FY2012 FOIA Annual Report - USDA

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREFREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACTANNUAL REPORTFORFISCAL YEAR 2012U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREFreedom of Information Act Annual Report FY 2012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe mission of the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) is to provide leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, and related issues based on sound public policy, the best available science, and efficient management. Upon its creation in 1862, President Abraham Lincoln called USDA “the people’s department,” because it affects so many people’s lives in so many different ways, and earlier, President Thomas Jefferson, a farmer, noted that “cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens.” USDA works hard to keep these sentiments alive as it pursues its mission to provide leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, and related issues based on sound public policy, the best available science, and efficient management. USDA programs and activities affect every American, every day, by providing a safe and stable food supply, nutrition assistance, renewable energy, rural economic development, care for forest and conservation lands, and global opportunities for farm and forest products. USDA holds answers to some of the most pressing problems faced by our Nation and world—from meeting needs for renewable energy, and increasing crop yields to fight hunger, protecting the food supply to improving our environment and optimizing international trade. To successfully accomplish its mission, USDA operates 300 programs worldwide through an extensive network of Federal, State, and local cooperators. USDA has a decentralized FOIA Program under the direction of the Chief FOIA Officer, the Assistant Secretary for Administration. There are twenty-one (21) FOIA Officers at the mission area and agency levels. Because we are such a large Department, with offices in every county of the United States, our FOIA programs differ greatly in scope and size from one agency to another. The FOIA Service Center is the focal point for the coordination of USDA’s FOIA program. The FOIA Service Center provides agency-wide oversight to ensure compliance with FOIA. In FY2011 and FY2012, the FOIA Service Center spearheaded several initiatives to increase transparency, timeliness and quality of FOIA responses. The largest of the FOIA Service Center initiatives is the launch and migration of data to the agency wide tracking database. As of September 30, 2012, seventeen (17) of the twenty-one (21) service agencies have completely migrated its data to the agency-wide tracking system. I. Basic Information Regarding Report Name, title, address, and telephone number of person to be contacted with questions about the report:Ravoyne Payton Acting Department FOIA Officer1400 Independence Avenue, SW Room 408-W, Whitten BuildingWashington, DC 20250-0706Email: USDAFOIA@ocio.B. Electronic link for access to the Report on the agency Web site: Please see . C. How to obtain a paper copy of this report: Please contact the FOIA Service Center at USDAFOIA@ocio..II. Making a FOIA Request A.Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all individual agency components that receive FOIA requests. Agency FOIA Contacts AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE Valerie L. Emmer-ScottFOIA/Privacy OfficerAG Stop 0202 Room 3521-S1400 Independence Avenue, SWWashington, DC 20250-0273Tel. 202-720-2498Email: AMS.FOIA@ HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" ECONOMIC RESEARCH SERVICE HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS SERVICE HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTUREStasia HutchisonFOIA Officer, Research, Education and Economics (REE)5601 Sunnyside AvenueStop 5128Beltsville, MD 20705-5128Tel. 301-504-1655Fax 301-504-1647; Monica WilliamsFOIA AssistantTel. 301-504-1640Email: reefoia@ars. HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" ANIMAL & PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICETonya WoodsFOIA/Privacy Officer4700 River Road, Unit 50Riverdale, MD 20737-1232Tel. 301-851-4076Fax 301-734-5941Email: FOIA.Officer@aphis. HYPERLINK "" DEPARTMENTAL MANAGEMENTPhyllis HolmesFOIA Officer1400 Independence Avenue, SWRoom 2916-SWashington, DC 20250Tel. 202-720-0068Fax 202-720-0105Email: phyllis.holmes@dm. HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" FARM SERVICE AGENCY Sue Ellen SlocaFOIA Advisor1400 Independence Avenue SW, Stop 0506Washington, DC 20250Tel. 202-720-1598Fax 202-720-4034Email: FSA.FOIA@wdc. HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" FOOD, NUTRITION & CONSUMER SERVICES Jennifer WeatherlyFOIA/Privacy Officer3010 Park Center DriveAlexandria, VA 22302Tel. 703-605-0773Fax 703-605-0793Email: FOIA@fns. HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" FOOD SAFETY & INSPECTION SERVICE Leilani HannieSupervisory FOIA Specialist1400 Independence Avenue, SWRoom 1142-SWashington, DC 20250Tel. 202-690-2760Fax 202-690-3023Email: Leilani.Hannie@fsis. or FSIS.FOIA@ FOREIGN AGRICULTURAL SERVICE Henry NolandFOIA OfficerTel. 