Approved by Syndicate in its 66th meeting held on 31.12.2009

vide Resolution No.9


1. Name of Degree:

The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) shall be awarded in Science, Social Science & Arts, Commerce & Business Administration, Education and Law Disciplines/ subjects taught in the Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur and its affiliated Colleges/Institutions.


i). The PhD Degree shall be a course work of at least 18 credit hours in two semester, and research by Dissertation/ Thesis, followed by Viva-voce Examination along with thesis defense will be essential for the award of PhD Degree.

ii) The thesis should be a piece of work embodying either a discovery of new facts or a fresh interpretation of facts or theories, in either case the work should show the candidates capacity for synthesis of data, its critical examination and judgment.

iii) The standard of the research embodied in the thesis must be higher than that of MS/M.Phil Thesis.

3. Duration of Ph.D Degree: The duration for Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) should be:

i. Full Time Research Scholar 03 years (Minimum) and 07 years (Maximum). The course work shall be in 1st and 2nd semester and Thesis research on the topic duly approved by the Scruitiny Committee and Advanced Studies & Research Board will be in 02 years.

ii. If the research scholar of Ph.D Program completes his/ her maximum period of 07 years and unable to qualify for award of Ph.D Degree then, he/ she shall be liable to get fresh admission in Ph.D Program.

4. Eligibility for admission:

i. A candidate possessing MS/M.Phil or Master Degree with 17-1/2 or 18 years education with 1st Division or CGPA 3.00 of a University recognized by HEC, provided candidate has passed subject comprehension Test/GRE Test (NTS) may be allowed to seek registration for research studies to the PhD Degree.

ii. A candidate initially registered for M Phil/ MS Program may also get transferred/conversion to PhD Program after completing course work requirement for M Phil/ MS on the basis of their outstanding performances (3+GPA). In addition if any research scholar completes M.Phil/MS course work with 3 GPA and completed one year research work on approved topic, he/ she shall also be eligible for conversion to Ph.D Program, provided he/ she will complete 18 credit hours course work.

5. Foreign Degree Equivalence:

A candidate who has a Degree from the Country other than Pakistan may first obtain the equivalence of his/ her Degree from the HEC Pakistan.

6. The requirements for award of PhD Degree shall be:

a. M.Phil/MS/ MA/ MBA/ MIT/ MCS with 17-1/2 or 18 Years education with 1st Division or CGPA 3.00

b. Subject to qualify subject comprehension Test/GRE Test (NTS)

c. Course work of Ph.D level minimum 18 credit hours

d. Dissertation/ Research Project Thesis and its defense

e. One Research Paper, from Ph.D research work, accepted/ published in the HEC approved Journal


i) Every student shall pursue his/her research at Institute/Department Centre and other Institutions within the jurisdiction of the Shah Abdul Latif University and duly recognized for this purpose by the Advanced Studies and Research Board.

ii) Every Ph.D candidate shall submit the prescribed application form duly recommended by the Chairperson/Director and the Dean concerned for approval by the Advanced Studies & Research Board.

iii) After successful completion of course work of 18 credit hours, the Ph.D research scholar shall fill-up the remaining portion Part-B of the prescribed application form already filled duly recommended by the supervisor, the Chairman/Director and the Dean concerned.

iv) The application form for Registration shall be accompanied by:

a. Qualifying Certificate of Subject Comprehension Test/Subject GRE Test (NTS)

b. Attested copies of Degree Certificates

c. Justification and scope of Research.

d. Bibliography.

e. Out lines of the topic.

f. Two attested copies of recent pass port size photographs.

g. Attested copy of National Identity Card.

h. Eligibility Certificate (where ever necessary).

i. Enrolment Card Number.

j. Service Certificate along with No Objection/spar-ability Certificate where ever applicable).

v) The registration shall be effective from the date of the commencement of PhD course work classes.

vi) The candidate registered as Full Time PhD Research Scholar shall submit study leave, duly granted by the competent authority of the concerned department.

vii) The Research Scholar is required to carry on his/her studies and research regularly within required time (minimum) 03 years and (maximum) 07 years.

viii) Registration will not be allowed in subject not being taught in the University.


