rev. 10/11


Gateway Seminary

E1412 Education Ministry of the Church

Number of Credit Hours: 3

Grade Type: __x__ A/F ____P/F

Prerequisites: none

Required for degree(s): MAEL, DEL

Listed Faculty: Dr. Dodrill, Dr. Kelly, Dr. S. Melick

Course Template Approval/Revision Date: 9/11


The study focuses on the principles and methods of creating and implementing an educational strategy to mature and equip believers to become disciple-makers who will effectively build bridges to the local unchurched community to share the Gospel.


1) At the conclusion of the semester, the student will be able to demonstrate competence in practical skills for Christian Educational Ministry:

a. Evangelism/Discipleship: (M17, R21, MAELDO4)

• Define ‘disciple’

• Develop strategy for evangelizing the unchurched in local community recognizing the significance of cultural diversity, i.e., age, socio-economics, ethnicity, etc.

• Develop strategy for assimilating and educating new members to maturity as a disciple including identifying and using ministry gifts

• Develop strategy for equipping leaders

b. Curriculum: (R20, MAELDO4)

• Identify the educational needs to implement strategies for evangelizing and discipling and appropriately addressing cultural diversity.

• Be able to access, critically assess, and facilitate the use of appropriate curriculum, literature, and Internet resources for use in the education ministries of the church.

2) At the conclusion of the semester, the student will be able to demonstrate competence in practical skills for Christian Educational Leadership:

a. Team Building: (C10, C8, MAELDO5)

• Evaluate one’s own leadership/relational style

• Understand role as change agent

• Appreciate dynamics of working relationships with staff and members

b. Administration: (M16, MAELDO5)

• Collect and interpret demographic data, including cultural diversity, i.e., age, socio-economics, ethnicity, of local community and church for use in development of strategies for the educational ministry.

• Design strategies for the educational ministry of a local church including purpose, objectives, goals, actions, resources, and evaluation.

• Understand the legal issues for protecting minors and the church


Gateway engages in regular assessment of its academic programs. Student participation is essential to this process through the following activities.

(The text regarding "mandatory assessment activities" above and below must be included verbatim in all syllabi to which they apply. Item #1 must be included with all syllabi. Item #2 must be included in the syllabus of any required class, and #3 must be included in syllabi which stipulate that a learning artifact must be uploaded (check the template and/or with the department chairperson if uncertain).

1. CoursEval Assessments – Each semester a link to a CoursEval survey for each course taken will appear in the student's MyGateway page. Students are required to complete this online evaluation of course/instructor no later than the last scheduled meeting of the class. A summary of results (without student ID) is released to the professor only after grades have been submitted for the course.

2. ePortfolio Reflections – All degree-seeking students must reflect on the work completed as part of required courses by commenting upon the manner in which the course contributed to his/her growth in relation to at least five Essential Leadership Characteristics selected by the student (see for the complete list). These reflections must be recorded in the student's ePortfolio and a copy emailed to the professor no later than the last scheduled meeting of the class.

3. ePortfolio Artifacts – The "signature assignment" specified in this syllabus must both be turned in to the professor for a grade AND attached to the student's ePortfolio as a "learning artifact." The institution reviews these artifacts as a way of judging the effectiveness of the Seminary's academic program. The review occurs after the student graduates and without reference to student identity. Students are encouraged to remove title page or header/footer containing their name prior to attaching the artifact to their ePortfolio.


In all Gateway face-to-face, hybrid or online courses, the Seminary assigns a workload of approximately 45 clock hours of academic learning activities per academic credit hour earned. Traditional in-class format normally apportions 15 hours of in-class instruction and 30 hours of instructional exercises to be completed outside of class meetings per credit hour granted. For androgogical reasons, individual courses may adjust the ratio of assignments inside and outside class meeting times.


The student will be exposed to the following basic information:

• Various models for church-wide Bible study.

• Various organizational structures to administrate church-wide Bible study.

• Job descriptions for church-wide Bible study.

• Various instruments for evaluating spiritual gifts of individuals

• Various instruments for evaluating relational styles

• Various assessment tools for determining current status of church organization.