202-720-0154Email: henry.noland@fas. HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" FOREST SERVICE Sherry L. TurnerFOIA/Privacy OfficerATTN: FOIA/Privacy TeamStop 11431400 Independence Avenue, SWYates Bldg 1st Floor SW, Ag Stop 1143Washington, DC 20250-1143Tel. 202-205-2497Fax 202-260-3245Email: wo_foia@fs.fed.us HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" GRAIN INSPECTION, PACKERS & STOCKYARDSJoanne PetersonFOIA/Privacy OfficerRoom 2548, Ag Stop 36421400 Independence Avenue, SWWashington, D.C. 20250-3642Tel. 202-720-8087Fax 202-690-2173 HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" NATIONAL APPEALS DIVISIONBrenda V. SeegarsFOIA Officer and Legal Affairs Officer3101 Park Center Dr., Suite 1100Alexandria, VA 22302Tel. 703-305-1164Fax 703-305-2825Email: Brenda.Seegars@nad. HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" NATIONAL FINANCE CENTERCheri AlsobrookFOIA OfficerP.O. Box 60000New Orleans, LA 70160Tel. 504-426-0327Fax 504-426-9706 HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE John WilsonActing FOIA Officer200 North High StreetRoom 552Columbus, OH 43215John.Wilson@oh.OFFICE OF BUDGET & PROGRAM ANALYSIS Julie HetrickFOIA/Privacy Officer1400 Independence Avenue, SWRoom 120-E Whitten BuildingWashington, DC 20250Tel. 202-720-1269Fax 202-690-3673OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Kathy DonaldsonFOIA OfficerPlanning and Accountability Division1400 Independence Avenue, SWRoom 3426A South BuildingStop Box 9020Washington, DC 20250Tel. (202) 720-1893Email: kathy.donaldson@cfo.OFFICE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICERRavoyne PaytonActing Department FOIA Officer1400 Independence Avenue, SW Room 408-W, Whitten BuildingWashington, DC 20250-0706Email: USDAFOIA@ocio. HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" OFFICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS Samantha Y. WigginsFOIA SpecialistOASCR, Office of Adjudication and ComplianceRoom 541, Reporters BuildingWashington, DC 20250Tel. 202-720-5212Fax 202-720-0953OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Betty OllilaFOIA OfficerGeneral Law Division1400 Independence Avenue, SW Room 3311 South BuildingWashington, DC 20250-1400Tel. 202-720-5824Fax 202-720-5837OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Alison DeckerFOIA OfficerAlbert StewartFOIA Contact1400 Independence Avenue, SWRoom 441-E Whitten BuildingMail Stop 2308Washington, DC 20250Tel. 202-720-5677Fax 202-690-6305OFFICE OF THE SECRETARYRavoyne PaytonActing Department FOIA Officer1400 Independence Avenue, SW Room 408-W, Whitten BuildingWashington, DC 20250-0706Email: USDAFOIA@ocio. HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" RISK MANAGEMENT AGENCYBill CrewsFOIA Officer1400 Independence Avenue, SWRoom 6628-SWashington, DC 20250Tel. 202-720-9507Fax 202-720-1162Email: bill.crews@rma. HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" RURAL DEVELOPMENTJoseph ShunkFOIA Liaison1400 Independence Avenue, SWStop 0706Washington, DC 20250-0706Tel. 202-690-5394 USDA DEPARTMENT FOIA OFFICER Ravoyne PaytonActing Department FOIA Officer1400 Independence Avenue, SW Room 408-W, Whitten BuildingWashington, DC 20250-0706Email: USDAFOIA@ocio.The listing of FOIA Officers and agency contact information can also be found at . B.Brief description of why some requests are not granted and an overview of certain general categories of USDA records to which FOIA exemptions apply. In accordance with 5 U.S.C § 552, President Obama’s FOIA memorandum and Attorney General Holder’s FOIA guidelines, USDA furnishes records to requesters in full if available and none of the nine FOIA Exemptions or three statutory exclusions authorizes a withholding. In FY2012, FOIA Exemption (b)(6) is the most frequently cited within USDA. Records withheld under this exemption included social security numbers, residential addresses, personal cellular and residential numbers. USDA also cannot satisfy request for records not clearly described or would require our FOIA professionals to create records, analyze data or address questions posed by requesters.III. Definitions of Terms and Acronyms Used in the Report:A. Mission Area, Agency and Staff Office acronyms are as follows:AMS: Agricultural Marketing Service APHIS: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service ASCR: Assistant Secretary for Civil RightsDM: Departmental Management FAS: Foreign Agricultural Service FNCS: Food, Nutrition and Consumer Service FSA: Farm Service AgencyFSIS: Food Safety and Inspection Service FS: Forest ServiceGIPSA: Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration NAD: National Appeals DivisionNRCS: Natural Resources Conservation Service OBPA: Office of Budget and Program Analysis OCFO: Office of the Chief Financial OfficerOGC: Office of General CounselOIG: Office of the Inspector GeneralOSEC/OCIO: Office of the Secretary/Office of the Chief Information OfficerRD: Rural DevelopmentREE: Research, Education and EconomicsRMA: Risk Management AgencyB. Definitions of terms used in this report:Administrative Appeal: A request to a federal agency asking that it review at a higher administrative level a FOIA determination made by the agency at the initial request level. Average Number: The number obtained by dividing the sum of a group of numbers by the quantity of numbers in the group. For example, of 3, 10, and 14, the average number is 9. Backlog: The number of requests or administrative appeals that are pending at an agency at the end of the fiscal year that are beyond the statutory time period for a response. Component: For agencies that process requests on a decentralized basis, a “component” is an entity, also sometimes referred to as an Office, Division, Bureau, Center, or Directorate, within the agency that processes FOIA requests. The FOIA now requires that agencies include in their Annual FOIA Report data for both the agency overall and for each principal component of the agency.Consultation: The procedure whereby the agency responding to a FOIA request first forwards a record to another agency for its review because that other agency has an interest in the document. Once the agency in receipt of the consultation finishes its review of the record, it responds back to the agency that forwarded it. That agency, in turn, will then respond to the FOIA requester.Exemption 3 Statute: A federal statute that exempts information from disclosure and which the agency relies on to withhold information under subsection (b)(3) of the FOIA.FOIA Request: A FOIA request is generally a request to a federal agency for access to records concerning another person (i.e., a “third-party” request), or concerning an organization, or a particular topic of interest. FOIA requests also include requests made by requesters seeking records concerning themselves (i.e., “first-party” requests) when those requesters are not subject to the Privacy Act, such as non-U.S. citizens. Moreover, because all first-party requesters should be afforded the benefit of both the access provisions of the FOIA