
MINISTRY OF PLANNING AND INVESTMENTGENERAL STATISTICS OFFICE______________________________________________No.: …/BC-TCTKSOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIET NAMIndependence-Freedom-Happiness____________________________________________ Ha Noi, 29h September, 2020REPORT SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SITUATION IN THE 3RD QUARTER AND THE 9 MONTHS OF 2020Viet Nam’s economy and society situation in 9 months of 2020 took place in the context of severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus (Covid-19) that is booming globally, seriously affecting all countries’ socio-economic aspects in the world. Major economies have faced the deepest and worst recession in decades. However, by mid-September, when economies restarted after locking down caused by Covid-19 pandemic, the forecast for the world economic growth has shown more positive signs. Global trade, commodity prices are gradually recovering, global stock markets have shown high rise levels thanks to the relaxation of central banks and the gradual reopening of some economies. Capital flows into emerging and developing economies continue to loosen, inflation remains low. Despite dealing with many difficulties, major economies such as the US, Japan, and the European Union are expected to have better growth in last months of 2020 and 2021. For the case of Chinese economy, from negative growth in the first quarter, recovered to positive growth in the second quarter and the third quarter of 2020. Domestically, besides advantages from positive growth results in 2019, the macro economy is stable but continues to face many difficulties and challenges. Covid-19 pandemic complicatedly spread and unpredictable, causing a slow-down growth in almost sectors and fields. International trade disruptions caused bad consequences to production, export and import activities of Vietnam. Unemployment and underemployment rates are high. Additionally, drought and saline intrusion took place early, affecting yields and production.Under this situation, the Government, the Prime Minister drastically directed ministries, agencies and provinces to focus on synchronous and effective implementation of objectives, tasks and solutions in resolutions of the Party, the National Assembly and the Government, put emphasis on the Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated 01/01/2020 on key tasks and solutions to implement the socio-economic development plan and the state budget estimate 2020; the Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP dated 01/01/2020 con continuing to perform key tasks and solutions to improve business environment and to enhance national competitiveness in 2020. To deal with Covid-19 pandemic, with the motto of preventing pandemic, ensuring health of people, simultaneously preventing economic decline and maintaining social stability, best striving to achieve goals, socio-economic development tasks in 2020, on March 4th, 2020, the Prime Minister issued Directive No. 11/CT-TTg on urgent tasks and solutions to solve difficulties for production, business, ensuring social security in response to Covid-19 pandemic. On April 9th, 2020, the Government issued the Resolution No. 42/NQ-CP on solutions to support people facing difficulties caused by Covid-19 pandemic, and at the same time regularly keep track, urge and check the implementation situation in each month and quarter. In order to speed up the disbursement of public investment capital, the Prime Minister issued documents No. 622 /TTg-KTTH and No. 623/TTg-KTTH dated May 26th, 2020 on directing and pushing up the disbursement of public investment capital in 2020 with the direction, inspection, supervision and solving difficulties in provinces of leaders and members of the Government. The results achieved by sectors and fields in the third quarter and 9 months of 2020 as follows:I. ECONOMIC GROWTH1. Growth rate of gross domestic productGross domestic product (GDP) in the third quarter of 2020 is estimated to increase by 2.62% over the same period last year, which is the lowest increase of every third quarter in the period 2011-2020. Covid-19 epidemic was strictly controlled, the economy gradually returned to operation in new normal conditions, so GDP in the third quarter of 2020 grew prosperously compared to the second quarter of 2020, of which the agriculture and forestry sector and fishery increased by 2.93%; industry and construction increased by 2.95%; service sector increased by 2.75% and product tax minus subsidies on production increased 0.70%. Regarding the expenditure approach of the third quarter GDP this year, the final consumption increased by 1.19% over the same period last year; the capital formation increased by 5.79%; the exports of goods and services rose by 2.86%; the import of goods and services rose increased by 1.88%.GDP in nine months of 2020 increased by 2.12% (an increase by 3.68% in the first quarter; 0.39% in the second quarter; and 2.62% in the third quarter), the lowest growth rate of nine months in 2011-2020. In the context of complicated developments in Covid-19, negatively affecting all socio-economic fields, country's economy continues maintaining positive growth, showing the relevance and precise in direction and management to economic recovery, disease prevention and determination, unanimity of entire political system, the Government, the Prime Minister; efforts of people and business community to effectively implement the goal of "both preventing epidemic and developing socio-economic situation". In the general growth of the whole economy, the agriculture, forestry and fishery sector increased by 1.84%, contributing 13.62% to the general growth; industry and construction increased 3.08%, contributing 58.35%; the service sector increased by 1.37%, contributing 28.03%.The agriculture, forestry and fishery sector in nine months of 2020 increased slightly against the same period last year due to effects of climate change, Covid-19 epidemic and African swine fever. Of which, the agricultural sector increased by 1.65%, only higher than the 0.02% and 0.91% increase of nine months of 2016 and 2019 in the period 2011-2020, contributing 0.19 percentage points to the increase of the total value added growth rate of the whole economy; the forestry sector increased by 2.02% but accounted for a low proportion, so it only contributed 0.01 percentage points; the fishery sector increased by 2.44%, higher than the growth rate of 2.11% and 1.81% in 9 months of 2015 and 2016 in the period of 2011-2020, contributing 0.08 percentage points.In the industry and construction sector, the industry in nine months of 2020 increased by 2.69% over the same period last year, much lower than the growth rate of the same period in 2011-2020, contributing 0.91 percentage points to the growth rate of the total added value of the whole economy. The processing and manufacturing industry increased by 4.6%, lower than the growth rate of the same period of years in the period 2011-2020, contributing 1.02 percentage points. The mining industry decreased by 5.35%, decreasing by 0.32 percentage points of the increase in the total added value of the whole economy due to the 14.1% decrease in crude oil production and the decrease of natural gas by 9.1%. The construction industry increased by 5.02%, higher than the 0.01% decrease and 2.78% increase of 9 months of 2011 and 2012 in the period of 2011-2020, contributing 0.33 percentage points.In the first months of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic seriously affects trade, services and import-export activities. The service sector in 9 months achieved the lowest growth rate of the same period in 2011-2020. In the service sector, the contribution of a number of market service industries has a large proportion to the increase in total value added of 9 months as follows: Wholesale and retail increased by 4.98% over the same period last year, contributing 0.54 percentage points; finance, banking and insurance increased by 6.68%, contributing 0.4 percentage points; transportation and warehousing went down by 4%, making down by 0.14 percentage points; the accommodation and catering services sector decreased by 17.03%, down by 0.76 percentage points.Regarding to the economic structure in 9 months, the agriculture, forestry and fishery sector accounts for 14.05%; industry and construction accounted for 33.16%; the service sector accounted for 42.73%; product taxes less subsidies on production accounts for 10.06% (The corresponding structure of the same period in 2019 is: 13.21%; 33.97%; 42.75%; 10.07%).From the expenditure approach of 9-month GDP of 2020, the final consumption increased by 0.86% over the same period in 2019; the capital formation increased by 3.39%; the exports of goods and services rose 0.9%; the imports of goods and services decreased by 1.25%.2. Agriculture, forestry and fisheryThe agriculture, forestry and fishery sector in nine months of 2020 faced many difficulties due to drought salinity; African Swine Fever; Covid-19 epidemic in the world has complicated developments, affecting the production and export and import activities of agricultural products. Facing these difficulties, the Agriculture sector has had many timely and effective response solutions, so the production results were fair, the winter-spring and summer-autumn paddy crops were harvested and the prices were quite well; the production of perennial plants had a good growth rate; poultry husbandry is well developed; the pigs are gradually recovering; shrimp export activity started to prosper. The agriculture, forestry and fishery sector has played a supporting role in the economy in difficult times, ensuring the supply of food, essential goods, and an important department to implement wellbeing during a pandemic.a) AgricultureDue to positive crop restructuring, and planting new paddy varieties with high economic value, gradually replacing traditional paddy varieties, the country's winter-spring rice yield this year reached 66.4 quintals/hectare, increasing 0.9 quintal/hectare compared to the winter-spring crop of 2019. Total country's winter-spring paddy production reached 19.9 million tons, a drop of 593.5 thousand tons, in comparison with that of over the previous winter-spring crop because the cultivated area this year reached 3,024.1 thousand hectares, a decrease of 3.2%, of which 30.6 thousand hectares of paddy were damaged by drought and salinity, so the winter-spring rice harvest area reached only 2,993.5 thousand hectares, a drop of 130.6 thousand hectares compared to the previous year.As of mid-September, the total winter paddy cultivated area in the country reached 1,512.6 thousand hectares, an equal to 97.1% of over the same period last year, of which the Northern localities reached 1,050.8 thousand hectares, an equal to 98.1%; the Southern provinces reached 461.8 thousand hectares, equaling 95%. Cultivated area of winter paddy this year in the North was recorded low due to some localities converted a part of paddy cultivation area to other uses, of which the Red River Delta reached 484.5 thousand hectares, a drop of 12.8 thousand hectares compared to that of over the previous year; the Northern Midlands and Mountain areas reached 418.9 thousand hectares, a decline of 2.7 thousand hectares; the North Central areas reached 147.4 thousand hectares, a drop of 4.6 thousand hectares. Some localities witnessed a sharp decrease in area of winter paddy: of which, Thanh Hoa decreased by 4.7 thousand hectares; Hai Phong decreased by 2.7 thousand hectares; Hanoi decreased by 2.4 thousand hectares. Up to now, early winter paddies in the North was in period of firmness and maturity, of which 58.8 thousand hectares were harvested, equaling 60% of over the same period in 2019; yield was estimated at 51.3 quintals/hectare, rising by 0.3 quintals/hectare.This year, the country cultivated 1,944.8 thousand hectares of summer-autumn paddy, a decrease of 64.8 thousand hectares compared to that of the previous year, of which the Mekong River Delta reached 1,523.9 thousand hectares, a decline of 45.2 thousand hectares. As of September 15, 2020, the localities harvested 1,618.7 thousand hectares of summer-autumn paddy, holding 83.2% of the cultivated area and an equal to 91.7% of over the same period last year, of which the Mekong River Delta collected 1,272.1 thousand hectares, holding 83.5% and an equal to 90.3%. According to the local reports, the country's summer-autumn paddy yield this year was estimated at 55.7 quintals/hectare, an increase of 0.9 quintals/hectare compared to that of over the same period in 2019, but due to the decrease in cultivated area, the total production of the summer-autumn paddy in 2020 was estimated at 10.83 million tons, a drop of 119.3 thousand tons, of which the Mekong River Delta reached 8.57 million tons, a fall of 110.7 thousand tons. Some localities were recorded a sharp decrease in summer-autumn paddy cultivating area, of which Tien Giang by 16.7 thousand hectares; Kien Giang by 6.9 thousand hectares; Dong Thap by 6.8 thousand hectares.As of mid-September, the Mekong River Delta cultivated 590.1 thousand hectares of autumn-winter paddy, an equal to 95.1% of over the same period last year due to the influence from the production progress of late summer-autumn crop; some areas do not have enough production time, so farmer temporarily let the land rest, in order to alluvium come to fields for the upcoming winter-spring crop. In addition, due to concerns about drought, high alum content in the soil, which can not guarantee production, some localities (Ben Tre, Tien Giang, Tra Vinh) have directed to cut down the area of autumn-winter paddy.As of mid-September, the country cultivated 909.4 thousand hectares of maize, equaling 97% of over the same period last year; 101.6thousand hectares of sweet potatoes, equaling 92.2%; 163.4 thousand hectares of groundnut, equaling 95.2%; 41 thousand hectares of soybeans, equaling 90.1%; 992.4 thousand hectares of vegetables and beans, equaling 100.4%.The total area of perennial trees in 9 months was estimated at 3,580.4 thousand hectares, rising by 1.4% of over the same period last year, of which industrial plants reached 2,193.3 thousand hectares, rising by 0.1%; fruit reached 1,097.6 thousand hectares, rising by 4.2%; oil-bearing fruit trees reached 179.2 thousand hectares, growing by 0.9%; spices and medicinal plants reached 49.3 thousand hectares, growing by 1.2%. Production of some perennial industrial plants was recorded to increase, in