Charnwood Nursery & Pre-school Group | Charnwood Nursery ...

|Illness/Disease |Description |Symptoms |Incubation &/or infectious period |Period of Exclusion |

|Chicken Pox |Chicken pox is a highly contagious disease |Mild fever & headache. Spots will appear on |Incubation period: |5 days from onset of rash. |

| |caused by Varicella Zoster virus. Most |the face and torso over the course of the |10-21 days | |

| |children will have contact with the disease |next five days. Rash will continue to spread |Infectious period: | |

| |during their early years and once caught the |across the body, blister, break, scab and |2 days before and 5 days after onset of| |

| |virus will stay with a person for life. |heal. The disease usually takes 5-7 days to |rash. | |

| |Pregnant women who have not had chicken pox |run it’s course from the initial signs (mild | | |

| |should be advised to see their GP. |fever). | | |

|Common Cold |There are over 200 viruses that can cause a |Runny or stuffy nose. This may lead to |A cold can last from 2-7 days. |Not necessary unless symptoms |

| |cold. Most infants and children will have |blockage of the nasal passages, irritability,| |are severe. |

| |several mild upper respiratory infections each|restlessness, poor appetite, decreased | | |

| |year. |activity level, dry cough, slight fever, | | |

| | |head/chest congestion, vomiting may occur. | | |

|Conjunctivitis |Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the |Redness & soreness of the eyeball. Bacterial |Bacterial & viral conjunctivitis is |Allergic–not necessary. |

| |transparent layer of tissue (the conjunctiva) |& viral conjunctivitis symptoms can also |very contagious and can be passed | |

| |that covers the white of the eye. |include white or yellow discharge that may |through contact of the discharge and |Bacterial-can return 24 hours |

| |There are 4 types of conjunctivitis: |cause the eyelid to temporarily stick shut. |the infected materials. |after start of antibiotics. |

| |bacterial: viral: allergic and ophthalmia |Allergic conjunctivitis (watery discharge) is| | |

| |neonatorum (affects newborns only) |a common complaint of allergy sufferers and | |Viral-3-5 days after symptoms |

| | |is usually accompanied with sneezing and a | |begin to improve. |

| | |runny nose. | | |

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|Illness/Disease |Description |Symptoms |Incubation &/or infectious period |Period of Exclusion |

|Diphtheria |Diphtheria is rare in the UK due to |Runny nose. Swelling of the larynx and |Incubation: |The infected child should be |

| |immunisation. |airways. Difficulty breathing. |3-7days |excluded as soon as diphtheria|

| |The diphtheria bacteria passes from person to | | |is suspected and immediate |

| |person much the same as the common cold. The | |Infectious: 2 weeks from on-set of |treatment sought. |

| |bacteria causes inflammation of the throat and| |symptoms. |The child can return once the |

| |a grey-coloured membrane develops on the | | |doctor has certified that |

| |lining of the throat, which can cause | | |three consecutive nasal swabs |

| |breathing difficulties. In severe cases it | | |(taken on different days) have|

| |inflames the heart and nerves. This is a | | |proved negative. |

| |dangerous disease, and hospital treatment must| | | |

| |be given quickly. | | | |

|Gastroenteritis |Inflammation of the lining of the stomach and |Nausea & vomiting, diarrhea, loss of |Most types of gastroenteritis lasts for|48 hours or until child has |

|(stomach flu) |intestines. It is the most common cause of |appetite, abdominal cramps and pain. |12 hours to couple of days. |fully recovered. |

| |vomiting and diarrhoea. |Sometimes accompanied with a fever. | | |

|Diarrohoea/vomiting | | | | |

|German Measles |Mild childhood disease, however can cause |Mild fever, swollen glands, pink rash over |Incubation period: 14-21 days |Until rash has disappeared and|

|(rubella) |birth defects if brought into contact with a |face and chest. | |child feels well. |

| |pregnant woman. | |Infectious period: few days before rash| |

| | | |appears until 5-7 days after. | |

|Head Lice |Head lice are tiny insects about 2 millimeters|Itchy scalp – may occur up to a week after |Head lice pass from head-to-head |Parents must treat the child |

| |long which live on the scalp and neck of |infestation. |contact only and is very contagious. |immediately that lice or live |

| |humans. The brown/grey eggs, called nits, are | | |eggs have been discovered. The|

| |stuck to the hair close to the scalp. | | |child must be treated fully |

| |Treatment may include shampooing with specific| | |before returning to nursery |

| |lotions and using a fine-tooth comb. | | |ensuring that all lice and |

| | | | |live eggs have been removed. |

| | | | |It is advisable to treat the |

| | | | |whole family. |

|Hand, Foot & Mouth |Hand foot and mouth is a viral infection that |Cold like symptoms, such as loss of appetite,|Hand, foot and mouth disease is | None However if the child is |