as well as those of the Privacy Act, FOIA requests also include any first-party requests where an agency determines that it must search beyond its Privacy Act “systems of records” or where a Privacy Act exemption applies, and the agency looks to FOIA to afford the greatest possible access. All requests which require the agency to utilize the FOIA in responding to the requester are included in this Report.Additionally, a FOIA request includes records referred to the agency for processing and direct response to the requester. It does not, however, include records for which the agency has received a consultation from another agency. (Consultations are reported separately in Section XII of this Report.)Full Grant: An agency decision to disclose all records in full in response to a FOIA request.Full Denial: An agency decision not to release any records in response to a FOIA request because the records are exempt in their entireties under one or more of the FOIA exemptions, or because of a procedural reason, such as when no records could be located.Median Number: The middle, not average, number. For example, of 3, 10, and 14, the median number is 10.Multi-Track Processing: A system in which simple requests requiring relatively minimal review are placed in one processing track and more voluminous and complex requests are placed in one or more other tracks. Requests granted expedited processing are placed in yet another track. Requests in each track are processed on a first in/first out basis. Expedited Processing: An agency will process a FOIA request on an expedited basis when a requester satisfies the requirements for expedited processing as set forth in the statute and in agency regulations. Simple Request: A FOIA request that an agency using multi-track processing places in its fastest (non-expedited) track based on the low volume and/or simplicity of the records requested. Complex Request: A FOIA request that an agency using multi-track processing places in a slower track based on the high volume and/or complexity of the records requested. Partial Grant/Partial Denial: In response to a FOIA request, an agency decision to disclose portions of the records and to withhold other portions that are exempt under the FOIA, or to otherwise deny a portion of the request for a procedural reason. Pending Request or Pending Administrative Appeal: A request or administrative appeal for which an agency has not taken final action in all respects. Perfected Request: A request for records which reasonably describes such records and is made in accordance with published rules stating the time, place, fees (if any) and procedures to be followed. Processed Request or Processed Administrative Appeal: A request or administrative appeal for which an agency has taken final action in all respects. Range in Number of Days: The lowest and highest number of days to process requests or administrative appeals. Time Limits: The time period in the statute for an agency to respond to a FOIA request (ordinarily twenty working days from receipt of a perfected FOIA request). C. Concise descriptions of the nine FOIA exemptions:1. Exemption 1: Classified national defense and foreign relations information. Exemption 2: Information that is related solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of an agency. Exemption 3: Information that is prohibited from disclosure by another federal law. Exemption 4: Trade secrets and other confidential business information. Exemption 5: Inter-agency or intra-agency communications that are protected by legal privileges. Exemption 6: Information involving matters of personal privacy. Exemption 7: Records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, to the extent that the production of those records (A) could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings, (B) would deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or an impartial adjudication, (C) could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, (D) could reasonably be expected to disclose the identity of a confidential source, (E) would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or (F) could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of any individual. Exemption 8: Information relating to the supervision of financial institutions. Exemption 9: Geological information on wells. IV. EXEMPTION 3 STATUTESStatuteType of Information WithheldCase CitationNumber of Times Relied upon per ComponentTotal Number of Times Relied upon by Agency5 U.S.C.§ 574(b)Administrative Dispute Resolution ActInformation in connection with dispute resolution. None.AMS 11APHISASCR DA FAS FNCS FSA FS FSIS GIPSA NAD NRCS OBPA OCFO OGC OIG OSEC/OCIO REE RMA RD StatuteType of Information WithheldCase CitationNumber of Times Relied upon per ComponentTotal Number of Times Relied upon by Agency7U.S.C. § 136i-1Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)Data “that would directly or indirectly reveal the identity of individual producers [of certain pesticides].”Doe v. Veneman, 380 F.3d 807, 818 (5th Cir. 2004)AMS 2APHIS2ASCR DA FAS FNCS FSA FS FSIS GIPSA NAD NRCS OBPA OCFO OGC OIG OSEC/OCIO REE RMA RD StatuteType of Information WithheldCase CitationNumber of Times Relied upon per ComponentTotal Number of Times Relied upon by Agency7 U.S.C. §608(d)(2)Agriculture Adjustment ActInformation for marketing order programs that is categorized as trade secrets and commercial or financial information.None.AMS 11APHISASCR DA FAS FNCS FSA FS FSIS GIPSA NAD NRCS OBPA OCFO OGC OIG OSEC/OCIO REE RMA RD StatuteType of Information WithheldCase CitationNumber of Times Relied upon per ComponentTotal Number of Times Relied upon by Agency7U.S.C.§1502(c)Federal Crop Insurance ActPersonal information in connection with policy holders and/or yield data. NoneAMS 9APHISASCR DA FAS FNCS FSA 3FS FSIS GIPSA NAD NRCS 2OBPA OCFO OGC OIG OSEC/OCIO REE RMA 4RD StatuteType of Information WithheldCase CitationNumber of Times Relied upon per ComponentTotal Number of Times Relied upon by Agency7U.S.C.