Conservation Status: - U.S. Forest Service

SPECIES FACT SHEETScientific Name: Coenagrion interrogatum Hagen in Selys, 1876 Common Name: Subarctic bluetPhylum: ArthropodaClass: InsectaOrder: OdonataSuborder: ZygopteraFamily: Coenagrionidae(Schorr and Paulson 2019)Synonyms: Agrion interrogatum (Hagen in Selys 1876)Conservation Status: Global Status:?G5 – Secure (last reviewed 15 February 2016)National Statuses (United States): N3State Statuses:?S1 (Washington)(NatureServe 2020) Federal Status (United States): None (USFWS 2020)IUCN Red List: Least Concern (IUCN 2020) Taxonomic Note: Coenagrion interrogatum was first described as Agrion interrogatum by Hagen in Selys (1876). C. interrogatum is the currently accepted name for this species (Schorr and Paulson 2019).Technical Description: Adult: Coenagrionid damselflies are generally small, but a few species are large in size with eyes that are typically black or dark brown above and brightly colored below (Paulson 2009). The “face” (labrum, anteclypeus, and clypeus) is often paler than the top of the head, and most species have postocular spots (pale spots contrasting with the dark head just in from the back of each eye) which may be connected by a pale line of the same color. The thorax typically has a dark median stripe, a pale antehumeral stripe, and a dark humeral stripe, with the sides and underside pale. Sometimes the pale antehumeral stripe is interrupted. The abdomen of males is all dark or all pale or some combination thereof, often with a contrastingly colored tip. The abdomen of females is usually slightly thicker than that of the males, and an ovipositor is present but not generally as prominent as is seen in the spreadwings (family Lestidae). Females typically share the male’s head and thorax pattern but usually have the abdomen darker above, with less pattern. Females are often polymorphic, with one morph colored similar to the male (blue) and the other morph duller (green) (Paulson 2009). Members of this family are distinguished from other damselfly families by having two antenodal crossveins in Sc-R space; postnodal crossveins of C-RA and RA-RP spaces mostly aligned; hindwing quadrangle trapezoidal, with anterodistal angle obtuse; RP3 and IR2 beginning closer to nodus than to arculus; no supplementary sectors between IR1 and RP2; and pterostigma extending over one cell, usually accompanied by a brace vein (Garrison et al. 2010). Coenagrion is a very small genus (three species in North America) of small to medium damselflies, with predominantly pale blue and black males, and pale green or tan and black females (Garrison et al. 2010). In this genus, pale post-ocular spots are present, the pale occipital bar is present or absent, the frons is rounded, and the location of the most posterior point of the head is level with the postocular lobes. The posterior lobe of the prothorax is smoothly convex or trilobate in both sexes. The pterothorax is pale blue with black middorsal and humeral stripes; a dark metapleural stripe is present or absent; a pale antehumeral stripe is present, and the sides are mostly pale blue, greenish-yellow, or yellow. Metatibial spurs are shorter than twice the intervening spaces, and the pretarsus has a well-developed supplementary tooth forming an acute angle with claw. In the wings, CuA extends more than 6 cells distal to vein descending from subnodus; CuP links CuA to CuP and AA, and does not reach the posterior wing margin. Additional characteristics of the genus, including features of the genitalia, are outlined and illustrated in Garrison et al. (2010). Female Coenagrion are distinguished from the similar Enallagma genus by lacking a vulvar spine (present in Enallagma ) (Paulson 2009). Additionally, female Enallagma usually have at least one distinct dark stripe visible around the middle of each eye, a character lacking in Coenagrion. Male Coenagrion have forked paraprocts in side view (a character shared by a few Enallagma) (Paulson 2009).Adults of this species are described as follows from Paulson (2009): “Male: Eyes black over blue. Blue with extensive black markings. Moderate median and humeral stripes, blue antehumeral slightly wider than humeral and divided near upper end, looking something like exclamation mark (although interrogatum means to question!). Conspicuous black stripe on side of thorax expanded at upper and lower ends. Abdomen blue with prominent black U on segment 2 with arms wider than base, segment 3 with black apical ring, then each subsequent segment with more and more black, so segment 4 appears half black, segment 5 three-quarters black, segment 6 seven-eighths black, and segment 7 with very narrow blue basal ring; segment 7 also has blue tip, segments 8-9 blue, and segment 10 black above. Female: Polymorphic, either blue like male or green. Eyes brown over pale green. Thoracic stripes as in male. Abdomen mostly black above, but segment 1 pale, segment 2 extensively pale on sides, forming black torpedo but with exaggerated base, conspicuously pale basal ring on segments 3-8, also larger area on segments 8-9, and segment 10 pale. This species is distinguished from similar species by the divided antehumeral stripe as well as the conspicuous black stripe low on the sides of the thorax with bulges in it like a string of pearls. The extensive blue on the abdomen base and tip is not like any other western bluet, and the thoracic pattern is also distinct. In addition to the divided antehumeral stripe, the female is distinguished from other bluets by having a long stretch of pale color on the tip of the abdomen. No other bluet in the range of this species has most of segments 9-10 blue as well as the posterior tip of segment 8.”Illustrations of this species’ male wings, female mesostigmal plates (dorsal view), genital ligula, and male abdominal segment 10 are provided in Garrison et al. (2010). Nymph: Like other damselflies, Coenagrionidae nymphs are slender and elongate, easily distinguished from nymphal dragonflies by the presence of caudal gills and the slender thorax and abdomen (Tennessen 2008). The following characters distinguish nymphal Coenagrionidae from other Pacific Northwest damselfly families: Antennal segment 1 short, less than combined length of remaining segments; prementum entire or with a closed median cleft (as opposed to with a deep median cleft); prementum not petiolate and triangular (as opposed to petiolate and spoon-shaped); palpal lobe without setae on movable hook (as opposed to having 2 or 3 setae on movable hook) (Tennessen 2007). Nymphs of this family are considered the most challenging damselflies to identify. In the Pacific Northwest, Enallagma and Coenagrionidae can be separated from the other genera in the family using the key by Tennessen (2007), but separation of these two genera from each other is extremely challenging, and