Valley Forge Letter Assignment

Valley Forge Letter Assignment

Imagine you are a soldier, nurse, doctor, or soldier’s wife stationed with General Washington at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania in the winter of 1777. Write a letter to someone who would have been important to you (a wife or husband, your parents, a brother or sister, or a friend) and tell them about your hard times there.

Your letter must include the following:

❖ A proper greeting (such as Dear Mom). Remember it is a letter, so make it look like a letter.

❖ Put a date at the top of your letter. You may pick any date as long as it is between December 19, 1777 and March 1, 1778.

❖ It must be at least 12 sentences long.

❖ All sentences must be complete sentences (not fragments or run-ons) or your grade will drop.

❖ The letter must be written in cursive and must be neatly written.

❖ You must mention the hard living conditions at Valley Forge, such as the cold, your hunger, and illness.

❖ You must mention either General Washington, Marquis de Lafayette, or Friedrich von Steuben.

❖ Sign your as if you are in character. For example, if your name was John Doe you could sign it “Lieutenant John Doe” or “Sergeant John Doe.” If you were a nurse you could sign it “John Doe, nurse.” If you were a doctor, it could say “John Doe, MD.” If you are a soldier’s wife, it can say “Jane Doe (Mrs. Franklin Doe)” where Franklin (or whatever you would like) is the name of your husband.

Dear mother and father, 12/31/1777


Your Loving Son,

Sergeant Jake Roberts


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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