DUE: Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Extra Credit: Friday, January 15, 2010

Point value: 120 pts. (20 pts. Per page)

Your brochure will have six pages. These are the requirements for each page:

Page #1: Front cover

This page must have the name of your geologic era and your name and period number. Pictures are always nice!

Page #2: Travel Agency

This page should have the name of your travel agency, address and phone number. Be creative—if your agency has a slogan or motto, this is the place for it.

Page #3: Description of the Era

This should be a SHORT description of the era that your have chosen. Be sure to include when the era began and ended, how long it lasted, any periods included in this era, major events (such as mass extinctions) and where in the geologic time scale it fits. This should be in YOUR words!

Page #4: Descriptive Drawing of the Era

Draw a picture of what life in your era looked like. You may use your book (pgs. 286-293) or any other source to help you.

Page #5: Description of the Dominant Life Forms

This should be a brief description of the kinds of life forms that a visitor would encounter during a visit to this era. Be sure to include all organisms—not just the animals. (Big Hint: Plants are organisms!)

Page #6: Advice for Future Trips

Since this is your back page, this is where you will recommend to travelers what possible era they would consider visiting next and WHY!


1. Be creative wherever possible.

2. The drawing means just that—you need to draw the picture of your era, not find a picture on the Internet.

3. Neatness counts—We will be using the brochure template on my website (geneticsrules.).

4. NO LEFTOVER PENCIL OF ANY KIND! This is a completed work, so you must go over all pencil with ink, crayons, or colored pencils.

5. The more colorful your brochure is, the better your grade will be. Remember you are the owner of a travel agency and you wish to get as many customers as you can. If your brochure is boring, your business will be minimal.

6. This is not art class. We all know that I am fairly artistically-challenged, so simply do the best you can. If you put forth your best effort, it will be obvious.

7. All brochures must be made with 81/2” x 11’’ paper. The brochure must be folded properly, so be sure to check out the samples. When in doubt, please ask!


|Grade |Necessary Attributes |

| |Brochure is eye-catching, creative, neat, and shows strong |

| |evidence of hard work and time expended. All elements from the |

| |directions are incorporated into the brochure. Articles are |

|A |proofread with very few grammar or spelling errors and |

| |information is accurate. The student went well beyond what was |

| |required. |

| |Brochure is well-done. All required elements are present and the |

| |presentation is neat, creative, and eye-catching. Information is |

|B |mostly accurate with some grammar, spelling, or fact issues. Not |

| |every page demonstrates full effort. |

| |Directions are followed for some of the pages and there is |

| |evidence of hard work and effort for some pages. The information |

|C |is mostly accurate with some grammar, spelling, or fact issues. |

| |Not enough creative touches are shown. |

| |Directions are not followed for many of the pages. The student |

| |chose to complete the project with little effort, planning, or |

|D |proofreading. Very little creativity is shown. |

| |Student demonstrates little or no effort in the project |

| |completion. Most of the pages are incomplete and the articles are|

|F |mostly copied straight from the textbook. Required elements are |

| |nearly entirely missing from the brochure. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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