Middle School Forensic Science Syllabus

[Pages:3]Middle School Forensic Science Syllabus

Doral Academy Charter Middle School 2014 ? 2015 School year

Ms. Lucy S?lamo


Course overview Forensics is a one-semester investigative science and technology course. Using Scientific Inquiry Skills, students will learn how to observe, collect, analyze and evaluate evidence found at crime scenes. The purpose of this course is to expose students to a variety of Forensic fields and careers.

Scope & Sequence These are the main topics we will be covering this semester.

UNIT 1: Crime Scene Investigation: Using Science to Solve Crimes Securing and recording a Crime Scene Types of Evidence Collecting Physical Evidence

UNIT 2: Prints and Trace Evidence: Prints Trace Evidence Identifying Firearms

UNIT 3: Identifying an Individual: Fingerprints Evidence from Blood DNA Evidence Handwriting and Voice Identification

UNIT 4: Bringing Evidence to Court: From Arrest to Trial Presenting Evidence in a Trial The Final Stages of a Trial

School Policies Students are to comply with all school policy described with the Student Code of Conduct. Dress code, the use of electronics, and punctuality will be strictly enforced.

Expected Behavior

It is your responsibility to put forth maximum effort in order to take full advantage of your learning potential. I look

forward to a distraction-free environment that will be beneficial to both learning and teaching. In order for our

class to function most effectively, we must all mind the following rules and accept the consequences

Classroom Rules


1. Treat each other with respect.

1. Verbal warning

2. Be on time and come prepared.

2. F in conduct for the day

3. Follow directions the first time given.

3. Call Parent

4. Raise your hand to speak or stand up.

4. After-school Detention

5 Turn off all cell phones and electronic devices.

5. Referral to Administrator

6. Clean up after yourselves.

7. Take responsibility for your actions.

Materials Students are expected to come to class prepared each day with the following school supplies:

3-Subject Spiral Notebook with Pockets OR 3 Ring Binder with Notebook Paper and Dividers (Labeled: Daily CSI, Notes & Vocabulary, Miscellaneous)

2 ? Sharpened pencils or lead pencils with lead and erasers 2 ? Pens (dark blue or black ink only) 1 ? Red/Colored Pen (for checking work) 1 ? Highlighter (any color)

Lab Fee This course has a $20.00 lab fee. Payment must be made by cash only, directly to the teacher and she will issue a receipt.

Grading Policy Students earn credit through accumulation of points from all assignments, tests, projects and labs. Academic grades are assigned using the following scale:

90-100% - A 80-89% - B 70-79% - C 60-69% - D 59% and below will result in a failing mark.

The Science Department uses the following weighted scale to calculate Academic grades: 40% Exams 30% Quizzes 20% Labs/Projects 10% Classwork/Home Learning

Student grades are available to view through the Miami-Dade County Public Schools' student portal and parent portal.

Attendance, Tardies, and Make-up Work Attendance will be taken on a daily basis. It is important for all students to come to class on time and ready to learn. If you arrive late to class, you will be marked tardy. An after-school detention will be given every time a student is late after his/her second tardy. Periods 2 & 3 are considered Homeroom, and a school wide lock-out will take place every morning at 8:30. If you are tardy, you will not be allowed to come in to class and your absence will be unexcused, therefore affecting your academic grade. School administration will also do random lock-outs for different periods on a regular basis.

It is the student's responsibility to ask for make-up work for the days they were absent immediately upon returning to school. All doctor/parent notes should be turned in to the attendance office within 72 hours of the absence to be able to make-up any work. The teacher can only change her class' attendance record once the attendance office has changed it. Only students with an absence excused by the office will receive credit for the make-up work. A grade of a "Z" will remain in the grade book for that assignment if not excused.

Tests and quizzes may be made up on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings from 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. by appointment only. Late work WILL NOT be accepted. A grade of "Z" indicates the assignment was not turned.

Academic Honesty You are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic conduct. When you cheat, you are robbing yourself of knowledge and the learning experience. I will be holding you to high ethical standards to which you are expected to maintain at all times. There will be absolutely no tolerance of plagiarism. You are guilty of cheating whenever you present work as your own and you did not do as well as if you help someone else to cheat. Any student(s) who is discovered cheating will receive a "Z" for that assignment and have the work documented in their portfolio. Our Science Department policy states that if a student is caught cheating, they will receive an F in conduct for the nine weeks. A referral to an administrator may also be issued based on the assignment.

Home Learning In order to reinforce what is taught in the classroom, the student must review by doing a home learning assignment. It is necessary that all homework be completed and brought back to class. Home Learning assignments are written on the board in class, as well as posted on the Doral Academy website ().

Parent Communication Parents may schedule individual appointments with one teacher, or a group conference with various teachers. Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled by calling the Middle School office, 305-591-0020. Conferences are usually scheduled Monday ? Thursday, after school.

Forensics Permission to View Film/Video

Please return this page by: August 29th

Dear Parents,

Occasionally, film/videos are used in the classroom in order to illustrate a particular curricular-related concept. I am notifying you that we may be watching a film/video in class with a rating above the G-rating.

____ Yes, I give my son/daughter permission to view curriculum and school appropriate film/videos related to classroom content and subjects.

____ No, I do not give my son/daughter permission to view curriculum and school appropriate film/videos mentioned in this letter. I understand alternate learning experiences will be provided for my child while the movie is being watched.

Student Name: _________________________________ Class Period: _______

Parent Name: ___________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________

Student/Parent Contact Form

Please PRINT clearly and return to Mrs. S?lamo

Student Information

Student Name: __________________________________________________

ID #: _________________________________

Do you have any allergies or medical history I should know about? ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________

List the names & grades of any siblings attending Doral Academy Charter? (6th-12th grade) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Parent Contact Information Parent Name (First & Last): _____________________________________________________________________________________

Parent(s) E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Cell #: ________________________

Work #: ________________________ Home Phone #:_______________________

Best Time to Call: ______________________________________________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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