Family and Consumer Sciences

Family and Consumer Sciences

Foods and Nutrition 1A Snapshot

Mrs. Harley

|Date |Daily Learning Target |Agenda- |Formative Assessment |

| | |Congruent Task | |

|Unit 1 – Nutrition & Wellness |

|1 |I can summarize the content |BR |BR: What are your expectations of this course? What do you want |

| |studied and expectations |Syllabus and Expectations |to learn? |

| |required for Foods and Nutrition|Parent Letter | |

| |1A. |Hall Passes | |

| | |Index Card | |

| | |Get to Know You Activity | |

|2 |I can explain the explain the |BR |BR: The foods service classes manage the cookie business in |

| |expectations of Foods and |#1 Letter to Mrs. Harley |order to raise funds for foods labs in class. It is very |

| |Nutrition 1A. |#2 Expectation Quiz |important that this business is run efficiently so we maximize |

| | |FOODS Bingo |our profit. What ideas you do you have to make the business |

| | | |successful? Give at least three examples. |

|3 |I can describe what influences |BR |BR: Make a list of your top five favorite foods. Beside each |

| |the foods that one chooses to |KOSSA Tracking Sheet |food identify why those foods make your top five list. Be |

| |eat. |#3 Name that Food PPT |descriptive in your explanation. |

| | |Foods Survey | |

| | |#2 Unit 1 Dictionary | |

|4 |I can analyze the four reasons |You are What You Eat |BR: Discuss three factors you consider when making decisions |

| |why people eat food. |Take 5 to 10 minutes to draw yourself according to what you have eaten in the past|about the food you eat. |

| | |24 hours. Share pictures. | |

| | |#4 Exploring Food Choices PPT & Guided Notes | |

| | |#4 Exploring Food Choices Discussion Questions | |

| | |#5 Exploring Food Choices Exit Slip | |

| | |Have You Heard WKST | |

|5 |I can explain how the media |Magazine Activity (described at the end of PPT) |BR: List the four reasons people eat food and give an example |

| |impacts U.S. health. |Find three food advertisements in magazines. Paste them on a sheet of paper and |for each influence in your personal life. |

| | |tell me whether each makes you want to buy the product or not. Explain your | |

| | |reactions in detail. | |

| | |#6 Food Advertising and Your Health – Draw the pie chart on board but do not | |

| | |label. Then have students work with a partner to analyze where they think most | |

| | |funding is spent. Once they have made decisions, go over correct answers and | |

| | |discuss. | |

|6 |I can analyze how the life span |#7 Life Span Activities |BR: Think of an elderly person you know. How does your diet |

| |may affect one’s food choices. |Students choose 1 partner. Assign each group a stage in the life span. Have |compare to their diet? Draw a Venn Diagram to illustrate the |

| | |students make posters about the different stages in the life span and how that |differences. Then write a few sentences explaining why their |

| | |affects food choices. Tell students to be prepared to present. |diet should differ. |

|7 |I can describe the main food |BR |BR: List as many of U.S. Regions as you can. List beside each |

| |regions of the US and give |US Regions – All materials are located in electronic Unit 1 Folder, US Regions |region 2 foods that are popular in that area. |

| |examples of regional ingredients|Folder | |

| |and dishes |Map of US Regions | |

| | |Assign Group Project | |

| | |Lab Prep & Market Order Due | |

|8 |I can create a display to |BR |BR: Explain how the following populations impacted U.S. cuisine:|

| |represent the main food regions |Group Project – Work Time |American Indians |

| |of the US and give examples of | |Colonists |

| |regional ingredients and dishes | | |

|9 |I can create a display to |BR | |

| |represent the main food regions |Group Project – Work Time | |

| |of the US and give examples of | | |

| |regional ingredients and dishes | | |

|10 |I can explain how historical |BR |BR: Explain characteristics of the following populations: |

| |events have impacted the food we|Spam Musubi Demonstration |Pennsylvania Dutch |

| |now consume in the U.S. |Review Others Presentations & Complete Chart |Colonists |

|11 |I can create a dish that is |BR |No Bellringer – Hair Back, Apron on, Wash Hands |

| |associated with various U.S. |Regional Lab | |

| |regions. | | |

|12 |I can identify and explain why |BR |BR: Write down the following foods and identify/ guess which US |

| |certain foods are now consumed |Regional Cuisine Matching Game |region or state they originated in. |

| |in the U.S. |Regional Test |-Deep Dish Pizza -Cobb Salad |

| | | |-Grits -Baked Beans |

| | | |-Gumbo -Clam Chowder |

| | | |-Cheese -Goulash |

| | | |-Barbecue -Hazelnuts |

| | | |-Oysters -Maui Maui |

|13 |I can describe food customs in |#6-#12 Cross Cultural Etiquette Project |BR: Different dining etiquette is expected in different |