not attempted by traditional keys. In both genera, the eyes are entirely dark or with a zig-zag pattern of dark spots, the antennae have 6 segments, and the lateral carinae of abdominal segments II to VII usually have small sharp setae in a single row (Tennessen 2007). One character that may possibly be useful in separating the two genera is the presence of a palpal spine near the distal-most raptorial seta of the palpal lobe of most Enallagma species, but absent in later instar Coenagrion. The spine is very small and difficult to see, even at 20X magnification or greater (Tennessen 2007). Even if genus-level determination can be made, identification of Coenagrion interrogatum to species is presumably not possible. See Attachment 4 for photographs of the adult of this species.Life History: This species belongs to the family Coenagrionidae, also known as pond damsels. With more than 100 species in North America and over 1,300 species worldwide, Coenagrionidae is the largest family of damselflies and second largest family of odonates (Paulson and Dunkle 2018; Schorr and Paulson 2019). Coenagrion interrogatum is a lentic Nearctic damselfly found in mid- high elevation wetlands in North America.Nymph: Like all odonates, the majority of the life cycle of this species is spent as an aquatic nymph. Coenagrionid nymphs are climbers, usually found clinging to aquatic vegetation along the edges of aquatic habitat. They are aggressive visual predators, stalking prey while clinging to and concealing themselves among aquatic vegetation (Tennessen 2008). Like adults, damselfly nymphs are generalist carnivores feeding on aquatic animals. Nymphs in the genus are generally engulfer predators, using an extendable, hinged lower lip (labium) to capture prey (Tennessen 2008). The labium is equipped with sharp hooks and spines and is designed to grasp and hold prey, probably exclusively invertebrates (Tennessen 2008). Overwintering takes place in the nymphal stage. Odonata nymphs undergo about 10-15 instars and metamorphosis to the adult begins before the nymph leaves the water (Tennessen 2008; Stoks and Cordoba-Aguilar 2012). Among the final developmental stages is the transformation of the nymphal labium to the adult form, which renders the nymph unable to feed and signals that the end of aquatic phase is approaching (Tennessen 2008; Suhling et al. 2015). Once nymphal development is complete, they crawl out of the water and up the stem of a plant, stick, or other substrate to undergo final metamorphosis into an adult damselfly. Odonates may fall into two categories that describe their emergence strategy: 1) type 1 is where the nymph sits in a horizontal position to the ground at emergence, allowing for emergence at shorelines without vegetation (most Gomphidae and Zygoptera, including this species); and 2) type 2, where the nymph requires an overhanging support to remove the nymphal skin (allowing gravity to assist), which is characterized by all other Anisoptera (Suhling et al. 2015). During the final molt as it prepares for aerial life, odonate nymphs leave behind a nymphal skin or exuvia, which provides evidence of successful breeding at a site.Adult: Upon emergence from the nymphal stage, young adults (tenerals) may wander for a time before returning to their natal site or other suitable aquatic habitat to search for a mate. Right after emergence from the nymphal skin, the odonate cuticle is soft and the flight is weak. This begins the pre-reproductive period where the cuticle hardens and the individual undergoes sexual maturation. During maturation, males and females eventually develop their mature coloration and patterning, signifying the start of the reproductive adult stage (Paulson 2009). In Odonata, both sexes are always pale in coloration at emergence and these colors intensify during maturation. Mature C. interrogatum males and tandem pairs occur most frequently in dense vegetation, and are not usually seen over open water (Paulson 2009). To mate, the male grasps the dorsum of a female with his legs and then clasps her prothorax with his caudal appendages (cerci and paraprocts); after being firmly clasped by the male, the female swings her abdomen up to meet the male’s accessory genitalia on segment 2 (males must transfer sperm externally from segment 9 to this organ before copulation) (Tennessen 2008; Suhling et al. 2015). The resulting mating linkage resembles a heart-shaped loop, or mating wheel (Tennessen 2008). Copulating pairs often perch in shrubs up to head height (Paulson 2009). Zygoptera have sharp ovipositors that insert eggs within plant tissue, either above or below the water surface (Cannings and Cannings 1994; Tennessen 2008). Tandem pairs and unescorted females have been observed ovipositing in dead floating sedge leaves, floating grass leaves and stems, and emergent (upright) grass stems (Cannings and Cannings 1994; Paulson 2009).Adults are predators and capture prey with their spiny legs or their mouthparts (Tennessen 2008). Pond damsels are gleaners, which may alternate between perching and slow flights through vegetation in search of prey (Paulson 2009). In slow searching flights, gleaners dart toward stationary prey and capture it from the substrate (Paulson 2009). The Coenagrionidae adults will typically capture smaller flying insects, but also prey on other damselflies of the same size, especially when they have recently emerged and are more vulnerable (Paulson 2009).The flight period of a single adult of this species is relatively short—one week to probably less than a month. The six known Washington records were collected from mid-June to late July, although the total flight period is probably longer than is indicated by these limited records (e.g., in Canada it has been observed as early as May and as late as August [see Cannings and Cannings 1980]). Egg: Eggs of this species are laid endophytically, in a slot the female cuts in an aquatic plant. Embryonic development in this genus is rapid (Garrison et al. 2010). Range, Distribution, and Abundance: Type Locality: Hudson Bay Territory, Saskatchewan, Canada (Hagen in Selys 1876).Range: This species is found throughout Canada and in the northern United States, including Alaska in the West and most of New England in the Northeast (Paulson 2009; NatureServe 2020). Based on known records in the United States, Washington and Montana form the southern border in the West, and Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and New York form the southern border to the east (NatureServe 2020).Distribution: Four sites known in Washington include Davis Lake in Ferry County, Woodward Meadows in Stevens County, and Bunchgrass Meadows and Parker lake in Pend Oreille County (Paulson 2011, pers. comm.; Loggers and Moore 2013; Abbott 2020). All sites are on the Colville National Forest in northeastern