2008 / 2009 updated 16.07.08


1. SGIS Sports constitution and governance

2. Competition Policy Guidelines

3. SGIS Sports Coordinator

4. SGIS Sports Committee

5. General

6. Pre-Tournament

7. Tournament Organization

8. Ages and Eligibility of Competitors

9. Team Roster

10. Uniforms

11. Referees

12. Injuries

13. Supervision / Coaches

14. Meeting of Coaches

15. Accommodation 11 Conduct

16. Award Ceremony and Trophies

17. Post –Tournament

18. Sanctions

19. Finances

20. Miscellaneous

21. International sports organization rules

22. Specific sports handbook sections


Established 1992/1993

1. Set up in accordance to THE SWISS GROUP OF INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS (SGIS) ARTICLES OF THE ORGANISATION, Section 2: Activities, d) Sports:

"To promote interschool sports competition at every level sports directors shall meet in a general assembly twice each year. From this group, six sports directors shall be designated to form a sports committee with responsibilities for different sports. This committee shall meet at least twice each academic year."

Furthermore, Section 4: The Executive Committee, d) "...shall be responsible for confirming the appointment of the SGIS Sports Coordinator..."

(June 30, 1991, signed by Executive Committee Members)

A resignation notice period of three months shall be given by a resigning Sports Coordinator.

3. For the election of a new sports coordinator:

i. Nominations will be sent to the departing Sports Coordinator the week prior to the general meeting of athletic directors.

ii. Presentations by nominees may take place at the general meeting of athletic directors once their nomination has been formally proposed and seconded.

iii. The final decision will be made by secret ballot at that general meeting of athletic directors, by majority decision. A second, faceoff secret ballot will settle a drawn outcome of the first ballot.

iv. Final approval of the elected sports coordinator will be given by the SGIS Executive Committee.

Changes in sports committee membership will be made at the general meeting of athletic directors. Candidates should be nominated or self nominated from the area of the retiring member, if possible. A secret ballot will take place if more nominations arise than places.

See page 4 for the current membership and duty distribution within the SGIS sports committee.

SGIS Sports Coordinator

The SGIS Sports Coordinator is responsible for organising meetings for the SGIS Sports Committee (minimum two; one should be in the first term and the second should be prior to the AGM in the spring)

The SGIS Sports Coordinator has the power to arrange extraordinary meetings.

The present SGIS Sports Coordinator is:

Elinor Osborne, Inter-Community School

The SGIS Sports Coordinator has been co-opted onto the SGIS executive board.

SGIS Sports Committee 

1. The SGIS Sports Coordinator, in consultation with the SGIS Sports Committee, is responsible for organizing the SGIS Sports AGM, and notifying all schools concerned. (April and September).

The SGIS Sports Committee is responsible for preparing the contents of the agenda for the SGIS Sports Directors' Meetings (April and September).

A list of all SGIS Sports competitions, venues and dates will be set by the SGIS Sports Committee and displayed on the SGIS sports web pages before the commencement of the next school year.

The SGIS Sports Committee is responsible for listing current members, addresses, emails, telephone and fax numbers and displaying this (password protected for all on the list) on the SGIS sports web pages.

All SGIS Sports Competitions are governed by the SGIS Sports Committee.

Each SGIS Sports tournament director will be charged Sfr.100.by the SGIS Sports Committee treasurer to cover administration and consultation costs. This fee is due 14 days after the receipt of the invoice from the SGIS sports organization.

The SGIS Sports Committee advises regarding the type of competition and suitability of host schools.

The present SGIS Sports Committee and advisory roles:

Elinor Osborne, ICS – basketball, tennis, sports coordinator, web pages

Linda Pujol, ISG La Chataigneraie – rugby, badminton

Moana Whatarau, IS Basel – volleyball, unihockey, swimming, touch rugby

Keith Rhodes, ISG Nations – football, golf

Betta Hanson, TASIS – track & field, lacrosse


Each SGIS member school is responsible for sending a representative to the April and September SGIS Sports Directors' Meetings.

Each SGIS Sports tournament director is responsible for confirming their tournament hostings for the next school year at the September SGIS Sports Directors' Meeting.

SGIS schools must have paid their SGIS dues to compete at an SGIS Sports tournament. Only SGIS affiliated schools may participate in SGIS tournaments.

|4. All SGIS schools are guaranteed entry of one team in a SGIS Sports |

|tournament. The host school to get priority for a second team and then it will be based on first come first served in|

|regards to second team requests. Some of the bigger one day tournaments have been expanded to two days in order to |

|make it easier for host schools to accommodate more teams and not lose the quality of the tournament. |

5. Division two is for all teams not entering an SGIS tournament on the grounds that they don’t consider their standard high enough to compete. In the main tournament this can also include B teams.

6. Each SGIS member school are obligated to try and host at least one SGIS Sports tournament each year. If there is a special circumstance, that stops a school from fulfilling this, then the AD needs to speak to the SGIS Head Sports Coordinator at the Fall AGM. Furthermore, it is possible that schools without facilities can use another schools facility in order to host their tournament. (for example, ISW using ICS’s gyms at Farlifang. ISW will be responsible for organising the tournament with some support form ICS.)