| |various cultures. |Review Rubric #13 |cultures. Name at least 2 etiquette rules we see in the U.S. |

| | |Research | |

| | |Extra Credit Opportunity: Have a global food day. Encourage students to bring in| |

| | |a dish from another country to share with classmates | |

|14 |I can describe food customs in |State Fair – SUB |BR: What is interesting thing you have learned from you cross |

| |various cultures. |Culture A Research for Project |cultural research? If you lived in another country, simply based|

| | | |on food, which country would you choose? Why? |

|15 |I can describe food customs in |#6-#12 Cross Cultural Etiquette Project |BR: Think about the foods you have consumed in the last week. |

| |various cultures. |Group Presentations |Which ones were stored in packages? How difficult would it have |

| | |Ticket Out The Door: During the presentation, each group will list 5 exam |been for you to obtain those ingredients in the packaged food |

| | |questions they came up with along with the correct answer. Write down each |and make it from scratch? Explain how technology has impacted |

| | |question and answer and turn in as you exit the classroom. |the foods you choose to eat. |

|16 |I can list and analyze the six |#14 Nutrients You Need PPT & Guided Notes |BR: 50 to 60% of our body is made up of water. How much do you |

| |essential nutrients. |#15 Vitamins & Minerals WKST – use textbook to complete |drink daily? Are you getting enough? |

|17 |I can list and analyze the six |#15 Vitamins & Minerals WKST |BR: List the 6 main nutrients. (Carbohydrates, Fats, Protein, |

| |essential nutrients. |#16 Deceptively Delicious Brownies Recipe & Demo |Vitamins, Minerals, Water) |

| | |Assign students a secret ingredient for brownie | |

| | |There is an alternative assignment for those absent on the day of comparison | |

| | |#16 Nursery Rhyme | |

|18 |I can explain how fat in foods |#16 Nursery Rhyme (Complete & Present) |BR: There are different types of oils used when cooking. How |

| |affect the taste of foods and |At the Car Dealer |many types can you think of? List them. |

| |nutrient intake. |- Ask the questions, “Based on what you ate yesterday, what kind of car or truck | |

| | |would you be? Why?” Have students share answers in small groups. Could post | |

| | |vehicle pictures from magazines. If time, follow-up with the question, “What kind | |

| | |of car/truck do you want to be? What can you do to “be” that vehicle? | |

| | |#18 Oil or Butter PPT (aka Skinny on Fats) w/ Guided Notes | |

|19 |I can discuss reasons for and |Deceptive Brownie Lab - Day 1 |BR: Is saturated fat high or low in cholesterol? Name 2 sources |

| |causes of the overweight |#19 Nutrient Quiz |of saturated fat. (High, animal & animal products- beef, |

| |epidemic. | |chicken, pork, eggs, whole milk, cream, butter) |

|20 |I can explain the dietary |#19 Review Nutrient Quiz |BR: List two fats that are not so heart-healthy. What |

| |guidelines for America. |Deceptive Brownie Comparison – Day 2 |consequences do they provide? (saturated fats, trans fats, |

| | |Have each brownie marked a different label. Have students complete the brownie |cholesterol… they raise LDL cholesterol, increase risk for heart|

| | |comparison chart. Once they have completed the chart reveal to them which secret |disease) |

| | |ingredient was used in each brown. Discuss. | |

|21 |I can create a healthy meal plan|#20 Guidelines for Good Nutrition PPT & Guided Notes |BR: Name 2 sources of Omega 3’s. (Albacore tuna, herring, |

| |based on gender, age, height, |#21 Create a Healthy Heart |mackerel, rainbow trout, sardines, salmon, trout, tofu and other|

| |weight and activity. | |soybean products, walnuts, flaxseed, flaxseed oil and canola |

| | | |oil) |

|22 |I can evaluate a person’s diet |My Plate Summary Video (2 minutes) |BR: If an average American is trying to eat a balanced meal and |

| |in relationship to | |stay healthy, what should serve as their guide? Hint: this |

| | |#22 A Brief History of USDA Food Guides Group Activity |source has a website. |

| | |Divide students into each group. Give each group info. about one of the guides. | |

| | |They are to gather info and present to class. Each group will display their info | |

| | |on one giant time line to be displayed. | |

|23 |I can evaluate a person’s diet |#23 My Plate Web Hunt |BR: Do you feel MyPlate is a good representation of what one |

| |in relationship to |#24 My Plate Coloring and Labeling Quiz |should consume? Why or why not? What would you add, take away, |