Washington. This species has not been found and may not be expected to occur Oregon due to its largely boreal occurrence. BLM/Forest Service land: Documented: This species is documented from Ferry, Pend Oreille, and Stevens Counties on the Colville National Forest (Paulson 2011, pers. comm.; Loggers and Moore 2013; Abbott 2020). Suspected: It may occur on Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, although there is not sufficient information to consider it Suspected at this time. Abundance: Abundance estimates have not been conducted for this species at Washington sites. The few know records in Washington have documented between 1 and 5 individuals.Habitat Associations: Coenagrion interrogatum is found in cold wet sedge meadows, swamps, fens, bogs, and shallow peaty ponds in boreal forests (Cannings and Cannings 1980; 1994; Paulson 2009). This species is perhaps the most boreal of all North American Zygoptera (Cannings et al. 1994). C. interrogatum occurs in a variety of wetlands and marshes, however, it is narrower in its habitat requirements compared with other related Coenagrion taxa. It is typically found where aquatic mosses are abundant, and is usually associated with sphagnum and other bryophytes (Cannings and Cannings 1980; 1994). In Washington, it has been documented at mid- to high elevations (756 and 1540 m [2480 and 5052 ft.]) (Paulson 2009; Loggers and Moore 2013; Abbott 2020). This species co-occurs with other rare and sensitive odonates with similar habitat requirements, including Aeshna sitchensis and A. subarctica (Forest Service Region 6 WA and OR-Sensitive Species) (Cannings et al. 1991; Cannings and Cannings 1994; FS ISSSSP Database 2019; Abbott 2020). Bogs and fens where C. interrogatum has been documented may be typified by low, open scrub (e.g., Pinus and Thuga) and small shrubs (e.g., Gaultheria and Vaccinium), with sedges (e.g., Carex, Scirpus and Eriophorum), rushes, and grasses and a diverse assemblage of herbaceous vegetation (e.g., Drosera and Saxifraga) in open meadow/wetland areas (Cannings and Cannings 1980; 1994; Dewey 2017). In many of these fen and bog habitats mosses (e.g., Sphagnum, Tomentypnum, and Helodium) and liverworts (e.g., Harpanthus) form mats and hummocks around pools with small pebbles scattered on muddy bottoms (Cannings and Cannings 1980; 1994; Dewey 2017). Nymphs have been found in relatively large bog ponds (about 40 m long by 20 m wide [131 ft. by 65.6 ft.]), with submerged masses of aquatic mosses and emergent vegetation (Cannings and Cannings 1980). Adults often occur in open areas of bogs or marshes, and may also be found among shrubs and sedges (Cannings and Cannings 1980). In open areas, adults may be associated with the quaking bog surrounding a sphagnum pond, as well as the mossy edges of shallow bog ponds (Cannings and Cannings 1980).Threats: Although C. interrogatum is considered globally secure, it is unranked, vulnerable, or imperiled in most states where it occurs (NatureServe 2020). Despite it being widespread and common in much of Canada, it is rare and sparsely distributed at the southern edge of its range, including Washington (NatureServe 2020). In Washington, drought and associated water-level changes are considered the greatest immediate threats to known populations (Paulson 2011, pers. comm.). Habitat alteration and loss are the most significant causes of population changes in odonates (Tennessen 2009; Suhling et al. 2015). Peatlands, including bogs and fens where this species occurs, are sensitive to habitat disturbance and often host a diversity of highly vulnerable habitat specialists (White et al. 2014; Baird and Burgin 2016). Odonata with specialized habitat needs are particularly susceptible to changes in their habitat (Suhonen et al. 2014; Baird and Burgin 2016). Local populations of this species may be impacted by habitat altering activities such as road construction, development, logging, disease control, and grazing which may degrade peatlands through increased erosion, sedimentation, and groundwater extraction. Specific activities that alter bog and fen habitat in Washington include peat mining, wetland grazing, manipulation of water levels, recreation, recreational development, and management of aquatic vegetation (Chadde et al. 1998; Fleckenstein 2006). Although the population at Bunchgrass Meadows is now largely shielded from these threats (USDA Forest Service 2008), other potential populations in the area may not be protected. If insect and disease control is still allowed in Bunchgrass Meadows, it could threaten this species. Peat soils characteristic of fen ecosystems are highly susceptible to trampling and habitat alteration due to livestock use. Habitat alteration and removal of emergent vegetation that can result from grazing may decrease odonate abundance and reproductive effort in prairie wetlands (Lee Foote and Rice Hornung 2005). Livestock grazing is not permitted within the Bunchgrass Meadows site, although a grazing allotment is adjacent to the RNA, and could potentially impact the hydrology of the site. The supply of cattle watering troughs (which often draw from local groundwater wells in grazing allotments), may impact the water table and this species’ habitat. For instance, if environmental flows fall below a habitat function threshold, these complex groundwater-dependent ecosystems can be negatively impacted (Aldous and Bach 2014). In addition, the loss of trees through timber harvest poses a threat to this species, since forested upland habitat can provide maturation sites and nighttime roosting areas for adults (Corbet 1999; Packauskas 2005). Management of aquatic vegetation may also be problematic for this species. Since the nymphs of this species are dependent on vegetation for foraging habitat and protection from predators, the alteration or degradation of this resource by herbicide application in the water or watershed could be a threat at Bunchgrass Meadows and other managed sites. In heavily travelled areas, recreation, recreational development, and non-point-source pollution could also threaten this species. It is not known if disease and predation are serious threats to this species, but small populations are generally at greater risk of extirpation as a result of normal population fluctuations due to predation, disease, natural disasters, and other stochastic events.Impacts to habitat quality and quantity will likely be accelerated by global climate change, which is a primary threat to this species and others odonates that are associated with groundwater-dependent ecosystems. Climate-related changes in habitat suitability may threaten Washington populations and shift the species’ distribution northward. Climate changes are expected to have serious consequences for the long-term survival of this species and significantly impact its aquatic