comparison with that of over the same period last year: of which cashew production was estimated at 333.8 thousand tons, rising by 17.8%; rubber reached 840.8 thousand tons, rising by 5.7%; pepper reached 268.3 thousand tons, rising by 1.8%; coconut reached 1,355.2 thousand tons, rising by 1.6%; tea shoot reached 859.1 thousand tons, rising by 3.6%. Production of some major fruit in 9 months this year was recorded to increase, in comparison with that of over the same period last year: mango reached 798.5 thousand tons, rising by 5.5%; dragon fruit reached 799.2 thousand tons, rising by 8.4%; oranges reached 526.5 thousand tons, rising by 4.4%; pomelos reached 523.1 thousand tons, rising by 7%; rambutan reached 309.6 thousand tons, rising by 0.5%; bananas reached 1,859.9 thousand tons, rising by 5.6%; longan reached 501.9 thousand tons, rising by 12.4%; litchi reached 309.7 thousand tons, rising by 15%.Cattle and buffalo husbandry in the nine months of 2020 is generally stable. Buffalo population continued to decrease due to low economic efficiency. Cattle population grew quite well due to capital support, breeding techniques, good consumption market, and farmers made stable profits. It was estimated in September buffalo population decreased by 2.2% compared to that of over the same period in 2019; cattle population increased of 2.5%. It was estimated in 9 months, production of buffalo living weight reached 69 thousand tons, rising by 1.8% (in the third quarter, it reached 20 thousand tons, an increase of 3.5%); production of cattle living weight reached 272.6 thousand tons, rising by 5.7% (it was recorded to reach 85.1 thousand tons in the third quarter, an increase of 9.6%); cow milk production reached 799.2 thousand tons, rising by 9.9% (the third quarter reached 277.1 thousand tons, rising by 13.6%). African swine fever has been basically controlled, pig herds are gradually recovering but the re-herding is still slow, the breeder price has been continuously high since the beginning of the year (about 2.5-3.0 million VND/head) so the re-herds are mainly concentrated in large farms. Pig population as of September 2020 increased by 3.6% compared to that of over the same period in 2019; production of pig living weight in 9 months was estimated at 2,483.1 tons, falling by 3.2% (it reached 846.2 thousand tons in the third quarter, rising by 9.7%). The total herd and poultry production continued to grow due to the expansion of the popolation size and the well-developed corporate sector. However, farmers need to closely monitor market, the authorities provide timely information, control the livestock situation in the localities, should not increase herds massively, avoiding to a surplus of supply. The total poultry population in September increased by 5.7% compared to that of over the same period in 2019; production of poultry living weight in 9 months was estimated at 1,056.7 thousand tons, rising by 11.4% (in the third quarter, it reached 348.6 thousand tons, rising by 7.7%); production of poultry eggs in 9 months reached 10.7 billion eggs, rising by 10.8% (it reached 3.5 billion eggs in the third quarter, rising by 9.6%).As of September 23, 2020, the country was no longer recorded cases of blue ear disease in pigs. Some of diseases were still remain in some localities for less than 21 days: avian influenza was still in Hai Phong, Nghe An, Quang Ngai, Vinh Long, Ca Mau; foot and mouth disease remained in Cao Bang, Quang Tri, Kon Tum, Dak Lak; African swine fever was reported in 251 communes, 92 districts of 27 provinces and central cities.b) Forestry Forestry production in 9 months in 2020 was affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, wood processing enterprises faced difficulties because many export orders of wood were canceled or delayed, thus reducing the purchase of raw materials and production of wood over the same period last year has slowly grown. In the third quarter of 2020, the country’s concentrated forests area was estimated at 63.2 thousand hectares, falling by 6.9% compared to that of over the same period last year; number of dispersed trees reached 22 million, rising by 0.5%; production of wood reached 4,529 thousand m3, rising by 1.5%; firewood production reached 4.6 million ste, rising by 0.9%. Generally in 9 months, the concentrated forests area was estimated at 169.5 thousand hectares, decreasing by 2.6% of over same period last year; number of dispersed trees reached 66.5 million, falling by 1.3%; production of wood reached 12,050 thousand m3, an increase of 1.8%. Firewood production reached 14.4 million ste, falling by 0.3% compared to that of over the same period in 2019. Area of devastated forest in the third quarter of 2020 reached 356 hectares, falling by 84.8% to that of over the same period last year, of which fired forest area reached 237.7 hectares, falling by 89.2%; cut and devastated forest area was recorded 118.3 hectares, falling by 12%. Generally, in nine months this year, the devastated forest area was 1,291 hectares, decreasing by 60.2% of over the same period last year, of which the fired forest area was 603.7 hectares, falling by 78.2%; area of cut and destroyed forest was 687.3 hectares, rising by 45.1%.c) FisheryFishery production in the third quarter of 2020 was estimated at 2,261.6 thousand tons, rising by 1.4% of over the same period last year, of which fish reached 1,531.5 thousand tons, rising by 0.3%; shrimp reached 346.6 thousand tons, rising by 6.3%; other fisheries reached 383.5 thousand tons, rising by 1.8%. Production of aquaculture in the third quarter was estimated at 1,242.9 thousand tons, growing by 0.9% of over the same period last year, of which fish reached 815.4 thousand tons, decreasing by 1.2%; shrimp reached 293.6 thousand tons, growing by 6.1%. Production of catching aquatic products in the third quarter was estimated at 1.018,7 thousand tons, up 2% over the same period, of which fish gained 716,1 thousand tons, up 2.1%; shrimp reached 53 thousand tons, up 6.9%.Generally, in nine months this year, the total fishery production was estimated at 6,131.6 thousand tons, rising by 1.6% of over the same period last year, of which fish reached 4,424 thousand tons, rising by 0.9%; shrimp reached 769.4 thousand tons, rising by 5%; other fisheries reached 938.2 thousand tons, rising by 2.6%.Aquaculture production in 9 months was estimated at 3,218 thousand tons, rising by 1.4%, in comparison with that of over the same period last year, of which fish reached 2,229.2 thousand tons, falling by 0.4%; shrimp reached 640.9 thousand tons, a growth of 5.8%. Pangasius production had difficulties in export markets, raw pangasius prices decreased and stayed at a low level for 9 consecutive months, prices ranged from 17,500 to 18,500 VND/kg, Pangasius farmers lost about 4,000 VND/kg. Generally in 9 months, pangasius production was estimated at 1,027.2 thousand tons, falling by 6.1% of over the same period last year. Brackish water shrimp farming is also facing difficulties due to weather changes, drought, early and deep salinity intrusion, salinity and temperature fluctuations that reduce shrimp resistance, total brackish water shrimp farming area. Losses in the 8 months of the year were 36.6 thousand hectares, 2.1 times more than the same period in 2019. However, the shrimp export market is gradually recovering from the third quarter, farmers start to stock new crops. Production of black tiger shrimp in nine months this year was estimated at 204.7 thousand tons, a growth of 0.6% compared to that of over the same period last year (the third quarter was estimated at 86 thousand tons, equivalent to the same period last year); production of white leg shrimp reached 398.2 thousand tons, an increase of 7.8% (the third quarter was estimated at 197.7 thousand tons, a growth of 9%).Production of fishery catching in 9 months was estimated at 2,913.6 thousand tons, increasing by 1.9% of against the same period last year, of which fish reached 2,194.8 thousand tons, a growth of 2.2%; shrimp reached 128.5 thousand tons, rising by 1.3%. Marine fishing is gradually reducing coastal fishing activities, ineffective in order to protect and regenerate marine aquatic resources, towards sustainable marine exploitation and contribute to removing yellow card for Vietnamese seafood. Production of marine fishery in 9 months reached 2,775.2 thousand tons, an increase of 2%, of which fish reached 2,101.6 thousand tons, rising by 2.3%; shrimp reached 119.7 thousand tons, rising by 2.5%.3. Industrial productionDue to negative impacts of the Covid-19 epidemic, the growth rate of value added of industry sector in the third quarter of 2020 was only 2.34% over the same period last year. Totally, in nine months, the value added of industry increased by 2.69%, of which the manufacturing increased by 4.6% and was the 9-month lowest growth rate in 2011-2020. However, due to the well-controlled epidemic diseases, sectors of the economy are entering a state of new normal conditions, industrial production in September 2020 was brighter than the previous month, hopeing to soon recover and grow again in the last months of the yearThe growth rate value added of the whole industry in nine months was estimated to increase by 2.69% over the same period last year (increased by 5.1% in the first quarter; 1.1% in the second quarter; by 2.34% in the third quarter). Of which, the manufacturing industry increased by 4.6% (increased by 7.12% in the first quarter; 3.38% in the second quarter; 3.86% in the third quarter), contributing 1.02 percentage points to the overall growth rate of the whole economy; electricity increased 3.7%, contributing 0.18 percentage points; water supply, sewerage waste management and remediation increased 4.4%, contributing 0.03 percentage points; the mining and quarrying decreased by 5.35% (due to the sharp drop in crude oil production by 14.1% and natural gas by 9.1%), the decrease of 0.32 percentage points in the general growth rate.As for useage of industrial products, the index of industrial production (IIP) of intermediate products (for the following production process) in 9 months of 2020 rose by 1.6% over the same period last year; the IIP of products for final consumption increased by 3% (of which products for residential consumption increased by 3.7%).The Covid-19 epidemic was complicated in many countries around the world, affecting the supply chain of imported raw materials for industrial production in nine months of 2020, especially for the manufacturing. In 2-digit industrial activities, the 9-month IIP of some activities decreased compared to the same period last year: the mining support services (32.7%); themanufacture of motor vehicle (12.2%); extraction of crude petrolium and natural gas (11.4%); the manufacture of motorbike and motorcycle (8.9%); the repair and installation of machinery and equipment (7.4%); the manufacture of beverage (6.6%); the manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork (5.8%); the manufacture of wearing apparel(4.4%); the manufacture of leather and related products (3.8%); the manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified (2%); the printing and reproduction of recordedmedia (1.9%); the manufacture of basic metal (1.1%). Andsome activities increased slightly compared to the same period last year: the manufacture of electrical equipment (0.4%); the manufacture of textiles (0.6%); manufacture of other non-metal mineral products (1.4%); waste collection, treatment and disposal activities, materials recovery (2.4%).In addition, a number of industries with a high increase in 9-month index of industrial production compared to the same period last year and made a great contribution to the overall growth of the industry: the manufacture of pharmaceutical medicinal chemical and botanicalproducts (34.4%); the mining of metal ores (14.8%); the manufacture of electronic, computers and optical products (8.6%); the manufacture of tobacco products (8.2%); the manufacture of paper and paper products increased by 8.1%; manufacture of chemicals and chemical products (7.9%); themanufacture of furniture (6.7%); the mining of coal and lignite (4.9%); the water collection, treatmeant and supply (4.7%).Some key industrial products in 9 months of 2020 decreased against the same period last year: Diameter (22.7%); LPG (16.7%); beer (14.6%); crude oil exploitation (14.1%); cars (11.8%); natural gas in the form of gas (9.1%); fabrics made from man-made fibers (8.5%); motorcycles (6.5%); casual clothes (6.2%); iron and crude steel (6.1%); animal feed (2.3%); mobile phone and steel (2.1%). Some key industrial products in 9 months of 2020 increased slightly against the same period last year: shoes and leather sandals (0.2%); fresh milk (0.6%); aquatic food (0.9%); alumin (1.3%); textile fabrics from natural fibers and electricity production (2.9%). In addition, a number of products increased significantly: television (18.3%); ure fertilizer (10.8%); bars, angle steel and MSG (9.5%); cigarettes (8.2%); powdered milk (6.8%); processed seafood (5.3%); clean coal (4.9%); running water (4.8%); petroleum and chemical paint together (4.7%).Index of industrial shipment (IIS) of manufacturing in September 2020 increased by 1.2% over the previous month and by 4.7% over the same period last year. Generally, in nine months, IIS of manufacturing increased by 2.6% over the same period last year (it increased by 9.5% in the same period in 2019), of which some activities enjoyed a significant growth of IIS: themanufacture of pharmaceutical, medicinal chemical and botanical products (71.5%); the manufacture of papers and paper products (13.2%); the manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products (6.5%); the manufacture of tobacco products (6.3%); the chemicals and chemical products (5.8%). The IIS of some activties showed a low increase: the manufatcure of food (2.8%); the manufacture of basic metal (2.5%); both the printing and reproduction of records mediaand manufacture of other non-metallic mineral (1.7%); the manufacture of fabricated metal product (1.4%). The IIS of some activties showed a decrease:the manufacture of electrical equipment (0.4%); the manufacture of leather and related products (1.1%);manufacture of rubber and platic products (2.3%); the manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork (3.3%); the manufacture of wearing apparel (5.8%); the manufacture of beverage (7.8%); the manufacture of motorbike and motorcycle (10.7%); the manufacture of electronic, computers and optical