The Scrutiny Committee shall be comprised of the following members:

a. Dean

b. Chairman/Director concerned (wherever available).

c. Three Professors/Associate Professor of the concerned Department/ Institute/Centre. If the Professors/Associate Professors are not available in any Department, an expert in the concerned field may be appointed by the Vice Chancellor on the recommendations of the Chairman/Dean concerned.

The function of the Scrutiny Committee shall be to scrutinize the topic of the Research Scholar after completion of the course work and recommend for approval of Advanced Studies & Research Board.

7. Cancellation of Registration:

i. The research scholar is required to carry on his/her studies and research regularly under the guidance of Supervisor. If the Supervisor is not satisfied with the progress of the candidate he/she may at any time recommend to the Vice Chancellor for cancellation of his/her registration.

ii. The Research Scholar is required to pay the prescribed fees regularly, failing which his/her registration, may be cancelled.

iii. The Research Scholar is required to carry on his/her studies and research regularly within prescribed period, and shall submit his/her thesis within a prescribed maximum period from the date of his/her registration.

iv. No student shall without the prior permission of the Advanced Studies and Research Board, join any other examination conducted by any University during the period he/she is continuing registration for research work in PhD degree.


1. Prospectus Fee Rs: 500

2. Admission/Registration Fee 5, 000

3. Tuition Fee per semester 8, 000

4. Examination etc Fee 10, 000

5. Thesis Evaluation Fee 15, 000

Total Fee Rs: 38, 500

(b) The University/ Affiliated College Teachers and Employees of Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur shall be allowed full Fee concession in Tuition Fee only on production of service certificate.


The Advanced Studies and Research Board shall appoint a Supervisor/Guide (and Co-Supervisor/Co-Guide where ever deemed necessary) for Research Scholar.

The Supervisor for guiding the Research Scholars and Co-Supervisors/ Co-Guide (if from teaching department/college for the degree of Ph.D must possess the following minimum qualifications:

i) He/She shall be a Professor or an Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and Emeritus Professor of recognized University approved by the Advanced Studies & Research Board.

ii) The eligibility for Supervisor/Guide for PhD degree is holding of PhD degree and at least two years research experience after PhD degree having 2 research articles published in the International Repute Journals.

iii) There shall be evidence of active independent research work at his/her credit.

iv) Co-guide/Co-Supervisor is a teacher, researcher or an expert who is a Ph.D degree holder. In case collaborative research with the approved Institutes/Organization, the Supervisor shall have to be from the University Department and Co-guide shall be taken from the collaborative Institute concerned or vice versa.

v) Not more than two (02) Research Scholars shall be registered under the guidance of one Supervisor in a academic year, provided that the total number of Research Scholars does not exceed (08) Eight at a time, for PhD as wall as MS/ MPhil (combined).


(a) A candidate may, within one Year after the approval of the Topic, modify/change the topic of his/her research. The research Scholar shall submit his/ her application duly recommended by the Supervisor, recommended by the Scrutiny Committee and forwarded by the Chairperson/Director/ Dean of the concerned Faculty to Advance Studies & Research Board for final approval.


(i) In case the candidate desires to change his/her Supervisor/Guide he/she shall have to apply through his/her Chairperson/Director and the Dean concerned. The “No Objection Certificate” from the proposed Supervisor/Guide is necessary; the grounds for such a request shall be clearly specified. But this change of Supervisor shall be at least six months after the approval of Topic.

However in case of emergency or death of Supervisor the Research Scholar can change his/her supervisor at any time.

(ii) If the Supervisor is not satisfied with the progress of the candidate, he may at any time recommend to the Board for cancellation of registration to PhD. The decision of the Board shall be final and binding.