7. All SGIS member schools are invited to host competitions. By accepting to host an SGIS sports tournament the responsibility is on the school and not the sports director. Hosting schools therefore must be fully committed and prepared to help thoroughly (i.e. from finding adequate accommodation for all traveling schools, supplying suitable refreshments at the sporting facility, providing professional medical/firstaid personnel, etc.) Directors or school administrators, as well as student bodies, and parent support groups should all be involved in the making of the events for the success of the participants.

8. SGIS Sports have a seasonal sporting approach, allowing for stronger competitions.


Hosting schools should send information about SGIS Sports tournaments to all SGIS member schools at least six school weeks prior to the tournament date, asking for school participation. Schools must send participation registration responses within two school weeks of receiving the information. The host school must clearly indicate the registration deadline date.

Approximate cost for the tournament should be included in the invitation/inscription. If for some reason the cost changes during the weeks leading up to the tournament itself, then the Tournament Director must inform the teams participating prior to the tournament taking place. If the actual cost is much higher than the approximate cost, then the tournament should discuss this matter with the SGIS Sports Co-ordinator to discuss how to handle the situation. It is possible that if the costs are much higher than the approximate cost, the host school may have to cover the difference.

Deadlines for inscriptions need to be strictly respected.

Late inscriptions to tournaments may be accepted at the discretion of the SGIS Sports tournament director and with the approval of the SGIS Sports Coordinator.

The SGIS Sports tournament director will send a written confirmation to all participating teams within three days of the inscription deadline. All schools that are already attending should respond to this e-mail to confirm attendance.

At least two weeks prior to the tournament a tournament schedule, arrival and departure times and any accommodation instructions should be sent to all participating schools.

The SGIS roster form must be downloaded from the SGIS sports web pages and completed by participating schools. It must be returned, signed by the school’s SGIS sports representative prior to, or at, the coaches meeting. The roster stated at the coaches meeting is final. An e-mailed copy from the school’s SGIS sports representative is equivalent to a signature. Teams that include ineligible players on their team roster or falsify information forfeit their place and award in the tournament.

All correspondence concerning SGIS Sports tournaments must be sent to the officially designated SGIS sports contact at the school (see mailing list on SGIS sports web pages).

As a matter of courtesy all SGIS Sports correspondence should be answered.

The person in charge who signs the tournament acceptance form for the SGIS Sports Competition does so knowing that they are committing their school to both financial and participation obligations. The tournament director has the right to charge any withdrawing teams up to the full tournament fee.

This same person is responsible to the SGIS Sports Committee, for that tournament.

11. Payment of inscription fees by participating teams is due after the tournament. An approximate cost must be given to all participating schools prior to the tournament. (see number 2 above). Schools will be billed for the inscription fees straight after the tournament. Please include a detailed invoice and banking details with all billing. This should be within 3-5 working weeks after the tournament.

12. The financial obligation of teams should include the SGIS Consultation Fee, cost of awards, professional first-aid personnel, rental of facilities, expenses of referees, extra cleaning, etc.

Tournament Organisation

Every effort should be made by the SGIS Sports tournament director to ensure that the facilities and equipment meet the appropriate requirements.

2. All SGIS controlled venues, where possible, are encouraged to be 'NO SMOKING'.

3. A tournament organization area should be clearly marked at a location convenient to all participating teams. The table should be manned by an adult or competent student at all times.

4. All SGIS Sports tournaments must have comprehensive written guidelines for tournament organization. There should be some consistency between tournaments that are of the same nature in regards to format and sports rules, so that coaches and teams have some form of expectation upon arrival of the different tournaments. (i.e. snr indoor soccer, cat 3 soccer, cat 3 and snr BB, etc)

5. SGIS Sports differing by either age category or sex should have similarly structured organizational rules (i.e. basketball, soccer, volleyball, tennis), based on the handbook section for that specific sport. Any exceptions to the guidelines in that sports handbook section must be clearly communicated to the SGIS sports contact person at each participating school.

6. All efforts should be made to have weekend tournaments scheduled to end by 15:00 on Sunday. The addition of two day tournaments for some events has been done to keep this rule in effect.


7. Coaches are expected to be at the coaches meeting, regardless of their teams starting time in the tournament. If there is no coach in attendance, then the coach may not complain about any issues that were discussed in the coaches meeting prior to the start of the tournament.

8. Determining how a team progresses in a competition must be clearly defined in writing prior to the commencement of the tournament.

9. If there needs to be a back to back game, or a possibility that a team might be inconvenienced, it should be the host school where possible.

10. For all tournaments involving an initial round of pool play, the top two teams from each pool should advance to the finals.

11. Where possible senior SGIS Sports tournaments are to be divided up into divisions. Division one is to be the stronger (experienced or SV) and the division two for the less strong (beginners or JV).

12. The organising school must provide a professional first aid person for every tournament. The cost of this, if there is one, should be factored into the tournament fees for the competing schools.

Ages and Eligibility of Competitors

An athlete must be currently enrolled at an SGIS school in order to represent the school at an SGIS Sports tournament.

Teams should respect the maximum age qualifications. Each competition will be categorized. SGIS senior team competitions are generally regarded as Cat I & 2 unless otherwise stated. Players’ eligibility is determined by their year of birth as of September 1.