products (13.2%); the manufacture of motor vehicle (16.5%).Index of industrial inventory of manufacturing as of September 30, 2020 was estimated to increase by 24.3% over the same period last year (it was 17.2% in the same period in 2019), of which some activities experienced the lower index of industrial inventory than the general increase: the manufacture of beverage (15.1%); the manufacture of other non-metal mineral products (11.4%); manufacture of furniture (6.5%). Some activities experienced the decrease of index of industrial inventory: the manufacture of basic metal (5.4%); the manufacture of electrical equipment (7.8%); the manufacture of leather and related products (17.4%); the manufacture of papers and paper products (32.9%); the manufacture of pharmaceutical,medicinal chemical and botanical products(63.8%). Some activities saw a high increase in the index of industrial inventory over the same period last year:the manufacture of electronic, computers and optical products (143.7%); the manufacture of rubber and plastic products (80.5%); the manufacture of chemicals and chemical products (59.4%); the manufacture of tobacco products (56.3%); the manufacture of wearing apparel (34.8%); the manufacture of motor vehicle (33.6%); the manufacture of fabricated metal products (32.1%).The average index of industrial inventory of manufacturing in 9 months of this year reached quite high at 75.6% (72.1% in the same period last year), of which some activities experienced the high index of industrial inventory: the manufacture of textile (119.3%); the manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork (108.6%); the manufacture of chemicals and chemical products (104%); the manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products (97.2%;)the manufacture of food products (96.5%); the manufacture of motor vehicle (91.9%).The number of employees working in industrial enterprises as of September 1st, 2020 increased by 1.3% over the same period last month and decreased by 1.7% over the same period last year, of which working labours in the State-owned enterprises decreased by 1.8%; the non-state enterprises decreased by 4%; the FDI enterprises decreased by 0.7%. At that time, the number of employees working in mining enterprises decreased by 1.2% against the same period last year; the number of employees in the manufacturing, the production and distribution of electricity, the water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities decrease by 1,8%, 0.4%, respectively.4. Enterprise activitiesThe number of newly established enterprises in September 2020 decrease of 12.6% compared to the same period in 2019, the main reason is due to the effects of the Covid-19 epidemic.Besides that, September 2020 coincided with the seventh lunar month, that the people were unwilling to start and run business. However, the scale of registered capital continued to be expanded by enterprises increase of 45% compared to the same period in last year.In 9 months of 2020, the total number of newly established enterprises and re-operated enterprisesreached 133.6 thousand enterprises, increase of 2.9% compared to the same period in last year; the average registered capital of a newly established enterprise reached 14.4 billion VND, rose by 14.4%. Results on the business tendency survey of the manufacturing enterprises showed that enterprises continue to be optimistic about the business production situation in the fourth quarter of 2020 with 81% of enterprises which would be more stable and better.Enterprise registration statusIn September 2020, the whole country had 10.3 thousand newly established enterprises with a registered capital of 203.3 trillion VND and the total number of registered employees of 83 thousand employees, a decrease of 23.1% in the number of enterprises, a decrease of 29.6% in the registered capital and a decrease of 13.8% in the number of employees compared to last month. The average registered capital of an enterprise reached 19.7 billion VND, reduced 8.5% compared to last month and rose by 65.9% compared to the same period in 2019. In the month, there were 4,568 re-operated enterprises in the whole country, a decrease of 4.3% ??compared to the previous month and rose by 89.3% compared to the same period in 2019; 3,269 enterprises ceased for a certain period of time, rose up 5.4% and 114.9%; 4,097 enterprises temporarily ceased and awaited dissolution procedures, an upturn of 19.7% and 50.8%; 1,736 enterprises completed dissolution procedures, rose up 22.6% and 14.1%; 6,933 enterprises not operating at the registered address increased by 77% and 59.1%.Generally, in 9 months of this year, the whole country had nearly 99 thousand newly registered enterprises with a total registered capital of 1,428.5 trillion VND and the total number of registered employees of 777.9 thousand employees, a cut down of 3.2% in the number of enterprises, an increase of 10.7% in number the registered capital and a decrease of 16.3% in the number of employees compared to the same period in last year. The average registered capital of a newly established enterprise in 9 months achieved 14.4 billion VND, climbing up 14.4% compared to the same period in last year. If including 2,173.4 trillion VND of the additionally registered capital of 29.5 thousand enterprises that recorded upward adjustment of capital, the total additional registered capital in the economy in 9 months of this year was 3,601.9 trillion VND, rose by 19.2 compared to the same period in last year. In addition, there were 34.6 thousand re-operated enterprises, an increase of 25.5% over the same period last year, bringing the total number of newly registered enterprises and re-operated enterprises in 9 months to 133.6 thousand enterprises. The average every month, 14.8 thousand newly established enterprises and re-operated enterprises.By economic sector in 9 months, there were 1,949 newly established enterprises in the agriculture, forestry and fishery sector, rose by 31.1% compared to the same period in last year; nearly 29.7 thousand enterprises in the industry and construction sector, an increased by 7.8%; 67.3 thousand enterprises in the service sector, a decreased by 8.1%. Of the total number of newly established enterprises by economic activities, besides the agriculture, forestry and fishery had the increased enterprises, there is also the electricity, gas, steam supply had 4.241 newly established enterprises, an increased by 269.4% compared to the same period in last year. The remaining industries all have a decrease in the number of newly established enterprises: There were 32.5 thousand enterprises in the wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor verhicles and motorbikes, a decline of 2.6% compared to the same period in 2019; 12.6 thousand construction enterprises, a fall of 2.7%; 12.4 thousand manufacturing enterprises, a decrease of 4.5%; 8,527 enterprises in the science, technology, consultation service, designing, advertisement and others, a fall of 1.1%; 4,987 enterprises in the employment services, travel, renting and leasing of machinery, equipment and other support services, a decrease of 17%; 4,841 enterprises in the real estate activities, a fall of 19.2%; 4,033 enterprises transportation and storage, went down 5.3%; 3,830 enterprises in the accommodation and catering services, a decline of 21.5%; 2,781 enterprises information and communication, a decline of 3.6%; 2,658 enterprises education and training, decreased by 14.4%; 967 enterprises financial, banking and insurance activities, a cut down of 11.9%; 667 enterprises human health and social work activities, decreased by 5.3%; 650 enterprises art, entertainment and recreation, decreased by 37.2%; 500 enterprises mining and quarrying, decreased by 1.2%.The number of enterprises ceased for a certain period of time in 9 months this year was 38.6 thousand enterprises, increasing by 81.8% compared to the same period last year; 27.6 thousand enterprises temporarily ceased and awaited dissolution procedures, a decline of 2.4%; nearly 12,1 thousand enterprises completed dissolution procedures, an increase of 0.1%, of which 10.7 thousand enterprises with the capital size of less than 10 billion VND, a decline of 1.4%; 192 enterprises with the capital size of hight than 100 billion VND, a rise of 15.7%. Enterprises completed dissolution procedures focused mainly in the wholesale, retail, repair of cars and motorcycles with nearly 4.7 thousand enterprises; there were 1,333 manufacturing enterprises; 1,008 construction enterprises; 766 science, technology, consultation service, designing, advertisement and others enterprises; 696 enterprises in the real estate activities; 650 enterprises in the accommodation and catering services; 646 enterprises in the employment services, travel, renting and leasing of machinery, equipment and other support services; 485 enterprises transportation and storage; 449 enterprises education and training; 425 enterprises information and communication. In the 9 months of this year, the whole country had 36.5 thousand enterprises not operating at the registered address increased by 39.6% compared to the same period in last year.b) Business trends of the enterprisesResults of the business tendency survey of manufacturing enterprises in the third quarter of 2020 showed that: 32.2% of enterprises assessed that the business production situation in the third quarter of this year was better previous quarter; 31.9% of enterprises faced difficulties and 35.9% of enterprises said that the business production situation was stable. For expected outcome of the fourth quarter of 2020, 45.6% of enterprises presented that the tendency would get better; 19% of enterprises predicted that it would be more difficult and 35.4% of enterprises said that the business production situation would be stable. In which, the foreign direct investment sector was the most optimistic, 82.8% of enterprises forecasted a better the business production situation in the fourth quarter of 2020 and expected to remain stable; this rates in the State-owned enterprises and the non-state enterprises were 81.7% and 80.2% respectively.Among the main factors affecting the business production situation in the third quarter of 2020, 54.1% of enterprises believed that the competitiveness of domestic goods was the most influential factor to the operation enterprises; 51.6% of enterprises said that demand of domestic market was low; 35% of enterprises stated financial difficulties; 29.4% of enterprises said that demand of international market was low; 26.5% said that lack of raw materials, fuel and materials; two factors not recruiting qualified employees and high interest rates together by 23.9% enterprises selected; 20,1% of enterprises believed that high competitiveness of imported goods was an important factor; 19,3% enterprises said that outdated technology equipment; only 6.4% enterprises said that not access loans; 2.5% enterprises believed lack of energy affects production and business activities. Regarding production volume, 36% of enterprises pointed out the production volume in the third quarter of 2020 increased compared to the previous quarter; 30% of enterprises reported that the production volume reduced and 34% of enterprises considered stable. For the trend in the fourth quarter of 2020, 45.9% of enterprises forecasted an increase in the production volume; 17.5% of enterprises forecasted a decrease and 36.6% of enterprises predicted stability.Regarding orders for goods, 30.9% of enterprises had more orders in the third quarter of 2020 than the previous quarter; 30.6% of enterprises gained fewer orders and 38.5% of enterprises recorded stable orders. In the fourth quarter of 2020, 43.2% of enterprises expected an increase in orders; 17.7% of enterprises expected a decrease in orders and 39.1% of enterprises expected to have stable orders.Regarding export orders, 26.5% of enterprises confirmed more export orders in the third quarter of 2020 than the previous quarter; 32.6% of enterprises experienced fewer export orders and 40.9% of enterprises kept export orders stable. In the fourth quarter of 2020, 35.6% of enterprises expected to have an increase in export orders; 20.4% of enterprises expected to decrease and 44% of enterprises expected to be stable. 5. Service operationa) Retail sales of consumer goods and servicesTrading and service activities in September showed signs of rebounding, commodity market and people's lives gradually stabilized, the sights and tourism in many provinces/cities reopened. Gross retail sales of consumer goods and services in September 2020 increased by 2.7% over the previous month and by 4.9% over the same period last year. Generally, in 9 months of 2020, gross retail sales of consumer goods and services increased slightly by 0.7%.Gross retail sales of consumer goods and services in September were estimated at 441.4 trillion VND, up 2.7% over that in the previous month and up 4.9% over that in the same period last year. Generally, in the third quarter, gross retail sales of consumer goods and services were estimated to reach 1,305.8 trillion VND, going up by 14.4% over that in the previous quarter and up 4.5% over that in the same period last year, of which: Retail sales of goods reached 1,022.9 trillion VND, going up by 11.5% and 8.3% respectively; accommodation and catering services revenue reached 136.5 trillion VND, up 28.2% and reduced by 7.8%; tourism and traveling services revenue reached 4.6 trillion VND, up 161.3% and decrease reduce 59.5%; revenue from other services reached 141.8 trillion VND, up 21.8% and decreasedby 2.8%.Generally for nine months, gross retail sales of consumer goods and services reached 3,673.5 trillion VND, rising by 0.7% over that in the same period last year, if excluding the price factor, the decrease was 3.6% (that in the same period in 2019 increased by 10.8%).By economic activities, retail sales of goods in 9 months reached 2,907.1 trillion VND, accounting for 79.1% of the total and expanding 4.8% over that in the same period last year. In particular, food and foodstuff rose by 8.8%; household appliances, tools and equipment expanded by 5.8%; garment grew by 0.8%; vehicles decrease reduce 1.7%; cultural and educational items decrease reduce 2.2%. Retail sales of goods in 9 months against the same period last year of some provinces: Hai Phong increased by 11.3%; Ho Chi Minh city grew by 10%; Ha Noi rose by 9.6%; Binh ?inh climbed up by 4.9%; Quang Nam jumped by 3.4%; Thanh Hoa soared by 3.2%; Can Tho