COVID-19 Food Processing Checklist for Employers and Workers

COVID-19 Food Processing Checklist for Employers and WorkersThis resource is for use with your COVID-19 Exposure Control Plan. Create a COVID-19 Exposure Control Plan and communicate it with your rm all drivers of the symptoms of COVID-19 and the ways to stop the spread.Inventory PPE supplies and re-order as needed. Examples include gloves, face, and foot coverings.When gloves are used, know how to wear the glove and how to remove the glove.Provide instruction for the use of face masks/face covers.Inventory amount of cleaning supplies and disinfectants. Encourage use, and re-order supplies as needed.Post signs addressing COVID-19 safe work practices.Make sure workers wash their hands for at least 20 seconds.Clean and disinfect work areas and equipment often including at the start and end of shifts, after breaks, and when changing a food product. Also follow standard food service safety precautions.Slow the work line to allow fewer workers.Identify high use locations and areas. Clean and sanitize door handles, machinery controls and tools.Name a COVID-19 person or group to provide updates to employees.Remind workers of COVID-19 safe work practices regularly. Train in small groups.Instruct staff to keep at least 6 feet of distance between each other.Provide additional seating to allow workers to take breaks while staying at least six feet apart.Implement a method for private reporting of personal illness and steps to take if a worker tests positive for COVID-19.Do not allow visitors and outside contractors to enter the building.All necessary visitors will be prescreened to make sure they are not showing signs of illness. All persons will be asked to leave the workplace if they are showing signs of illness.Prevent interaction with truck drivers and limit their movement in the building.Employers shall follow CDC, State and Local Health Department guidelines to develop restrictions for delivery services, and set other policies that can help protect safety and limit transmission of the virus. The goal is to make sure that all workers are informed on the current situation and changes. For additional resources, visit . ................

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