For tournaments in the school year 2008 / 2009 these are:

|Category |Date of Birth |

|1 |1.9.88 – 31.8.91 |

|2 |1.9.91 – 31.8.93 |

|3 |1.9.93 – 31.8.95 |

|4 |1.9.95 – 31.8.97 |

|5 |1.9.97 – 31.8.99 |

|6 |1.9.99 – 31.8.01 |

These dates will be revised for the school year 2009/ 2010

3. Age I.D.'s should be available at any point during a tournament.


1. All team members must wear uniform shirts (numbered where appropriate) and sport shorts of similar style and colour in order to participate in a SGIS Sports tournament.


Proficient referees or umpires must be employed in all SGIS Sports competitions.

Where possible the SGIS Sports tournament director should refrain from refereeing. However, if this is not possible, another official must be appointed to take over the duties of the tournament organising and handle all matters including disputes, etc.

Coaches and players must respect the decisions made by the referees. Any official complaint must be made in writing immediately after the game and submitted to the SGIS Sports tournament director.

Official scoring tables should have adult supervision. Students may be used for scoring tables, but there should be an adult there to oversee them at all times. (this adult may be a staff member, parent or official referee)


1. Host schools must provide professional medical personnel to deal with all types of accident and emergencies. The cost of this, if there is one, should be factored into the tournament fees for the competing schools.

2. For minor injuries, it is up the individual school to provide their own traveling medical team first aid kits.

3. It is ultimately the visiting coach and the first aid personnel’s final decision regarding whether an injured player should continue playing or not, but there should be some consultation with the tournament director as well, once this decision has been made (or is being made).

Supervision / Coaches

An adult from each school in addition to the coach should be in attendance at SGIS Sports tournaments. (An extra chaperone should be in attendance for all tournaments, for supervision, injuries, etc)

Coaches should respect the fact that they are teachers and offer positive examples to students and to other coaches. Role modelling is expected behaviour from all coaches.

Meeting of Coaches

1. The SGIS Sports tournament director must state the time of the coaches meeting prior to the start of any SGIS Sports tournament competition. All tournaments must have a coaches meeting prior to the start of the tournament.

2. Each team must send a representative to and must present any changes in the roster at the meeting of the coaches. Coaches who are not in attendance at the meeting of coaches must accept and follow all decisions and guidelines reviewed.

3. All coaches must have the Tournament Director’s contact phone number in case there is an unexpected delay in their arrival.


1. Schools using any kind of overnight accommodation for a SGIS Sports tournament must ensure that team members are properly supervised by an appropriate number of adult chaperones.


Players must respect rules both on and off the field of play for the entire duration of the SGIS Sports competition as set by the SGIS Sports tournament director, and in accordance with this policy manual.

The SGIS Sports tournament director has the right to dismiss a player, coach or spectator from the area of play for any offence deemed justified.

3. In the case of a dispute, a decision would be made by a small committee composed of the SGIS Sports tournament director and two uninvolved coaches.

4. All appeals during a SGIS Sports competition should be submitted, in writing, to the SGIS Sports tournament director, immediately following the tournament in question.

5. The SGIS Sports tournament director has the final authority over all tournament decisions.

6. All players are to refrain from smoking at the venue, changing rooms and restaurant during the competition.

7. All visitors are asked to respect property and not to litter.

Award Ceremony and Trophies

Presentation of the SGIS Sports awards should be made immediately after the completion of the final game at an area announced by the SGIS Sports tournament director.

No team should leave the competition facilities before the presentation of the awards. Teams unable to follow this request are required to have the permission of the SGIS Sports tournament director.

SGIS Sports travelling trophies are discretionary for all SGIS Sports tournaments. These trophies remain the property of the SGIS Sports Committee. It is the responsibility of the wining school to engrave the SGIS Sports travelling trophy and to return it in a presentable manner on or before the day of the next SGIS Sports competition.

For all SGIS individual sports such as skiing, swimming, cross country and track and field, medals will be given for the top three finishers in each event and category (gold, silver, and bronze). A trophy may be awarded to the winning team in each category.

All SGIS Sports participation certificates and SGIS Sports permanent miniature trophies must be purchased by the hosting school. The costs will be included in the inscription fee for each tournament.

For division one, an individual trophy should be awarded for the first, place team. For division two there are NO trophies. For division 2 tournaments, medals may be given at the discretion of the tournament organizer but no trophies must be awarded.

For tournaments of 6 or more teams, medals should be purchased for teams finishing in 1st, 2nd and 3rd places and a trophy must be given to the first place team.


The SGIS Sports tournament director must compile a written account of the SGIS Sports tournament hosted, listing general appreciation, results, financial details, transgressions and availability and setting of the following year’s tournament. This report should reach the SGIS Sports Coordinator within 14-20 days of the tournament. The SGIS consultation fee should be paid upon receipt of the invoice.

Should the need arise; the SGIS Sports Committee is responsible for reviewing each SGIS Sports competition.

The SGIS Sports Committee has the right to change the hosting school if it is in the best interest for SGIS Sports competitions.


1. After the reading of the SGIS Sports tournament directors report, it may be necessary for the SGIS Sports Committee to issue sanctions.