habitat. Projected climate changes in this region include increased frequency and severity of seasonal flooding decreases in groundwater availability, variability in precipitation, reduced snowpack, increased air and water temperatures, and intensified drought conditions in the West (Field et al. 2007; reviewed in IPCC 2014; reviewed in Jiménez Cisneros et al. 2014), all of which could impact this species’ habitat unfavorably. These changes may lead to the impairment of groundwater recharge capacity as precipitation patterns in the West are altered (Niraula et al. 2017). Climate change threatens the ecosystem services of groundwater-supported habitats and exacerbates already stressed water supplies as a result of intensive land-use practices and increased water demands (Maupin et al. 2014; IPBES 2018; reviewed in USGCRP 2018). Moreover, since many aspects of odonate survival (e.g., development, phenology, immune function, pigmentation, and behavior) are sensitive to changes in temperature, global climate change is predicted to have serious consequences on this taxon (Hassall and Thompson 2008). Conservation Considerations: Research: Life history traits and spatial variables (e.g., diapause, oviposition, dispersal ability, habitat preferences, etc.) may be predictors of shifts in distribution as well as extinction risk in Odonata, especially under changes in climate (Hassall 2015). Thus, research is needed to assess this species’ dispersal and colonization ability, and to detect shifts in its range. There is also a need to better understand the detailed biology (of both adults and nymphs), current distribution, and status of this species to inform conservation efforts. This includes specifics on its life cycle, fecundity, abundance, recruitment, physiological tolerances, and habitat usage by all life stages. Research at known sites should include understanding the extent of specific threats to this species and its habitat (e.g., invasive plants and fish, grazing, pollution, and groundwater extraction). Inventory: New sites in upland Washington could be explored for suitable habitat (bogs, fens, and sedge meadows), and surveyed for this species. According to Paulson (2011, pers. comm.), this species is probably restricted to Northeast Washington, but expected to occur at more locations between and around the known sites. There is a great deal of under-surveyed habitat for this species in Washington, including innumerable remote boggy areas scattered around the northeastern uplands (Paulson 2011; 2020, pers. comm.). In fact, new sites for this species were uncovered during mid-elevation odonate surveys of wetlands in the Colville National Forest (Loggers and Moore 2013), so there is likely potential for additional sites to exist. The Washington records are some of the southernmost extensions of this species’ North American distribution. Since the species has not been seen at Davis Lake and Bunchgrass Meadows in over 11 years and 14 years (Paulson 2011, pers. comm.; Abbott 2020), respectively, surveys could be conducted to confirm this species is extant at the sites where it was first recorded in Washington. With global climate change expected to threaten southern populations, continued surveys and abundance estimations at these known sites and surrounding areas would be valuable in evaluating distribution shifts, population declines, and other climate-driven effects. Since population size is important in evaluating the stability of a species at a given locality, abundance estimates for this species at new and known sites would be valuable (Cannings et al. 2007). Management: Bunchgrass Meadows, one of the few sites for this species in northeastern Washington where it has been seen since 2005, is a unique and interesting site for Odonata. It is also the only known Washington site for two sensitive Somatochlora species (S. franklini and S. whitehousei), and home to a population of Aeshna sitchensis and A. subarctica, two fen-associated, rare aeshnids in the Pacific Northwest (Paulson 2008, pers. comm.; FS ISSSSP Database 2019; Abbott 2020). This site for the most part contains no non-native vascular plant species and is noticeably unique in terms of both animal and plant diversity (Ahlenslager 2008, pers. comm.; Dewey 2017). It requires serious conservation efforts, and has gained federal protection as an official Research Natural Area (RNA) (Ahlenslager 2008, pers. comm.; USDA Forest Service 2008). The main goal of an RNA is to provide opportunities for non-manipulative and non-destructive research in ecosystems that are free from human impact and influenced only by natural processes. Current management of the Bunchgrass RNA includes prohibiting logging and mining, discouraging recreational use (horseback riding and berry picking are permitted), and reducing travel throughout the site. Managers for sites that do not have management plans in place for maintaining aquatic habitat features could consider managing habitat-disturbing activities to minimize impacts to sedge meadow, fen, and bog ecosystems. The following actions are recommended for management of bog and fen habitat and the protection of environmental flows in these and other groundwater-dependent ecosystems (Sargent and Carter 1999; Aldous and Bach 2014):Protect mineral-rich ground-water sources from pollution.Avoid destruction of existing hydrology (e.g., diverting, damming, extracting, or altering water flow) and understand the environmental flows and groundwater levels needed to support groundwater-dependent habitats.Avoid disturbance of plant community (e.g., grazing or harvesting peat or sphagnum).Avoid fertilizer use in or near wetland area, since such pollution can drastically change plant communities, often in favor of invasive species.Create a buffer zone at least 91 m (100 yards) around the wetland (this can be done by planting shrubs/grasses, or by keeping the area free of disturbance, including roads and trails).Version 3: Prepared by: Michele BlackburnXerces Society for Invertebrate ConservationDate: June 2020Reviewed by: Candace FallonXerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation Date: June 2020Version 2: Prepared by: Sarah Foltz Jordan, Xerces Society for Invertebrate ConservationDate: December 2011Edited by: Sarina Jepsen, Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation Date: December 2011Version 1: Prepared by: John Fleckenstein, Natural Heritage Program, Washington Department of Natural Resources.Date: January 2006Edited by: Rob Huff, Conservation Planning Coordinator, FS/BLM-PortlandDate: June 2007Recommended citation: Blackburn, M., S. Foltz Jordan, and J. Fleckenstein. 2020. Interagency Special Status/Sensitive Species Program (ISSSSP) Species Fact Sheet: Coenagrion interrogatum. USDA Forest Service Region 6 and USDI Bureau of Land Management Oregon State Office. 