| | | |or change? |

|24 |I can analyze information found |#25 My Plate PPT & Chart |BR: List the 5 groups of MyPlate. (Grains, Vegetables, Fruits, |

| |on a nutrition label. |Serving Size Quiz (in PPT) |Dairy, Protein Foods) |

| | |#26 Menu Activity | |

|25 |I can analyze information found |#26 Menu Activity |BR: How many calories should an average teenager consume daily? |

| |on a nutrition label. |#26 Label Logic |An athletic teenager? |

|26 |I can examine the digestion |#27 Digestion PPT & Guided Notes |BR: Fill in the blank. _______ is the process of breaking down |

| |process. |Describe digestion process. Give the students something to eat as you describe the|food into usable nutrients. (Digestion) |

| | |process. | |

| | |#28 Digestive System (Color & Label) | |

| | |*If time permits they may complete the #29 Human Digestive System Crossword, word | |

| | |search, or cloze | |

|27 |I can examine the digestion |#29 Digestive Crossword, word search, or cloze | |

| |process. |#30 Digestive On Demand | |

|28 |I can explain topics studied |#31 Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? |BR: Explain three things you have learned during the nutrition |

| |during the Nutrition and You |Ticket Out The Door: I hold high expectations for each one of you. How confident |unit. |

| |Unit. |do you feel about the first test? What plans do you have to help you be successful| |

| | |on the Nutrition test? | |

| | |Unit 1 Study Guide | |

|29 |I can explain topics studied |Catch Up | |

| |during the Nutrition and You |Unit 1 Study Guide | |

| |Unit. | | |

|30 |I can explain topics studied |Unit 1 Test |No Bellringer – Review for Test |

| |during the Nutrition and You |Binder Check | |

| |Unit. | | |

|Unit 2 – Food and You |

|31 |I can analyze my eating |#1 Eating Patterns PPT & Guided Notes |BR: Is it possible that our eating patterns change with age? |

| |patterns in accordance to |#2 Food Record Chart (assign) |Explain your answer. |

| |health and wellbeing. | | |

|32 |I can discuss reasons for and |#4 The Freshman 15 Article and Questions |BR: Define grazing and list two benefits of grazing. (eating |

| |causes of the overweight |Super Size Me Movie with Note Taking Guide (#5-8) |more small meals throughout the day instead of three large |

| |epidemic. | |meals… keeps energy up and metabolism going) |

|33 |I can discuss reasons for and |Super Size Me Movie with Note Taking Guide (#5-8) |BR: What is your favorite restaurant? What advantages and |

| |causes of the overweight | |disadvantages of eating there? |

| |epidemic. | | |

|34 |I can create a personal plan |Food Record Chart Due! |BR: How do you think Kentucky ranks in obesity? Explain two |

| |based on my characteristics. |#3 Eating Pattern Questions |causes of this. Kentucky ranks fourth in the highest obesity. |

| | |#9 Personal Plan Activity |Many of our children are not getting the exercise they need. |

| | | |Poverty plays a huge role as well. |

|35 |I can define terms often |#10 Vegetarian Terms Activity |BR: Discuss what you know about vegetarians. |

| |associated with vegetarian |Read Vegetarian Nutrition for Teenagers | |

| |cuisine. |#11 Vegetarian Reading Guide Questions | |

| | |Vegetarian Lab – | |

| | |Previously I have allowed students to choose their own vegetarian dish to make. I | |

| | |have also just had students make the #11 tortilla pizza. Demo Pizza today, they | |

| | |prepare tomorrow | |

|36 |I can efficiently prepare a |VEGETARAIAN/ TORTILLA PIZZA LAB |LAB – NO Bellringer |

| |vegetarian dish. | | |

|37 |I can assess ones health by |#12 Body and Weight Management Notes and Activity |BR: Are you happy with your body? Are there things you would |

| |utilizing the Body Mass Index. |Find Your BMI Activity |change? What? |

|38 |I can design an illustration to|#12 Body and Weight Management Notes and Activity |BM: Based on the BMI Scale, what number signifies underweight? |

| |increase awareness of a healthy|#15 Healthy Images Poster (Shocking Statistics) |Overweight? Underweight 25 |

| |lifestyle. | | |

|39 |I can define and explain |Attention Athletes Information Sheet |BR: What are three ways to gain weight in a healthy manner? (Eat|

| |differences between overweight,|The ABCS’s of Athlete Nutrition |larger portions, eat regular meals, eat nutrient-dense snacks, |

| |underweight, and normal. |#16 Celebrity Activity |stay active to assure weight gained is muscle, not fat) |

| | |Have students look through current magazines and cut out pictures of models and | |

| | |celebrities. Then have them paste them on pieces of butcher paper in the following| |