1. Each tournament director shall collect from all competing schools a fee that will cover the costs of running the tournament, evenly shared amongst them. Included in the tournament costs will be the SGIS fee. This allows SGIS Sports to be an independent organisation.

2. At the end of the sporting year a stipend will be given to the Sports coordinator. At the end of the sporting year a stipend will be given to the committee members.

3. The host school will submit an itemised invoice along with the

tournament report.


All serious transgressions of the above points should be reported immediately to the SGIS Sports Coordinator.

Any school seeking exceptions to the SGIS Sports Competition Policy Guidelines must do so at least one week prior to the SGIS Sports tournament. All exceptions must be approved by the SGIS Sports Coordinator.

The SGIS Sports Committee has the right to amend this SGIS Sports Competition Policy Guidelines manual.

Any matters that are not able to be resolved at the SGIS Sports Committee meetings are to be brought to the attention of the SGIS Executive Committee.

A copy of this SGIS Sports Competition Policy Guidelines Manual is to be available for inspection on the SGIS sports web pages.

Copies of the minutes of SGIS Sports meetings are to be supplied to all SGIS Executive Committee Members.

|7. |The SGIS Sports Committee is not required to pay any outstanding |

|debts that are made in tournaments. Tournaments that are not played |

|and have incurred debts are to be paid by the host school. |

| |

| |

Rule Books

The following rulebooks are the "bibles" for the championships. The sources of these books are also listed. Members are expected to purchase relevant books at their own discretion and at their own expense.

Soccer: Referees' Chart and Player Guide to and Laws of the Game (published by the Football Association) Football Association Publications 9 Wyllyotts Place Potters Bar Herts EN6 2JD Phone 01707 651840 England Fax 01707 644190

Volleyball: Rules of Volleyball (published by the English Volleyball Association)

|Volley Shop |

|37 Newall Avenue |

|SANDBACH |Phone |01270 761 849 |

|Cheshire CW11 4BJ |Fax |01270 761 849 |


Basketball: Official Basketball Rules for Men and Women(published by the English Basketball Association)Unit 1A Iceland Industrial EstateILKLEY Phone 01943 603 669West Yorkshire LS29 8JT Fax 01943 603 723England

Track / Field & Cross Country: Rules for Competition(Published by the International Amateur Athletic Federation.)International Amateur Athletic Federation.17 rue Princesse FlorestineBP 359 MC 98000 Phone 9330 7070Monaco Cedex Fax 9315 9515

Tennis: Rules of Lawn Tennis(published by the Lawn Tennis Association)The International Tennis FederationPalliser RoadBarons Court Phone 0207 385 3421London W14 9EN Fax 0207 386 8295England

Softball / Baseball: Baseball or Softball Rule Books(published by High School Federation)National Federation of State High School Associations (Order Dept.)11726 NW Plaza Circle

P.O. Box 20626 Kansas City, MO 641950626 Phone 800 776 3462 USA Fax 816 891 2414

Swimming Rule Books (published by F.I.N.A) Federation Internationale de Natation Amateur Avenue de Beaumont, 9 1012 Lausanne Phone 312 6602 Switzerland Fax 312 661

Golf Rules books free from Royal & Sun Alliance in Liverpool Phone 01403 233729

|Golf Rule Books |

|(published by Royal & Ancient Golf Club) |

|Royal & Ancient Golf Club |

|St. Andrews |

|Fife, KY16 9JD |Phone |01334 472112 |

|Scotland |Fax |

Downloadable/ Printable copies of rules are available free of charge as follows:




Track & Field

Tennis .uk or .uk




Suggestions for tournament formatting:

Tournament Organization:

The Tournament Director has full discretion in the organization of SCIS Tournaments. The Tournament Director is responsible for the draw, scheduling and format. SCIS recommends certain formats and they are listed under each sport.

Tournaments are open to the Full Members as listed under "Membership" in the Articles of Association. It is the responsibility of the Tournament Director to complete the field if there are additional openings available for a tournament.

The Tournament Director will establish the time schedule for games when the draw to decide actual game is undertaken.

Following the conclusion of the tournament, the Tournament Director shall distribute the results, final standing and award recipients to all Schools and SCIS Executive.

Suggested Tournament Formats

4 Team Tournaments

Day 1 Round Robin Day 2 Knock Out

|A v B |

|C v D |

|A v D |

|C v B |

|A v C |

|D v B |

|1st v 4th |

|2nd v 3rd |

|WG1 V WG2 for championship |

|LG1 V LG2 for 3rd v 4th |

5 Team Tournaments

It is strongly recommended to search for a 6th team, if one cannot be found then

Day 1Round Robin Day 2 Round Robin / Play off for 1st 2nd 3rd & 4th places

|A v B |

|C v D |

|E v B |

|A v C |

|D v B |

|A v E |

|D v E |

|B v C |

|A v D |

|C v E |

|1st v 2nd for championship |

|3rd v 4th |

|5th place no game |

6 Team Tournaments - Round Robin

Day 1 Round Robin Day 2 Round Robin

|A v B |

|C v D |

|E v F |

|A v C |

|E v B |

|F v D |

|A v E |

|F v C |

|Dv B |

|A v F |

|D v E |

|B v C |

|A v D |

|B v F |

|C v E |

7 Team Tournaments

It is strongly recommended to search for an 8th team, if one cannot be found then

