Stage 1 Maths A

Stage 1 Maths Applications - Statistics Project

Surviving the Sinking of the Titanic

The data accompanying this project represents details of all of the passengers on the Titanic.

The table shows the class of cabin occupied by the passenger, the age, sex and whether the passenger survived.

Your Task

Prepare an analysis of the data in order to reach a conjecture regarding the survival of the passengers.

e.g. that first class passengers had a greater chance of survival than the other class passengers.

or that men had a greater chance of survival than women etc.

You may choose how you wish to present your findings. It may be a newspaper or magazine article, a video, a poster, a Power Point presentation or simply a traditional presentation on A4 paper. There are some things however that must appear in the presentation, no matter the medium you choose.

They are:

1. A description of the problem or issue you are investigating.

2. The analysis you carried out. This includes a copy of any data extracts, any graphics and summary statistics you produced and the argument that you formed to support your conjecture.

3. Your conjecture.

4. A discussion of any weaknesses in your method that may cause your conjecture to be suspect.

5. The sampling method you used and a discussion of why you used this method.

6. A Stem and Leaf diagram and a Box and Whisker plot, to display at least the Males and Females by age for those who survived and those who did not.

A completed project should include:

• an introduction that demonstrates an understanding of the features of the problem or situation investigated;

• evidence that instructions have been followed;

• appropriate representation of information gathered or produced, Graphs, Calculations, and Results;

• a summary of results or findings and conclusions drawn.

Your report should be structured to include:

• Introduction

• Mathematical Investigation

• Analysis/Discussion

• Conclusion

Note: Your report should be written in the form “The analysis ……” rather than “When I analyzed……”, or “When you analyse…….”.

Performance will be assessed against the Performance Standards for Stage 1 Mathematics

Performance Standards for Stage 1 Mathematics

Name: Grade:

| |Mathematical Knowledge and Skills and their |Mathematical Modeling and Problem-solving |Communication of Mathematical Information |

| |Application | | |

|A |Extensive knowledge of content and understanding of |Complete analysis of the tasks using a variety of |Complete, coherent, and concise solutions |

| |concepts. |methods to investigate, model, and interpret. |and mathematical arguments communicated |

| |Appropriate selection and use of mathematical ideas |Highly effective use of a range of problem-solving |clearly and accurately, and logically |

| |and processes that were efficient in solving complex |strategies to solve complex problems. |organised. |

| |problems with and without technology. |Complete understanding of the reasonableness and |Proficient use of correct notation, |

| |Highly effective and accurate application of |possible limitation of the results, and recognition of |representations, and terminology. |

| |knowledge and skills in different contexts. |possible extensions. | |

|B |Considerable knowledge of content and understanding |Accurate analysis of the tasks using a variety of |Solutions and mathematical arguments |

| |of concepts. |methods to investigate, model, and interpret. |clearly and accurately communicated. |

| |Selection and use of mathematical ideas and processes|Effective use of problem-solving strategies to solve |Appropriate use of correct notation, |

| |that produced some correct results for complex |complex problems. |representations, and terminology. |

| |problems with and without technology. |Understanding of the reasonableness and possible | |

| |Effective and accurate application of knowledge and |limitation of the results, or recognition of possible | |

| |skills in different contexts. |extensions. | |

|C |Adequate knowledge of content and understanding of |Competent analysis of the tasks using a variety of |Competent communication of solutions and |

| |concepts. |methods to investigate, model, and interpret. |mathematical arguments. |

| |Use of mathematical ideas and processes that produced|Mostly effective use of problem-solving strategies to |Adequate use of correct notation, |

| |correct results for routine problems with and without|solve problems. |representations, and terminology. |

| |technology. |Some understanding of the reasonableness and possible | |

| |Some application of knowledge and skills in different|limitation of the results. | |

| |contexts. | | |

|D |Some knowledge of aspects of the content and |Some analysis of aspects of the tasks using a variety of|Communication of solutions and mathematical|

| |understanding of a limited range of concepts. |methods to investigate, model, and interpret. |arguments with some effectiveness. |

| |Use of mathematical ideas and processes that produced|Occasional use of problem-solving strategies to solve |Some attempt to use correct notation, |

| |some correct results for routine problems with and |problems. |representations, and terminology. |

| |without technology. |Some awareness of the reasonableness and possible | |

| |Application of knowledge and skills in different |limitation of the results. | |

| |contexts with partial effectiveness. | | |

|E |Limited knowledge of aspects of the content and some |Attempted analysis of one or more aspects of the tasks |Limited communication of solutions or |

| |awareness of one or more concepts. |using a variety of methods to investigate, model, and |mathematical arguments. |

| |Use of mathematical ideas and processes that produced|interpret. |Limited attempt to use correct notation, |

| |limited correct results for routine problems with and|Limited use of problem-solving strategies to solve |representations, and terminology. |

| |without technology. |problems. | |

| |Application of knowledge and skills in a different |Limited awareness of the reasonableness and possible | |

| |context with limited effectiveness. |limitation of the results. | |


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