|(HFMD) |can affect young children. It doesn’t usually |cough and a moderately high temperature of |a self-limiting condition, which means |ill from symptoms parents are |

| |pose a serious threat to a child’s health but |around 38-39°C (100.4- 102.2°F) |that it will get better on its own |advised to keep them at home |

| |it can be an unpleasant condition, |a non-itchy red rash that develops on the |without treatment. The symptoms will |until better. |

| |Particularly in younger children |hand and the feet; sometimes the rash can |usually pass within seven days. |Possible treatment options |

| | |develop into painful blisters and painful | |include: using |

| | |mouth ulcers | |paracetamol, ibuprofen and |

| | | | |mouth gels to relieve the pain|

| | | | |of mouth ulcers drinking |

| | | | |plenty of fluids to help |

| | | | |relieve a high temperature |

|Illness/Disease |Description |Symptoms |Incubation &/or infectious period |Period of Exclusion |

|Impetigo |Impetigo is a contagious bacterial skin |Blistery rash (usually appearing on exposed |Infectious: from on-et of infection |Until 24 hours after treatment|

| |infection that can spread rapidly in close |areas such as hands, arms etc) blister will |until blisters have scabbed over. |has begun and spots have |

| |contact areas. Impetigo is easily spread |break, scab and heal. | |crusted over. |

| |through direct contact of an infected person | | | |

| |to healthy, usually through discharge from the| | | |

| |blisters. | | | |

|Influenza (flu) |Flu is caused by a group of viruses which have|Fever, shaking/chills, body aches, headache, |Incubation: 2-3 days |Until symptoms have subsided |

| |the ability to change, so escape the body’s |fatigue, dry cough, runny nose, sore throat, | |and child feels well |

| |immune system. The infection is spread from |nausea vomiting |Infectious: 1-2 weeks from when | |

| |person to person by droplets from coughing and| |symptoms first appear | |

| |sneezing. It can also be spread by hand | | | |

| |contact through droplets from the nose and | | | |

| |hands. | | | |

|Measles |The measles virus is very contagious and is |High fever. Tiny red dots with white heads in|Incubation: 8-12 days |Until 5 days after the rash |

| |transmitted through the contact with saliva, |mouth on upper inside of cheek. Rash appears | |has appeared and child has |

| |which can occur when an infected person |around the forehead, behind ears and downward|Infectious: 5 days before rash until 4 |fully recovered. |

| |sneezes or coughs. It can also be transmitted |over entire body. General flu-like symptoms, |days after rash disappears | |

| |through contact with an infected person’s |hacking cough, swollen glands, redness, | | |

| |blood or urine. |discharge from eyes, sensitivity to light. | | |

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|Illness/Disease |Description |Symptoms |Incubation &/or infectious period |Period of Exclusion |

|Mumps |Mumps is a virus passed via direct contact of |Swelling pain in the salivary gland in one or|Incubation: 16-25 days |9 days |

| |saliva from an infected person to healthy. |both sides of the face along the back angles | | |

| | |of the jaw, fever, headache, sore-throat, |Infectious: from 7 days before symptoms| |

| | |ear-ache. If there is swelling in testes, |appear to 9 days after | |

| | |stiff neck, difficulty breathing or | | |

| | |convulsions – seek immediate medical | | |

| | |attention. | | |

|Polio (poliomyelitis) |Polio is rare in the UK because of |In most cases there are no outward symptoms |Incubation: 3-21 days |Until treatment has been |

| |immunisation. The virus damages the nerves |or serious affects, however these symptoms | |sought and on recommendation |

| |that supply the muscles, including the |may occur: |Infectious: from 2 days after first |of GP |

| |breathing muscles and in severe cases can |Mild-fever, nausea, headaches |contact of virus until 6 weeks or | |

| |cause paralysis. Polio is spread through |Severe- weakness, breathlessness, paralysis, |longer after on-set | |

| |contact with infected faeces. |muscle pain, difficulty swallowing | | |

|Illness/Disease |Description |Symptoms |Incubation &/or infectious period |Period of Exclusion |

|Ringworm (tinea) |Ringworm is a fungal infection that grows on the |Itchy, red blister-like bumps over an area of|Infectious: whilst rash is present |If lesion cannot be covered, |

| |outer layers of the skin, hair or nails. The name |the body, cracked and sore skin. | |exclude child until treatment |

| |‘ringworm’ is commonly used because the infection | | |has started and lesion has |

| |can have a round shape with small blister-like | | |shrunk. |

| |bumps on the edges that look like worms. Worms do | | | |

| |not cause ringworm. | | | |

|Scabies |Scabies is caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei |Adults – sever itching on wrists, elbows, |Incubation: 4-6 weeks |The child may return as soon |

| |which lives on a human hose. The mite borrows into |between fingers, waistline or buttocks. | |as the treatment is complete |

| |the skin depositing eggs and faeces which cause |Children- all of the above, scalp, neck, |Infectious: as long as a person remains|and the prescriptive |