accelerated by 2.9%; Nghe An climbed up by 2.4%; ?a Nang decreased by 6%; Khanh Hoa decreased by 2%.Revenue from accommodation and catering services in 9 months were estimated at 369.3 trillion VND, accounting for 10.1% of the total and decreased by 15% against that in the same period last year (the same period 2019 going up by 9,6%). Of which, revenue of accomodation, food and beverage service in 9 months of some localitiesdecreasedover the same period last year: Khanh Hoa by 59.8%; Quang Nam by 53.8%; Ba Ria - Vung Tau by 41.3%; Ho Chi Minh city by 39.9%; ?a Nang by 35.7%; Can Tho by 24.7%; Binh ?inh by 16.3%; Thanh Hoa by 16.2%; Ha Noi by 15.7%; Tien Giang by 14.5%; Kien Giang by 9.3%; Hai Phong by 9.2%; ?ong Thap by 8.5%; Quang Ninh by 7.4%; Binh Duong by 2.2%. Revenue from tourism and traveling services in 9 months was estimated at 14.2 trillion VND, accounting for 0.4% of the total and decreased by 56.3% over that in the same period last year (the same period 2019 going up by 9,9%). Some provinces gained a decrease as follows: Khanh Hoa by 78.7%; Ho Chi Minh city by 73.7%; Quang Nam by 70.6%; Ba Ria - Vung Tau by 68.5%; ?a Nang by 68.1%; Can Tho by 57.1%; Quang Ninh by 49.8%; Binh ?inh by 44.3%; Ha Noi by 42.6%; Thanh Hoa by 39.9%; Hai Phong by 34.9%.Revenue from other services in 9 months was estimated at 383 trillion VND, accounting for 10.4% of the total and decreased by 5.6% over that in the same period last year, of which the revenue of some provinces decreased as follows: Quang Nam by 37%; ?a Nang by 18.9%; Thanh Hoa by 12%; Ho Chi Minh city by 8.6%; Ba Ria - Vung Tau by 8.2%; Ha Noi by 5.1%; Can Tho by 3.8%; Hai Phong by 3.7%.b. Transportation and telecommunication Transport activities in September showed more positive signals with an increase of 6.8% in volume of passengers carried and 4.5% in volume of freight carried compared to the previous month. Generally for nine months, passengers carried decreased of 29.6% and freight carried fell by 7.3% over the same period last year, of which, the volume of passengers and freight carried in the third quarter increased compared to the second quarter but still decreased 34% and decreased 6.4% compared to the same period last year. Airway was being affected the most by the Covid-19 epidemic in nine months with a drop of 45.5% in passengers carried and 39.4% decrease in freight carried.Passengers carried in September was estimated 268.7 million persons, going up 6.8% compared to the previous month and passengers traffic 11.2 billion passengers-km, rising by 35.2%; passengers carriage in the third quarter reached 815.3 million, decreased 34% and 35.8 billion passengers-km, reduced 42.1% compared to the same period last year. Generally for nine months, passengers carried reached 2,625.8 million passengers, a decrease of 29.6% over the same period last year (it increased by 10.5% in the same period in 2019) and passengers traffic gained 119.4 billion passengers-km, a decline of 35.2% (the similar period last year recorded a growth rate of 9.8%), of which domestic passengers carriage gained 2,623.1 million passengers, down 29.5% and 109.5 billion passengers-km, down 25.4%; overseas passengers carriage achieved 2.8 million passengers, decreasing by 77.7% and 9.9 billion passengers-km, moving down by 73.6%. By types of transport, all transport sectors went down due to the impact of Covid-19 epidemic, of which passengers carried by roadway in nine months recorded 2,443.9 million passengers, moving down by 30.4% over the same period last year and passengers traffic 89.5 billion passengers-km, falling by 25.5%; inland waterway gained 151.5 million passengers, reducing by 8.9% and 2.9 billion passengers-km, decreasing by 12.9%; airway recorded 22.5 million passengers, showing a decline of 45.5% and 25.4 billion passengers-km, recording a drop of 55.9%; seaway reached 5 million passengers, falling by 26.8% and 238.0 million passengers-km, going down by 27.0%; railway gained 2.9 million passengers, down 55.9% and 1.3 billion passengers-km, down 53%.Freight carried in September was estimated at 156.8 million tons, going up 4.5% and freight traffic 27.9 billion tons.km, rising 3.2% compared to the previous month; the third quarter of this year was estimated at 454.2 million tons, decreased 6.4% and 82.6 billion tons.km, reduced 10.4% compared to the same period last year. Generally for nine months, freight carried reached 1,264.6 million tons, down 7.3% against the similar period last year (it moved up by 8.9% in the same period in 2019) and freight traffic gained 242.5 billion tons-km, down 8.2% (the identical period last year witnessed a 7.5% growth), of which domestic passengers carriage recorded 1,239.9 million tons, seeing a decline of 7.2% and 126.2 billion tons-km, a reduction of 12.4%; oversea freight reached 24.7 million tons, decreasing by 14.9% and 116.3 billion tons-km, dropping by 3.2%. By types of transport, the roadway in nine months reached 963.9 million tons, witnessing a fall of 7.4% compared to the same period last year and 65.2 billion tons-km, a drop of 14.2%; inland waterway gained 238.1 million tons, down 7.6% and 48.2 billion tons-km, down 5.7%; seaway recorded 58.7 million tons, decreasing by 4.9% and 123.8 billion tons-km, moving down by 3.8%; railway reached 3.7 million tons, showing a decrease of 1.4% and 2.7 billion tons-km, a decline of 0.4%; airway reached 196.6 thousand tons, down 39.4% and 2.6 billion tons-km, down 54.2%.Telecommunications revenue in the third quater of 2020 was estimated at 91.9 trillion VND, a decrease of 1.8% compared to the same period last year (if excluding the price factor, the increase was 3.6%). Generally, telecommunications revenue in nine months was estimated to reach 278.2 trillion VND, a decrease of 0.4% compared to the same period last year (if excluding the price factor, the increase was 4.1%), much lower than the 7.6% increase of the same period in 2019 due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, the demand for businesses, agencies, units and individuals all decreased during the period of social gap implementation. The total number of telephone subcribers by the end of September 2020 was estimated at 130.4 million subscribers, a decline of 2% compared to the same period last year, of which mobile phone subscribers reached 127.1 million, falling by 1.8%. The number of fixed broadband internet subscribers recorded 16.1 million, climbing by 12.8%, of which subscribers accessing via Fiber To The Home (FTTH) and Cable Television (CATV) increase rapidly, subscribers accessing through xDSL continue to decrease.c) International visitors to Viet NamInternational visitors to Viet Nam in the third quarter of 2020 were 44 thousands, only equal to 1% compared to the same period last year because Viet Nam is continued to implement measures to prevent and control the Covid-19 epidemic, international tourism has not yet opened. The number of visitors coming were mainly foreign experts and technical workers working in projects in Viet Nam. Generally, in nine months of 2020, international visitors arrival to our country reached nearly 3.8 million, down 70.6% overto the same period last year, of which more than 97% were international visitors in the first quarter of 2020 .International visitors to Viet Nam in September were estimated at 13.8 thousands, reduced 15.5% over the previous month and decreased 99,1% compared to the same period last year. Generally for nine months, international visitors to Viet Nam was estimated at 3,788.5 thousand, moving down by 70.6% compared to the same period last year, of which visitors coming by airway gained 3,056.9 thousand persons, accounting for 80.7% of the number of international visitors to Viet Nam, dropping by 70%; by roadway achieved 587 thousand arrivals, accounting for 15.5% and going down by 76.4%; by seaway achieved 144.6 thousand arrivals, accounting for 3.8% and decreasing by 23.8%. In nine months, international visitors to Viet Nam from Asia recorded 2,770.2 thousand, accounting for 73.1% of the total, decreasing by 72.7% over the same period last year. Of which visitors from most major markets went down: China reached 937.8 million arrivals, down 76.4%; South Korea recorded 830.4 thousand arrivals, dropped 73.6%; Japan was 203 thousand visitors, down 71.5%; Taiwan gained 194.2 thousand persons, reduced 71.2%; Malaysia gained 116.8 thousand persons, going down by 73%; only visitors from Cambodia achieved 121.4 thousand person, growing by 11.9%. Visitors from Europe in nine months reached 668.3 thousand, down 58.6% compared to the same period last year, of which visitors from Russian Federation reached 246 thousand, down 48.6%; United Kingdom with 81.9 thousand arrivals, dropped 65.5%; France gained 74.8 thousand persons, reduced 65.3%; Germany gained 61.7 thousand persons, reduced 62.3%. Visitors from the America gained 235.2 thousand arrivals, down 68.1%, mainly visitors from United State with 173.2 thousand, reduced 69.6%. Visitors from Oceania reached 102.6 thousand, dropping by 68.9%, of which visitors from Australia was 92.5 thousand, dropping by 68.9%. Visitors from Africa reached 12.2 thousand, reducing by 64.5% over the same period in 2019.II. MACROECONOMICS STABILITY AND INFLATION CONTROL1. Banking, insurance, security activitiesOperation of credit institutions system in 9 months of 2020 was negatively affected by Covid-19 epidemic, as of September 22nd, 2020 the credit growth reached a low level of 5.12%. However, the State Bank of Vietnam adjusted the operating rate to stabilize the money and foreign exchange markets. Insurance business has grown well, ensuring interests of insurance participants. Total capital mobilization of stock market for the economy in 9 months increased by 1.43% over the same period last year.As of September 22nd, 2020, the total liquidity increased by 7.74% compared to the end of 2019 (at the same time in 2019 was 8.41%); capital mobilization from credit institutions increased by 7.7% (at the same time in 2019 was 8.79%); credit growth of the economy reached 5.12% (at the same time in 2019 was 8.51%).From the beginning of 2020 until now, the State Bank of Vietnam twicely adjusted to reduce operating interest rates to support liquidity for credit institutions, reduce the cost of borrowing capital from businesses and people leading to a decrease in the level of market interest rates. Currently, the mobilizing interest rate of VND is popular at 0.1% - 0.2% per year for call deposits and less-than-1-month term deposits; at 3.7% -4.1% per year for 1-month-to-less-than-6-month term deposits; at 4.4% -6.4% per year for 6-month-to-less-than-12-month term deposits; at 6.0% -7.1% per year for over-12-month term deposits. The maximum short-term lending interest rate of VND for some popular industries and fields is 5.0% per year.Insurance premium revenue of the whole market in 9 months of 2020 was estimated to increase by 14% over the same period last year (in the third quarter of 2020, up 12%), of which life insurance premium revenue increased by 17%; non-life insurance increased by 7%. In eight months of 2020, beneficiary payments are estimated at nearly 30 trillion dongs, went up by 18.3 percent over the same period in 2019; total equity of the insurance enterprises reached 110.7 trillion dong, a rise of 18.3%; total asset value in the insurance sector reached VND 525.4 trillion, an increase of 19.9%; the total investment capital back to the economy of the insurance industry reached 422.7 trillion dong, going up by 15.2%; insurance enterprises' professional reserve fund reached VND 338.4 trillion, an increase of 23.8%.In September, Vietnamese stock market showed signs of recovery thanks to good control over Covid-19 epidemic and enterprise's business and production activities gradually returned to normal situation. Generally, in nine months, the total capital mobilization for the stock market was estimated at 228.8 trillion dong, rose by 1.43% over the same period last year.On the stock market, as of the morning of September 24th, 2020, the VNIndex reached 912.5 points, increased by 3.5% compared to the end of the previous month and down 5% compared to the end of 2019. As of September 18th, 2020, market capitalization reached 4.263 trillion VND, down by 2.8% compared to the end of 2019; Average trading value reached 7.607 billion VND per session, up 19% from the previous month. Generally, in 9 months of 2020, the average trading value on the market reached 5.835 billion VND per session, up by 25.3% compared to the average of 2019. Currently, the market has 744 listed shares and fund certificates; 905 shares registered for trading on UPCoM with a total value of listing and trading registration reached 1.443 trillion dong, up by 3% compared to the end of 2019.In the bond market, there are currently 496 listed bond codes with a listing value of 1.272 trillion VND, went up by 7% from the end of 2019. Average trading value on the market in September reached 8.648 billion VND per session, a rise of 1.5% over the previous month. Totally, in 9 months, the average transaction value reached 9.674 billion VND per session, an increase of 5.1% compared to the average of 2019.On the derivative stock market, the average trading volume in September reached 126.957 contracts per session, a decrease by 32% from the previous month. Generally, in 9 months of 2020, the average trading volume reached 170.348 contracts per session, an increase of 92% compared to the previous year average. The number of derivative trading accounts continues to increase. At the end of August 2020, the number of derivative trading accounts reached 138.326, an increase of 4.6% compared to the end of the previous month.2. Development investmentThe realized investment in the first 9 months of 2020 increased by 4.8% compared to the same period in 2019, the lowest increase in the period 2016-2020 due to the negative impact of Covid-19 epidemic on all activity. However, investment capital of the State budget in September and 9 months of year 2020 both reached the highest increase in the years 2016 - 2020. Investment capital in the State sector tends to increase, which is the result of accelerated implementation and disbursement of public investment, in order to maintain economic growth in the context of the well-controlled Covid-19 epidemic in Viet Nam.The realized investment in the third quarter of 2020 at current prices was estimated at 597.2 trillion VND, a growth of 7.4% over the same period last year, of which the state-owned sector increased by 21.5% ;?the