§2018(c)Food Stamp ActNames and other personally identifiable information of SNAP (Food Stamps) recipients and firms participating in program.Argus Leader Media v. U.S. Dep’t of Agriculture, 2012 WL 4482939 (Sept. 27, 2012). AMS 56APHISASCR DA FAS FNCS 56FSA FS FSIS GIPSA NAD NRCS OBPA OCFO OGC OIG OSEC/OCIO REE RMA RD StatuteType of Information WithheldCase CitationNumber of Times Relied upon per ComponentTotal Number of Times Relied upon by Agency7U.S.C.§2105(c)Cotton Research and Promotion ActInformation provided by handlers or any class of handlers in preparation of the filing of reports. None.AMS 11APHISASCR DA FAS FNCS FSA FS FSIS GIPSA NAD NRCS OBPA OCFO OGC OIG OSEC/OCIO REE RMA RD StatuteType of Information WithheldCase CitationNumber of Times Relied upon per ComponentTotal Number of Times Relied upon by Agency7U.S.C.§2276(a)(2)Food Security Act of 1985“Information furnished under a provision of law referred to in subsection (d) of this section…unless such information has been transformed into a statistical or aggregate form that does not allow the identification of the person who supplied particular information.” Strunk v. U.S. Department of Interior, 752 F. Supp. 2d, 39, 44 (D.D.C. 2010)AMS 5APHISASCR DA FAS FNCS FSA 2FS FSIS GIPSA NAD NRCS OBPA OCFO OGC OIG OSEC/OCIO REE 3RMA RD StatuteType of Information WithheldCase CitationNumber of Times Relied upon per ComponentTotal Number of Times Relied upon by Agency7U.S.C.§2619(c) Potato Research and Promotion Act Confidential information furnished by handlers and importers for the filing of reports.None. AMS 11APHISASCR DA FAS FNCS FSA FS FSIS GIPSA NAD NRCS OBPA OCFO OGC OIG OSEC/OCIO REE RMA RD StatuteType of Information WithheldCase CitationNumber of Times Relied upon per ComponentTotal Number of Times Relied upon by Agency7U.S.C.§7414(i)(4)Agricultural Marketing ActInformation provided by handlers and importers of agricultural commodities in connection with the filing of reports. None.AMS 11APHISASCR DA FAS FNCS FSA FS FSIS GIPSA NAD NRCS OBPA OCFO OGC OIG OSEC/OCIO REE RMA RD Statute13Type of Information WithheldCase CitationNumber of Times Relied upon per ComponentTotal Number of Times Relied upon by Agency7U.S.C.§8791 “Information provided by an agricultural producer or owner of agricultural land concerning the agricultural operations, farming or conservation practices, or the land itself, in order to participate in programs of the Department” and certain “geospatial information …maintained by the Secretary.” Ctr. for Biological Diversity v. USDA, 626 F.3d 1113, 1118 (9th Cir. 2010); Zanoni v. USDA, 605 F. Supp. 2d 230, 237-381 (D.D.C. 2009). AMS 1340APHIS13ASCR DA FAS FNCS FSA 248FS 8FSIS GIPSA NAD NRCS 70OBPA OCFO OGC OIG OSEC/OCIO REE RMA RD StatuteType of Information WithheldCase CitationNumber of Times Relied upon per ComponentTotal Number of Times Relied upon by Agency16U.S.C.§470hh Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 Information pertaining to the nature and location of certain archaeological resources. Hornbostel v. U.S. Dep’t of the Interior, 305 F. Supp. 2d 21, 30 (D.D.C. 2003), summary affirmance granted, No. 03-5257, 2004 WL 1900562 (D.C. Cir. Aug. 25, 2004).AMS 31APHISASCR DA FAS FNCS FSA FS 30FSIS GIPSA NAD NRCS 1OBPA OCFO OGC OIG OSEC/OCIO REE RMA RD StatuteType of Information WithheldCase CitationNumber of Times Relied upon per ComponentTotal Number of Times Relied upon by Agency16U.S.C.§470w-3 Archaeological site maps, cultural resources and historic sitesNone.AMS 12APHISASCR DA FAS FNCS FSA FS 11FSIS GIPSA NAD NRCS 1OBPA OCFO OGC OIG OSEC/OCIO REE RMA RD StatuteType of Information WithheldCase CitationNumber of Times Relied upon per ComponentTotal Number of Times Relied upon by Agency35 U.S.C. §205 Information disclosing any invention in which the Federal Government owns or may own a right, title, or interest.None.AMS 1APHISASCR DA FAS FNCS FSA FS FSIS GIPSA NAD NRCS OBPA OCFO OGC OIG OSEC/OCIO REE 1RMA RD StatuteType of Information WithheldCase CitationNumber of Times Relied upon per ComponentTotal Number of Times Relied upon by Agency41U.S.C.§4702(b) (Previously 41 U.S.C. §253 (b)(m)(1) National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1997)Proposals not set forth or incorporated by reference in a contract entered into between the agency and the contractor. Sinkfield v HUD, No. 10-885, 2012 U.S. Dist. Lexis 35233, at 13-15 (S.D. Ohio Mar. 15, 2012); Hornbostel v U.S. Dep’t of the Interior, 305 F. Supp. 2d 21,30 (D.D.C. 2003), summary affirmance granted, No 03-5257, 2004 WL 1900562 (D.C. Cir. Aug. 25, 2004).AMS 13APHIS1ASCR DA FAS FNCS FSA 6FS 5FSIS GIPSA NAD NRCS OBPA OCFO OGC OIG 1OSEC/OCIO REE RMA RD V. FOIA REQUESTA. Received, Processed, and Pending FOIA RequestsNumber of Requests Pending as of Start of Fiscal Year Number of Requests Received in Fiscal Year Number of Requests Processed in Fiscal Year Number of Requests Pending as of End of Fiscal Year AMS1614713330APHIS168943899212ASCR227272DM5714135FAS141402FNCS3524125521FSA28916,84816,656481FSIS218308426100FS3332,3092,235407GIPSA054504NAD014140NRCS636131354OBPA011110OCFO130292OGC12292714OIG712811322OSEC/OCIO 6511114432RD18130391393REE31271273RMA8725525USDA OVERALL1,35022,17521,6861,839APHIS, GIPSA, NAD and OSEC/OCIO: The number of FOIA requests pending as of the start of FY2012 differs from the number of FOIA requests pending as of the end of FY2011 due to a recent migration initiative. OCFO: As in previous years, OCFO data includes that from the National Finance Center (NFC).Note: Prior to the deployment of the agency-wide tracking system, USDA component agencies used numerous manual and automated tracking methodologies in preparation of the Annual FOIA Report. In FY2012, the agency wide tracking database was the primary source of data for compilation of the FY2012 FOIA Annual Report. Other secondary sources included manual tracking methodologies. B. (1) Disposition of FOIA Requests – All Processed Requests Number of Full GrantsNumber of Partial Grants/ Partial DenialsNumber of Full Denials Based on ExemptionsFull Denials based on reasons other than exemptionsNo RecordsAll Records Referred to Another Component or AgencyRequest WithdrawnFee-Related ReasonRecords not Reasonably DescribedImproper