OCS 7 Final Speaking Test Times

Information about OCS 5 Final Exams

INTO Mason, Fall 2019

Lori Rottenberg

Speaking Final—Friday, December 4


• A 3-minute discussion on questions about an academic topic that we provide to you

• A 3-minute discussion in which you can ask me questions about a controversial issue that we provide pictures of to you and then you talk about possible solutions

• A 1-minute description of a bar graph that we will provide to you


1) Please arrive EARLY for your individual test time outside our normal classroom on Friday, December 4. If you are late, you risk not being able to take your exam.

2) Please understand I have to get through the whole class during this class period; I may cut you off if things go too long or you give me what I need in your talk. I’m not being rude. 😊

3) I tape everyone so I can doublecheck my real-time notes of your work later.

How to Study for the Speaking Final

1) Review all the grammar we have learned and be prepared to use several of the following:

• Modals + have + past participle to show advisability and speculation in the past

• Third conditionals

• Active and passive causatives

• Phrasal verbs

• Transition words (to indicate contrast, cause/result, additional info, give examples.)

• Adjective (The boy who is in my class is nice), adverb (I am better in English because I have studied hard this semester.), and noun clauses (I am not sure when the party is.)

2) Make sure you also try to remember your common mistakes in grammar (leaving off 3rd person singular -s in simple present, forgetting to use past tense for completed events, forgetting relative pronouns, etc.) and pronunciation. Review my comments on speaking journals and past presentations to remember what your issues have been.

3) Review language for giving advice and recommendations and how to highlight advantages and disadvantages.

4) Review the vocabulary we have learned this semester so you can demonstrate strong academic speaking skills!

5) Practice doing all these things during Wednesday’s graded Academic Exchange with the other OCS 5 class!

How You Will Be Graded on the Speaking Final

Please see attached rubric.

Speaking Final Times—DON’T BE LATE!!!!

|Time |Student |Time |Student |

|10:20-10:28 |Shar |11:24-11:32 |Jood |

|10:28-10:36 |Mohammed Alessa |11:32-11:40 |Huaizhu |

|10:36-10:44 |Norah |11:40-11:48 |Carl |

|10:44-10:52 |Alaa |11:48-11:56 |Gu |

|10:52-11:00 |Khalid |11:56-12:04 |Christian |

|11:00-11:08 |Mohammed Alshamsi |12:04-12:12 |Emma |

|11:08-11:16 |Fahad |12:12-12:20 |Rita |

|11:16-11:24 |Ghaith |12:20-12:28 |Mohammed Tonsi |

Listening Final—Monday, December 9


• An interview with multiple-choice answers

• A second interview with multiple-choice answers

• A conversation with multiple-choice answers

• A short lecture with multiple-choice answers

• A short lecture in which you have to complete lecture notes with short answers

Vocabulary Words to Study for the Listening Final

|accumulate (v.) |to get more of something, to gather |

|additive (n.) |something that is added to something else |

|adequately (adv.) |done in a way that is appropriate or enough |

|amorphous (adj.) |shapeless, vague |

|anthropologist (n.) |someone who studies human culture |

|capable (adj.) |able to do something |

|collaborative (adj.) |done by two or more people or groups working together |

|colloquialism (n.) |slang, common sayings |

|crave (v.) |to have a very strong desire for (something) |

|deprivation (n.) |not getting enough of something |

|escape (v.) |to get away from something that is difficult or unpleasant |

|fatigue (n.) |tiredness |

|genes (n.) |what carries our DNA |

|legitimacy (n.) |appropriateness, correctness, legality |

|nurture (n.) |how you are raised |

|seminar (n.) |an in-depth class or lecture |

|strategy (n.) |a careful plan or method for achieving a particular goal |

|tutorial (n.) |special help or training for a class |


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