Day 1 Round Robin

Group A Group B

|A v B |

|C v D |

|A v C |

|D v B |

|A v D |

|B v C |

|E v F |

|E v G |

|G v F |

Day 2 Round Robin for 5th 6th & 7th places Play off for 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th places

|G # | |G# | |

|1 |1A v 2B |2 |3A v 3B |

|3 |1B v 2A |4 |4A v 3B |

|3rd & 4th |L G1 v L G3 |6 |3A v 4A |

|1st & 2nd |W G1 v W G3 | | |

8 Team Tournaments

Day 1 Round Robin

Group A Group B

|A v B |

|C v D |

|A v C |

|D v B |

|A v D |

|B v C |

|E v F |

|G v H |

|E v G |

|H v F |

|E v H |

|F v G |

Day 2 Play offs

|G # | |G# | |

|1 |3A v 4B |2 |4B v 3A |

|3 |1A v 2B |4 |1B v 2A |

|5 |WG1 v WG2 |6 |LG1 v LG2 |

|7 |WG3 v WG4 |8 |LG3 v LG4 |

9 Team Tournaments

It is strongly recommended to search for a 10th team, if one cannot be found then

Day 1 Round Robin

Group A Group B

|F v G |

|H v I |

| Fv H |

|I v G |

|F v I |

|G v H |

|A v B |

|C v D |

|A v C |

|E v B |

|A v E |

|D v B |

|D v E |

Day 2 Round Robin and Play offs to determine 1st through 8th places. 9th place team is bottom of group A

|B v C |

|A v D |

|C v E |

|2A v 2B |3A v 3B |

|1A v 1B |4A v 4B |

10 Team Tournaments

Day 1 Round Robin

Group A Group B

|A v B |

|C v D |

|E v B |

|A v C |

|D v B |

|A v E |

|D v E |

|F v G |

|H v I |

|F v H |

|J v G |

|F v J |

|I v G |

|I v J |

Day 2 Round Robin

Group A Group B

|B v C |

|A v D |

|C v E |

|G v H |

|F v I |

|H v J |

Play offs to determine 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9TH & 10th places.

|4A v 4B |5A v 5B |

|2A v 2B |3A v 3B |

|1A v 1B | |

SGIS Basketball

Championships will take place in the SGIS Winter Season.

Rules: F.I.B.A. (with exceptions as stated by tournament director).

The maximum number of players will be 12

Minimum expectations:

For example: Games should be played in halves; with the option of quarters should the number of team entries be fewer than 6. The length of halves should be between 1012 minutes and the length of quarters should be between 68 minutes. A running clock will be used in the last 2 minutes of each half or last one minute of each quarter. Each team will be permitted 2 timeouts per half or 1 per quarter. Shot clocks will not be used in SGIS basketball tournaments

[Okay] Game clocks and scoreboards must be visible.

There should be a minimum of 2 referees per court and 2 scorekeepers at the table for all CAT 13 games [Changed]

Aminimum of 10 minutes rest should be attempted to be given for teams playing backtoback games. [Changed]

Special rules:

In the case of a threeway tie in division play the following process shall be used. Net points differential (with a maximum of +30 per game) will determine divisional placing. Games that go into overtime will count as a victory or loss for the teams involved but the point differential for both teams will be 0. (Zero)


SGIS Football/ Soccer

General Expectations

The players should be the same ones for the entire tournament, whether it isa one or two day event.

FIFA / UEFA standard rules

On receiving a yellow card, a player will be given a 5minute sinbin sanction.During this time the team plays with one less player.If a player receives two yellow cards in the same game or a direct red card,they are excluded immediately from that game. The player is also excludedfrom the following game.

11aside tournamentsSquad Size: maximum of 16 players. .Substitution: Players can only come on the pitch from the halfway line, withthe referee’s permission (injury, dead ball, etc). There is a maximum of 5substitutions allowed during the course of a game. This implies that asubstituted player may return to the game. A player is not allowed to leave thepitch without the referee’s permission. [Change]

Halfpitch tournaments

Modification of FIFA rules:

Distribution by Goalkeeper over half line is not allowed.

Offside is applied only inside the penalty area

The goalkeeper is not allowed to handle a back pass!!

Corner Kicks: CAT 4 girls use the short corner [Change]

Depending on the size of the pitch division the organizer should decide on 7or 8aside.

Squad Size: maximum of 12 players.Substitution: Rolling subs are allowed during the game. Players can reenter the game. You can only sub in from your defensive half. You do notneed to ask for the referee’s permission.

Indoor tournaments

Free –choice ruling system depending on facilities used.In general, 5aside is played.Squad Size is a maximum of 10.Substitution: Rolling subs are allowed during the game. Players can reenter the game. You do not need to ask for the referee’s permission.


SGIS Skiing GS

Rules: FIS rules will be followed unless otherwise specified.

Age categories will follow SGIS handbook policy.

The results will be determined following two runs of the GS course. The course may not be raced prior to the official start but a course inspection will be permitted during a specified course inspection period.

