The Geography Department Proudly Presents

The Geography Department Proudly Presents...

IGCSE Geography:

The Ultimate Revision Pack


Paper 1

• 1 hour 45 minutes

• Choose 3 out of 6 questions

• 45% of the total mark

Paper 2

• 1 hour 30 minutes

• Skills-based data response questions

• Answer all questions

• 27.5% of the total mark

Paper 4

• 1 hour 30 minutes

• Alternative to coursework

• Answer all questions

• 27.5% of the total mark

For Paper 1, choose your questions very carefully


Plan your answers and think before writing anything

Use real world examples where appropriate

Include sketch maps and diagrams to support your answers

Never use bullet points for the higher mark questions (unless you are running out of time, in which case it’s better than nothing!)


1. How to succeed in Geography exams

2. Templates for revising case studies

3. Tectonic activity

4. Rocks and landscape

5. Rivers

6. Glaciation

7. Coasts

8. Weather and climate

9. Ecosystems

10. Population

11. Settlement

12. Economic Activity: Primary Industry

13. Economic Activity: Secondary Industry

14. Economic Activity: Tertiary Industry

15. Development

16. Practical Skills

How To Succeed In Geography Exams

1. Understand the assessment:

- How many exams will you take?

- Which one is which?

- How much time will you have?

- What equipment will you need?

2. Know the work: kind of obvious, but essential!

3. Understand the questions:

- Can you follow instructions?

- Can you decipher exam-speak?

|Command Term |What they want you to do |

|Identify/name/state/give |A short sentence or word is enough |

|List |Identify a number of features |

|Complete |Finish a graph/map/cross-section/paragraph/sentence |

|Describe |Give a written account of the distinctive features – say what you see. No explanation is|

| |necessary |

|Define |The precise meaning of a term is needed, usually 1 or 2 marks |

|Shade |Use pencil or coloured pencils to highlight part of a graph/diagram |

|Draw |Make a sketch – you are often asked to label at the same time |

|Mark |Show a particular point clearly by placing an arrow/line/mark etc. |

|Label |Add names or details to a map/diagram/graph |

|Annotate |Add notes of explanation to a diagram/map – more than just a label |

|Explain/give reasons for/ suggest reasons|Say why something occurs – use full sentences and clear language. You might want to |

|why/ account for |include diagrams and/or case study material to support your answer. |

|Compare |Direct comparison of similarities and differences between two sets of information or |

| |places – not two separate accounts |

|Comment on |Give your own views about the information, with a justification |

|Calculate |Work out a numerical answer |

|With reference to/ |Usually needs case study information or examples, or a reference to a map/diagram |

|illustrate your answer with | |


|Where and when? |How did it happen? |

| | |

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| | |

|What happened? (Short-term physical effects) |What happened next? (Longer-term physical effects) |

| | |

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| | |

|Implications for the future: |Economic impacts: |

| | |

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| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Environmental impacts: |Human impact: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

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| | |

|Additional notes: |

| |

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Tectonic Activity

|Key term |Definition |

|Collision margin | |

|Conservative margin | |

|Constructive margin | |

|Continental crust | |

|Convection currents | |

|Core | |

|Destructive margin | |

|Epicentre | |

|Focus | |

|Fold mountains | |

|Lava | |

|Magma | |

|Mantle | |

|Mudflows/lahars | |

|Oceanic crust | |

|Richter scale | |

|Subduction zone | |

|Tectonic plate | |

|Tectonic plate | |

| |Understand Perfectly |Sort of understand |Haven’t got a Scooby |

|Knowledge checklist | | | |

|The differences between continental and oceanic crust | | | |

|How tectonic plates move | | | |

|The differences between construction, collision, destructive | | | |

|and conservative plate margins | | | |

|The different types of landform found at each type of plate | | | |

|margin | | | |

|Why earthquakes and volcanoes occur at plate boundaries | | | |

|How earthquakes are measured | | | |

|How people can predict and prepare for earthquakes and | | | |

|volcanoes | | | |

|How damage from earthquakes and volcanoes can be minimised | | | |

|Why tectonic evens have different effects in MEDCs and LEDCs | | | |

|Why people continue to live in areas of tectonic hazard | | | |

|Specific case studies of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, | | | |