| | |three categories: overweight, underweight, normal. Discuss “normal.” | |

|40 |I can analyze how healthy a |I Just Wanted to Be Skinny or “Gabby, You’re Sooo Skinny” Reading Activity |BR: List as many diets as you (i.e. Atkins Diet). What does this|

| |diet really is. |#17 Diet Question Activity |tell us about American culture? |

| | |#18 Diet Research Group Activity | |

| | |#19 Diet Info Packets | |

|41 |I can analyze how healthy a |#18 Diet Research Group Activity |BR: Why do think we struggle as a nation in obesity if there are|

| |diet really is. | |so many diets out there? |

|42 |I can compare various diet fads|#18 Present Diet Projects & Personal Notes |BR: List 2 interesting things you have learned from the diet |

| |in the U.S. | |research you have conducted. |

|43 |I can identify eating disorders|#20 Case Study – Group Share |BR: If you have a friend that was considering going on a diet. |

| |and explain their symptoms, |#21 Eating Disorder Pre-Assessment PPT |What diet would you recommend? Why? |

| |cause and solutions. |#22 Eating Disorders PPT | |

| | |Eating Disorders Chart | |

|44 |I can identify eating disorders|#23 Eating Disorders Public Service Pamphlet |BR: Explain the difference between anorexia, bulimia and binge |

| |and explain their symptoms, | |eating. |

| |cause, and solutions. | | |

|45 |I can identify eating disorders|#23 Eating Disorders Public Service Pamphlet |BR: How does an eating disorder affect the friends and family |

| |and explain their symptoms, | |members as well as the individual with an eating disorder? |

| |cause, and solutions. | | |

|46 |I can compare various diets |#24 Eating Disorders Quiz |BR: Explain why it might be more important for young children and|

| |depending on the conditions of |#25 Special Topics in Nutrition PPT & Guided Notes |elderly persons to make sure to eat nutrient-dense foods? |

| |the individual. |#26 What We Eat in a Week (Pictures on PPT) | |

|47 |I can analyze the differences |#27 World Hunger PPT & Guided Notes |BR: Anderson County High School has a ____ of students receiving |

| |between US food consumption and|#28 Discuss causes of obesity |free and/or reduced lunch prices? If we consider this, why is it |

| |various countries. |Personal Plan Due – If needed, give students time to complete writing in the |so important that our cafeteria serve nutrient dense options for |

| | |computer lab. |lunch? |

| | |#9 Dietary Planning KWL Chart | |

|48 |I can discuss reasons for and |#29 Obesity PPT w/ Guided Notes |BR: What four populations suffer the most with malnutrition? Why?|

| |causes of the overweight |#31 Obesity in America Article | |

| |epidemic. |#30 Obesity Writing Prompt | |

|49 | |#31 Processed vs Natural Foods Stations |BR: What are three world wide problems that often lead to food |

| | |Have students complete packet by completing stations |concerns? |

| | |Demo Fire Hot Cheetos on Fire | |

|50 | |#31 Processed vs. Natural Foods Stations |BR: Citizens in the U.S. make up ___% of the world’s population |

| | |#32 Homemade Cheeto Recipe - Copy |and consume ____% of the resources of the world. Why is this an |

| | | |issue? |

|51 | |#32 Homemade Cheeto Lab |BR: Explain Energy Imbalance. Why is this such a concern for |

| | | |children and teenagers? |

|52 |I can summarize topics studied |#31 Bingo | |

| |during the Food and You Unit. |Word Search | |

|54 |I can summarize topics studied |#32 Study Guide | |

| |during the Food and You Unit. |Food and You Crossword | |

|55 |I can summarize topics studied |#33 Jeopardy Review | |

| |during the Food and You Unit. | | |

|56 |I can summarize topics studied |Unit 2 Exam |No Bellringer – Prepare for Test |

| |during the Food and You Unit. |Binder Check | |

| | |Recipe Check | |

|57 |I can design my final lab |Review |BR: After studying unit 4, create three learning targets, “I |

| |encompassing the methods and | |can” statements, to display what you have learned in this unit. |

| |techniques in which I have | | |

| |developed in foods 1A. | | |

|58 |I can design my final lab |Review | |

| |encompassing the methods and | | |

| |techniques in which I have | | |

| |developed in foods 1A. | | |

|59 |I can prepare my final lab |Finals 1, 3, 5 | |

| |demonstrating the methods and | | |

| |techniques in which I have | | |

| |developed in foods 1A. | | |

|60 |I can prepare my final lab |Finals 2 & 4 | |

| |demonstrating the methods and | | |

| |techniques in which I have | | |

| |developed in foods 1A. | | |


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