Springdale Board of Health

December 10, 2015

Mayor Webster called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Board of Health Members

Present: Scott Garrison, Rita Hart, Lynn Jones, George Kellner, Dr. Ketring,

James Squires

Dr. Webb, Medical Advisor

Others Present

Mayor Webster; Holly Emerson, Council representative to the Board of Health

City Staff: Matt Clayton, Health Commissioner; Jean Hicks, Public Health Nurse

Mayor Webster made a toast to departing Board of Health member George Kellner who had served 13 years on the City of Springdale Board of Health. George had been a microbiologist on the City of Cincinnati Health Department so had a unique perspective on the various issues faced by the Board of Health. George and his valuable contributions will be missed.

Minutes of the November 12, 2015 Board of Health Meeting – Minutes of the November 12th, 2015 Board of Health meeting were considered. There was no discussion and minutes were approved as submitted.

City Council Report

Mrs. Emerson reported that a primary piece of legislation was passed with a 7 – 0 vote at the November 18th City Council meeting, Ordinance No. 26, amending Chapter 94 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Springdale. This was needed in order for the City of Springdale to be able to collect Earnings Taxes per State of Ohio House Bill 5. Mayor Webster pointed out that the City of Springdale Tax Review Board was going to have to be restructured as a result of House Bill 5.

Mrs. Emerson provided a report of the December 1st Special Session of the City Council in which included the swearing-in of the newly City Council members. Mrs. Emerson also provided a report of the December 2nd regular City Council Meeting in which there were several Resolutions recognizing the service of the departing members of the City of Springdale City Council, Board of Health, Board of Zoning Appeals, and Planning Commission as well as numerous Ordinances concerning Mayoral and City Council appointments to these various boards; all of which passed with 7 – 0 votes. The December 2nd meeting also included a review and passing (7 – 0 vote) of the FY2016 Budget, which was described as lean and mean. This is due to the aforementioned City of Springdale Ordinance No. 26/State of Ohio House Bill 5, in which the State is collecting and reallocating monies previously under the City of Springdale’s jurisdiction, so the City of Springdale expects $40,000 less in 2016 than was received in 2014. Two positives noted were two new corporate citizens, Macy’s and Process Plus., moving in in the next few months.

Mayor Webster reminded the Board that the owners of the Tri-County Mall have intentions to invest $40M dollars in upgrades and they are working on a third anchor store for the mall. Work is getting ready to start on the second mall out lot; this will include the Outback Steakhouse.

Old Business

Dr. Ketring asked about the status of one of the skunk complaints discussed at November’s Board of Health meeting. That complaint, in which a resident was feeding the skunk population, has been successfully resolved to the residents’ and the Health Department’s satisfaction. The procedure to be followed in the event of trapping skunks was reviewed.

Mrs. Hart brought in the article concerning the closure of the City of Sharonville’s Board of Health for anyone to review if interested.

Willows Work Group (WWG)

The Springdale Health Department (SHD) held the November WWG meeting on November 13th and a follow-up mediation between UFCW 75 and Elmington Property Management was held on November 20, 2015. Paul Breidenback of Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME) mediated the meeting. Dr. Ketring asked how the union was involved. Mr. Clayton explained that, initially, a Union representative was going to the Willows trying to gain support for a class-action lawsuit against the Willows for failure to maintain the property; however, that Union representative has since moved out of the area. Many of the residents of the Willows work at a Springdale business (Smithfield, formerly known as John Morrell) in which the UFCW is involved. Mr. Clayton again reviewed the stakeholders in the WWG, which include several City of Springdale departments (Police, Fire, Health, Building) and local churches (Nazarene, Vineyard, and another church in Price Hill which has a large Hispanic congregation). Mr. Clayton has brought Heritage Hill Elementary in as a partner as well and he would still like to see more resident involvement. The next WWG meeting will be on December 11th at the Springdale Municipal Building and then January 8th.

