Does Defense Win Championships?A WebQuest for 8th Grade MathDesigned byAdam Carteraxc1059@sru.eduIntroduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Teacher PageObjectives & Standards Given a list of websites, TSWBAT locate and record data with no error.TSWBAT compare and contrast the data and create corresponding graphs with no more than 2 errors.Upon gathering statistical information, TSWBAT compose a thesis arguing whether offense or defense wins championships and compare it to their .2.4.8.B.1Analyze and/or interpret bivariate data displayed in multiple representations.M08.D‐S.1.1.1M08.D‐S.1.1.2M08.D‐S.1.1.3A1. that patterns of association can be seen in bivariate data utilizing frequencies.M08.D‐S.1.2.1IntroductionDoes defense win championships? Imagine you are an ESPN analyst researching the Division 1 NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision. You have been given the task of determining overall whether offense or defense is statistically more influential to winning. You are looking at the relationship between total team offense and wins and also total team defense and wins.The Task You will:Form a hypothesis: Statistically, do you think defense is more important than offense for winning in Division 1 NCAA FBS?Research and record the total team offensive and defensive stats and rankings of the winning teams in all 5 BCS bowl games in the last ten years.Write a summary of your results.Form a thesis/position based on your pare and contrast your hypothesis and thesis.Create a poster including your hypothesis, graphs, research, and thesis.Properly site your sources.You will be able to use the websites provided. If you would like to use a different, it will have to be cleared with me first.The Process First get a partner (groups of 2).Form a hypothesis and answer the question “Does offense or defense win championships?”Use the websites provided to research the winning teams of the five BCS bowl games over the past 10 seasons and their Total Team Offensive and Total Team Defensive statistics.Record your data in an organized manner (compile in a chart).Graph your data (Use any style, be creative).Write a minimum 200 word summary of what you discovered.Form a thesis to answer the question based on your new knowledge and compare or contrast it to your hypothesis.Create a poster including all of this information to put on display. will have to navigate through links on these websites to get the stats and rankings for the different years.Evaluation The grading for this assignment will focus on your poster. Be sure to include the stats you recorded, well organized and labeled graphs, a clear well constructed thesis and summary. Make sure the data clearly supports and explains your thesis. Be creative when you’re conveying the information in the graphs (use multiple graphs and different styles). Cite your sources.Graphing : Statistical Analysis Poster ProjectTeacher Name:?Mr. Carter?Student Name: ? ? ________________________________________CATEGORY4321Data RecordedAccurate data recorded (teams and team statistics)Data recorded with 2 or less errors. Limited unnecessary data.Data recorded with 3 to 5 errors. A substantial amount of unnecessary data and/or a limited amount of data omitted.Inaccurate, irrelevant or no data recorded. Data recorded with 5 or more errors.Accuracy of PlotAll points are plotted correctly and are easy to see. A ruler is used to neatly connect the points or make the bars, if not using a computerized graphing program.All points are plotted correctly and are easy to see.All points are plotted correctly.Points are not plotted correctly OR extra points were included.Labeling of X axisThe X axis has a clear, neat label that describes the units used for the independent variable (e.g, days, months, participants\' names).The X axis has a clear label that describes the units used for the independent variable.The X axis has a label.The X axis is not labeled.Labeling of Y axisThe Y axis has a clear, neat label that describes the units and the dependent variable (e.g, % of dogfood eaten; degree of satisfaction).The Y axis has a clear label that describes the units and the dependent variable (e.g, % of dogfood eaten; degree of satisfaction).The Y axis has a label.The Y axis is not labeled.Summary and ThesisThesis clearly stated. Summary well organized. Conventions and mechanics are exemplary.Effective thesis. Summary includes sufficient detail. Limited conventions and mechanics errors.Suitable thesis. Summary has limited focus and includes some detail. Adequate conventions and mechanics.Poor or no thesis. Summary lacks focus and detail. Several conventions and mechanics errors.Conclusion This assignment is designed to strengthen your online research skills, graphing/charting skills, data analytical skills, as well as forming a thesis based on information you collected and comparing it to a previous hypothesis. By putting you in the shoes of an ESPN analyst, you can think better from a researcher’s point of view and compile all of your information together on a poster.Credits & References Webquest Template From: Logo: updated on August 15, 1999. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page ................

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