24 pp. Available at: ? ????? ATTACHMENTS:ReferencesList of pertinent or knowledgeable contacts Map of Washington DistributionPhotographs of the adult of this speciesOdonata Survey Protocol, including specifics for this speciesATTACHMENT 1: References Abbott, J. 2020. Odonata Central. An online resource for the distribution and identification of Odonata. Verified Aeshna sitchensis records. Available at: [Accessed May 2020]. Ahlenslager, K. 2008. Personal communication: E-mail exchange with Sarah Foltz Jordan, the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, regarding the establishment of Bunchgrass Meadows as a Research Natural Area. Aldous, A.R. and L.B. Bach. 2014. Hydro-ecology of groundwater-dependent ecosystems: applying basic science to groundwater management. Hydrological Sciences Journal 59(3-4): 530-544.Baird, I.R. and S. Burgin. 2016. Conservation of a groundwater-dependent mire-dwelling dragonfly: implications of multiple threatening processes. Journal of Insect Conservation?20(2): 165-178. Cannings, S.G. and Cannings, R.A. 1980. The larva of Coenagrion interrogatum (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), with notes on the species in the Yukon. The Canadian Entomologist 112(5): 437-441.Cannings, S.G. and R.A. Cannings. 1994. The Odonata of the northern cordilleran peatlands of North America. The Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 126(S169): 89-110. Cannings, S.G., R.A. Cannings, and R.J. Cannings. 1991. Distribution of the dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata) of the Yukon Territory, Canada with notes on ecology and behaviour. Contributions to Natural Sciences, Royal British Columbia Museum 13: 1-27.Cannings, R.A., L.R. Ramsay, S.G. Cannings. 2007. Odonata inventories in British Columbia, Canada: determining the conservation status of Odonata species. Ed. B.K. Tyagi. In: Odonata–Biology of Dragonflies. Scientific Publishers, India. pp. 137-151.Chadde, S., J.S. Shelly, R.J. Bursik, R.K. Moseley, A.G. Evenden, M. Mantas, F. Rabe, and B. Heidel. 1998. Peatlands on national forests of the northern Rocky Mountains: ecology and conservation. Rocky Mountain Research Station. General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-11. July 1998. Ogden, Utah. 32 pp.Corbet, P.S. 1999. Dragonflies: behaviour and ecology of Odonata. Harley Books, Colchester, UK. 829 pp.Dewey, R. 2017. Inventory for rare and uncommon plants in fen and fen-like ecosystems on Colville National Forest and two districts of Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. Prepared by the Deschutes National Forest. 78 pp.Field, C.B., Mortsch, L.D., Brklacich, M., Forbes, D.L., Kovacs, P., Patz, J.A., Running, S.W. and Scott, M.J. 2007. Chapter 14: North America. In: Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Parry, M.L., Canziani, O.F., Palutikof, J.P., van der Linden, P.J. and Hanson, C.E., eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Available at:, J. 2006. “Coenagrion interrogatum Species Fact Sheet.” Interagency Special Status /Sensitive Species Program (ISSSSP). Jan. 2006. OR-WA Forest Service / Bureau of Land Management. Available at: [Accessed June 2020].FS ISSSSP Database. 2019. FINAL Region 6 Regional Forester Special Status Species List, March 13, 2019.Garrison,?R.W.,?Von Ellenrieder,?N., and J.A. Louton. 2010.?Damselfly Genera?of the?New World, an?Illustrated?and?Annotated Key?to the?Zygoptera. The?Johns Hopkins University Press.?490 pp.Hassall, C. 2015. Odonata as candidate macroecological barometers for global climate change. Freshwater Science 34(3): 1040-1049. Hassall, C. and D.J. Thompson. 2008. The effects of environmental warming on Odonata: a review. International Journal of Odonatology 11(2): 131-153. [IPBES] 2018. The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. The IPBES regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for the Americas. Rice, J., Seixas, C. S., Zaccagnini, M. E., Bedoya-Gaitán, M., and Valderrama N. (eds.). Secretariat of the IPBES, Bonn, Germany. 656 pp. [IPCC] 2014. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, R.K. Pachauri and L.A. Meyer (eds.)]. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland, 151 pp.[IUCN] 2020. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2020-1. Available at: [Accessed May 2020].Jiménez Cisneros, B.E., T. Oki, N.W. Arnell, G. Benito, J.G. Cogley, P. D?ll, T. Jiang, and S.S. Mwakalila. 2014. Freshwater resources. In: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Field, C.B., V.R. Barros, D.J. Dokken, K.J. Mach, M.D. Mastrandrea, T.E. Bilir, M. Chatterjee, K.L. Ebi, Y.O. Estrada, R.C. Genova, B. Girma, E.S. Kissel, A.N. Levy, S. MacCracken, P.R. Mastrandrea, and L.L. White (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, p. 229-269.Lee Foote, A., and C.L. Rice Hornung. 2005. Odonates as biological indicators of grazing effects on Canadian prairie wetlands. Ecological Entomology 30(3): 273-283. Loggers, C. and R. Moore. 2013. Surveys for Odonates at Mid-elevation wetlands. Colville National Forest Northeast Washington, Summer 2013. ISSSP Project. 5 pp.Maupin, M.A., J. F. Kenny, S.S. Hutson, J.K. Lovelace, N.L. Barber, and Kristin S. Linsey. 2014. Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 2010. USGC Circular 1405. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA. 56 pp.NatureServe. 2020. Coenagrion interrogatum Hagen in Selys, 1876. NatureServe Explorer [web application]. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available at: explorer [Accessed May 2020].Niraula, R., T. Meixner, F. Dominguez, N. Bhattarai, M. Rodell, H. Ajami, D. Gochis, and C. Castro. 2017. How might recharge change under projected climate change in the western US?. Geophysical Research Letters 44(20): 10-407. Packauskas, R.J. 2005. “Hudsonian Emerald Dragonfly (Somatochlora hudsonica): a technical conservation assessment.” 24 Aug. 2005. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region. Available at: [Accessed June 2020].Paulson, D. 2008. Personal communication with Sarah Foltz Jordan, the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. Dennis Paulson, Director Emeritus, Slater Museum of Natural History, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington.Paulson, D. 2009. Dragonflies and damselflies of the West. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. 535 pp.Paulson, D. 2011. Personal communication with Sarah Foltz Jordan, the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. Dennis Paulson, Director Emeritus, Slater Museum of Natural History, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington.Paulson, D. 2020. Personal communication with Michele Blackburn, the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. Dennis Paulson, Director Emeritus, Slater Museum of Natural History, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA. 8 June.Paulson, D. R. and S. W. Dunkle. 