TOWN OF GRANVILLECOUNCIL MINUTESSeptember 22, 2020________________________________________________________________PLACE OF MEETING: Town Hall, 1245 Main Street, Granville WV, 26534 TIME OF MEETING: 7:00 p.m.ROLL CALL: Mayor Patricia Lewis, Recorder Mary Beth Renner was present. Councilmen present include David Bean, Nicky Boyers, Ron Clark, Genevieve Calvert, and Patty Forbes. Also present were City Attorney Mike Solomon and Executive Administrator Latina Mayle. THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WAS RECITED BY COUNCILAPPROVAL OF MINUTES: Council unanimously approved the previous meeting minutes and agreed to place them on permanent record.FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Disbursements:$130,911.47Account Totals:$2,042,957.01A motion to accept the financial statement was made by Dave Bean seconded by Ron Clark. BILLS TO PAY:$33,331.42A motion to accept the bills to pay was made by Nicky Boyers and seconded by Dave Bean. PUBLIC COMMENTS: no one from the public was in attendance to address council.OLD BUSINESS Mike Solomon gave an update on the weight limit concerns along University Town Centre Drive. Mike had been in contact with Tim from Potesta, Tim stated since he was not involved in the original construction of the roads, he was not able to make a determination as to the weight limit for them but would check into and see what the weight limit should be.Mayor Lewis stated the only project update is that the paving at the University Town Centre has begun. The project should take three to four weeks.Council discussed Halloween. A short discussion was held, and it was decided that Latina and Chief Corkrean would check with the residents and businesses to see what kind of interest there is. This will determine whether we hold something at the softball park or by town hall.The pole at the corner of Dent and Main has been replaced by Frontier.Latina Mayle – Building permits were presented to council, on a motion made by Genevieve Calvert and seconded by Nicky Boyers council approved to place the permits on permanent record. The permits are as follows:John Rabagia – 241 Hoclar St – repair garage– $2,500.00John Rabagia – 268 Miners Way – roll roofing on garage - $250.00Morgantown Hotel Assoc – 525 Granville Square – Fitout/employment agency - $17,500.00 Parrotta Paving – University Town Centre Dr – milling/paving - $749,000.00Mills Group – 1135 Main St – Pin Mount Letters - $2,713.00Matt Fisher/N Central Bldg. Solutions – 127 Cairney St – replace roof -$8,227.00Chief Craig Corkrean – in attendance and reported they will be testing in October to fill vacant positions.Chief Butch Renner – In attendance and reported they are up to 728 calls. Public Works – in attendance had nothing to report. Mayor Lewis asked if the street department could check into the potholes between Sam’s and Walmart.Code Enforcement – not in attendance but left council a written report. Park - Michael Bean – not in attendance. Mayor Lewis reported the parks are closed to travel ball/fall ball and practice as well as crowd limits are limited to 10 following an executive order by Gov. Justice.Council reports – Dave Bean stated the Police/Fire and Code departments did an outstanding job reporting on the issues pertaining to 179 Kovach Street at last night’s hearing. Dave said it made making a sound decision much easier. Mayor Lewis offered to extend the complement to the departments. NEW BUSINESS Patrick Kirby and Jessica McDonald, representatives from the WV Land and Stewardship Corporation SPARC Program, spoke to council on possible grants for the eligible projects. Mayor Lewis thanked them for coming and stated we will review the materials and if we have any questions, we will contact them.On a motion made by Dave Bean and seconded by Ron Clark council approved to send budget revision #3 to the state.Patty Forbes asked what happens after the 20 days we had given the property owner at last night’s hearing. Mike Solomon asked that we discuss it in an executive session. On a motion made by Dave Bean and seconded by Ron Clark council entered an executive session at 7:38 to discuss potential litigation. On a motion made by Dave Bean and seconded by Ron Clark council exited the executive session and returned to its regular meeting at 7:55.Council meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM on a motion made by Nicky Boyers and seconded by Dave Bean.Next Council meeting will be October 13, 2020 at 7:00 P.M._________________________________________________Recorder Mary Beth Renner________________________________________________Mayor Patricia Lewis ................

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