FOIA Request for Other ReasonNot Agency RecordDuplicate RequestOther TOTALAMS2466613012200208133APHIS14840145165936752138150899ASCR281111102010027DM1111380110051041FAS145061620042040FNCS58118193298140600255FSA15,3964091661762636776391613161916,656FSIS762431048433513210426FS1,09357082236577513216527592,235GIPSA11203110310001050NAD50070100100014NRCS12188443397113240313OBPA61040000000011OCFO146240001020029OGC39250710000027OIG6332227672000010113OSEC/OCIO 5243111232011100144RD40321120410001091REE6425213242231000127RMA24101230501000055USDA OVERALL17,1682,0984218253633091151065661689621,686B. (2) Disposition of FOIA Requests – “Other” Reasons for “Full Denials Based on Reasons Other than Exemptions” from Section V, B(1) ChartComponentDescription of “Other” Reasons for Denials from Chart B (1) & Number of Times Those Reasons Were Relied uponNumber of Time “Other” reason was relied uponTOTALAMSRequester failed to comply with multiple requests for clarification. 88APHISN/A00ASCRN/A00DMN/A00FASN/A00FNCSN/A00FSAGlomar response.119Records not available in requested format.10Requester referred to public website.8FSISN/A00FSRequester failed to comply with multiple requests for clarification. 5959GIPSAN/A00NADN/A00NRCSN/A00OBPAN/A00OCFON/A00OGCN/A00OIGGlomar response.910No authorization to release records.1OSEC/OCIO N/A00RDN/A00REEN/A00RMAN/A00USDA OVERALL96B. (3) Disposition of FOIA Requests – Number of Times Exemptions AppliedComponentEx1Ex. 2Ex. 3Ex. 4Ex. 5Ex. 6Ex. 7(A)Ex. 7(B)Ex. 7(C)Ex. 7(D)Ex. 7(E)Ex. 7(F)Ex.8Ex.9AMS04637126130402100APHIS02164831388820202201000ASCR00000900610000DM00081910000000FAS00042100000000FNCS0256182548153755600FSA5525974732420100010FSIS0109512143539900000FS0405412441528610912825010GIPSA010971060700000NAD00000000000000NRCS01741224400120000OBPA00000100000000OCFO00000800000000OGC000010500000000OIG001516431903514000OSEC/OCIO 0305134210200000RD02023102400200000REE0041252200000000RMA00434690100000USDA Overall561474410589122214211341441861720VI. ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS OF INITIAL DETERMINATIONS OF FOIA REQUESTSA. Received, Processed, and Pending Administrative AppealsComponentAppeals Pending as of Start of Fiscal YearNumber of Appeals Received in Fiscal YearNumber of Appeals Processed in Fiscal YearNumber of Appeals Pending as of End of Fiscal YearAMS7584APHIS71362384ASCR0110DM0211FAS0000FNCS12312419FSA518221FSIS5371FS25665734GIPSA1331NAD1001NRCS211130OBPA0000OCFO0422OGC1010OIG710125OSEC/OCIO 2433RD1711127REE0211RMA133115USDA OVERALL169210180199AMS, APHIS, and OSEC/OCIO: During FY2011, an appeal was closed due to litigation. This was not reflected however in the prior year’s Annual Report. B. Disposition of Administrative Appeals – All Processed AppealsComponentNumber Affirmed on AppealNumber Partially Affirmed & Partially Reversed/Remandedon AppealNumber Completely Reversed/Remanded on AppealNumber of Appeals Closed for Other ReasonsTOTALAMS33118APHIS1112023ASCR10001DM00101FAS00000FNCS1570224FSA494522FSIS00617FS101362857GIPSA21003NAD00000NRCS381113OBPA00000OCFO10012OGC00011OIG513312OSEC/OCIO 01203RD00011REE01001RMA00101USDA OVERALL45452664180C. (1) Reasons for Denial on Appeal – Number of Times Exemptions AppliedComponentEx. 1Ex. 2Ex. 3Ex. 4Ex.5Ex.6Ex. 7(A)Ex. 7(B)Ex. 7(C)Ex. 7(D)Ex. 7(E)Ex. 7(F)Ex. 8Ex. 9AMS00121210100000APHIS00000100000000ASCR00000100000000DM00010000000000FAS00000000000000FNCS0030170010211000FSA00801500100000FSIS00000000000000FS003361012000000GIPSA00010020100000NAD00000000000000NRCS001112600000000OBPA00000000000000OCFO00000000000000OGC00000000000000OIG00022600500000OSEC 00000100000000RD00000000000000REE00010100000000RMA00000000000000USDA OVERALL00261113404218211000C. (2) Reasons for Denial on Appeal – Reasons Other than Exemptions ComponentNo RecordsRecords Referred at Initial Request LevelRequest WithdrawnFee-Related ReasonRecords not Reasonably DescribedImproper Request for Other ReasonsNot Agency RecordDuplicate Request or AppealRequest in LitigationAppeal Based Solely on Denial of Request for Expedited ProcessingOther *Explain in chart belowAMS10000000100APHIS001201001600ASCR00000000000DM00000000000FAS00000000000FNCS00100100002FSA10300000010FSIS00100000001FS61710302008GIPSA00000000000NAD00000000000NRCS11000000000OBPA00000000000OCFO10000000000OGC00000000000OIG00110000101OSEC/OCIO 00000000000RD00001000000REE00000000000RMA00000000000USDA OVERALL10225224038112C. (3) Reasons for Denial on Appeal – “Other” Reasons from Section VI, C (2) ChartComponentDescription of “Other” Reasons for Denial on Appeal from Chart C (2)Number of times “Other” Reason was Relied UponComponentTOTALAMSN/A00APHISN/A00ASCRN/A00DMN/A00FASN/A00FNCSUntimely appeal.22FSAN/A00FSISUntimely appeal.11FSMoot88GIPSAN/A00NADN/A00NRCSN/A00OBPAN/A00OCFON/A00OGCN/A00OIGUntimely appeal.11OSEC/OCION/A00RDN/A00REEN/A00RMAN/A00USDA Overall1212FS: Eight appeals agency-wide were closed as “moot” meaning that the agency responded to the initial request (after 20 working days and the appeal was received) and issued new appeal rights to the requester for any portions withheld. Thus the appeal was declared “moot” and the requester had the right to re-appeal if they were not satisfied with the initial response. C. (4) Response time for Administrative AppealsComponent*Median Numberof Days#Average Numberof DaysLowest Numberof DaysHighest Numberof DaysAMS21823025922APHIS315.5383.0342,249ASCR32323232DM1111FAS0000FNCS63105.6926376FSA23152.8112,612FSIS809705.29191,062FS40109.8611,827GIPSA13.513.513.313.6NAD0000NRCS36.546.51118OBPA0000OCFO29292038OGC0000OIG6211128362OSEC/OCIO1232.331174RD26262626REE105105105105RMA11111111USDA Overall43.522702,612C. (5) Ten Oldest Pending Administrative Appeals10thOldest 9th8th7th 6th5th4th3rd2ndOldestAMSDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A2012-08-082012-06-262011-11-102009-10-16Number of Days Pending0000003666473741APHISDate2006-12-112006-11-202006-11-172006-11-172006-02-282005-11-142005-08-172005-05-242004-08-122003-07-31Number of Days Pending1457147114721472165517261786184520402300ASCRDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days