8th Grade Mathematics Syllabus - hssh math

Dear Parents/Guardians:

I am pleased to welcome you and your child to the Algebra I class at Harmony School of Science- High.

My name is Mr. Jen-Te Tseng. I have taught mathematics for about six years at different levels of education. This is my 2rd year at HSS and I look forward to another successful year for Harmony.

This year, the state has switched us from TAKS exams to STAAR exams. STAAR is a more rigorous test! I will prepare the students for this exam in April; however each of my students needs to be more responsible and will be held accountable for his/her work.

In addition to teaching your child the content of Algebra I, my goals also include instilling college readiness in your child. Taking good notes and being organized are both important skills to have in any course. And sometimes, mastery in a subject course requires thorough trials of some problems and asking the right questions in response.

My expectations of my students include:

1) Diligently work on daily homework.

2) Being organized and come to class prepared with materials.

3) Maintain a binder of all work returned.

4) Maintain good class notes.

5) Follow rules and routines.

In order to get to know your child better and to assist him/her in mastery of Algebra I, I will be seeking your assistance and cooperation. I am optimistic that by working together, we will overcome any challenges or obstacles in the path of your child's academic as well as personal growth.

I have enclosed an outline of the routines and expectations for academic year 2011-2012. They have been explained to the class and the students will be quizzed over them. Please read through the information carefully, review it with your child, and sign and return the acknowledgment slip by Wednesday, August 24, 2011.

Thank you!


Jen-Te Tseng

Harmony School of Science

Algebra I Syllabus

Fall-Spring 2011-2012

Teacher: Mr. Jen-Te Tseng Contact: 281-302-6445 E-mail: jtseng@



Course Purpose: This course is designed to prepare students for higher level of mathematics that will be taught in college. Additionally, students will learn to think critically and apply concepts to solve real-life problems.

Textbook: HOLT Algebra I (will be provided to students). AM assignment worked-out examples (available at Renaissance Home Connect) will supplement the textbook. Students are expected to use Renaissance Home Connect for reference in their homework assignments.

REQUIRED Materials: 1) Spiral notebooks for taking class notes, 2) pencils, 3) erasers, 4) two-inch three ring binder, 5) college-rule loose-leaf papers, and 6) five-pack dividers. Unless specified, all work by the student must be recorded using pencils. Work written in ink will not be accepted.

The purpose of the notebook is to keep lessons organized and available for review at a later time.

The notebook has to be kept clean and nice. Notebook will be checked regularly.

The purpose of the binder is to keep all other course materials organized. In this class, you will have some worksheets that will be provided to you by the teacher. ALL students are REQUIRED to keep ALL written homework assignments, quizzes/pop quizzes/tests, handouts, and worksheets in their binders. Please use the dividers to organize these papers.

For homework, students should use college-loose-leaf papers. IMPORTANT: the papers must show work and attached to your AM homework assignments! If you turn in your AM worksheets without work shown, you will not receive full credit!

THINGS TO BRING TO EVERY CLASS: the notebook; loose-leaf papers; the binder; pencils; eraser. Failure to do so may result in DPS points and a zero in that day’s participation grade.

Homework Policy: For Accelerated Math (AM) homework assignments – AM technology will be used on a regular basis. The students must complete at least four AM objective practices each week. Completion is awarded when student reaches 80% correct in a practice. If a student completes more than 4 objectives, then the extra assignments will count toward the next week.

Failure to submit AM assignments by the end of the week would result in Zeroes. For non-AM homework assignments, such as textbook worksheets, individual deadlines will be provided to the student. If the student fails to turn in these homework, in the following day, -10 points will be given for first day the assignment is late, -20 points for the 2nd day and -30 points for the 3rd day of submission. If the student fails to turn in the homework for 3 consecutive days, a Zero will be given along with a DPS. *There will be no make-up assignments or extra credit for Zeros. If there are 2 or more Zeros in the grade book student will write a promise letter and then have to serve after-school detention.

Quizzes and Tests: Quizzes will be announced at least one class day in advance. Chapter tests will be given at the end of each chapter.

Testing Policy:

1. Test days will be announced ahead of time.

2. Any kind of cheating will result in 0 points during the test and will be referred to administrator and your parents.

3. You may not use your notebook and textbook during the test unless you are told to do so.

4. Students are not allowed to talk during the testing time.

5. If you finish your test, put your face down and stay quiet and wait for the next assignment.

6. Use your own pencils and erasers. Absolutely no sharing of them during exam time.

7. Show all your work to receive full credit for any given problem.

Makeup Policy: Homework: Students will have one additional day past deadline for each excused absence to turn in the class work and homework, they have missed after they return to school. For example, if a student misses one day of school, then s/he will have one day after his/her return to complete the make-up work without penalty. If the student misses 2 days of school, s/he will have 2 days after his/her return to complete the given assignments and so on. If the student does not turn in his/her work during the allotted number of days, then the work will be considered late as outlined in “Homework Policy”. Deadline extension must be requested by the student; it is not automatic!

Makeup Policy: Tests for excused absences must be taken as soon as possible after regular class hours. The time will be determined by the teacher. Students who fail to show up for their makeup tests will receive an automatic grade of ZERO. Absences of two or fewer days before a test will not excuse the student from taking the test on the announced day, unless the teacher has approved a different date prior to the test date. Makeup test must be requested by the student; it is not automatic!

Participation: It will be based on positive contributions to classroom activities. This includes active participation, asking appropriate questions, giving answers respectfully, contributing to discussions and team work skills. Students may lose participation points in case of disruptive behavior, tardiness, and inattentiveness.

Grading Policy:

45% --- Tests and Quizzes

35% --- Homework assignments

10% --- Class participation

10% --- Notebook and Binder content

ATTENTION PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Grades on Database: The grades on database will be updated on a regular basis. For AM, the grades will be recorded by Sunday evening (since the student gets a week to complete the assignments). Also, grades for tests, quizzes, textbook assignments will be on the database by Friday evening.

*Attention : Parents/Guardians MUST monitor daily progress of their child’s class work, home work , grades and DPS points online, and will be responsible for it as any discrepancy in grades and DPS points must be reported the following week in order to receive due credit.

Email is my primary form of communication; please allow up to 72 hours for a response. I will use the class website to inform you of upcoming events and to address of student concerns. Please provide your email address in the signature page.

Disclaimer: The content of this syllabus is subject to change. Parents/Guardians will be notified of any changes.



Parents need to sign this form and have it returned by Wednesday, August 24. I look forward to getting to know each student and his/her parents/guardians.

Today’s date: August 22, 2011

Teacher: Mr. Tseng

Subject: Algebra I

I received and have read a copy of the syllabus for the academic year of 2011-2012

Student Name (please print): ________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name (please print): ________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________

Home Address: ________________________________


Date returned: ________________________________

E-mail Address: ________________________________

Phone Number (Home): ________________________________

Phone Number (Work): ________________________________

Phone Number (Cell): ________________________________



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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