|including: | | | |

|Causes | | | |

|Long and short-term effects | | | |

Rocks & Landscape

|Key term |Definition |

|Bedding planes | |

|Biological weathering | |

|Carbonation/ | |

|limestone solution | |

|Chemical weathering | |

|Erosion | |

|Exfoliation/ | |

|onion-skin weathering | |

|Deflation | |

|Freeze-thaw/ | |

|frost-shattering | |

|Igneous rock | |

|Joints and cracks | |

|Metamorphic rock | |

|Permeable/ impermaeable rock | |

|Physical weathering | |

|Porous rock | |

|Quarrying | |

|Sedimentary rock | |

|Weathering | |

| |Understand Perfectly |Sort of understand |Haven’t got a Scooby |

|Knowledge checklist | | | |

|Know the rock cycle | | | |

|Know the difference between igneous, sedimentary and | | | |

|metamorphic rocks | | | |

|Understand how physical, chemical and biological weathering | | | |

|processes can break down rock into soil | | | |

|Understand how climate and geology influence the rate of | | | |

|weathering | | | |

|Recognise the features of limestone landscapes and explain | | | |

|their formation | | | |

|Recognise the features of granite landscapes and explain their | | | |

|formation | | | |

|Recognise the different types of landform found in hot deserts | | | |

|and explain their formation | | | |

|Understand how geology affects human activity, eg: | | | |

|Settlement location | | | |

|Tourism | | | |

|Mineral extraction | | | |

|Industry | | | |

|Urban landscapes | | | |


|Key term |Definition |

|Abrasion/corrasion | |

|Attrition | |

|Confluence | |

|Corrosion | |

|Delta | |

|Deposition | |

|Estuary | |

|Flood | |

|Floodplain | |

|Gorge | |

|Hydraulic action | |

|Levee | |

|Meander | |

|Mouth | |

|Ox-bow lake | |

|Saltation | |

|Solution | |

|Source | |

|Suspension | |

|The river’s long profile | |

|Traction | |

|Tributary | |

|Waterfall | |

|Watershed | |

| |Understand Perfectly |Sort of understand |Haven’t got a Scooby |

|Knowledge checklist | | | |

|Recognise the features of a drainage basin | | | |

|Know how the long profile of a river changes from source to | | | |

|mouth | | | |

|Understand the processes of erosion | | | |

|Understand the processes of transportation | | | |

|Know how waterfalls and gorges are formed | | | |

|Know how meanders and ox-bow lakes are formed | | | |

|Know how floodplains, deltas and levees are formed | | | |

|Recognise the main features of a flood hydrograph | | | |

|Understand the human and physical factors that influence the | | | |

|shape of the hydrograph | | | |

|Know the causes of a “flashy” hydrograph | | | |

|Know the causes and effects of flooding | | | |

|Know what can be done to predict, prevent and prepare for | | | |

|flooding | | | |

|Case studies of flooding in MEDCs and LEDCs, including: | | | |

|Causes | | | |

|Long and short-term effects | | | |

|Flood defense for the future | | | |


|Key term |Definition |

|Ablation | |

|Accumulation | |

|Arete | |

|Boulder clay | |

|Corrie | |

|Drumlins | |

|Erratic | |

|Glacial abrasion | |

|Glacial Till | |

|Glacial trough | |

|Hanging valley | |

|Ice sheet | |

|Misfit stream | |

|Moraine | |

|Plucking | |

|Pyramidal peak | |

|Ribbon lake | |

|Striations | |

|Tarn | |

|Valley glacier | |

| |Understand Perfectly |Sort of understand |Haven’t got a Scooby |

|Knowledge checklist | | | |

|Understand the processes of glacial accumulation and ablation | | | |

|Know the difference between a valley glacier and an ice sheet | | | |

|Know how glacial erosion works | | | |

|Understand how corries are formed | | | |

|Know the similarities and differences between an arête and a | | | |

|pyramidal peak | | | |

|Describe the main features of a glaciated valley | | | |

|Understand how glacial troughs are formed | | | |

|Know how glacial deposition occurs | | | |

|Know the different types of glacial moraine | | | |

|Describe how drumlins are formed | | | |

|Explain how ribbon lakes are formed | | | |

|Human activity in glaciated areas: | | | |

|Tourism | | | |

|Transport | | | |

|Specific case studies of glaciated areas: | | | |

|Landforms of erosion | | | |

|Landforms of deposition | | | |


|Key term |Definition |

|Abrasion (corrosion) | |

|Arch | |

|Attrition | |

|Bar | |

|Bay | |

|Beach | |

|Cave | |

|Cliff | |

|Constructive wave | |

|Corrosion | |

|Destructive wave | |

|Fetch | |

|Headland | |

|Hydraulic action | |

