Questionnaire about shopping habits and lifestyle of students

Questionnaire about shopping habits and lifestyle of students

1. Gender: f m

2. Age:

3. Country:

4. Monthly income of your family:

5. Number of members in your family:

6. Number of children in your family:

7. How many hours per week do you spend for the following activities:

|ACTIVITIES |Hours spent |

|Learning (lectures at school are excluded) | |

|Sport | |

|Art (e.g. singing in a choir, dancing, playing musical | |

|instruments etc.) | |

|After-class activities (e.g. debating, drama, preparation | |

|for competitions.) | |

|Watching TV | |

|Playing computer games | |

|Surfing the Internet | |

|Listening to music | |

|Reading books | |

|Meeting friends | |

|Going out to party | |

8. Where do you usually buy things?

- small store often rarely never

- shopping centre often rarely never

- marketplace often rarely never

- internet stores often rarely never

9. How many times a week do you go shopping?

- I don`t shop every week

- Once or twice a week (1-2)

- 3- or 4-times a week

- More than 4-times a week

10. Do you get (have) pocket money from your parents or relatives?



11. Do you have a scholarship?



11. Do you earn some money by yourself?



12. How much money do you spend per week ?

- Less than 5 eur

- 6 - 10 eur

- 11 – 20 eur

- 21 – 30 eur

- More than 31 eur

13. What do you mostly spend money on? (you may choose more than 1 item)

- Food and non-alcoholic beverages

- Cosmetics

- Tobacco

- Alcoholic beverages

- Clothing and Clothing accessories

- Footwear

- Telephone equipment and services

- Books

- Newspapers and periodicals

- Recreational and sporting services (e.g. fitness)

- Cultural services (e.g. ticket for the concert, cinema)

- School supplies (e.g. pencils, folders, felt-tip pens, notebooks)

- Other - ___________________

14. Why do you usually go shopping?

- Because I need things

- Because I like things

- Personal satisfaction (shopping makes you feel good)

- Shopping is a way of socializing

- Other - ______________________

15. How do you save money?

- I do not save money

- I put it in a piggy bank

- I deposit it on my bank account

- Investment (e.g I have bought 20 »Apple« stocks)

- Other - ______________________


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