
Ford Amateur Radio League Net Control Procedure

This is _____ (call sign). My name is _______, Net Control Station for the weekly Ford Amateur Radio League Net. This net is held every Sunday at 8 PM on this frequency. Ford Amateur Radio League is part of the Ford Employee Recreation Association (FERA), dedicated to our Amateur Radio hobby through service and fellowship.  The FARL is open to all amateurs. This net is a directed open net, open to any and all Amateur radio operators. When checking into the net, please give your call sign and first name.  If you have an announcement or traffic, please indicate this when checking in. Announcements and radio related information will be broadcast after the checkins.  (unkey)

Before we start the net are there any stations on frequency with Emergency or Priority traffic, please call now. (unkey) (Net Control recognizes and lists traffic if any)

This is ______ (call sign), Net Control for the Ford Amateur Radio League net. We will start the call up with any mobile or portable stations on frequency, please call now.

We will now take general checkins. Please call Net Control.

We will now provide announcements.

(Call stations which indicated training or announcements.)

(Net Control then starts at the top of the list and asks each station to speak.)

This is ______ (call sign) Net Control Station for the Ford Amateur Radio League Weekly Net. I am looking for any additional checkins this evening. Please call now.

(Net Control then starts again at the top of the list and asks each station if they have anything else to say during the net.)

This concludes tonight's session of the Ford Amateur Radio League Net. Thank you for checking in and we hope you will join us on this net next Sunday evening or at the monthly meeting at 6PM on the second Thursday of the month (except July and August) (Optionally state the date) in the Ford Building 5 Lobby conference room at Pelham and Rotunda in Dearborn. Please consult the web site for additional information at .

This is _____closing the net at ____ (time) and returning the repeater to regular amateur use. 73 to all.


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