non-state sector rose by 1.6%;?the FDI sector decreased by 0.2%.Generally,?for 9months of 2020,?the realized investment at current prices?estimated at?1,445.4?trillion VND, increasing by 4.8% over the same period last year and equaling 34.7%?of GDP, of which:?the investment capital of the state sector?reached 484.8?trillion VND, representing 33.5% of the total capital and increasing by?13.4% compared to the same period last year;?the non-state sector?gained 641.5?trillion VND, accounting for 44% and rising by?2.8%;?the foreign direct investment?recorded 319.1?trillion VND, accounting for 22.1% and decreasing by 2.5%.The growth and structure of the realized investment 9 months of 2016-2020 over the same period last year(At current prices)%TotalOf which:StateNon-StateForeign invested sectorGrowth rate2016109.6106.0110.3114.12017112.3107.0116.6113.52018110.6103.3117.9109.12019110.3103.2116.8108.42020104.8113.4102.897.5Structure2016100.037.238.624.22017100.035.540.124.42018100.033.242.724.12019100.031.045.323.72020100.033.544.422.1?In the investment capital of the State sector, the realized capital from the State budget in 9 months was estimated at 303 trillion VND, equaling 59.7% of the yearly plan and a growth of 33.3% against the same period last year (the corresponding figures of same the period in 2019 was 59.3% and 6.3%, respectively), including:?the capital under central management reached?52.1 trillion?VND, equaling?56.7% of?the yearly plan and?increasing by 69.6% over the?sameperiod previous?year;?the capital under local management achieved?250.9 trillion VND, equaling 60.3% of the yearly plan and increasing by?27.7% compared to the same period last year,?of which: the State budget capital at provincial level reached?168.7 trillion VND, equaling?57.9% of?the yearly plan?and increasing by 27.1%;?the State budget capital at district level gained 69.5 trillion?VND, equaling?64.7% and?jumping up 29.3%;?State budget capital at commune level was?12.7 trillion?VND, equaling?73.9% and?expanding by?26.5%.The foreign direct investment from the beginning of the year to 20th September, 2020 including registered capital, adjust investment capital and total value of capital contribution reached 21.2 billion USD, decrease 18.9% compared to the same period in 2019. Of which, 1,947 newly licensed projects with a registered capital of 10.4 billion USD, an decrease of 18.9% in the number of projects and a decrease of 5.6% of registered capital as compared to the same period in 2019;789 turns of projects which were licensed in the previous years registered to adjust investment capital with the additional capital of 5.1 billion USD, a growth of6.8 over the same period last year;?5,172 turns of capital contribution and share purchases of foreign investors with a total value of capital contribution of 5.7 billion USD, a drop of 44.9% over the same period in 2019, including 1,296 turns of capital contribution capital, share purchase increased charter capital of the enterprise with the value of contributed capital of 2.1 billion USD and 3,876 turns of foreign investors repurchased domestic shares without increasing the charter capital with a value of 3.6 billion USD. Foreign direct investment capital in 9 months reached 13.8 billion USD, a drop of 3.2% over the same period last year, of which the manufaturing activity reached 9.8 billion USD, accounting for 71.2% of total foreign direct investment capital; real estate activities gained nearly 2 billion USD, making up 14.3%; electricity, gas, steam and air conditionaling supply recorded 1 billion USSD, comprising of 6.9%.In 9 months of this year, the manufacturing activity attracted the largest foreign direct investment with the registered capital of newly licensed projects reaching 4.7billion USD, accounting for 45.5% of the total newly registered capital;?electricity, gas, steam and air conditionaling supply gained 4.4billion USD, representing 41.9%;?the other sectors reached 1.3billion USD, making up 12.6%.?If including the additional registered capital of the licensed projects of the previous years, the foreign direct investment in the manufacturing activity in 9 months witnessed nearly 8.4 billion USD, comprising of 54% of registered capital;?electricity, gas, steam and air conditionaling supply reached 4.2billion USD, accounting for 27.3%;?the other sectors gained 2.9 billion USD, making up 18.7%.?For capital contribution, share purchase of foreign investors, investment in manufacturing activity recorded 1.5billion USD, accounting for 26.6% of the total value of capital contribution;?real estate activities gained 1.5billion USD, representing 26.1%;?the other sectors witnessed 2.7 million USD, accounting for 47.3%.Among 72 countries and territories had newly licensed investment projects in Vietnam in 9 months, Singapore was the largest investor with 4.7 billion USD, accounting for 44.9% of total newly registered capital;?followed by China with 1,079.7 million USD, representing 10.42%;?South Korea 1,076.6 million USD, making up 10.39%;?Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (China) 876.1 million USD, comprising 8.5%;?Taiwan 852.4 million USD, consisting of 8.2%.Vietnam's outward investment in the 9 months of this year had 96 projects which were granted investment certificates with a total capital of 268.3 million USD;?28 capital adjusted projects with an additional capital of 163.8 million USD.?Generally, the total outward investment of Vietnam (newly granted and supplementary capital) in 9 months of 2020 reached 432.1 million USD, a growth of 0.1% over the previous year, of which the manufacturing activity gained 222.7 million USD, making up 52.7% of total investment capital;?the professional scientific and technical activities recorded 62.6 million USD, accounting for 14.5%;?financial, banking and insureance activities reached54.8 million USD, representing 12.7%;?accommodation and food services activities witnessed 39.6 million USD, making up 9.2%.?In 9 months, Vietnam’s outward invested in 25 countries and territories, of which Germany was the leading country with 92.6 million USD, accounting for 21.4% of total investment capital;?Lao PDR88.7?million USD, sharing 20.5%;?Australia71.8 million USD, representing 16.6%;?the United State67.8 million USD, making up 15.7.3.?State budget revenue and expenditureThe Covid-19 epidemic continued to be controlled nationally, some localities in the epidemic area loosen measures of social distancing, gradually restore economic activities that have affected revenue and expenditure of State budget in September 2020.TheState budget revenue from January to September 15th, 2020 was estimated at 902.5 trillion VND, equaling 59.7% of the yearly estimate, of which domestic revenue reached 747.3 trillion VND, equal to 59.1%; crude oil revenue was 26.3 trillion VND, equaling 74.9%; budget balance revenue from import and export was 128 trillion VND, equaling 61.6%. In domestic revenue, revenue from the State-owned enterprise reached 91.9 trillion VND, as 51.7% of the yearly estimate; the FDI enterprises (excluding crude oil) gained 125.3 trillion VND, equaling 54.8%; taxes on trade and non-state services was 132.9 trillion VND, equaling 49%; personal income tax reached 84.2 trillion VND, equaling 65.4%; environmental protection tax was 40 trillion VND, equaling 59.2%; land use fee was 93.7 trillion VND, equaling 97.7%.TheState budget expenditure from January to September 15th, 2020 was estimated at 1.036,4 trillion VND, equaling 59.3% of the yearly estimate, of which recurrent expenditure was 716.3 trillion VND, equal to 67.8%; expenditure on investment and development was 235.3 trillion VND, equaling 50%; interest payment withnessed 78.4 trillion VND, equaling 66.3%.4. Export and import of goods and servicesa) Export and import of goodsIn the context of the Covid-19 epidemic complicated developments in the world disrupting international trade, Vietnam's export activities remained positive growth, in which the role of the economic sector emerged domestically, while export and import turnover in 9 months both increased over the same period last year. Total import and export turnover of 9 months in 2020 was estimated at 388.73 billion USD, with a export turnover of 202.86 billion USD, a rise of 4.2% over the same period last year, import turnover of 185.87 billion USD, reduce by 0.8% over the same period last year. The trade balance of goods in 9 months saw an estimated trade surplus of 16.99 billion USD. Export of goodsExport turnover in August 2020 reached 27,702 million USD, 1,202 million USD higher than estimated figure, of which machinery, instrument and accessory were higher than 338 million USD; electronic goods, computers and their parts were 271 million USD; precious stones, metals and products were higher than 234 million USD; means of transport and components were higher than 150 million USD; iron and steel were 112 million higher than estimated; electronic goods, computers and their parts were higher than 101 million USD; rice were higher than 53 million USD.Export turnover in September 2020 was estimated at 27.5 billion USD, reduced by 0.7% over the previous month, of which the domestic economic sector gained 10.3 billion USD, increased by 0.3%; the FDI sector (including crude oil) reached 17.2 billion USD, reduced by 1.4%. Compared to the same period last year, export turnover of goods in September increased by 18%, of which the domestic economic sector slightly increased by 46.3%, the FDI sector (including crude oil) increased by 5.8%.In the third quarter of 2019, export turnover reached 80.07 billion USD, grew by 11% over the same period in 2019 and rose by 34.4% compared to the second quarter of this year (rose by 26.6% compared to the first quarter of this year). In the third quarter, there were 10 products with export turnover of more than 1 billion USD, accounting for 74.8% of total export turnover, of which phones and their parts led with 14.7 billion USD, accounting for 18.4 % of total export turnover, reduce by 3.9% over the same period last year; electronic goods, computers and their parts reached 12.8 billion USD, grew by 26.4%; textiles and garments gained 8.9 billion USD, reduce by 6.7%; machinery, instrument, accessory reached 7.8 million USD, grew by 62.8%.Generally for nine months in 2020, the export turnover was estimated at 202.86 billion USD, rose by 4.2% over the same period in 2019, of which, the domestic economic sector continuing to be the driving force for the growth of the country's export activities was 71.83 billion USD, went up by 20.2%, accounting for 35.4% of total export turnover; the FDI sector (including crude oil) attained 131.03 billion USD, reduce by 2.9%, sharing 64.6%.In 9 months of 2020, there were 30 products with export turnover of over 1 billion USD, contributing 91.3% to the total export turnover (5 products with export turnover of over 10 billion USD, accounting for 59.8%), of which phones and their parts gained the highest export turnover of 36.7 billion USD, sharing 18.1% ??of total export turnover, decreased by 5.5% over the same period last year; electronic goods, computers and their parts reached 32.2 billion USD, jumped up by 25.9%; textiles and garments achieved 22.1 billion USD, reduced by 10.3%; machinery, instrument and accessory reached 18.2 billion USD, increased by 39.8%; footwear gained 12.1 billion USD, decreased by 8.8%; wood and wooden products gained 8.5 billion USD, grew by 12.4%; means of transport and spare parts attained 6.3 billion USD, reduced by 0.4%; aquatic products gained 6 billion USD, decreased by 12.4%. Generally, the export proportion of some main products still belonged to the FDI sector, of which: phones and their parts accounted for 92.8%; machinery, instrument, accessory shared 66.4%; footwear contributed 75.9%; textiles accounted for 56.6%. The average export price of many agricultural products decreased over the same period last year, so that the export turnover of most agricultural and fishery products in 9 months of this year decreased: Fruits and vegetables gained 2.5 billion USD, dropped 11%; cashew nuts amounted 2.4 billion USD, reduced by 4% (volume increased by 10.6%); coffee reached 2.2 billion USD, fell by 1% (volume decreased 1,4%); rubber gained 1.5 billion USD, reduced by 4% (volume increased by 2.4%); pepper reached 489 million USD, dropped 17.6% (volume decreased by 5.9%). Particularly, rice gained 2.5 billion USD, increased by 12% (volume decreased by 0.6%).Regarding the structure of export commodity groups in 9 months of 2020, the group of heavy industry products and minerals was estimated at 108.79 billion USD, went up by 7.4% over the same period last year, accounting for 53.6% of the total export turnover of goods (a rise of 1.6 percentage points compared to the same period in 2019). The group of light industry and handicraft products was estimated at 73.41 billion USD, jumped up by 2.2% and accounting for 36.2% (a decrease of 0.7 percentage points). Agricultural and forestry products reached 14.63 billion USD, went down by 4.9% and accounting for 7.2% (a decrease of 0.7 percentage points). The group of fishery products reached 6032 billion USD, edged down by 3% and accounting for 3% (a drop of 0.2 percentage points).Regarding the export commodity market in 9 months of 2020, the United States was Vietnam's largest export market with a turnover of 54.8 billion USD, a growth of 22.9% over the same period last year; the following was China market with 31.9 billion USD, going up by 12.7%; The EU with 26 billion USD, declining by 2.6%; ASEAN market with 17 billion USD, an decrease of 12.5%; South Korea with 14.5 billion USD, an decrease of 2%; Japan with 14.1 billion USD, declining by 5.7%.Import of goodsImport turnover of goods in August reached 22,717 million USD, 283 million USD lower than the estimated figure, of which iron, steel were lower than 175 million USD; textile fibres was lower than 138 million USD; electronic goods, computers and their parts were lower than 46 million USD; petrol was lower than 82 million USD.Import turnover in September 2020 was estimated at 24 billion USD, expanded by 5.6% over the previous month, of which the domestic economic sector gained 10.6 billion USD, edged up by 5.3%; the FDI sector reached 13.4 billion USD, edged up by 5.9%. Compared to the same period in 2019, the import turnover of goods in September increased by 11.6%, of which the domestic economic sector increased by 22.5%; the FDI sector rose by 4.8%. In the third quarter of 2019, the import turnover