Pending0000000000DMDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A2012-07-27Number of Days Pending00000000044FASDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days Pending0000000000FNCSDate2012-03-122012-03-122012-03-072011-12-012011-11-152011-11-092011-10-172011-09-232011-09-162009-12-22Number of Days Pending141141144209220223240255260696FSADateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A2012-09-24Number of Days Pending0000000004FSISDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A2012-07-252012-06-122010-11-15Number of Days Pending00000004676471FSDate2011-09-072011-07-252011-07-052011-03-282011-01-202010-11-172010-11-102010-04-202010-04-122008-08-07Number of Days Pending2672983123814274694736156211040GIPSADateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days Pending0000000000NADDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days Pending0000000000NRCSDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days Pending0000000000OBPADateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days Pending0000000000OCFODateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A2012-07-192012-07-11Number of Days Pending000000005056OGCDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days Pending0000000000OIGDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A2012-09-042012-07-182011-05-172011-01-242010-09-27Number of Days Pending000001952346426505OSEC/OCIODateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A2012-07-11Number of Days Pending00000000056RDDate2012-06-222012-05-162012-05-162012-04-262012-02-072011-11-182011-11-152011-11-072011-10-062011-10-06Number of Days Pending689494108164217220225246246REEDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A2012-09-05Number of Days Pending00000000017RMADate2011-09-072011-09-012011-08-242011-08-182011-08-182011-08-112011-04-252011-04-252011-03-172010-12-13Number of Days Pending265269269274278278282364391458USDA OverallDate2006-12-112006-11-202006-11-172006-11-172006-02-282005-11-142005-08-172005-05-242004-08-122003-07-31Number of Days Pending1457147114721472165517261786184520402300 VII. FOIA REQUESTS: RESPONSE TIME FOR PROCESSED AND PENDING REQUESTSA. Processed Requests – Response Time for All Processed Perfected RequestsSIMPLE COMPLEXEXPEDITED PROCESSING*Median Number of Days#Average Number of DaysLowest Number of DaysHighest Number of Days*Median Number of Days#Average Number of DaysLowest Number of DaysHighest Number of Days*Median Number of Days#Average Number of DaysLowest Number of DaysHighest Number of DaysAMS1517168588715091022157APHIS2651.791843146200.561534361198313ASCR18.518.65155119119119119N/AN/AN/AN/ADM714.95192610.33124N/AN/AN/AN/AFAS1010.221205767.33918933.516FNCS1626.1812262028.68126214141414FSA12.707461315.202233315FSIS2756.541488260300.665863N/AN/AN/AN/AFS1321.9216172543.2714211623.12681GIPSA48.1313332.540.9411131111NAD411170N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANRCS1017.3811774449.31109N/AN/AN/AN/AOBPA56.4019N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AOCFO1519.043732017.17124N/AN/AN/AN/AOGC231570954N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AOIG1313130646831133N/AN/AN/AN/AOSEC/OCIO28142.361774102168.4164271714597RD3452.011253144176.7255447N/AN/AN/AN/AREE77.8120181818020202020RMA1418.5719511.511.532017.517.5629USDAFY2012 OVERALL1633.1209542576.408631334.71313AMS: It should be noted that AMS has many complex requests that involved multiple interim releases. The final release however took several months to complete. B. Processed Requests – Response Time for Perfected Requests in Which Information Was GrantedSIMPLE COMPLEXEXPEDITED PROCESSING*Median Number of Days#Average Number of DaysLowest Number of DaysHighest Number of Days*Median Number of Days#Average Number of DaysLowest Number of DaysHighest Number of Days*Median Number of Days#Average Number of DaysLowest Number of DaysHighest Number of DaysAMS172026880103115092125157APHIS2750.691843106.5155.941642136363636ASCR24.524.1255N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ADM1519.18192N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AFAS1110.31205767.33918933.516FNCS1725.6111502440.18926214141414FSA12.2211541722.9712233315FSIS3265.831488284317.9213863N/AN/AN/AN/AFS1322.2213453145.2412542025.14681GIPSA49.413332.541.581101111NAD1824370N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANRCS1117.311232843.561109N/AN/AN/AN/AOBPA27019N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AOCFO1419.693732020.51824N/AN/AN/AN/AOGC311560954N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AOIG1515130817931133N/AN/AN/AN/AOSEC/OCIO19.5116.491774126183.84164271714597RD4053.981253132169.655447N/AN/AN/AN/AREE9.59.51201920180N/AN/AN/AN/ARMA1824.291952020202017.517.5629USDAOVERALL1631.909542983.3318631424.89181C. Processed Requests – Response Time in Day Increments Simple RequestsComponent1-20 Days21- 40Days41-60Days61-80Days81-100Days101-120Days121-140Days141-160Days161-180Days181-200Days201-300 Days301-400 Days401+DaysTOTALAMS53214200000000080APHIS330277883728181717116201111871ASCR1167200000000026DM2872010000000038FAS1900000000000019FNCS1543279433310100217FSA15,9574810440010010216,027FSIS10542301251176721411243FS1,24228488362110766815211,726GIPSA8185000000000031NAD1210000000000013NRCS149107214313110000290OBPA1100000000000011OCFO1462100000000023OGC1323200000011527OIG55170000000000072OSEC/OCIO46112210032116176107RD27119882204110073REE2130000000000015RMA72910302000000051USDAOVERALL18,23394228812275473937321869322619,960Complex RequestsComponent1-20 Days21- 40Days41-60Days61-80Days81-100Days101-120Days121-140Days141-160Days161-180Days181-200Days201-300Days301-400Days401+DaysTOTALAMS1366633421021148APHIS314211020114525ASCR00000100000001DM21000000000003FAS2100000000000021FNCS2392200000010037FSA4161086025512131000622FSIS1014463359212382552183FS1981356241111899521001501GIPSA147220200000018NAD00010000000001NRCS1133111200000123OBPA00000000000000OCFO51000000000006OGC00000000000000OIG01010685200000041OSEC/OCIO6324212111011135RD001430110232118REE373294200000000111RMA02000000000002USDAOVERALL7123701901044134292512195543621,696Requests Granted Expedited ServiceComponent1-20 Days21- 