GGS 12 Food Intake Lab

Your Daily Food Intake

GCO: Acquire a working knowledge of geographic methods, techniques, and skills whereby they are better able to study and understand the world around them.

SCO: Students will analyze graphs for economic and social patterns arising from the location, production, and consumption of resources.

Background Information

Background Information

Every day we consume food, giving little thought to how fortunate we are to have, in

most cases, easy access to ample foods from Canada’s different food groups. The

consumption of these foods allows us to complete daily activities that require energy. We get energy from the calories in foods. Calories (kcal), is a measure of the amount of

energy from food.

The more active you are, the more calories you need. Your body has basic caloric needs depending on your age, gender and other factors like climate and body size. If your body is trying to keep warm, it needs more calories than if you are laying on a beach on a warm day. The recommended daily energy intake (kcal/day) according to Dieticians of Canada is as follows:

|Age |Gender |Food Intake |

|13 – 15 |Male |2,800 Calories |

|13 – 15 |Female |2,200 Calories |

|16 – 18 |Male |3,200 Calories |

|16 – 18 |Female |2,100 Calories |

|19 – 24 |Male |3,000 Calories |

|19 – 24 |Female |2,100 Calories |

|25 – 49 |Male |2,700 Calories |

|25 - 49 |Female |1,900 Calories |

|50 – 74 |Male |2,300 Calories |

|50 – 74 |Female |1,800 Calories |

|75+ |Male |2,000 Calories |

|75+ |Female |1,700 Calories |

Of course this is a guide. The more active you are the higher number of calories you need to consume. The less active person should reduce caloric intake to maintain body weight.

← The recommended daily allowance of protein for men and women over 18 years of age is 0.8 g of good quality protein/kg body weight/day. Visit to determine your recommended daily intake of protein


1. Monitor and record your food intake for all meals and snacks for one day in

order to determine the number of calories and amount of protein you consume

per day.

2. Enter the information into the Excel spreadsheet template available on our class website.

3. Remember to enter your actual and recommended totals for both calories and proteins. Visit to determine your recommended daily intake of protein

4. Use the steps below to create two graphs that represent:

a) your total calories and protein for each meal

b) your actual intake compared to recommended intake

Each graph must have an appropriate title, legend, and axis labels

|Daily Food Intake Chart Instructions |

|1) For each meal of the day, enter a description for food item |

|consumed |

|2) Enter the corresponding calorie and protein values for each |

|food item. You will have to look on the food package or do an |

|online search such as cereals +”nutritional information” to find the data. Use |

|3) In the appropriate area, enter your recommended calorie and |

|protein amounts. The actual amounts are automatically |

|tabulated for you. |

|4) To create a graph, select that data you want to graph > Insert>Chart |

|a. Select “Column” for the type of chart |

|b. To add a Chart title (i.e. Joe’s Daily Food Intake), select graph, go to Layout>Chart title |

|c. To add (X) axis title (i.e. Meal), go to Layout>Axis Titles |

|d. Add (Y) axis title. |

|5) Copy and paste each graph to a Word document |

|16) Save the updated spreadsheet and graphs. |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Graph Title |None |Present but not reflective|Present and reflective of data |Present, reflective and at top of |

| | | |being displayed |graph |

|X and Y Axis Labels |No labels |Only one label |Both labeled but not accurate |Both accurately labeled and units |

| | | | |included |

|Grammar |Five or more errors in |3 – 4 errors in grammar |1 – 2 errors in grammar/ spelling|No errors in grammar/ spelling |

| |grammar/ spelling |/spelling | | |

|Format |Did not follow format |Met 1 -2 of the five |Met 3 – 4 of the five guidelines |Met all of the five guidelines |

| |guidelines |guidelines | | |

|Content |Contains superficial |Contains comparisons of |Contains thorough comparisons of |Contains thorough comparisons of |

| |comparisons of the two |diets but does not provide|data using specific examples but |data using specific examples and |

| |diets |specifics |lacks connections to information |includes ties to other information|

| | | |learned in class |learned in class |

|Creativity |Little evidence of |Attempt at being creative |Contains a few creative details |Contains many creative details |

| |creativity |but does not align with |that add to the effectiveness of |that contribute to authenticity of|

| | |purpose of article |article |article |


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