• Gathering and assessing demographic data.

• Working with volunteers; firing volunteers

• The five essential functions of the church: discipleship, evangelism, worship, ministry, fellowship

The student will develop affective growth in the following areas:

• Valuing strategic planning.

• Valuing purpose as essential foundation for all new programs/activities.

• Commitment to the complete discipleship process from new believer to disciple-maker.


Artifact evaluating MAELDO4 and MAELDO5:

Students will write a minimum of a 4-page paper describing the application of concepts and skills learned in this class experience in a specific ministry. It must specifically include the skills of evangelism/discipleship, curriculum, team building, and administration.

Evaluation Rubric for Educational Ministry of the Church Artifact

|Categories | |Below Expectations |Minimal |Exceeds Expectation |Far exceeds Expectation |

| | |60-69% |Expectations |80-89% |90-99% |

| | | |70-79% | | |

|Evangelism/discipleship | |Did not |Vague or limited or |At least 2 appropriate |More than 2 ideas that are |

|25% | |address |inappropriate application |ideas for potential |specific, creative, and |

| | | | |application |appropriate |

|Curriculum | |Did not |Vague or limited or |At least 2 appropriate |More than 2 ideas that are |

|25% | |address |inappropriate application |ideas for potential |specific, creative, and |

| | | | |application |appropriate |

|Team Building | |Did not |Vague or limited or |At least 2 appropriate |More than 2 ideas that are |

|25% | |address |inappropriate application |ideas for potential |specific, creative, and |

| | | | |application |appropriate |

|Administration | |Did not |Vague or limited or |At least 2 appropriate |More than 2 ideas that are |

|25% | |address |inappropriate application |ideas for potential |specific, creative, and |

| | | | |application |appropriate |



A variety of teaching methods and components are acceptable. A combination of all face-to-face activities must equal 45 contact hours and a combination of all assignments must equal 75-90 hours of individual study and preparation. If taught as an online or hybrid delivery format, the total quantity of hours still apply.


Faculty may select texts and other resources for this course which will supplement the learning of students and help them to accomplish the course objectives.


Adams, Chris, Compiler. Women Reaching Women. Nashville: LifeWay, 1997.

Adams, Chris, Compiler. Transformed Lives: Taking Women's Ministry to the Next Level. LifeWay, 1999.

Anthony, Michael J., et al. Foundations for Ministry: An Introduction to Christian Education for a New Generation. Wheaten: Victor Books, 1992.

Anthony, Michael and Estep, James, ed. Management Essentials for Christian Ministries. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2005.

Barna, George. Boiling Point: Monitoring Cultural Shifts in the 21st Century. Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 2001.

Bauknight, Brain. Body Building: Creating a Ministry Team Through Spiritual Gifts. Nashville: Abington Press, 1996.

Bierly, Steve. Help for the Small-Church Pastor. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995.

Brown, Ronald K., Compiler. Toward 2000: Leading the Sunday School. Nashville: Convention Press, 1995.

Campbell, Barry. Smaller Churches Healthy and Growing. Nashville: LifeWay, 1998.

Cladis, George. Leading the Team-Based Church: How Pastors and Church Staffs can Grow Together into a Powerful Fellowship of Leaders. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1999.

Clark, Robert E., Johnson, Lin, Sloat, Allyn K. Christian Education: Foundations for the Future. Chicago: Moody Press, 1991.

Davis, Diana. Fresh Ideas: 1000 Ways to Grow a Thriving Church. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2007.

Draper, James T., Jr. Every Christian a Minister. Nashville: LifeWay Press, 2000.

Edgemond, Roy T, and Williams, Steve J. Leading Discipleship In a Church 1999-2000. Nashville: Convention Press, 1997.

Emerson, Michael. People of the Dream: Multi-Racial Congregations in the United States. Princeton: Princeton University, 2006.

Foltz, Nancy T. Religious Education in the Smaller Membership Church. Birmingham: Religious Education Press, 1990.

Ford, Kevin. Transforming Church: Bringing out the Good to get the Great. Tyndale House Publishers, 2007.

Frazee, Randy. The Connecting Church: Beyond Small Groups to Authentic Community. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001.