40Days41-60Days61-80Days81-100Days101-120Days121-140Days141-160Days161-180Days181-200Days201-300 Days301-400 Days401+DaysTOTALAMS31100000000005APHIS11000000000103ASCR00000000000000DM00000000000000FAS00000000000000FNCS01000000000001FSA70000000000007FSIS00000000000000FS52001000000008GIPSA10000000000001NAD00000000000000NRCS00000000000000OBPA00000000000000OCFO00000000000000OGC00000000000000OIG00000000000000OSEC/OCIO00101000000002RD00000000000000REE10000000000001RMA01100000000002USDAOVERALL1863020000001030D. Pending Requests – All Pending Perfected RequestsSIMPLECOMPLEXEXPEDITEDPROCESSINGComponentNumber Pending*Median Number of Days#Average Number of DaysNumber Pending*Median Number of Days#Average Number of DaysNumber Pending*Median Number of Days#Average Number of DaysAMS5144525781040N/AN/AAPHIS196551061416927713434ASCR211110N/AN/A0N/AN/ADM1657.584781800N/AN/AFAS0441330N/AN/AFNCS171024411.5110N/AN/AFSA1912123011200N/AN/AFSIS696210430525.55250N/AN/AFS245289116247920N/AN/AGIPSA0N/AN/A464970N/AN/ANAD0N/AN/A0N/AN/A0N/AN/ANRCS16637421441440N/AN/AOBPA0N/AN/A0N/AN/A0N/AN/AOCFO1858511031030N/AN/AOGC141482130N/AN/A0N/AN/AOIG927221387890N/AN/AOSEC/OCIO8119144241021890N/AN/ARD22211312218232290N/AN/AREE0N/AN/A318230N/AN/ARMA8243911851630N/AN/AUSDAOVERALL847611013482917313434E. Pending requests – Ten Oldest Pending Perfected Requests10thOldest 9th8th7th 6th5th4th3rd2ndOldestAMSDate2012-05-022012-04-182012-04-122012-02-272012-01-242011-09-122011-09-012011-09-012011-08-032011-03-23Number of Days102114116147167255260260281370APHISDate2011-03-032011-02-092011-01-272011-12-282010-12-282010-12-272010-10-012010-05-142010-04-092009-01-28Number of Days398413415422442443500597622923ASCRDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A2012-09-182012-09-10Number of Days00000000814DMDate2012-06-052012-03-302012-03-232012-03-142012-03-132012-02-142012-02-102012-02-102012-01-312011-12-22Number of Days81127132139140159161161169194FASDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A2012-09-272012-09-272012-09-212012-09-19Number of Days0000001157FNCSDate2012-09-142012-09-132012-09-112012-09-112012-09-102012-09-102012-09-042012-08-232012-08-162011-11-02Number of Days101113131414182530228FSADate2012-08-142012-07-202012-07-162012-07-162012-06-212012-03-162011-12-282011-12-192011-11-162011-10-27Number of Days3249545469137191197219232FSISDate2010-07-142010-03-312010-03-052010-02-172009-12-022009-11-162009-11-122009-10-292009-10-232009-10-20Number of Days556629647659710721723732736739FSDate2011-01-072011-01-052011-01-042011-01-032010-12-152010-11-092010-10-202010-10-072010-06-142010-01-19Number of Days435437438439450474488496577679GIPSADateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A2012-08-082012-06-282012-06-282012-03-092012-01-17Number of Days00000366464142179NADDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000NRCSDate2012-07-132012-06-042012-05-042012-03-202012-03-172012-03-152012-02-282012-02-272012-01-312011-12-05Number of Days5482101135136138150151169 207OBPADateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000OCFODateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A2012-05-302012-05-03Number of Days0000000085103OGCDate2012-07-102012-06-182012-04-192012-03-012011-12-222011-12-022011-11-152011-10-212011-03-292008-03-05Number of Days57851131481942082202353801188OIGDate2012-07-092012-06-192012-06-122012-05-292012-05-222012-05-092012-04-192012-04-192012-04-052012-01-11Number of Days5972778791100114114124183OSEC/OCIODate2012-03-092011-11-152011-08-082011-08-052011-07-222011-06-222011-03-082010-12-122010-08-042010-03-12Number of Days142220288289299320395452541642RDDate2011-10-052011-10-042011-08-262011-08-152011-07-112011-04-252011-02-072010-12-212010-11-302010-1124Number of Days247248274283308361415446461464REEDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A2012-09-172012-09-042012-07-31Number of Days000000091842RMADate2012-07-312012-07-312012-06-202012-05-302012-05-212012-03-082012-01-312011-09-022011-07-112009-11-16Number of Days4242708591143169269308721USDAOVERALLDate2012-01-172009-12-022009-11-162009-11-162009-11-122009-10-292009-10-232009-10-202009-01-282008-03-05Number of Days6797107217217237327367399231188VIII. REQUESTS FOR EXPEDITED PROCESSING AND REQUESTS FOR FEE WAIVERA. Requests for Expedited ProcessingNumber GrantedNumber Denied*Median Number of Days to Adjudicate#Average Number of Days to AdjudicateNumber Adjudicated Within Ten Calendar DaysAMS53118APHIS32115ASCR00000DM00000FAS2003.52FNCS10111FSA74440.51451FSIS0310.333FS89713.949GIPSA10111NAD00000NRCS11771OBPA00000OCFO00000OGC00000OIG05774OSEC/OCIO26118.126RD00000REE11771RMA2112.673USDAOVERALL3347518.09495B. Requests for Fee WaiverNumber GrantedNumber Denied*Median Number of Days to Adjudicate#Average Number of Days to AdjudicateAMS10319APHIS3010.33ASCR0000DM1257.67FAS1044FNCS24010.12FSA8886011FSIS6811FS256414.87GIPSA8059.38NAD0000NRCS10188OBPA0000OCFO201111OGC0000OIG0000OSEC/OCIO7011RD0000REE9011RMA800.513.38USDAOVERALL1,2337814.93IX. FOIA PERSONNEL AND COSTS PERSONNEL COSTS Number of “Full-Time FOIA Employees”Number of “Equivalent Full-Time FOIA Employees”Total Number of “Full-Time FOIA Staff” (The sum of Columns 1 & 2)Processing Costs (At initial request and appeal levels)Litigation-Related CostsTotal CostsAMS167$495,054.00$0.00$495,054.00APHIS19019$1,870,407.28$52,385.34$1,922,792.62ASCR101$100,904.00$0.00$100,904.00DM00.250.25$25,252.00$0.00$25,252.00FAS011$134,261.00$0.00$134,261.00FNCS24.3756.375$408,068.00$0.00$408,068.00FSA12100.03112.03$3,103,813.00$0.00$3,103,813.00FSIS617$0.00$0.00$0.00FS156075$2,915,853.00$6,000.00$2,921,853.00GIPSA1.50.52$150.00$0.00$150.00NAD101$0.00$0.00$0.00NRCS12.63.6$123,996.45$0.00$123,996.45OBPA00.10.1$10,387.00$0.00$10,387.00OCFO202$0.00$0.00$0.00OGC07.57.5$750,000.00$650,000.00$1,400,000.00OIG21.73.7$423,856.41$13,551.52$437,407.93OSEC/OCIO41.75.7$597,227.70$0.00$597,227.70RD314$81,230$0.00$81,230REE101$112,008.00$0.00$112,008.00RMA00.750.75$1,529.04$0.00$0.00USDA FY2012OVERALL71.5188.505260.005$11,153,996.88$721,936.86$11,875,933.74X. FEES COLLECTED FOR PROCESSINGTotal Amount of FeesCollectedPercentage of Total