2018. A Checklist of North American Odonata: including English name, etymology, type locality, and distribution. Originally published.?Occasional Paper?56 (2018).Sargent, M.S and Carter, K.S., ed. 1999. Managing Michigan Wildlife: A Landowners Guide.? Michigan United Conservation Clubs, East Lansing, MI. Selys-Longchamps, E. 1876. Synopsis des agrionines, cinquième légion: Agrion (suite). Le grand genre Agrion. Agrion interrogatum Hagen 1876. Bulletin de l'Académie royale des Sciences de Belgique (2) 41: 1254-1255. Available at: [Accessed May 2020]. Schorr, M. and D. Paulson. 2019. World List of Odonata. Last revision 14 November 2019.Stoks, R. and A. Cordoba-Aguilar. 2012. Evolutionary ecology of Odonata: a complex life cycle perspective. Annual Review of Entomology 57: 249-265.Suhling, F., G. Sahlén, S. Gorb, V.J. Kalkman, K-D. B. Dijkstra, and J. van Tol. Order Odonata. In: Thorp and Covich's Freshwater Invertebrates. Academic Press, Cambridge, MA. pp. 893-932.Suhonen, J., E.S.A Korkeamaki, J. Salmela, and M. Kuitunen. 2014. Risk of local extinction of Odonata freshwater habitat generalists and specialists. Conservation Biology 28: 783–789. Tennessen, K. 2007. Odonata Larvae of the Pacific Northwest: An Identification Manual. Created for use in a taxonomic workshop sponsored by the Xerces Society and held at Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington, March 16-18, 2007.Tennessen, K. 2008. Chapter 12. Odonata. In. Merritt R.W. and K.W. Cummins. Ed. An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America. 4th Edition. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. Dubuque, Iowa. pp. 237-294.USDA Forest Service 2008. Environmental Assessment. Bunchgrass Meadows Research Natural Area Establishment and Forest Plan Amendment. Available at: HYPERLINK "" [Accessed June 2020].[USFWS] United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 2020. Environmental Conservation Online System (ECOS). Online database. Available at: [Accessed May 2020].[USGCRP] 2018. U.S. Global Change Research Program. Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II [Reidmiller, D.R., C.W. Avery, D.R. Easterling, K.E. Kunkel, K.L.M. Lewis, T.K. Maycock, and B.C. Stewart (eds.)]. Washington, DC, USA, 1515 pp.White, E.L., P.D. Hunt, M.D. Schlesinger, J.D. Corser, and P.G. deMaynadier. A conservation status assessment of Odonata for the northeastern United States. New York Natural Heritage Program, Albany. 50 pp.Map references: Abbott. 2020. Odonata Central. An online resource for the distribution and identification of Odonata. Verified Coenagrion interrogatum records. Available at: [Accessed May 2020]. [GBIF] 2020. Global Biodiversity Information Facility. [online database]. Available at: [Accessed May 2020].iNaturalist. 2020. "Coenagrion interrogatum". Online database. Available at: [Accessed May 2020]. Loggers, C. and R. Moore. 2013. Surveys for Odonates at Mid-elevation wetlands. Colville National Forest Northeast Washington, Summer 2013. ISSSP Project. 5 pp.Paulson, D. 2011. Personal communication with Sarah Foltz Jordan, Xerces Society. Director Emeritus, Slater Museum of Natural History, Tacoma, Washington.[ORBIC] 2020. Oregon Biodiversity and Information Center. GIS export provided to Candace Fallon, the Xerces Society, by Lindsey Wise, Biodiversity Data Manager, January 2020.[WDFW] 2020. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. GIS export provided to Candace Fallon, the Xerces Society. January 2020.ATTACHMENT 2: List of pertinent, knowledgeable contacts John Abbott, Chief Curator & Director of Museum Research and Collections, University of Alabama Museums, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, ALDennis Paulson, Director Emeritus, Slater Museum of Natural History, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WAATTACHMENT 3: Map of Washington Distribution Records of Coenagrion interrogatum in Washington, relative to Forest Service and BLM lands. ATTACHMENT 4: Photographs of Adult Female and MaleCoenagrion interrogatum pair21526501905, lateral view. Photograph by Jessica Louton, collected by Flint, C. M. and Flint, O. S., available at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Entomology Collection, available under Creative Commons CC0 public domain.Coenagrion interrogatum male. Photograph by Maurice13, available at iNaturalist, licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0. ATTACHMENT 5: Odonata Survey Protocol, including specifics for this species Survey ProtocolTaxonomic group: OdonataSpecies:Coenagrion interrogatumWhere:Adult odonates can be found feeding in a range of terrestrial habitats, but are most effectively sampled at the aquatic habitat where they mate and oviposit. Ponds, streams, rivers, lake shores, marshes, bogs, and fens support a range of odonate diversity. Some species (e.g., Anax junius) frequent a variety of habitats, while others (e.g., Coenagrion interrogatum) have highly specific preferences with regard to habitat, including substrate, vegetation, and water quality. For species-specific habitat information, see the section at the end of this protocol. When: Adults are surveyed in summer, during the often-short window of their documented flight period. Adult odonates are most active in warm temperatures, and usually begin to fly at the aquatic habitat with the morning sun. Depending on the species, males arrive as early as 9 am and leave as late as 6 pm. Females tend to arrive several hours later, after the males have established their mating territories (Campanella 1975). In the high temperatures of the late afternoon, some species seek shade in trees and vegetation. Although nymphs are present all summer, it is preferable to sample later in the season (i.e., just prior to and during the early part of adult emergence), when a higher proportion of the more easily identified late nymphal instars will be found. How to Survey:Adults: Use a long-handled, open-mesh aerial net, light enough to be swung rapidly. Triplehorn and Johnson (2005) recommend a 300-380 mm diameter net with a handle at least 1 m long. Approach the site quietly, observing the environment and natural behaviors that occur prior to sampling. Note the number of different species present and their flight patterns. This will help in predicting the movement of target species, and in evaluating whether the site has been surveyed “exhaustively” (i.e. all species observed at the site have been collected or photo-documented). Since dragonflies are wary of humans and readily leave an area when disturbed, it is important to be as discreet in your movements as possible, at all times. Watch vegetation, logs, tree-trunks, and large, flat rocks for perched individuals, particularly those in the Gomphidae and Libellulidae families. Since dragonflies are powerful fliers and notoriously challenging to