What will happen to our solar system if the sun were to suddenly ...

What will happen to our solar system if the sun were to suddenly disappear answer


What will happen to our solar system if the sun were to suddenly disappear answer

You lost your password? Enter your email address. You will receive a link and create a new password by email. The multi-walese sun Via Nasathe Sun has been responsible for our planet's energy over the last 4.5 billion years. This energy allowed the life to thrive for most of Earth's history. How much do we depend on the sun? What would be shortterm and long-term effects on Earth if the sun suddenly vanished? Well, not a lot of good would have come out of the sudden disappearance of the sun. In this case, if the sun vanishes at this moment, we would have made the sun. Because nothing travels faster than light, including gravity shooting, we would beatly orbit the newly unburdened star of our imminent demisis. Suddenly, as the last of the sun's rays fell on the side of the light of the day of the Earth, the sun simply vanished. The eternal night would fall on the planet and the Earth will begin to travel in the interstellar space at 18 miles per second. With 2 seconds, 2 seconds, the full moon which also reflected the sun's rays on the dark side of the planet. Similarly, throughout the day, all the planets of our solar system once flashed while they stopped reflecting sunlight on earth. Temperatures would start to fall and the planet would start freezing. It would take millions of years for the planet to freeze completely solid, but here on the earth's crust, the temperatures will fall below 0 degrees Celsius within the first week, dropping to a bony refrigerant -100 degrees within the first year. The Earth should have stabilized approximately -240 degrees for a few million years while geothermal energy still works. (In other words, you should buy a good coat while you can) ..Seee? The Sun loves us that it did not win. Tanish.credit: NASA SDO Via from Quaraks to quasarshootosintesi would stop immediately and all plants will be lost quickly. Most of the species on the planet would survive only a short amount of time before they even broke into the greatest extinction event in the history of our small world. Between extreme temperatures, panic and the collapse of civilization, most of the human population would be erased. The few who survive would need to migrate closer to the center of the Earth, live out of geothermal energy in a city in a matrix style. In the end, the planet will freeze and the Earth will be a solid and frozen piece of rock navigation through space, but that will not happen for millions of years. We hope, since then, we will have found a way to leave our world once prosperous and migrate to a new home. Again, the possibilities of the sun disappearing without a trace are very small, so we probably do not needFor that. Care on the support of the adoption of clean energy? Find out how much money (and planet!) you could save by switching to Solar Power on . By signing up through this link, may receive a small commission. What's the first thing you do when you wake up In the morning? If you're like a lot of people, you could go to the nearest window, open the curtains, and let the morning sun warm your face. There's nothing like the sun's rays to light up your day and get you off to a good start. We humans tend to really enjoy the Sun. Whether you're playing on a sandy beach in the middle of summer or soaking in the rays by the pool, we love the warmth the Sun provides. Even when the seasons change and temperatures drop, a ray of sunshine on a wintry day can warm your heart. Have you ever thought the Sun is important to us here on Earth? What exactly would happen if the Sun suddenly disappeared? Or what would we do if the Sun came up suddenly? The Sun is a star and the center of our solar system. Everything in our solar system revolves around the Sun. It is impossible to fully understand how crucial the Sun is to life on Earth and the very existence of all the other planets around us. The immense mass of the Sun draws all the other planets in the solar system to it. Since the Earth and all the other planets move very fast in space, the presence of the Sun keeps them moving around. If the Sun were to suddenly disappear, the Earth and the other planets would maintain their forward motion, flying effectively into outer space in a straight line. No one has any idea what would happen if that happened. What is certain, however, is that we Earthquakes would soon be lost in space! Of course, without the Sun none of us would exist in the first place. Scientists who have studied the origins of life on Earth point to the perfect positioning of the Earth regarding its distance from the Sun as the main factor in creating the conditions that allow life to exist on Earth. So what would happen to that life if the Sun suddenly came out? Since sunlight takes eight and a half minutes to reach Earth, we won't immediately notice if the sun comes out suddenly. Nine minutes later, however, we will find ourselves in total darkness. If it were already dark on our side of the world, we'd notice the moon disappears suddenly. Why? The moon doesn't produce light. We only see the moon, because the sunlight reflects it. While the sunlight that illuminated the Moon disappears, so does the Moon! The same would be true of the many other celestial bodies in the sky, such as planets, which we only see because of the reflected light of the Sun. Without the heat of the Sun, the Earth would quickly become a much colder place. Fortunately, the Earth retains heat pretty well, so humans don't freeze instantly. Life would be much harder, though. Although no one can know for sure exactly what would happen, scientists estimate that the global average surface temperature Under 0o F within a week or day of there. You probably resisted these temperatures during the cold winter months before, so what's the problem? The problem is that the temperature will continue to fall constantly. Within a year, the over medium over medium surface temperature dive under -100o F! At that time, the higher layers of the world's oceans would freeze. Although the frozen upper layers of the oceans isolated the deep waters below, keeping them liquid for hundreds of thousands of years, eventually froze while the Earth moved towards a stable global surface temperature of about -400 F. At that point, the atmosphere would also freeze and fall on Earth, leaving alive anyone who has been exposed to the harsh cosmic radiation that travels