New Business

The Health Commissioner, Mr. Clayton, brought up another new initiative he would like to undertake and wanted to poll the Board to get their approval of the initiative before he proceeded. This idea came up while he and Ella Jergens, the Registered Sanitarian, were conducting hotel/motel inspections. He spoke with the Police Chief about the initiative because these hotels/motels are also of a concern to the Police Department in the area of crime and crime prevention. Mr. Clayton would like to step up inspections and strengthen the hotel/motel regulations. Mr. Clayton will develop a cost methodology that will provide more detail as to what this initiative would entail (e.g., number of inspections, et. al.) Mr. Garrison asked what the cost of this initiative would be and had a concern about staffing this increased effort. Mr. Clayton explained that any increased cost would be accounted for by an increase in hotel/motel licensing fees and this would be figured in the cost methodology data he will now develop. The Board agreed for Mr. Clayton to proceed with developing the cost methodology for the Board to review. Mrs. Hart suggested an award program similar to the 5-Star Award Program which recognizes food service operations with a proven track record based on certain criteria.

Health Commissioner’s Report Matt Clayton

Under Nuisances, Animal Bites, and Food Illnesses, Mr. Clayton provided a summary of complaints since the last meeting; individual complaints were included in the Board of Health packet. There was a raccoon and fleas complaint at the Willows that has been closed and a bedbug report at the Super 8 Motel. Inspection reports of two of the schools, Heritage Hill Elementary and Springdale Elementary, were also included. There are some punch list items on these inspections that Mr. Clayton advised were in the process of getting resolved; some would be taken care of over winter break.

Food Service Operations – It was noted that Beef O’Brady’s closed on November 25th. Work on the new Chipotle on the Tri-County Mall out lot continues; it is expected to open 1st Quarter 2016. Work is also ongoing at the Thorton’s at the corner of Crescentville and Princeton Pike. The Mayor shared that the ribbon-cutting was scheduled for December 17th. The Manna House planned for Northland Boulevard did not work out because of the facility not having a vent hood. Mr. Clayton reassured the Board that he and the other Registered Sanitarian had been staying on top of the owner of DJ’s as promised and Mrs. Hart noted that she had noticed an improvement in the upkeep of the premises.

Work is ongoing in the Enson Mart grocery store. Signage was approved by the Planning Commission at their November meeting. There is going to be a mezzanine upstairs which will provide an overlook of the store, storage, and a food court. They are to be operational in the 1st Quarter of 2016. The Mayor assured the Board that it would be a conventional-type grocery store.

Mr. Clayton reported that he was working with the Economic Development Director, Christine Russell, in developing a list of food operators they would like to see in Springdale and are actively speaking with Cilantro in Clifton.

Mr. Clayton reported that he has had recent conversations with representatives from Darden regarding the former Bahama Breeze location, asking Darden to consider selling or renting the property so it can be used for a productive and economically viable purpose. The Springdale Building Department has recently issued orders to Darden for exterior maintenance issues. The interior of the building has been vandalized but Darden still wants over $1M for the property. The Darden Company includes Olive Garden, Red Lobster, and Smokey Bones.

PHAB Accreditation – The first PHAB Accreditation meeting will be held on December 22nd. Mr. Clayton, Jean Hicks, and Ella Jergens will meet with the PHAB consultant to conduct a PHAB pre-accreditation assessment. It is Mr. Clayton’s hope that the Springdale Health Department will begin hosting Western Kentucky University (WKU) Master’s of Public Health (MPH) students for internships in January 2016. These graduate students would be assisting the SHD during the PHAB Accreditation process. Mr. Forbes, the City of Springdale’s Law Director, is currently reviewing the Indemnification Clause of the Memorandum of Agreement with WKU. Mayor Webster asked how many of these students would be involved. Mr. Clayton state three to four per year. These are nonpaid internships.

Corporation for Findlay Market (CFFM) – The SHD met with CFFM on November 18th. Documents prepared by the SHD for the purpose of assisting new recruits to the CFFM Incubator Kitchen with licensing and registration (state and local) were reviewed. One version of the provided documents was chosen as a model for specific, targeted guidance documents. CFFM then requested this model be duplicated and individually tailored to meet roughly 12 types of vendors who may produce products at the CFFM Incubator Kitchen. Mr. Clayton is hoping to get new and innovative vendors for the City of Springdale’s Farmer Market from this relationship.

Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CABVI) – The SHD requested the CABVI provide a presentation for those in the community who are experiencing vision impairments and their loved ones. This will take place January 21st, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. in the Community Center. The SHD is asking for a press release from the CABVI to advertise this offering.

Ohio Uniform Food Safety Code – The Ohio Department of Health and the Ohio Department of Agriculture will conduct a joint Ohio Uniform Food Safety Code Update training on December 17th in Dayton. Mr. Clayton and Mrs. Jergens plan on attending.

Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) – A number of deliverables are in progress for Public Health preparedness grants such as the PHEP Grant, the Ebola Supplemental Grant, and the City Readiness Initiative Grant. Mr. Clayton has been appointed as the Secretary of the Southwest Ohio Executive Steering Committee for 2016.

Pool and Spa Program Audit – The Ohio Department of Health visited the SHD on November 23rd for an audit of the Springdale swimming pool and spa program. ODH audited SHD’s records and accompanied staff to the Maple Knoll indoor pool and spa for a field audit. The 2014 report was not written per requirements but the 2015 report was written in compliance with regulations. Mr. Clayton expects the finding of the audit to be positive.

Neighborhood Watch Program - Mr. Clayton was the guest speaker at the December 8th Neighborhood Watch meeting at the Springdale Police Department. Mr. Clayton had the presentation available for the BOH members to review if desired.

Springdale Offering Support (SOS) – Mr. Clayton provided an update on the SOS’s annual Adopt a Family Program for Christmas. The community is supporting this effort with donations of gifts and food.

SHD Referrals from the Springdale Police Department

Mr. Clayton reported on two referrals from the Police Department that the SHD responded to; details not provided in these minutes to protect the identity of the residents involved.

Public Health Nurse’s Report Mrs. Hicks, RN

Mrs. Hicks gave an update on the Ebola (handout). The outbreak in Liberia had been declared over on September 3rd; however, there was a death of a 15-year old boy on November 23rd. Consequently there are 165 contacts of this boy now being monitored. Two other members of his family have tested positive for Ebola while they were in isolation but have since been released.

Guinea’s last positive case of Ebola was on October 29, 2015. After the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the end of Ebola virus transmission in Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone has now entered a 90-day period of enhanced surveillance, to conclude on February 5, 2016. Travelers will continue to enter through one of five U.S. airports conducting enhanced entry screening; however, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) no longer recommends active monitoring for those travelers arriving in the U.S. from Sierra Leone.

In response to Dr. Webb’s question at the November Board of Health meeting about how Ebola was successfully contained in a relatively short period of time, Mrs. Hicks reported on the numerous studies that have been and are being conducted to identify findings, lessons learned, and corrective actions on the Ebola outbreak (handout). One positive action taken includes the formation of a coalition of 48 member countries who have committed to the Global Health Security Agenda (GSHA), which will provide a framework to ensure that all nations are able to prevent, detect, and rapidly respond to any infection disease threat, protecting the world from deadly, global outbreaks.

FLU – Mrs. Hicks reported that influenza activity remained low in the United States. Testing by the CDC shows that the circulating viruses show similarities to the vaccine in the 2015 - 2016 influenza vaccine (i.e., the vaccine is appropriate for what is being seen by health care providers.) The SHD had purchased 80 doses and received another 180 from the Ohio Department of Health and has administered their entire influenza vaccination inventory.

Latino Coalition of Southwest Ohio – Mrs. Hicks reported that the next Latino Expo will be in October 2016; however, they are planning to provide mini-expos throughout the year, with the first one being planned for March 2016 at the Healing Center; that one will focus on immunizations.

Board of Health Discussion

Mrs. Hart asked Mr. Garrison about the reduced pharmacy hours at CVS. Mr. Garrison explained that, not being in the vicinity of a hospital, they were not seeing enough acute prescription activity in order to justify extended hours.

The next meeting will be Thursday, January 14th, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. The Board of Health adjourned at 8:43 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:


Matthew Clayton, Health Commissioner


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