CostsAMS$2,894.000.58%APHIS$1,123.540.06%ASCR$163.000.16%DM$0.000.00%FAS$313.800.23%FNCS$5,324.001.30%FSA$32,419.001.04%FSIS$0.000.00%FS$457.870.02%GIPSA$0.000.00%NAD$0.000.00%NRCS$145.000.12%OBPA$0.000.00%OCFO$0.000.00%OGC$0.000.00%OIG$0.000.00%OSEC/OCIO$725.020.12%RD$155.870.19%REE$404.360.36%RMA$861.6256.35%USDA FY2012OVERALL$44,987.080.40%XI – FOIA REGULATIONSUSDA’s FOIA regulations can be found at the following site: . You can also access USDA’s regulations by clicking on the “FOIA Regulations” tab under “Related Topics” as shown below.XII. BACKLOGS, CONSULTATIONS, AND COMPARISONSA. Backlogs of FOIA Requests and Administrative AppealsComponentNumber of BackloggedRequests as of End ofFiscal YearNumber of BackloggedAppeals as of End ofFiscal YearAMS164APHIS12980ASCR00DM201FAS00FNCS118FSA120FSIS740FS21529GIPSA40NAD01NRCS150OBPA00OCFO22OGC120OIG204OSEC/OCIO231RD18910REE10RMA813USDAOVERALL741163B. Consultations on FOIA Requests – Received, Processed, and Pending ConsultationsComponentNumber of Consultations Received from Other Agencies that Were Pending at Your Agency as of Start of the Fiscal YearNumber of Consultations Received from Other Agencies During the Fiscal YearNumber of Consultations Received from Other Agencies that Were Processed by Your Agency During the Fiscal YearNumber of Consultations Received from Other Agencies that Were Pending at Your Agency as of End of the Fiscal YearAMS0000APHIS0440ASCR0000DM0000FAS012111FNCS0000FSA0000FSIS0000FS1560GIPSA1010NAD0000NRCS1230OBPA0550OCFO0000OGC0000OIG0220OSEC/OCIO0220RD0101REE0330RMA0000USDAOVERALL336372FSA: In FY2011, FSA reported (1) pending consultation. When this request was reviewed, it was determined that the request had been coded as a consultation in error. NRCS: In FY2011, NRCS had one pending consultation not noted. C. Consultations on FOIA Requests – Ten Oldest Consultations Received from Other AgenciesComponent10thOldest 9th8th7th 6th5th4th3rd2ndOldestAMSDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000APHISDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000ASCRDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000DMDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000FASDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A2012-09-19Number of Days0000000007FNCSDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000FSADateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000FSISDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000FSDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000GIPSADateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000NADDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000NRCSDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000OBPADateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000OCFODateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000OGCDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000OIGDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000OSEC/OCIODateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000RDDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A2012-04-11Number of Days000000000119REEDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000RMADateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANumber of Days0000000000USDAOVERALLDateN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A2012-09-192012-04-11Number of Days000000007119D. Comparison of Number of Requests from Previous and Current Annual Report – Requests Received, Processed, and BackloggedNUMBER OF REQUESTS RECEIVEDNUMBER OF REQUESTS PROCESSEDComponentNumber Received During Fiscal Year from Last Year’sAnnual ReportNumber Received During Fiscal Year from Current Annual ReportNumber Processed During Fiscal Year from Last Year’s Annual ReportNumber Processed During Fiscal Year from Current Annual ReportAMS121147116133APHIS884943982899ASCR69276727DM79718041FAS42414540FNCS252241239255FSA17,07616,84816,94816,656FSIS294308375426FS2,4502,3092,3852,235GIPSA46544950NAD814814NRCS301361298313OBPA16111611OCFO37303729OGC30292827OIG135128136113OSEC/OCIO8911152144RD85930378591REE165127176127RMA1127211755USDAOVERALL23,06522,17522,93921,686D.2. Comparison of Backlogged Requests from Previous and Current Annual Report ComponentNumber of Backlogged Requests as of End of the Fiscal Year from Previous Annual ReportNumber of Backlogged Requests as of End of the Fiscal Year from Current Annual ReportAMS1616APHIS36129ASCR00DM520FAS10FNCS181FSA312FSIS18574FS125215GIPSA14NAD10NRCS015OBPA00OCFO02OGC1012OIG320OSEC/OCIO5923RD179189REE01RMA88USDAOVERALL650741E. Comparison of Numbers of Administrative Appeals from Previous and Current Annual Report – Appeals Received, Processed, and BackloggedNUMBER OF APPEALS RECEIVEDNUMBER OF APPEALS PROCESSEDComponentNumber Received During Fiscal Year from Last Year’s Annual ReportNumber Received During Fiscal Year from CurrentAnnual ReportNumber ProcessedDuring Fiscal Yearfrom Last Year’sAnnual ReportNumber ProcessedDuring Fiscal Yearfrom CurrentAnnual ReportAMS7568APHIS24361123ASCR3131DM1211FAS0000FNCS35313024FSA31182922FSIS1317FS52665457GIPSA2313NAD0000NRCS15111513OBPA0000OCFO0422OGC1031OIG13101212OSEC/OCIO3423RD2311211REE2221RMA12311USDAOVERALL225210194180OCFO: Please note that the number of appeals processed during the last fiscal year was modified. Specifically, in FY2011, OCFO reported having processed zero appeals. However, after data migration efforts, it was found that OCFO did in fact process two appeals. E.2. Comparison of Backlogged Administrative Appeals from Previous and Current Annual ReportComponentNumber of Backlogged Appeals as of End of the Fiscal Year from Previous Annual Report Number of Backlogged Appeals as of End of the Fiscal Year from Current Annual Report AMS74APHIS6880ASCR00DM01FAS00FNCS718FSA20FSIS50FS1429GIPSA10NAD11NRCS00OBPA00OCFO02OGC10OIG74OSEC/OCIO21RD1810REE00RMA1313USDAOVERALL146163AMS: During FY2011 an appeal was closed due to litigation. Therefore the number of backlogged appeals as of the end of the fiscal year from the previous report has decreased by one. F. Discussion of Other FOIA Activities (Optional) ................

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