reached 68.54 billion USD, rose by 3% over the same period in 2019 and grew by 18.5% compared to the second quarter of this year (grew by 15.2% compared to the first quarter of this year). In the third quarter, 14 products had import turnover of over 1 billion USD, accounting for 73.4% of the total import turnover, of which: Electronic goods, computers and their parts reached the highest turnover with 17.9 billion USD (accounting for 26.1% of the total import turnover), jumped up by 24.6% over the same period in 2019; machinery, instrument and accessory gained 9.5 billion USD, climbed up by 3.1%; phones and their parts reached 4.6 billion USD, declined by 4.6%; textile fibres reached 2.9 billion USD, edged down by 8.3%.Generally for nine months of 2020, the import turnover was estimated at 185.87 billion USD, decreased by 0.8% over the same period in 2019, of which the domestic economic sector reached 82.35 billion USD, went up by 4.7%; the FDI sector gained 103.52 billion USD, edged down by 4.8%.In 9 months, there were 32 imported products with turnover of over 1 billion USD, accounting for 88.3% of total import turnover, of which: electronic goods, computers and their parts reached 45.1 billion USD (sharing 24.2% of total import turnover), jumped up by 17.8% over the same period last year; machinery, instrument and accessory reached 26.3 billion USD, reduced by 1.8%; phones and their parts attained 10.6 billion USD, went down by 0.6%; textile fibres reached 8.4 billion USD, declined by 13.4%; iron and steel gained 6.1 billion USD, declined by 15.5%; plastic amounted 6 billion USD, decreased by 11.2%; plastic products reached 5.2 billion USD, soared by 8.1%; metal was 4.3 billion USD, decreased by 9.4%; automobiles reached 4.1 billion USD, declined by 24.5%; chemical products reached 4 billion USD, increased by 2.8%.Regarding the structure of imported goods in 9 months of 2020, the group of input materials was estimated at 173.71 billion USD,went down by 1.1% over the same period last year and accounted for 93.5% of total import turnover (a increase of 0.3 percentage points compared to the same period in 2019), of which the group of machinery, instrument and accessory, means of transport and spare parts reached 87.47 billion USD, went up by 0.9% and shared 47% (a rise of 0.8 percentage points); raw materials and fuels gained 86.24 billionUSD, decreased by 3.1% and contributed 46.4% (a fall of 1.1 percentage points). Consumer goods group was estimated at 12.16 billion USD, expanding by 4.4% and accounted for 6.5% (an increase of 0.3 percentage points).Regarding imported goods market in 9 months of this year, China remained the largest import market of Vietnam with a turnover of 56.8 billion USD, jumped up by 2.7% over the same period last year; the following wasthe Korean market with 32.8 billion USD, reduced by 7.1%; ASEAN market with 21.8 billion USD, declining by 8.7%; Japan with 14.6 billion USD, going up by 2.8%; EU market with 10.8 billion USD, expanding by 5.6%; The United States with 10.5 billion USD, decrease of 1.6%. The trade balance of goods in August witnessed a trade surplus of 5 billion USD; trade surplus for 8 months was 13.5 billion USD; trade surplus in September was estimated at 3.5 billion USD. Generally, in nine months of 2020, trade surplus was estimated at 16.99 billion USD, of which the domestic economic sector saw a trade deficit of 10.52 billion USD; the FDI sector (including crude oil) saw a trade surplus of 27.51 billion USD.b) Export and import of servicesIn the third quarter of 2020, export turnover of services reached 787 million USD, decreased by 84.2% over the same period in 2019 (second quarter decreased by 80.4%; first quarter decreased by 23.6%); import turnover of services reached 4.6 billion USD, went down by 16.3% (second quarter decreased by 23.2%; first quarter decreased by 3.2%).In nine months of 2020, export turnover of services was estimated at 5.47 billion USD, went down by 62.3% over the same period in 2019, of which travel service gained 2.5 billion USD (accounting for 45.1% of the total turnover), decreased by 70.9%; transportation service reached 665 million USD (accounting for 12.2%), decreased by 79.6%. Service import turnover in nine months of this year was estimated at 13.63 billion USD, edged down by 14.4% over the same period last year, of which transport services gained 5.9 billion USD (accounting for 43.3% of total turnover), decreased by 0.3%; tourism services reached 3.2 billion USD (sharing 23.6%), declined by 33.4%. Trade deficit of services in nine months of 2020 was 8.16 billion USD, equaling 149.72% of the service export turnover.5. Price indexConsumer price index in September, 2020 increased by 0.12% over the previous month and by 0.01% over December last year - all of them were the lowest level in the period of 2016-2020, mainly due to the price of education service prices were adjusted to increase in line with the roadmap to approach market prices, price of electricity for living increased because the need to use electricity in hot weather, price of domestic rice went up due to Vietnam rice export’s price reached highest level since 2011. On average, in 9 months of 2020, the consumer price index increased by 3.85% over the same period last year. The average merchandise term of trade of 9 months of 2020 decreased by 0.72% as compared to the same period of 2019, reflecting unfavorable Vietnam goods export’s price to abroad compared to the price of imported goods from abroad to Vietnam.a) Consumer price index Consumer price index (CPI) in September 2020 increased by 0.12% over the previous month. September CPI of 6/11 major groups of goods and services increased over the previous month, of which the education group had the highest increase of 2.08% (educational services grew by 2.29%), making the general CPI increase by 0.12% because 44 provinces and cities in the month implemented the roadmap to increase tuition fee for the new school year 2020-2021 and prices of books and school supplies increased due to the need to prepare for the new school year. Housing and construction materials increased by 0.62%, mainly due to the increase of 3.23% in electricity’s price for living (making the overall CPI increase by 0.11%) and price of gas by 0.52%. Garments, hats and shoes grew by 0.1% due to the need to buy clothes and shoes for the new school year; beverage and cigarette increased by 0.05%; medicine and medical service group grew by 0.01%; other goods and services increased by 0.02%. Price index of five groups decreased: Food and catering services decreased by 0.31%, of which food rose by 0.53% due to rising rice prices by 0.71%; foodstuff declined by 0.59%. Culture, entertainment and tourism group decreased by 0.2% due to a decrease in the demand for tourism when the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic resumed; transport group declined by 0.12%; household appliances decreased by 0.06%; postal services and telecommunications decreased by 0.02%. Generally in the third quarter of 2020, CPI increased by 0.92% compared to the previous quarter and rose by 3.18% compared to the third quarter of 2019, of which food and catering services grew by 11.47% compared to the third quarter of 2019; education rose by 3.52%; medicine and medical service went up by 1.51%; beverage and cigarette expanded by 1.36%; household appliances increased by 1.11%; housing and construction materials increased by 0.67%; garments, hats and shoes went up by 0.56%; other goods and services increased by 2.48%. Price index of 3 groups decreased: transport declined by 13.39%; culture, entertainment and tourism decreased by 1.65%; postal services and telecommunications reduced by 0.54%.CPI in September 2020 increased by 0.01% over December 2019 and rose by 2.98% over the same period of 2019. Average CPI of 9 months of 2020 increased by 3.85% compared to the same period of 2019. CPI of 9 months in 2020 increased compared to the same period last year due to a number of main reasons as follows: (i) The price of food products increased by 4.03% over the same period last year (making the general CPI increase by 0.15%); (ii) The price of foodstuff products increased by 14.31% over the same period last year, of which the price of living weight pig increased by 70.55% (making the general CPI increase by 2.39%); (iii) Price of medicine and medical service because the Covid-19 epidemic in the world is still complicated, so the demand for this product is still high; (iv) The price of beverages, cigarettes and ready-made clothes increased highly, by 1.58% and 0.73% respectively over the same period in 2019.Besides, there were a number of factors that contributed to curb the CPI of 9 months in 2020: (i) The price of petroleum and oil decreased by 22.12% (making the general CPI decline by 0.8%); price of oil decreased by 30.1%; price of gas decline by 1.68%; (ii) The need for travel and tourism of the people decreased due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, causing the package travel service's price to decrease by 2.13% over the same period last year; freight charge such as trains and airplanes have decreased; (iii) The Government implemented a series of support packages for people and producers who had difficulties due to the Covid-19 epidemic such as the support package of Vietnam Electricity (EVN) to reduce electricity prices and electricity bills for customers, so price of electricity in May and June this year decreased by 0.28% and 2.72% respectively over the previous month; (iv) Authorities at all levels and sectors actively implemented measures to prevent complicated developments of the Covid-19 epidemic, to ensure the balance of supply and demand and stabilize the market.Core inflation in September 2020 decreased by 0.02% over the previous month and increased by 1.97% over the same period last year. Average core inflation of 9 months of 2020 grew by 2.59% compared to the same period of 2019.b) Gold price index and US dollarDomestic gold prices fluctuated according to the world gold prices. Gold prices fell because investors sold to take profits after a period of strong gold price increases, the US economy recovered better than expected after being affected by the Covid-19 epidemic and the dollar index increased against major world market currencies. Average world gold price as of September 28th, 2020 decreased by 2.55% compared to August 2020. Domestically, gold price index in September 2020 decreased by 0.33% over the previous month; an increase of 32.37% compared to December 2019; increased by 30.33% over the same period last year.The US Federal Reserve (FED) suddenly announced that it would keep interest rates close to 0% and keep this interest rate unchanged until 2023 and forecast that the US economy would recover from the Covid-19 epidemic. Domestically, the foreign currency reserve of the State Bank of Vietnam is abundant to meet the foreign currency demand of importing enterprises. The US dollar price index in September 2020 decreased by 0.05% over the previous month; went up by 0.12% compared to December 2019 and dropped 0.17% over the same period of 2019.c) Producer price index Producer price index (PPI) for agriculture, forestry and fishery products in the third quarter of 2020 increased by 1.43% compared to the previous quarter and by 10.99% compared to the same period last year, of which the PPI for agriculture products increased by 2.46% and by 16.1%; forestry increased by 0.03% and decreased by 0.1%; fishery reduced by 1.52% and by 2.19%. Generally, in 9 months of 2020, the PPI for agriculture, forestry and fishery products increased by 8.41% over the same period in 2019, of which the PPI for agriculture products increased by 12.06%; forestry decreased by 0.22%; fishery went down by 1.18%.PPI for industry products in the third quarter of 2020 increased by 0.81% over the previous quarter and went down by 0.95% over the same period last year, of which the PPI for mining and quarrying increased by 9.14% and declined by 9.86%; manufacturing increased by 0.4% and fell by 0.36%; production and distribution of electricity, gas, hot water, steam and air conditioner increased by 1.95% and fell by 3.68%; water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities increased by 0.29% and by 2.68%, respectively. Generally, in 9 months of this year, the PPI for industrial products decreased by 0.54% over the same period last year, of which the PPI for mining and quarrying decreased by 8.21%; manufacturing decreased by 0.2%; production and distribution of electricity, gas, hot water, steam and air conditioner decreased by 1.1%; water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities increased by 2.73%.PPI for services in the third quarter of 2020 increased by 1.12% compared to the previous quarter and fell by 1.51% over the same period last year, of which the service producer price indexes (SPPI) of some sectors were as follows: transport and storage service increased by 2.71% and went down by 6.08%; education and training services increased by 0.83% and by 2.67%; accommodation and food service activities increased by 0.34% and 0.41%; human health and social work activities increased by 0.05% and by 0.77%. Generally, in 9 months of 2020, the SPPI decreased by 0.58% over the same period in 2019, of which the PPI of transport and storage service decreased by 5.28%; information and communication fell by 3.06%; education and training grew by 3.71%; human health and social work activities increased by 2.63%; accommodation and food service activities increased by 1.08%. d) Merchandise import and export price indexMerchandise export price index in the third quarter of this year increased by 0.17% over the previous quarter and decreased by 1.55% over the same period last year, of which the price index of agricultural products and foodstuff decreased by 0.98% and by 4.1%; fuel group grew by 9.13% and reduced by 31.82%; other manufacturing products remained unchanged over the previous quarter and increased by 0.24% over the same period last year. Export price index in the third quarter compared to the previous quarter and the same period last year of some commodities was as follows: Crude oil increased by 10.37% and fell by 36.92%; petroleum oil, refined increased by 8.32% and declined by 23.39%; tea went up by 6.3% and by 14.12%; rice went up by 3.1% and by 6.22%; ores and other minerals grew by 2.48% and by 2.44%; rubber decreased by 3.26% and by 6.67%; iron and steel declined by 3.18% and by 8.03%; fishery products went down by 