| |severe itching. The mite is usually spread by close|face, palms and soles |infected and untreated, including the |medication is washed off the |

| |contact. |Babies- tiny blister-like sores in palms and |period before symptoms appear |skin. |

| | |soles. | | |

|Scarlet fever (see also |Scarlet fever is another sign of strep throat. |Sore throat and fever. Rash (tiny speckled |Infectious: the rash itself is not |5 days after starting |

|strep throat) |Scarlet fever is a childhood disorder that usually |dots) appears on chest and abdomen, but is |infectious, but the strep infection is.|antibiotic treatment. |

| |occurs between the ages of 2 and 10. The rash is |more apparent in skin folds e.g. armpits. | | |

| |caused by a toxin that is present in some strep |Rash feels rough and sandpapery. Rash will | | |

| |bacteria. |cover whole body within 24 hours. | | |

|Slapped cheek syndrome |Slapped cheek syndrome is an infection caused by |Mild fever, runny nose, sore throat, fatigue,|Infectious: before the on-set of rash. |Exclusion is not necessary |

|(fifths disease) |parvovirus B19 and is usually a mild illness. The |flushed cheeks, headache, abdominal pain, | |once the rash has appeared. If|

| |virus is usually spread via airborne droplets of |rash on arms and legs-develops about 7 days | |the virus is identified before|

| |saliva that are sneezed or coughed. May cause |after the flu-like symptoms started. | |the on-set of rash it is |

| |anemia to infected person. It may be dangerous to | | |recommended to see medical |

| |unborn babies if mother becomes infected. | | |treatment and exclude child |

| | | | |until rash appears. |

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|Illness/Disease |Description |Symptoms |Incubation &/or infectious period |Period of Exclusion |

|Strep Throat (see also |Strep throat is most common in children aged 3-15. |Severe sore throat, difficulty swallowing, |Infectious: most infectious while |Until 48 hours after starting |

|scarlet fever) |Strep throat is caused by a virus which passes from|high temperature, white/yellow spots, |symptoms are present. If left untreated|antibiotic treatment. |

| |person to person through the coughs and sneezes of |headache, swollen glands |strep throat is contagious for 2-3 | |

| |an infected person inhaled by a healthy person. | |weeks. | |

|Tetanus (lockjaw) |Tetanus is an infection by bacterial spores which |Cut or graze for bacteria to gain entry into |Incubation: 3-20 days |Until the child feels well. |

| |enter the body through a wound. |the body. Inability to open mouth, difficulty| | |

| | |swallowing, contraction of facial muscles, |Infections: tetanus is not contagious | |

| | |irritability. | | |

|Tuberculosis (TB) |TB is spread when TB-causing bacterium are breathed|Active TB of the lungs: |Incubation: varies. However dormant TB |Until treatment has been |

| |into the air by an infected person. It is more |Fatigue, loss of appetite, fever and chills, |can become active at any time. |sought and on doctor’s |

| |likely to be spread between people who spend a lot |night sweats, weight loss, coughing mucus | |recommendation. |

| |of time together. However, it is not spread by |(sometimes with blood), shortness of breath, |Infectious: dormant TB is not | |

| |handling objects touched by an infected person. |chest pain, rapid pulse, muscle weakness |infectious. Active TB varies but it may| |

| |There are two stages of infection: being infected | |still be infectious as long as 2 weeks | |

| |and not developing active TB or being attacked by | |after beginning drug treatment. | |

| |the bacteria as it becomes active. | | | |

|Whooping Cough (pertussis)|Pertussis, commonly called whooping cough, is a |Stage 1 (last several days to 2 weeks): |Incubation: 7-14 days |Until the child has received |

| |bacterial infection of the lungs. The infection |cold-like symptoms with mild cough. Stage 2 | |treatment for at least five |

| |causes the breathing passages to swell and narrow, |(last 2-4 weeks or longer): coughing will |Infectious: most contagious during the |days or 21days after on-set of|

| |resulting in severe coughing spells. The disease is|increase followed by ‘whooping’ sounds |first two weeks of stage one. |first symptoms if no |

| |easily spread when an infected person coughs. |(babies may not make this noise), nausea & | |antibiotic treatment. |

| | |vomiting, breathing difficulties. | | |

| | |Stage3: general symptoms improve but coughing| | |

| | |may become louder during convalescence. | | |

|Worms |Parasitic worms live in the large intestine and lay|Anal itching, restless sleep. |Incubation: 2-6 weeks |Exclude until 24 hours after |

| |their eggs around the anus at night. Worms are | | |treatment has started. |

| |spread when an infected person touches the anal | |Infectious: from the first day of | |

| |area and then touches other people or objects. The | |infection until second treatment has | |

| |eggs can survive away from the human host for up to| |been administered (two weeks after | |

| |two weeks. | |first). | |

Last Updated 17th September 2015


Illness Exclusion Table


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