through space. Without the rays of the Sun, all photosynthesis on Earth will stop. All plants would die and, finally, all animals that rely on plants for food -- including humans -- would die too. While some inventive human beings could be able to survive on a Sunless Earth for several days, months, or even years, life without the Sun could prove impossible to maintain on Earth. On August 31, 2012, a gigantic prominence on the erupted sun, sending particles and a shock wave that traveled near the Earth. This event may have been one of the causes of a third radiation belt that appeared around Earth a few days later, a phenom NASA/SDO/AIA/Goddard Space Flight Center Inspired by this intriguing YouTube video, we are about to immerse ourselves in the attractive question: What if the sun disappeared this second? The sun is about 333,000 times the Earth's mass and produces the same amount of energy as 100 billion hydrogen bombs every second! Its giant mass makes the sun the dominant gravitational force in the solar system that blocks all eight planets in elliptical orbits. At the same time, the huge energy of the sun warms our planet enough so that the Earth's surface is the right temperature for liquid water -- the catalyst for life. But what if we lose the sun? What would we hear and see if all of a sudden, if it was just pooping! What might seem like a silly question on the surface was actually an important thought experiment for Albert Einstein. The Image Editor gravity speed on Flickr Before Einstein attacked this problem, suspected scientists -- but had not shown -- that gravity acted instantly. If it were true, then the first thing that would happen when the sun disappeared is that the Earth, along with all the other planets, would fly into space. It would be a total and absolute chaos in our solar system. The light, on the other hand, is not instantaneous: It travels about 671 million miles per hour and takes about 8 minutes to reach Earth. So, we'd still see the sun in our sky eight minutes after it went. So, if the speed of light is constant and the speed of gravity is instantaneous, then we would feel the disappearance of the sun beforeSee him. But, as Einstein showed in his theory of general relativity which he introduced in 1915, the force from gravity is not instantaneous. In fact, it travels at the same speed as light! So, if the sun disappeared, we'd be blissfully blissfully blissfully For eight minutes that the inevitable sentence was on us. Eternal night Sergio Garcia relaxed. We would not leave us in complete and absolute darkness. The stars still shone, and the electricity continued to function so that the city remained lit until the power dur¨°. Even the planets would be visible for a short time. For example, when Jupiter is closer to the earth, it is about 33 minutes of light, which means that we will continue to see the giant planet for more than an hour ? "the time it would take for the sunlight Residue to reach Jupiter and reflect on earth ? "after the sun had disappeared. But after eight minutes, one thing on earth would come to a setback, explains Michael Stevens, who founded and stars in the widely popular Vsauce YouTube channel. Without sunlight, photosynthesis ? "The process with which all plants generate food ? " would stop the second sunlight won in our sky. Most of the small plants would die within a few days, but we should not worry about this: the average surface temperature of the Earth would fall at 32 degrees Fahrenheit after the first week, and then to negative 150 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the first year, Stevens says . All the time, the oceans of the earth would grow increasingly cold, in the end they geared, turning the Earth into a frozen world. But just like deep lakes in winter, only the surface freezes, leaving a liquid ocean below. If someone had survived this extreme transformation, their unique refuge, according to Stevens, would be near geothermal sadrips on the ocean floor. These vents emit heat that rises from the center of the earth. Life on earth would prosper for billions of thousands of prawns thrive around hydrothermal losses on the ocean floor. Courtesy Chris German, WHOI / NSF, NASA / ROV Jason C: 2012 Woods This way of life would be miserably dark and alone, and it is difficult to know if humans would last in these conditions. On the other hand, the animals that live around these vents today would continue to survive for billions of years after the disappearance of the sun. This because these animals don't need the sun to live. Instead, they get their food and energy from the heat that comes out of these geothermal mouths. While most of life would be extinct from our planet without the sun, these geothermal-loving organisms would continue to thrive for billions of years without a single care that the sun did not exist anymore. Strangely, this earth ice ball looks like some of the moons around Jupiter that suspected astrobiologist could accommodate extraterrestrial microbes. What is beyond the impression of this artist shows the planet orbiting around the Stella Alpha Centauri B, a member of the triple star system that is the closest to the earth. Alpha centauri b is brightest in the sky and the other dazzling object is Alpha Centauri A. Our Sun is visible on the upper right. ESO/L. Cal?ada Right now, the Earth is orbiting the sun at a striking speed of 67,000 miles per hour. Se Se Se Once gone, its gravitational pull would have disappeared, but the Earth's velocity would have remained the same. To understand why, imagine tying a rock to the end of a string and then swing that string in a circle over your head. Then you left the rope. The rock is flying in a straight line away from you, the same way the Earth would fly in a straight line away from the center point in space where the sun was sitting. Until Earth collided with other planets, asteroids or comets, it would take only about 377,000,000 hours (43,000 years) to cross 4.3 light years ? the distance from the nearest star, Alpha Centauri. And after 1 billion years, Steven calculates, the Earth would travel 100,000 light-years, or the length of the entire Galaxy Milky Way. Who's to say our little planet wouldn't have been taken into orbit by another star or, perhaps, a black hole? The Milky Way is home to about 100 billion stars and over a billion black holes. Whatever the result, the future of Earth after no sun would be an exciting adventure through the cosmos. Check out the two YouTube videos that inspired this post below:

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