2.47% and by 9.03%; electronic parts (including TV parts), mobile, computer and their parts reduced by 2.06% and by 0.04%. Generally, in 9 months of 2020, the merchandise export price index decreased by 1.33% over the same period in 2019, of which agricultural products and foodstuffs decreased by 2.39%; fuel group declined by 27.43%; other manufacturing products increased by 0.08%. Export price index of 9 months of 2020 of some commodities was as follows: Crude oil decreased by 32.28%; petroleum oil, refined declined by 19.27%; ? went down by 6.17%; fishery products reduced by 6.17%; coffee declined by 5.98%; ores and other minerals grew by 10.42%; tea went up by 9.73%; precious stones, precious metal increased by 7.07%. Merchandise import price index in the third quarter of this year increased by 0.03% over the previous quarter and fell by 0.95% over the same period of 2019, of which import price index of agricultural products and foodstuff fell by 0.12% and increased by 0.73%; fuel group increased by 7.1% and decreased by 3.31%; other manufacturing products decreased by 0.29% and by 0.93%, respectively. Import price indexes in the third quarter of some productswere as follows: Petroleum oil, refined increased by 9.83% against the previous quarter and decreased by 2.65% against the same period last year; rubber increased by 2.03% and by 0.55%; animal or vegetables oil and fats went up by 1.59% and by 13.74%; liquefied petroleum gas decreased by 3.61% and by 18.17%; unassembled and parts for car edged down by 2.57% and by 2.29%; fishery products reduced by 2.12% and by 2.55%. Generally, in 9 months of 2020, the merchandise import price index of goods decreased by 0.62% over the same period in 2019, of which agricultural products and foodstuffs increased by 0.89%; fuel group decreased by 3.6%; other manufacturing products decreased by 0.55%. Import price index of 9 months of 2020 of some commodities was as follows: liquefied petroleum gas decreased by 14.63%; chemicals edged down by 7.18%; petroleum oil, refined decreased by 3.48%; articles of paper grew by 11.03%; animal or vegetables oil and fats went up by 7.78%; vegetables and fruits increased by 4.76%.Merchandise term of trade in the third quarter of 2020 increased by 0.14% compared to the previous quarter and decreased by 0.6% over the same period last year. Generally, in 9 months of 2020, the merchandise term of trade decreased by 0.72% over the same period in 2019, of which the merchandise term of trade for chemicals increased by 7.74%; wood and articles of wood increased by 1.58%; rubber increased by 0.85%; electronic parts (including TV parts), mobile, computer and their parts grew by 0.83%; petroleum oil, refined decreased by 16.35%; iron and steel decreased by 5.48%; fishery products reduced by 4.5%; vegetables and fruits decreased by 2.02%.III. SOME SOCIAL ISSUES1. Labor and employmentThe labor and employment situation in nationwide in the third quarter of 2020 showed signs of recovery, income of wage workers was gradually improved. The unemployment rate at working age of the urban area in the third quarter although decreasing compared to the second quarter but remained at the highest level in the past 10 years.In the?third quarter of 2020, the labor force?aged 15 years and over of the whole country was estimated at 54.6 million persons, an increase of 1.4 million persons over the previous quarter and decreased of 1.1 million persons over the same period last year.?Generally for 9 months of 2020, the labor force aged 15 years and over was 54.4 million persons, decreased of 1.2 million persons compared to the same period last year.?The labor force participation rate in 9 months of 2020 was estimated to reach 73.9%, fell by 2.6 percentage points compared to the same period last year.In the third quarter of 2020, labor force in working age was estimated at 48.5 million persons, an increase of 1.8 million persons over the previous quarter and a decreased of 638.9 thousand person compared to the same period of the preceding year, of which: male employees was 26.4 million persons, accounted for 54.5% and female employees was 22.1 million persons, made up 45.5%;?employees in urban and rural areas was 16.5 million persons and 32 million persons, respectively with the corresponding share of 34.1% and 65.9%.?Generally for 9 months of 2020, the labor force in the working age was 48.1 million persons, an decreased of 940.1 thousand persons compared to the same period last year, equivalent 1.9%.In the third quarter of 2020, the employed population aged 15 years and over was estimated at 53.3 million persons, of which employees of agriculture, forestry and fishery sector were 17.3 million persons, accounted for 32.4% of the total employed population; the industry and construction sector was 16.6 million persons, made up 32.1%;?and the service sector was 19.4 million persons with the corresponding share of 36.4%.?Generally for 9 months of this year, employed population aged 15 years and over working were 53.1?million persons, including the agriculture, forestry and fishery sector was 17.5 million persons, decreased 6,5% compared to the same period last year; the?industry and construction sector was 16.4 million persons, a rise of 0,3%, of which the major increase belonging to informal labours in the construction (up 4.6%), while formal labours in this field went down by 9.3%;?and the service sector was 19.2 million persons, decreased 1%%. Unemployment rate nationwide in the third quarter of 2020 was estimated at 2.29% (this figure in the first quarter and the second quarter were 2.02% and 2.51%, respectively).?Generally, in the first 9 months of 2020, the unemployment rate was 2.27%, of which the unemployment rate of labor force in the urban and the rural was 3.66% and 1.58%, respectively.?In the third quarter of 2020, the unemployment rate of labor force in working age was 2.5% (this figure of the first quarter and the second quarter were 2.22% and 2.73%, respectively).?Generally, in 9 months of 2020, the unemployment rate of labor force in working age was 2.48%, of which the urban area was 3.88%;?the rural area was 1.75%.?The youth unemployment rate (aged 15 to 24 years) in 9 months of 2020 was estimated at 7.07%, of which the urban and the rural was 10.7% and 5.53%, respectively.Underemployment rate at working age in 1st quarter and2nd quarter in 2020 were 2.21%; 3.08%,?respectively and estimated for 3rd quarter was 2.79%.?Generally, in 9 months of this year, the underemployment rate at working age was estimated at 2.69%, of which the urban and rural area was 1.84% and 3.12%, respectively (corresponding figures of the first 9 months of 2019 were 1.54%; 0.81% and 1.91%, respectively).Percentage of employment in informal economy in non-agricultural, forestry and fishery households in Quarter I, Quarter II of 2020 were 55.3% and?55.8%, respectively;?estimated for Quarter III was 57%, of which the urban and the rural area was 49.5% and 62.9%, respectively. Generally, for 9 months 2020 percentage of employment in the informal economy in non-agricultural, forestry and fishery households was estimated at?56?%, of which the urban and the rural area was 48.1?% and 62.4?%,?respectively (the corresponding figures in 9 months of 2019 was 55.9%; 47.8% and 62.3%, respectively).In the third quarter of 2020, average monthly earnings of wage workers was 6.52 million VND per month, an increase of 184 thousand VND compared to the preceding quarter and a decreased of 116 thousand VND compared to the same period last year, of which the earnings of male workers was 6.8 million VND per month, female workers was 6.1 million VND per month. Generally for 9 months of 2020, the average monthly earnings of wage workers was estimated at 6.69 million VND per month, an increase of 54 thousand VND compared to the same period last year.2. Living standards and social securityAlthought people’s living in the 9 months of 2020 was affected by Covid-19 epidemic, the people’s living was still generally stability due tothe direction of all authorities levels and people's efforts. In September and the third quarter of this year, there was no locality that reported hunger. Generally for 9 months of 2020, the whole country had 16.5 thousand households suffering from food shortage, fell by 75.5% over the same period last year, corresponding to 66.5 thousand persons suffering from food shortage, dropped 75.6 %. Food shortage in the first 9 months of this year mainly occurred in the provinces of Yen Bai, Ha Giang, Bac Kan, Son La, Cao Bang, Dien Bien, Lao Cai. To overcome hunger problem, from the beginning of the year, all administrative levels, sectors and organizations from the central to local levels supported these households with 733.6 tons of food.The new rural construction program in recent years had positive effects, contributing to improving the people’s living in the rural area, promoting the development of socio-economic infrastructure systems in rural area. The system of cultural and physical foundation and schools was newly built and renovated to meet standards; crop-support programs for agricultural production, preferential lending policies for poor and near-poor householdswhich helped farmers develop production and improve their lives. As of September 23rd, 2020, in the whole country, 5,385 communes and 152 districts were recognized to meet the new rural standards.Social security continued to be paid attention by authorities. According to the preliminary report, the total value of gifts had been given to social policy beneficiaries, national devotees and social protection beneficiaries in 9 months were about 9.4 trillion VND, including 3.5 trillion VND of gifts and supports the policy beneficiaries; 2.7 trillion VND of support poor households and 3.2 trillion VND to help hunger and other social relief. Besides, more than 24 million health insurance cards, free health care books/cards were donated to policy beneficiaries in the whole country. As of September 15th, 2020, more than 12.5 trillion VND was disbursed nationwide to support people in difficulty due to the Covid-19 epidemic.2. Education and trainingThe school-year 2019-2020 is a year of fluctuations for the Education sector due to the Covid-19 epidemic. In order to adapt to the actual situation, the Ministry of Education and Training has promptly proposed responsive plans; appropriate directions and instructions to ensure safety for pupils and teachers, and implement the school year plan. Due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, the 2020 national high school graduation exam were held later than every year and must ensure two principles: health safety for all candidates, officers, participating teachers periodic examinations, pupil’s parents; safe, secure, serious, objective, in accordance with the exam regulations. The exam was organized into 2 rounds to ensure the safety of the test takers. Number of candidates registered to take part in the contest is 900.1 thousand people, of which 26,014 candidates from 27 provinces, took part in the second exam.At the time of starting the school year 2020-2021, the whole country had 5.4 million preschool children (776.9 thousand kindergartens and more than 4.6 million nursery education); more than 17.5 million pupils of general education, including 8.7 million primary school pupil; more than 6 million lower secondary school pupil and 2.8 million in upper secondary schools.Generally for nine months, vocational training enrolled nearly 1.4 million new students, of which 300 thousand students were enrolled for college and intermediate level; 1,065 thousand students were enroll for elementary level and other vocational training programs.3. Epidemic diseases and food poisoningIn the month (August 19thto September 18th, 2020), the whole country had 16,562 cases of hemorrhagic fever (4 cases died); 6,600 cases of hand, foot and mouth disease; 29 cases of virus encephalitis; 2 cases of meningococcal disease; 126 cases of scarlet fever suspected for measles, of which 6 cases were positive for measles. Compared to the same period last year, the number of hemorrhagic fever cases decreased by 61.9%; the number of hand, foot and mouth disease cases decreased by 59.3%. Generally, in 9 months, the whole country had 65,046 cases of hemorrhagic fever (7 cases died); 28,462 cases of hand, foot and mouth disease; 404 cases of virus encephalitis (9 cases died); 11 cases of meningococcal disease and 2,924 cases of scarlet fever suspected for measles, of which 247 cases were positive for measles; 198 cases were positive for diphtheria (4 cases died).The Covid-19 epidemic continues to develop complicatedly, the 5 countries with the highest number of Covid-19 cases in the world are the United State, India, Brazil, Russia and Colombia. In Vietnam, epidemic outbreaks have basically been controlled, and provinces with Covid-19 infection have basically returned to normal. As of 6:00 am on 28/9/2020, Vietnam has 1,074 cases have been reported, 999 cases have been cured (35 deaths), within 26 days Vietnam has not recorded new cases of Covid- 19 in the community. Most of the deaths in our country are of the elderly with serious diseases such as end stage chronic kidney failure, end-stage blood cancer that does not respond to chemicals, coronary syndrome, acute respiratory failure, degenerative arthritis, hypertension, chronic adrenal insufficiency, type 2 diabetes, pneumonia, cachexia, multi-organ failure.As of September 18th, 2020 the total number of alive HIV-infected persons over the country was 210,754; 97,066 cases turned to AIDS and the number of person died of HIV/AIDS as of above time- point was 99,019 persons.In September 2020, there were 8 of food poisoning cases, poisoned 93 persons (2 deaths). Generally, in nine months of 2020, there were 65 food poisoning cases in the whole country, poisoned 1,667 persons, of which 21 died.4. Cultural and sport activitiesThe protection and promotion of cultural heritages are very interested and implemented by provinces, many cultural and historical relics have been invested in repairing and embellishing in association with exploitation and tourism development. Continue to improve and build projects in order to preserve and promote traditional culture, and build cultures of ethnic minorities and mountainous areas. Library activities have many innovations, actively, proactively, creatively, deploy new services, promote the provision of remote services, online services to ensure the maintenance of information provision. For the people, especially