The individual scoring is based on the faster time of the two runs, regardless of whether a competitor does not complete one of the runs. [Okay]

If team results are to be awarded, then the host school will advertise the scoring method to be used in advance.

Ties in team scoring will be resolved in favour of the team whose last scoring runner finishes nearer to first place.


Individual medals will be awarded to skiers finishing in 1st, 2nd and 3rd position in each category. If team awards are made, trophies will be awarded to the first and second placed schools.


SGIS Softball

Rules: High School Federation ().The SGIS recommended maximum number of Players will be Fourteen (14).

Minimum expectations: Games should encompass either a minimum of 5 innings or “no new inning” after a designated time. The need for flexibility in rain delay situations is understood and should be accepted. Two officials should ideally be used for all games.

If it becomes necessary to break ties in Divisional standings the following format will be used:

Head to head competition

Tournament run Points Differentials among the Teams tied, after 7 innings.

Total runs scored among the teams tied

Run differential in the division 5 Total runs scored in the division games 6 A flip of the coin

|Example: |

|Team A |Team B |Team C |

|Team A beats Team B 6 to 2 |+4 |4 | |

|Team B beats Team C 7 to 3 | |+4 |4 |

|Team C beats Team A 8 to 6 |2 | |+2 |

|Totals |+2 |0 |2 |

Home Team will be decided by a flip of a coin for all games, except in semi final games, where the choice of home or visiting Team be given to the Divisional winning Team. The visiting Team will have choice of dugouts.

65' bases, 50' pitcher's distance varsity and an 11” ball will be used.

A courtesy runner may be used (as per High School Federation Rule Book) in all SGIS games.

Coaches may dress in any clothing considered appropriate by their School. The High School Federation Coaches' Clothing Rule (3.2.1) will not apply.

MS Girls: 46 feet pitching distance. There will be no walks. The umpire should have the discretion to call ‘hitable balls’ strikes. The philosophy remains that softball is an offensive game and the pitcher is there simply to put the ball in play.


First and second place permanent trophies will be awarded to the relevant Teams.

SGIS CrossCountry

Rules: IAAF Handbook ().Age categories will follow SGIS handbook policy.ThereshouldbesimilarracedistancesforeachoftheSGIScrosscountryraces.(thereshouldbearangeofdistancesbasedonagecategoriesfrom14)(doweneedtodiscussterrain,hills,etc)[?]

The number of entries by a school in each gender age category should be limited to 10. The scoring team shall comprise of the first 5 (five) runners in each gender age category. [Okay]

Ties in team scoring will be resolved in favor of the team whose fifth runner finishes nearer to first place.

Spiked shoes may be worn if the surface allows.


Individual medals will be awarded to runners finishing in 1st , 2nd and 3rd position. Other runners will receive participation certificates. Team trophies will be awarded to the first place school. [Okay]

(Specific distances should be set for different race levels) [Okay]


SGIS Tennis

Rules: "Lawn Tennis Association "The recommended maximum number of Players (Including Managers) will be ten (10), with a maximum of 5 Boys and 5 Girls.

Each School is allowed to bring the following:1st string boys and girls single players.1st & 2nd string boys and girls doubles players.

Tournament Organization:

There will be a boys and a girls’ tournament. Each team will consist of a #1 singles, #1doubles and a #2 doubles team. Players will play each other in their division i.e. all #1girls’ singles will play each other. Players cannot participate in more than one division or change their ranking. Players will call their own lines and keep score. Players must report to the scorer’s desk when their match is called and also when their match is over to report the score. A player failing to report to the desk for their match after 10 minutes will forfeit their match. Coaches will be allowed to consult briefly with their players at changeovers


All matches will be played to an 8 game pro set. The first to win 8 games is the winner Games will be scored in the normal way except at 40 – 40 or deuce, the next point wins the game, this will be called ‘no advantage’ scoring. A 7 point tie break will be played at 7 – 7Every game a singles player or doubles team wins is worth 1 point for the team i.e. a doubles team losing a match 4 – 8 would score 4 points for the team. There are no time limits on matches

Tie Breakers: Head to head. Fewest games lost among tied teams

Rosters: A full team consists of 5 girls and 5 boys. Where possible Athletics Directors are encouraged to field full teams.

Uniforms: Schools are encouraged to provide a School issued uniform for Tennis. If a School does not have a standard issued uniform for Tennis, traditional Tennis clothing (shorts or skirt plus a Tennis shirt) must be worn. No Cut-offs, "Jams" beach wear, offensive T Shirts, etc. may be worn. It is important that players have pockets or tennis ball holders for their serving games. Not having them slows play down.



All protests must go to the Tournament Director

Facilities and Tournament Planning:

The tournament director should allow 50 minutes for each match. So if you have 60 matches the tournament will take at total of 50 hours.

This can then be divided by the number of courts you have available.

With 3 courts the tournament would take just over 16 hours with 4 courts 12 1/2 hours. However, this is when there is enough staff to ensure that the matches keep to the 5 minute warm up and that the coaches keep to the 90second changeover. Also, all the players were very good at calling the lines properly. To be safe I allowed 1 hour per game.


Permanent trophies will be awarded for first, second and third places for the boys and the girls’ teams. An overall trophy will be awarded to the school with the highest combined score. Individual medals will be awarded to first, second and third place finishers in each division.