catch, try to quietly photo-document specimens prior to attempting to capture. Use a camera with good zoom or macrolens, and focus on the aspects of the body that are the most critical to species determination (i.e. dorsum of abdomen, abdominal terminalia (genitalia), pleural thoracic markings, wing markings, eyes, and face). When stalking perched individuals, approach slowly from behind, covering your legs and feet with vegetation, if possible (dragonflies see movement below them better than movement at their level). When chasing, swing from behind, and be prepared to pursue the insect. A good method is to stand to the side of a dragonfly’s flight path, and swing out as it passes. After capture, quickly flip the top of the net bag over to close the mouth and prevent the insect from escaping. Once netted, most insects tend to fly upward, so hold the mouth of the net downward and reach in from below when retrieving the specimen. Collected specimens should be placed on ice in a cooler long enough to slow their movement (a few minutes), and then set on a log or stone and comprehensively photographed until the subject starts to stir. Specimens to be preserved should be placed alive, wings folded together, in glassine or paper envelopes, as they lose color rapidly once killed. Record the eye color and locality/collection data on the envelope, including longitude and latitude if possible. Acetone, which helps retain bright colors, is recommended for killing odonates. Glassine envelopes with the lower corner clipped and the specimen inside should be soaked in acetone for 24 hours (2 to 4 hours for damselflies) and then removed, drained, and air-dried. The resulting specimens are extremely brittle, and can be stored in envelopes, pinned with wings spread, or pinned sideways to conserve space. Mating pairs in tandem or copula should be indicated and stored together, if possible. Collection labels should include the following information: date, time of day, collector, detailed locality (including water-body, geographical coordinates, mileage from named location, elevation, etc.), and detailed habitat/behavior (e.g. “perched on log near sandy lake shore”). Complete determination labels include the species name, sex (if known), determiner name, and date determined. Relative abundance surveys can be achieved by timed watches at designated stations around a site. We recommend between 5 and 10 stations per site, each covering one square meter of habitat, and each monitored for 10 to 15 minutes. Stations should be selected in areas with the highest odonate usage, and spread out as evenly as possible throughout the site. During and one minute prior to the monitoring period, observers should remain very still, moving only their eyes and writing hand. Recorded information should include start and end times, weather, species, sex, and behavior (e.g. male-male interaction, pair in tandem). Observations occurring near, but outside of, the designated station should be included but noted as such.Catch and marked-release methods can help evaluate population sizes, species life-span, and migration between sites. This strategy (most appropriate if several sites are being surveyed repeatedly throughout a season) involves gently numbering the wing with a fine-tip permanent marker before release. Nymphs: When surveying for nymphs, wear waders, and use care to avoid disrupting habitat, including stream banks, wetlands, and associated vegetation. Depending on the habitat, a variety of nets can be useful. D-frame nets are the most versatile, as they can be used in both lotic and lentic habitats. Kick-nets are only useful when sampling stream riffles, and small aquarium nets are most effective in small pools. If desired, relative abundance between sites or years can be estimated by standardizing sampling area or sampling time. When the use of a D-frame net is not feasible (e.g., in areas that have very dense vegetation, little standing water, and/or deep sediment), an alternative sampling device, such as a stovepipe sampler, can be used. This cylindrical enclosure trap (~34 cm in diameter and 60 cm in height) is quickly forced down through the water/vegetation and firmly positioned in the bottom substrate. Material and organisms are then removed by hand using small dip nets (Turner and Trexler 1997). Net contents are usually dumped or rinsed into shallow white trays to search for nymphs more easily, as they are quite cryptic and can be difficult to see if they are not moving. White ice-cube trays may also aid in field sorting. Voucher collection should be limited to late instar nymphs, which can be most readily identified. If necessary, early instars can be reared to later stages or adulthood in screened buckets/aquaria with tall grasses added for emergence material. However, since the rearing process often takes many trials to perfect, it is only recommended if knowledge of species’ presence-absence status at a particular site is critical, and few-to-no late instars or adults are found. Voucher specimens can be either (1) preserved on-site in sample vials filled with 80% ethanol, or (2) brought back from the field in wet moss/paper-towels, killed in boiling water, cooled to room temperature, and transferred to 80% ethanol. Although the latter method is more time intensive, it is recommended for maximum preservation of internal anatomy (Triplehorn and Johnson 2005). Live specimens should be separated by size during sorting to reduce cannibalism/predation.Although easily overlooked, nymphal exuviae left on rocks, sticks, or vegetation from which the adult emerged are valuable for species documentation. These cast-off exoskeletons of the final nymphal instar can be identified to species using nymphal traits, and offer a unique, conservation-sensitive sampling method for odonates (Foster and Soluk 2004). Since exuviae indicate the presence of successful breeding populations at a particular locale, their habitat data can be very informative, and should be documented with as much care as that of nymphs and adults.Species-specific survey details:Coenagrion interrogatumWhere: Bogs, fens, and wet meadows are the appropriate habitat in which to conduct surveys for this species. This species is rare in Washington and all known sites occur on the Colville National Forest. Only four sites are known in northeastern Washington: Davis Lake, Ferry County, Bunchgrass Meadows and Parker Lake, Pend Oreille County, and Woodward Meadows, Stevens County. The species is not known or expected in Oregon, likely due to its boreal distribution. Since the species has not been seen at Davis Lake and Bunchgrass Meadows in over 11 years and 14 years (Paulson 2011, pers. comm.; Abbott 2020), respectively, surveys could be conducted to confirm this species is extant at the sites where it was first recorded in Washington. Under-surveyed