Gushee, David & Jackson, Walter. Editors. Preparing for Christian Ministry: An Evangelical Approach. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1996.

Hammett, Edward. Reframing Spiritual Formation: Discipleship in an Unchurched Culture. Macon, Georgia: Smyth & Helwys, 2002.

Hemphill, Ken. Revitalizing the Sunday Morning Dinosaur: A Sunday School Growth Strategy for the 21st Century. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1996.

Hesselgrave, David J. Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally, 2d ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1991.

Hochgraber, Debra. Woman's Missionary Union Guide. Birmingham: Woman's Missionary Union, 1995.

Hybels, Bill. Just Walk Across the Room: Simple Steps Pointing People to Faith. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006.

Hybels, Lynne & Bill. Rediscovering Church. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995.

Lencioni, Patrick. Silos, Politics and Turf Wars. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2006.

Lewis, Robert. The Church of Irresistible Influence: Bridge-Building Stories to Help Reach Your Community. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001.

Mallory, Sue. The Equipping Church. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001.

Matthews, Tony. There’s More Than One Color in the Pew: A Handbook for Multi-Cultural Multi-Racial Churches. Macon, GA: Smyth & Helwys Publisher, 2003.

Martin, Glen & McIntosh, Gary. The Issachar Factor: Understanding Trends that Confront Your Church. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 1993

Maxwell, John C. The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2001.

McIntosh, Gary & Martin, Glen. Find Them, Keeping Them: Strategies for Evangelism and Assimilation in the Local Church. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1992.

Mims, Gene. Kingdom Principles for Church Growth. Nashville: Convention Press, 1994.

Ogden, Greg. Transforming Discipleship: Making Disciples a Few at a Time. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 2003.

Parker, Glenn. Team Players and Teamwork: The New Competitive Business Strategy. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1990.

Patterson, Kerry. Influencer: The Power to Change Anything. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008.

Powers, John S. The BodyLife Journey. Nashville: LifeWay Press, 2001.

Pratt, Ronald M. Compiler. Facing Critical Issues in Christian Education, Nashville: Convention Press, 1995.

Rainer, Thom. Simple Church. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2006.

_____. Tools for an Essential Church. Nashville: LifeWay Press, 2009.

Rainer, Thom. Surprising Insights from the Unchurched and Proven Ways to Reach Them. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001.

Roberts, Bob Jr. Transformation: How Global Churches Transform Lives and the World. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006.

Roehlkpartain, Eugene C. The Teaching Church: Moving Christian Education to Center Stage. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1993.

Roxburgh, Alan. The Missional Leader: Equipping Your Church to Reach a Changing World. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2006.

Schuller, David S. Rethinking Christian Education: Exploration in Theory and Practice. St. Louis: Chalice Press, 1993.

Scott, Bruce and Watke, Curtis. Ministry Context Exploration. Kitchener, Ont., Canada: Church Growth Resources, 2002.

Sneed, Barry & Edgemon, Roy. Transformational Discipleship. Nashville: LifeWay Press, 1999.

Stanley, Andy and Joiner, Reggie. 7 Practices of Effective Ministry. Sisters, OR: Multnomah, 2004.

Stubblefield, Jerry. The Effective Minister of Education. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1993.

Surratt, Geoff. The Multi-site Church Revolution. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006.

Taylor, Bill L. Truths, Traditions, & Trends: Propelling the Sunday School into the 21st Century. Nashville: Convention Press, 1996.

Taylor, Bill L. & Hanks, Louis B. Sunday School for a New Century. Nashville: LifeWay Press, 1973.

Warren, Rick. The Purpose Driven Church. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995.

Wilkes, C. Gene. Jesus on Leadership: Developing Servant Leaders. Nashville: LifeWay Press, 1996.

Woo, Rodney. The Color of Church: A Biblical and Practical Paradigm for Multi-Racial Churches. Princeton: Princeton University, 2009.

Yount, William R., ed. The Teaching Ministry of the Church, 2d ed. Nashville: Broadman and Homman, 2008.

Yount, William R. Created to Learn. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 1996.


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