SGIS Track & Field

Standards Minimum Requirements:

o Official events must have at least 4 track events (sprint, short distance, middle distance, and long distance) and 3 field events (at least one throwing and one jumping).

O Awards are to be given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishes in each event and then in each division for each gender.

O Genders must be recorded separately and there should be a Sr. and a Jr. Division for each.

O There must be at least 4 lanes on the track and a separate pit/area for each field event

O Two officials for every field event and timers for every lane running, plus one for sweeping/technical difficulties (two sweepers for the sprint races)

O A student may participate in no more than 5 individual events, but the combination must be 3 and 2(field and track or vice versa).


|Points by finish position |1st |2nd |3rd |4th |5th |6th |

|Individual Events |8 |6 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Relay Events |12 |10 |8 |6 |4 |2 |


Discus Weights: Senior Boys’ – 1.6 kg Senior Girls’ – 1kg Junior Boys’ – 1kg Junior Girls’ – 1kg

Throws: 3throws

Throw Form:

O To register a legal throw, the athlete must release the disc from the side of the body with the arm extended.

O The athlete cannot touch the floor outside the circle whilst the disc is in the air or after landing unless he / she has left the circle from the rear half of the circle, behind the bisecting line.


O Measurement is taken from the centre of the throwing line to the first point of contact of the disc.

O The tape measure should be pulled from 0 cm at the throwing line to this point of contact.


Javelin Weights: Senior Boys’ – 800 g Senior Girls’ – 600 g Junior Boys’ – 600 g Junior Girls’ – 600 g

Throws: 3 throws

Throw Form:

o To register a legal throw, the athlete must release the javelin behind the throw line.

O The athlete may not cross the throw line until the javelin has landed.

O The javelin does not need to stick into the ground to be a good attempt.


O Measurement is taken from the centre of the throwing line to the first point of contact of the javelin.

O The tape measure should be pulled from 0 cm at the throwing line to this point of contact.

O If the javelin falls after sticking in the ground or does not stick, the measurement is made where the first point of contact was.

Shot Put

Shot Weights: Senior Boys’ – 5kg Senior Girls’ – 4kg Junior Boys’ – 4kg Junior Girls’ – 3kg

The put

O To register a legal put, the athlete must push the shot from the region of the neck close to the chin. A bent wrist throwing action is not illegal but not recommended as it causes undue strain on the wrist. The shot must not be held in the palm of the hand.

O The athlete cannot touch the floor outside the circle until the shot has landed. He/she must enter and leave from the rear of the circle, behind the bisecting line.


O Pull the tape tight from the point where the shot lands to the mid point of the circle. The 0 should be placed at the point where the shot landed.

O Read off the distance at the point where the tape crosses the part of the throwing circle that is nearest the point where the shot landed.


o If there is a wooden stop board at the front of the circle, read off the distance where the tape measure passes over the board on the inside of its circumference (i.e. the edge of the board that is closest to the circle).

Long Jump

Jumps: 3 jumps (no more practice jumps once the pit is open)

Take Off

O To register a legal jump, the athlete must take off from behind the line of the takeoff board that is nearest the sand.


o Measurement is taken from the line of the takeoff board nearest the sand pit to the nearest mark in the sand. This should be the shortest line between the two points. DO NOT MEASURE FROM WHERE YOU THINK THE ATHLETE TOOK OFF.

O The tape measure should be pulled from 0 cm at the point in the sand closest to the takeoff board and the measurement read off at the front line of the board.

O If the athlete has fallen or stepped backwards after landing, measurement is from the nearest point on the takeoff board to the nearest mark in the sand.

n.b. It is essential that the sand be raked smooth after each jump and ideally the sand should be wet to keep the breakage of sand clean when landing.

Triple Jump

Jumps: 3jumps (no more practice jumps once the pit is open)

Take Off

O To register a legal jump, the athlete must take off from behind the line of the takeoff board that is nearest the sand.

O The jumper must land on the correct foot to form a hop, step and jump.


O Measurement is taken from the line of the takeoff board nearest the sand pit to the nearest mark in the sand. This should be the shortest line between the two points. DO NOT MEASURE FROM WHERE YOU THINK THE ATHLETE TOOK OFF.


o The tape measure should be pulled from 0 cm at the point in the sand closest to the takeoff board and the measurement read off at the front line of the board.

O If the athlete has fallen or stepped backwards after landing, measurement is from the nearest point on the takeoff board to the nearest mark in the sand.

n.b. It is essential that the sand be raked smooth after each jump and ideally the sand should be wet to keep the breakage of sand clean when landing. Try to keep the level of the sand even with the level of the runup.

High Jump

Jumps: 3 possible attempts at each height to clear it

Starting Heights: Senior Boys’ – 1.4 m Senior Girls’ – 1.2 m Junior Boys’ – 1.2 m Junior Girls’ – 1.1 m

Take Off

O To register a legal jump, the athlete must take off from one foot and the bar must remain in place until the athlete has left the landing mat.

O If a jumper makes 3 approaches without jumping, it is counted as a missed attempt

O If a jumper crosses the plane of bar, it is considered an attempt


O The plate attached to the support stanchion should be placed level with the height stated to the athletes. Normally, the bar is raised at 5cm intervals.