due to the influence of the Covid-19 epidemic, libraries mainly provide services via cyberspace with many creative ways to attract readers to use the library's servicesThe preparations for the two major Sports Games, the 3st Southeast Asian Games (31st SEA Games) and the 11th ASEAN Para Games will take place in Vietnam in 2021 is being actively implemented in a drastic and urgent spirit so that all stages of the organization can be completed on time.Due to the influence of the Covid-19 epidemic, many physical training and sports activities have to be postponed and delayed. Generally, in 9 months, the country has organized 11 sports tournaments and 10 professional training courses for sports collaborators and guides. All sports competitions and competitions implemented are ensured safety measures for Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control.6. Traffic accidentFrom August 15thto September 14th, there were 1,184 traffic accidents occurred nationwide, including 708 traffic accidents of less serious or more and 476 traffic collisions, causing 534 deaths, 377 injuries and 505 minor injuries. Compared to the same period last year, the number of traffic accidents in September 2020 decreased by 11.9% (the number of traffic accidents from less serious or more increase by 1.4% and the number of traffic crashes decreased by 26.3%); the number of deaths decreased by 5.2%; the number of injured persons decreased by 3.6% and the number of minor injuries decreased by 21.2%. Traffic accident situation in 9 months decreased on all 3 criteria due to the effectiveness of the Government's Decree No. 100/2019/ND-CP dated December 30, 2019 on imposition of penalties for administrative offences in the field ofroad and railway traffic and the effects of social disparity due to the Covid-19 epidemic. Generally for nine months, the whole country had 10,354 traffic accidents, including 5,980 traffic accidents of less serious or more and 4,374 traffic collisions, making 4,876 deaths, 3,127 injuries and 4,482 persons slightly injured. Compared to the same period last year, the number of traffic accidents in 9 months of this year decreased by 18.3% (the number of traffic accidents from less serious or more decreased by 11%; the number of traffic collisions decreased by 26.6%); the number of deaths decreased by 13.8%; the number of injured people decreased by 13.9% and the number of minor injuries fell by 25.1%. On average, in 9 months, the whole country had 38 traffic accidents a day, including 22 traffic accidents of less serious or more and 16 traffic collisions, causing 18 deaths and 11 injuries and 16 people were slightly injured.7. Damages caused by natural disasters?Natural disasters occurred in September 2020 were mainly storms, heavy rains, flash floods, floods, tornadoes and landslides in some localities, causing 17 persons died, missed and 117 injuries; 4.4 thousand hectares of rice and 3.7 thousand hectares of crops were damaged; 48 houses were collapsed, swept away and more than 24.1 thousand houses were unroofed, flooded and damaged. According to preliminary reports from localities, the total lost caused by natural disasters in the month was estimated at 203,7 billion VND. Particularly storm No. 5 on September 18th in some central provinces caused 6 deaths; 112 people were injured; 1,439 hectares of rice were flooded and 2,449 hectares of crops were damaged; 2,648 hectares of forest trees and fruit trees were damaged; 105 hectares of water surface for aquaculture was damaged; 13 houses were completely collapsed and 22.7 houses were speed up and damaged; 36 point school wasaffacted; 217 electric poles, 7 transformers, 3 communication poles and 43 fiber optic lines were damaged; more than 57 km of canals, coastlines and highways were damaged. The property damage caused by typhoon No. 5 mainly in Thua Thien-Hue and Quang Nam provinces, that was estimated at VND 621.6 billion. Generally for 9 months, natural disasters caused 96 people died and missed, 292 injured; 142.6 thousand hectares of rice and more than 67.8 thousand hectares of crops damaged; 1,806 houses collapsed, swept away; more nearly 101.2 thousand houses unroofed and damaged. The total lost caused by natural disasters in 9 months was estimated at 7.2 trillion VND (of which due to saline intrusion was 3.4 trillion VND, accounting for 47% of the total damage).8. Environment protection, fire and explosion preventionIn September 2020, the authorities detected 1,387 cases of environmental violations, including 1,176 processed cases with a total fine of 13.9 billion VND. Generally, in 9 months, 10,715 environmental violations were detected in the whole country, of which 9,658 cases were handled with a total fine of 143,6 billion VND.The whole country witnessed 190 cases of fires and explosions in September 2019 (from August 16th to September 14th), causing 5 deaths and 8 injuries; the damage was estimated at nearly 23,9 billion VND. Generally in 9 months (from December 16th, 2019 to September 15th, 2020), there were 2,254 cases of fires and explosions in the whole country, killing 79 people and injuring 131 people, the damage was estimated at over 416,2 billion VND.In general, in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic that caused a great shock, the world economy and global trade had a deep and serious recession, the socio-economic picture of Vietnam in the 9 months of 2020 continued stability, mainlydue to the prompt and drastic direction and administration of the Government and the Prime Minister and efforts of all authorities levels, branches, localities, business community and people nationwide. After the social gap measures were eased, along with the positive impact from the Government's policies to support businesses and people, the socio-economic sectors are entering a state of operation. with new normal situation, many production and business sectors prosper. The economy in the nine months of this year achieved a growth rate of 2.12%, the lowest growth rate in the 2011-2020 period, but in the current context, this is a fairly good growth rate compared to other countries in the region and in the world. The agriculture, forestry and fishery sector is negatively affected by climate change, drought, saltwater intrusion and epidemics, but there are timely responses, becoming a support of the economy while difficulties, ensuring food and food supply. The manufacturing though not growing highly, continued to act as a driving force for economic growth in 9 months. Domestic supply and demand were guaranteed, and the people's purchase and consumption increased again. Trade balance of goods reached a high trade surplus. The disbursement progress of public investment has been markedly improved. However, Vietnam's socio-economic situation will continue to face many challenges, especially our country's economy is wide open, so it is affected in many ways by the increasingly complicated international economic situation. , unpredictable. Although Covid-19 has been basically controlled in Vietnam, complicated developments in the world have disrupted global supply chains, affecting the trade, tourism, transport and import-export industries. enterprises fell into a shortage of production materials, downsizing and shutting down operations. Income, labor, jobs are affected, unemployment and underemployment are at a high level will affect social security. Therefore, there is a need for the unanimity and consensus of the Government, businesses and people, the support and responsibility sharing among domestic entities in this difficult period. In the immediate future, it is necessary to continue to drastically implement measures to prevent and control the Covid-19 epidemic, prevent the epidemic from spreading, and ensure the safety of health for the people. At the same time, focus on the following main contents:Generally, in the context of Covid-19 pandemic that caused a great shock making the world economy and global trade endure a deep and serious recession, the socio-economic picture of Vietnam in 9 months of 2020 continued to maintain stability thanks to prompt and drastic direction of the Government and the Prime Minister and efforts of all levels, agencies, provinces, business community and people across the nation. After social distancing was eased, along with positive impacts from the Government's policies to support businesses activities and people, socio-economic sectors are entering into a state of operation in new normal conditions, many production and business sectors got thrive. The economy in 9 months of this year achieved a growth rate of 2.12%, the lowest level in the 2011-2020 period, but in the current context, this is a fairly good growth rate compared to other countries in the region and in the world. The agriculture, forestry and fishery sector is negatively affected by climate change, drought, saltwater intrusion and pandemic but with timely responsive solutions, becoming a support of the economy during difficulties, ensuring foodstuff and food supply. Manufacturing industry though not growing highly, but continued to play as momentum of economic growth in 9 months. Domestic supply and demand were guaranteed, people's purchase and consumption increased again. Trade balance of goods reached a high trade surplus. The disbursement progress of public investment has been markedly improved. However, Viet Nam’s economy and society will continue to face many challenges, especially our country's economy is wide open, thus it is affected in many ways by increasingly complicated and unpredictable international economic situations. Although Covid-19 pandemic has been basically controlled in Vietnam, but too complicatedly spread in the world, leading to disrupted global supply chains, affecting trade, tourism, transport and import-export industries, shortage of production materials in enterprises, downsizing and shutting down operations. Income, labor, employment are affected, high level of unemployment and underemployment rate will affect social security. Therefore, there is a need for great efforts and unanimity of the Government, businesses and people, support and responsibility sharing among domestic entities in this difficult period. In the immediate time, it is necessary to continue to drastically implement solutions to prevent and control Covid-19 pandemic, to prevent the pandemic from spreading and to ensure the safety of health for people. Simultaneously, focus on the following main contents:Firstly, continue offering a large enough and effective support package to remove difficulties for production and business, economic recovery, of which focus on businesses, reforming processes and procedures for enterprises can access simply, convenient and timely support policies. Supporting business community in finding import markets for raw materials, fuels, materials, spare parts, solving difficulties, maintaining business and production activities. At the same time, encouraging people to consume domestic goods and support enterprises to produce and sell products in difficult times.Secondly, speed up the disbursement of public investment capital, strive to achieve the possibly highest disbursement rate compared to the proposed plan through solving difficulties for projects that have been in slow disbursement, especially key projects, large-scale, pervasive to make a strategic breakthrough in infrastructure, transform investment form of urgent projects for implementation within the year, improve production capacity and create the momentum for economic growth.Thirdly, to limit negative impacts of climate change on agricultural production results, adjusting production plans, changing crop structure to suit each region, or switching production crop is necessary based on taking advantages of provinces, predicts market demand and product consumption. In particular, promptly giving out solutions to maintain markets and brand for agricultural products to sustain production activities in the context of Covid-19 pandemic which has reduced demand for domestic and abroad consumption. Encourage enterprises and pig raising households to speed up re-herding progress and scale. Supporting pangasius producing and manufacturing enterprises to promote consumption in the domestic market.Fourthly, to stimulate investment in production sector for export to actively finding sources of goods when markets of countries reopen normally and take advantage of opportunities from the Europe-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement. It is necessary to have policies to encourage and restrict imports suitable to the situation of domestic production, supply and demand such as encouraging import of machinery and equipment to expand production, restricting imports of domestic goods and groups of goods that can be domestically produced. The Government and enterprises will study institutional solutions, human resources, procedures, technologies and business strategies to utilize and integrate with provisions of the Free Trade Agreement and the Investment protection agreement between Vietnam and EU (EVFTA and IPA).Fifthly, flexibly and carefully managing monetary policy, interest rates and exchange rates in line with domestic and international market development, harmoniously coordinating with fiscal policies and other macro policies to control inflation, support production and business and promote economic growth. Credit growth meets demand of production and business development. Ministries, agencies and localities closely monitor the situation of prices, domestic and world markets, developments in the US-China trade war, fluctuations of the US dollar, the Renminbi and prices of other commodities to timely handle arising problems, implementing the price adjustment roadmap of goods by State managed at appropriate time, ensure the 2020 inflation target to be below 4%.Sixthly, closely keep track the weather situation, proactively preventing natural disasters, warn floods, landslides, impacts of drought, saltwater intrusion to minimize damage to production and people’s life. Effectively implementing policies on social security, labor and employment. Well implementing unexpected assistance, ensuring people when facing risks and natural disasters to get timely support, overcome difficulties and stabilize their lives. Strengthening the work of ensuring traffic order and safety, protecting the environment, preventing fire and explosion./.DIRECTOR GENERAL Nguyen Thi H??ng ................

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