Research Students migrating from other Universities may be given exemptions as under:

i) Research student shall submit course qualifying courses certificate of the last attended university and the credit hours exemptions and time period shall be allowed accordingly.

ii) The research topic shall be recommended by the Scrutiny Committee for approval by the Advanced Studies & Research Board.


i) Lectures and Seminars on research topic of scholar shall be optional. On the request of Scholar, maximum Two Seminars/ Lectures may be arranged by the Department/Institute/College concerned to acquaint with the technique of research or inviting valuable suggestion from the research scholars in the university to facilitate the Research Scholar.

ii) The Supervisor shall submit progress report of research scholar after every six months through Chairman and the Dean concerned which shall be placed before the Board.

iii) The language of the thesis in case of Faculty of Natural Science, Social Science & Arts, Commerce & Business Administration, Education and Law shall be English Language only.

iv) The thesis may be written in a language approved by the Advanced Studies and Research Board.

The thesis, which is submitted in language other than English, Islamic Culture and Religion, must have a summary of the thesis written in English as well.

v) The thesis must make a distinct contribution to knowledge and afford evidence of original independent research.

vi) The Supervisor shall certify that the thesis is examined through Plagiarism Software and clear that is worthy of presentation to the University for the PhD Degree. The research scholar shall submit that unbounded Thesis to the office of Director Research for obtaining clearance through Plagiarism Software.

vii) The Research Scholar shall receive the Clearance Certificate from the office of the Director Research than he/she shall submit the bounded Thesis (11” x 9” size) 06 six Copies in Brown color with golden writing to the concerned Department/ Institute.

viii) The Dean of the concerned Faculty shall recommend the names of foreign Experts and External Examiners with consultation of the Supervisor/ Chairman to the Vice Chancellor for Evaluation and Examination of the Research Scholar for award of PhD Degree.


i) PhD Thesis Evaluation:

The PhD Research Thesis will be sent to Two Foreign Examiners for Evaluation by the Controller of Examinations.

ii) Appointment of Foreign Examiners:

There must be 02 foreign examiners from technologically advanced countries. For appointment of two foreign external examiners for evaluation of the thesis, the supervisor shall recommend a panel of three foreign external examiners. The Advanced Studies & Research Board shall appoint two external examiners from them. In case one of the foreign examiners recommend and the other disagrees with the award of PhD degree then a third foreign examiner from a technologically advanced country should be appointed and reports from the previous two examiners sent to him for his final decisions.

The remuneration will be paid to the foreign external examiners by the University. The suggested remuneration by the HEC is US $300 for each foreign examiner.

iii) Appointment of Local Examiners:

i) Two external examiners of any Pakistani University and third internal examiner (The Supervisor). For this purpose the supervisor will recommend a panel of four external examiners from local Universities through concerned Departments/ Institutes to the Advanced Studies & Research Board. The Advanced Studies & Research Board shall appoint the Two external examiners from the Four external examiners. The Supervisor will be the internal examiner.

However this will be only done when positive reports are obtained from the two foreign examiners for evaluation of thesis.

iii) Conduct of VIVA –VOCE Examination:

i) After the receipt of positive report from the two foreign external examiners, the Controller of Examination shall present such reports in the Advanced Studies & Research Board for approval to conduct the viva voce of the Research Scholar/ candidate by the local examiners.

ii) The Dean of the concerned Faculty will facilitate the Local Experts in conduct of Viva-Voce of the Research Scholar and will send the viva voce report of local examiners, to the Controller of Examinations for further process.


The Controller of Examination shall place the reports before the Advanced Studies and Research Board, which may take any of the following decisions:

a) To reject the thesis if the examiners have agreed that the thesis is not adequate.

b) To permit the candidate to re-submit his/her thesis in a revised form within a period of six month or to recommend the award of PhD.

c) To recommend the Academic Council for award of PhD Degree to the candidate.


Honorarium to Supervisor/Guide and Co-Guide after the completion of Ph.D degree should be at par with the criteria laid down by University of Sindh Jamshoro.



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