Cakewalk CD in the drive any more, and that you have to restart your computer before you can use the program. There are two radio buttons. The first one says "I want to start my computer now", and is checked by default. If you want to restart your computer now, first remove the Cakewalk CD, and then press the ENTER key. If for some reason you want to restart by yourself, arrow down to the second radio button, which says "No, I will start my computer later." Then press ENTER. Make sure you remove the CD from the Drive before rebooting, or else the installation will start again when Windows loads again. No harm in that, it's just that you'll then have to cancel the installation.

20. After rebooting, when you arrive back at the desktop, you will find a folder with Cakewalk icons in it. It is there only the very first time that Cakewalk is installed. If it is the item with focus, just close it with an ALT+F4. Then, to open up Cakewalk, open the start menu, press P till you hear programs, press the right arrow to open the programs submenu, then press C till you hear Cakewalk. Then press the right arrow to open the Cakewalk submenu and go to Cakewalk Pro Audio 9. then press the right arrow to open its submenu. At the top of the menu is the Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 program shortcut. This submenu has a number of items in it. The top choice is the actual Cakewalk Pro Audio program, so you can press ENTER and Cakewalk will open.

21. If you had an older version of Cakewalk installed, You may get the "Migrate Cakewalk Preferences" dialog. This dialog allows you to merge its settings and preferences with the new version. For purposes of tidiness, CakeTalking recommends that you do not choose this option, till standard CakeTalking configurations are set up in Cakewalk. So, press ESCAPE to bypass merging past Cakewalk preferences. However, If you want to merge, then press ENTER.

22. Now you will get the "Cakewalk Wave Profiler" dialog. The full contents of this dialog will automatically be read to you. This dialog tells you that your audio hardware needs to be tested. You should say OK to this. So press ENTER.

23. Now, you'll get another dialog that will tell you the name of your Soundcard. It may also tell you if you want to use the standard settings for it. Unless you are an expert who knows better, choose "Yes" by pressing ENTER.

24. Finally, you will get a dialog that says the audio hardware has been successfully profiled. Press ENTER. However, If there is a problem with your sound card, you also will be informed.

25. Cakewalk will now open.

26. You will, not immediately be in the Cakewalk recording window. Instead you will be in a tip of the day dialog box. This dialog box gives tips whenever you open Cakewalk. We don't need this dialog to run automatically, also we want to disable it so it doesn't come up. To do this, Press ALT+S, and you will uncheck the checkbox that launches this dialog automatically. Then press ALT+C, to Close the dialog.

27. Next you will get a "Quick Start" dialog that also gives you information that we don't want to come up automatically whenever we launch Cakewalk. To disable it, press ALT+S. Then press the ENTER key to close the dialog.

28. You are finally in the main recording window of Cakewalk, the track View. So, that's it. You've installed Cakewalk, and it's open for the first time. Now, just a few more things and it will be configured, and ready to work in. Now use INSERT+S to return JAWS Screen Echo to Highlighted.

0.05 UPGRADING TO 9.02

1. To find out what version of Cakewalk you have, get into the help menu of Cakewalk and select About from the Help menu. Use the JAWS cursor to find the version.

2. If you have 9.0, then you will be downloading 2 patches. One to upgrade you to 9.01, and the other to upgrade from 9.01 to 9.02.

3. If you have 9.01, you will be downloading a patch to upgrade you to 9.02. this patch is different from the 9.02 patch that Pro Audio 9.0 users will download.

4. The 9.02 patch that 9.0 users download, will have the word WEB in its name, because their upgrade to 9.01 was achieved through a web patch. Whereas the 9.02 patch that 9.01 users download will not have Web in its title because they are upgrading their 9.01 CD installation.

5. For those who have a 9.0 CD, the two files you are to download are "pa900901.exe" and "902Patch_for_901Web.exe."

6. For those who have a 9.1 CD, download "902Patch_for_901CD.exe"

7. The path to the web site to get the 9.01 upgrade is

8. The path to the web site to get the 9.02 upgrades is

9. If Cakewalk changes these paths, you can also get the patches from the Dancing Dots web site.

10. When you click on the patch in order to download it, you will first get a dialog asking if you want to save it to disk. Say yes.

11. Then you'll get a dialog asking where you want to save it. The default destination may not be where you want it saved. After selecting the destination, make sure you remember where you saved it so you can use it when it arrives. The download process takes a while because the files are between 1.5 and 2.7 megs.

12. If you are upgrading from 9.0, first install the "pa900901.exe" and then the "902Patch_for_901Web.exe.".

13. To install the patch, just click on it. You'll get a few simple dialogs to navigate. The installation takes just a minute.

14. When you're done installing the patches, you can delete the patches or store them in a folder if you like.

15. If their is a higher patch for Pro Audio that you wish to install, first consult with your dealer or Dancing Dots to make sure that CakeTalking supports it.


For Tech support contact your dealer or Dancing Dots at info@.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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