O A clearance is recorded with the mark O. Afailure is recorded with the mark X.

O If two athletes fail all three attempts at the same height but have cleared the previous height, it is the athlete who has recorded the fewest previous failures who takes the higher overall placing.


100/110 m Heights: Senior Boys’ – .91 m Senior Girls’ – .76 m Junior Boys’ – .76 m Junior Girls’ – .72 m

400 m Heights: Senior Boys’ – .76 m

(for the future) Senior Girls’ – .72 m Junior Boys’ – .72 m Junior Girls’ – .60 m

Procedural Considerations

Track Events:

o For races beyond 400 m, the start command is “on your marks” and then the shot of the gun (clap of the starter’s blocks)

o For races 400 m or less, the start command is “on your marks,” “set,” and then the shot of the gun (clap of the starter’s blocks)

o Each runner is only allowed one false start. If they false start again in the same race, they are disqualified.

O The timer stops when a runner’s torso crosses the line (not the other body parts)

Long distance events (1500 m and 3000 m):

O Boys and girls may run together, depending on numbers, but only within the same division (Sr. or Jr.).

O Waterfall start is used with no lane assignments.

O The winner is determined solely by the runners’ times.

Middle distance events (800 m):

O A waterfall start will be used.

O Winner is determined solely by time, regardless of the number of heats.

O If time permits, finals may be held with the top runners (48 depending on track size).

Short distance events (200 m and 400 m):

O Runners run in lanes for the entire race.

O Staggered starts are used

O Starting blocks are optional.

O Winner is determined solely by time, regardless of the number of heats.

O If time permits, a final may be held with the top runners (68 depending on track size).

Sprint events (90 m, 100m, and 110 m):

O Starting blocks are optional.

O Runners run in lanes for the entire race.

O Heats are used to determine the top runners for the final race (68 depending on track size), based on time.

oFor hurdles, places are determined solely on time, regardless of the number of heats. There will not be any finals!

Field Events:

o No practice once the officiating has begun.

O Pits are to have clearly defined opening and closing times.

O Warnings are to be called out when 30 minutes remain, 10 minutes remain, and 5 minutes remain.


o Open pits are recommended to allow athletes to compete in multiple events, but specified times by category is also possible at the discretion of the tournament organizer

o An athlete should not be disallowed from competing in a track event to attend a field event.


Rules for school

1. Team size

During play, at the most five players in each team, including only one goalkeeper, may be on the rink simultaneously.

2. Substitution of players

Substitution of players may take place at any time and an unlimited number of times during a match.

All substitution shall take place in the team’s own substitution zone. A player leaving the rink has to be on his way passing over the board before a substitute may enter the rink.

3. Goalkeeper

• The goalkeeper should use a stick.

• The goalkeeper must wear a face mask. It will be provided by the school. It is also recommended that the goalkeeper wears long gym pants and a sweatshirt.

• The goalkeeper is not allowed to hold the ball in his hands outside the goalkeeper area.

• If a goalkeeper entirely leaves his goalkeeper area during play, he shall, until he returns, be considered a field player, yet without a stick. He is, however, allowed to jump within his own goalkeeper area.

4. General regulations for fixed situations

When play has been interrupted, it shall be resumed with a fixed situation, according to what caused the interruption.

Fixed situations are face-offs, hit-ins, free-hits and penalty shots.

a) Face-off:

• There are seven face-off dots including the centre spot.

• A face-off shall be taken at the nearest face-off dot, according to where the ball was at the interruption.

• At the start of a new period and to confirm a correctly scored goal, a face-off shall be taken at the centre spot.

• All players, except those taking the face-off, shall immediately take a position at least 2 m from the ball, sticks included.

• A face-off shall be taken by one field player from each team. The players shall be facing the opposing team’s short side and must not have physical contact before the face-off.

Events leading to a face-off:

• When the ball is damaged, a serious injury occurs, an unnatural situation occurs, a penalty shot does not result in a goal or when the referees are unable to decide the direction of a hit-in or a free-hit.

b) Hit-in:

• When the ball leaves the rink, a hit-in shall be awarded to the non-offending team. The offending team is considered to be the team whose player, or player’s equipment, last touched the ball before it left the rink.

• A hit-in shall be taken from where the ball leaves the rink.

Events leading to a hit-in:

• When the ball passes the board or hits the ceiling or any other object above the rink.

c) Free-hit:

• When an offence leading to a free-hit is committed, a free-hit shall be awarded to the non-offending team.

• The free-hit shall be taken where the offence was committed.

• The opponents shall immediately take a position at least 2 m from the ball, sticks included.

Events leading to a free-hit:

• When a player hits, blocks, lifts or kicks an opponent’s stick, when he unintentionally hits an opponent’s foot or leg with his stick, when he plays the ball with his hand, arm or head or when he raises the blade of his stick above waist level while hitting the ball.

e) Penalty shot:

• The penalty shot shall be taken from the centre spot

• All players except the player taking the penalty shot and the defending goalkeeper shall be in their substitution zones during the entire penalty shot.

Events leading to a penalty shot:

• When a goal situation is interrupted, or prevented from occurring, because the defending team has committed an offence leading to a free-hit or a penalty.


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