Use-Case Specification: - SourceForge

Database Visualizer - dbViZ

Use-Case Specification: Install dbViZ

Version 1.2

Revision History

|Date |Version |Description |Author |

|11/9/2002 |1.0 |Initial Version for Elaboration |Abhay Sathe |

|12/10/2002 |1.1 |Informal reviews with Brian Sidharta and David |Abhay Sathe |

| | |Hampshire | |

|3/7/2003 |1.2 |Revised for Using InstallAnywhere5 Now! |Larry Knox |

| | | | |

Table of Contents

1. Install dbViZ 4

1.1 Brief Description 4

2. Flow of Events 4

2.1 Basic Flow 4

2.2 Alternative Flows 4

2.2.1 Minimum System Specifications 4

2.2.2 dbViZ already Installed 4

3. Special Requirements 4

4. Preconditions 4

5. Post conditions 5

6. Extension Points 5

Use-Case Specification: Install dbViZ

Install dbViZ

1 Brief Description

This use cases describes the user level actions taken for installing the dbViZ Database Visualizer. The document also shows the alternate possible behaviors if the installation does not go as planned.

Flow of Events

1 Basic Flow

1. The user downloads install.exe or another appropriate installer (availability TBD).

2. The user double clicks on the installer or otherwise launches it and follows the setup instructions..

3. The dbViZ Installer starts the unpacking process and opens the main installation window.

4. The Installer then checks if the system has the minimum specifications required for dbViZ to function correctly

5. The system installs the appropriate Java version.

6. The user accepts the default install location or chooses an alternate location.

7. The user chooses where to put the startup icon. Only one choice is allowed, but there is a checkbox to create the startup icon for all users.

8. The installer provides a summary of the selections so far as well as the disk space required for dbViz along with the space available in the chosen location. The user can click “install” to continue or Previous to revise the choices.

9. All the files are copied in appropriate locations

10. Pathnames and Classpath needed for dbViZ are added as appropriate for the operating system.

11. If possible, user icons are created

12. The ‘Readme’ file is displayed.

13. Installation process is complete.

2 Alternative Flows

1 Minimum System Specifications

6a. Disk location does not have the minimum required space for dbViZ

6a1. The Installer advises the user (shows a window with text) the minimum required specification

6a2. The user can return and choose another location or cancel the installation.

7b2. Step 8 continues.

2 dbViZ already Installed

9a. A previous installation of DbViZ is already present on the system

9a1. A Warning is displayed and user is given the choice of aborting

9a2. If the user chooses to continue, installation continues but any user customizations are not modified/ are

copied into a backup directory (TBD)

Special Requirements

There are no special requirements for installation of dbViZ. However, the user would be better off using modern platforms like Windows 2000/XP, a well supported Linux distribution, or Solaris. Win95/98 would require system reboots, and HPUX does not have good support for Java.


Up to the Beta version, dbViZ expects JDK 1.4.1 to be present on the system; however, the installation detects this and warns the user if this is not the case. The Final version will install the appropriate the correct JRE on the system.

Post conditions

The dbViZ application is successfully installed and is immediately usable. An Icon to start the dbViZ is placed on the desktop of the operating systems. The README file is visible.

Extension Points

There are no extension points associated with this use case.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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