areas in upland Washington could be explored for suitable habitat (bogs and sedge meadows), and surveyed for this species. According to Paulson (2011; 2020, pers. comm.), this species is probably restricted to Northeast Washington, but expected to occur at more locations between and around the known sites. There is a great deal of under-surveyed habitat for this species in Washington, including innumerable remote boggy areas scattered around the northeastern uplands (Paulson 2011; 2020, pers. comm.). The species may occur in upland bog/fen habitat near the existing site at Bunchgrass Meadows, along the northern Washington border, and elsewhere in the state, including the Washington Cascades where suitable habitat exists. In fact, new sites for this species were uncovered during mid-elevation odonate surveys of wetlands in the Colville National Forest (Loggers and Moore 2013), so there is likely potential for additional sites to exist. However, the species was notably absent at multiple new locations on the Colville National Forest and Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest during odonate surveys in 2010, 2012, and 2014, where other rare odonates with similar habitat preferences were documented (Loggers and Moore 2010; 2012; Rohrer 2014; Paulson 2020, pers. comm.). This species is small and could be easily overlooked in suitable habitat; revisiting some of these sites may be warranted to understand the extent of its range and habitat preferences in Washington. Since global climate change is expected to threaten populations at their southern range, continued surveys and abundance estimations at these sites and surrounding areas would be valuable in evaluating distribution shifts, population declines, and other climate-driven effects. Continuing to monitor for odonates which occur in sensitive habitats in this region will help inform changes in their populations due to climate change and other threats to their habitat. When: Sites should be surveyed at midday, during the species’ documented flight period. The six known Washington records were collected from mid-June to late July, although the flight period may extend beyond what is indicated by these limited records.How: Approach sites quietly, watching for mating pairs, ovipositing females, and individuals perched on vegetation near aquatic habitat. Bluets often perch low on emergent vegetation over the water, and can go easily unnoticed (Kerst and Gordon 2011). Males and pairs in tandem can typically be found in dense vegetation (Paulson 2009). Mating pairs may take cover within tall shrubs and lone or escorted females (tandem pairs) can be observed ovipositing in floating vegetation and emergent grass stems (Paulson 2009). Coenagrionids can be difficult to see and capture with a net when in flight, as they fly very close to the water surface and among emergent vegetation (Kerst and Gordon 2011). Identification of individuals in flight is extremely difficult for this species, and specimens must be netted and identified in hand. This species is identified by a combination of features outlined in the Species Fact Sheet. While researchers are visiting sites and monitoring for adults, nymphs, and exuviae, detailed habitat data should also be acquired, including substrate type, water quality, vegetation characteristics, and presence/use of canopy cover (Packauskas 2005). Inventories and abundance estimates for this species would also assist future conservation efforts, since population size is important in evaluating the stability of a species at a given locality (Cannings et al. 2007). References: (Survey Protocol Only)Abbott, J. 2020. Odonata Central. An online resource for the distribution and identification of Odonata. Verified Aeshna sitchensis records. Available at: [Accessed May 2020]. Campanella, P.J. 1975. The evolution of mating systems in temperate zone dragonflies (Odonata: Anisoptera) II: Libellula luctuosa (Burmeister). Behaviour 54: 278-310.Cannings, R.A., L.R. Ramsay, S.G. Cannings. 2007. Odonata inventories in British Columbia, Canada: determining the conservation status of Odonata species. Ed. B.K. Tyagi. In: Odonata–Biology of Dragonflies. Scientific Publishers, India. pp. 137-151.Foster, S.E. and D.S. Soluk. 2004. Evaluating exuvia collection as a management tool for the federally endangered Hine's emerald dragonfly, Somatochlora hineana Williamson (Odonata: Cordulidae). Biological Conservation 118: 15-20. Kerst, C. and S. Gordon. 2011. Dragonflies and damselflies of Oregon: A field guide. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR. 304 pp.Loggers, C. and R. Moore. 2010. Surveys for Odonates at high-elevation wetlands. Colville National Forest Northeast Washington, Summer 2010. ISSSP Project. 9 pp.Loggers, C. and R. Moore. 2012. Surveys for Odonates at Low to Mid-elevation wetlands. Colville National Forest Northeast Washington, Summer 2012. ISSSP Project. 5 pp.Loggers, C. and R. Moore. 2013. Surveys for Odonates at Mid-elevation wetlands. Colville National Forest Northeast Washington, Summer 2013. ISSSP Project. 5 pp.NatureServe. 2020. Coenagrion interrogatum Hagen in Selys, 1876. NatureServe Explorer [web application]. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available at: explorer [Accessed May 2020].Packauskas, R.J. 2005. “Hudsonian Emerald Dragonfly (Somatochlora hudsonica): a technical conservation assessment.” 24 Aug. 2005. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region. Available at: [Accessed June 2020].Paulson, D. 2009. Dragonflies and damselflies of the West. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. 535 pp.Paulson, D. 2011. Personal communication with Sarah Foltz Jordan, the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. Dennis Paulson, Director Emeritus, Slater Museum of Natural History, Tacoma, WA. Paulson, D. 2020. Personal communication with Michele Blackburn, the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. Dennis Paulson, Director Emeritus, Slater Museum of Natural History, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA. 8 June.Rohrer, J. 2014. Interagency Special Status Species Program Odonate Survey of Bogs, Fens, and Shallow Ponds, Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. 8 pp.Tennessen, K. 2007. Odonata Larvae of the Pacific Northwest: An Identification Manual. Created for use in a taxonomic workshop sponsored by the Xerces Society and held at Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington, March 16-18, 2007.Triplehorn, C. and N. Johnson. 2005. Introduction to the Study of Insects. Thomson Brooks/Cole, Belmont, CA. 864pp. Turner, A.M. and J.C. Trexler. 1997. Sampling Aquatic Invertebrates from Marshes: Evaluating the Options. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 16(3): 694-709. ................

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