|Longshore drift | |

|Spit | |

|Stack | |

|Tombolo | |

|Wave-cut notch | |

|Wave-cut platform | |

| |Understand Perfectly |Sort of understand |Haven’t got a Scooby |

|Knowledge checklist | | | |

|Know the characteristics of constructive and destructive waves | | | |

|Understand how the processes of coastal erosion operate | | | |

|Understand how cliffs are formed | | | |

|Understand why some coasts are eroded more quickly than others | | | |

|Explain formation of caves, arches, stacks and stumps | | | |

|Explain how longshore drift works | | | |

|Know where and why beaches form | | | |

|Know and describe the characteristics of a spit | | | |

|Name and describe different methods of coastal defense | | | |

|Know and understand the costs and benefits of coastal defense | | | |

|Human activity in coastal areas: | | | |

|Tourism | | | |

|Settlement | | | |

|Shipping | | | |

|Fishing | | | |

|Specific case studies of coastal areas: | | | |

|Landforms of erosion | | | |

|Landforms of deposition | | | |

|Coastal management and defense | | | |

Weather and Climate

|Key term |Definition |

|Anticyclone | |

|Atmospheric pressure | |

|Climate | |

|Cold front | |

|Convectional rain | |

|Depression | |

|Drought | |

|Insolation | |

|Isobars | |

|Isotherms | |

|Latitude | |

|Precipitation | |

|Prevailing winds | |

|Relief rain | |

|Synoptic chart | |

|Temperature | |

|Tropical storm | |

|Urban heat island | |

|Warm front | |

|Weather | |

| |Understand Perfectly |Sort of understand |Haven’t got a Scooby |

|Knowledge checklist | | | |

|Understand the difference between weather and climate | | | |

|Recognise different types of weather instrument and know how | | | |

|they work | | | |

|Interpret climate graphs | | | |

|Know the main factors that influence the climate of a place | | | |

|Understand the process of insolation and how it affects weather| | | |

|& climate | | | |

|Understand that seas and ocean currents affect climate | | | |

|Recognise depressions and anticyclones on a weather map | | | |

|Explain how the different types of rain occur | | | |

|Human impact on weather & climate: | | | |

|Climate change | | | |

|Depletion of the ozone layer | | | |

|Acid rain | | | |

|Specific case study of a hurricane | | | |

|Causes | | | |

|Long and short-term effects | | | |


|Key term |Definition |

|Adaptation | |

|Biodiversity | |

|Biome | |

|Coniferous woodland | |

|Deciduous woodland | |

|Deforestation | |

|Desert | |

|Desertification | |

|Ecosystem | |

|Equatorial regions | |

|Nutrient cycle | |

|Overcultivation | |

|Overgrazing | |

|Polar regions | |

|Savanna | |

|Slash and burn | |

|Soil | |

|Temperate regions | |

|Tropical rainforest | |

| |Understand Perfectly |Sort of understand |Haven’t got a Scooby |

|Knowledge checklist | | | |

|Know what an ecosystem is | | | |

|Understand why vegetation changes with distance from the | | | |

|equator | | | |

|Understand why vegetation changes with altitude | | | |

|Describe the main features of the savanna grasslands | | | |

|Explain how plants and animals adapt to their environment, | | | |

|giving specific examples | | | |

|Know how desertification can take place in the savanna | | | |

|Know some of the possible solutions to desertification | | | |

|Draw a labeled sketch to show the main characteristics of | | | |

|tropical rainforests | | | |

|Understand how the nutrient cycle changes once the forest has | | | |

|been cleared | | | |

|Understand how conflict can arise between human development and| | | |

|protecting natural ecosystems | | | |

|Know what is meant by sustainable management of ecosystems, | | | |

|giving specific examples | | | |

Population & Migration

|Key term |Definition |

|Census | |

|Crude birth rate | |

|Crude death rate | |

|Demographic transition model | |

|Emigration | |

|Fertility rate | |

|Immigration | |

|Infant mortality rate | |

|Life expectancy | |

|Migration | |

|Natural increase | |

|Population density | |

|Population distribution | |

|Population policy | |

|Population pyramid | |

|Population structure | |

|Push and pull factors | |

|Refugee | |

|Rural depopulation | |

|Urban to rural migration | |

| |Understand Perfectly |Sort of understand |Haven’t got a Scooby |

|Knowledge checklist | | | |

|Know the main characteristics of world population distribution | | | |

|Know the reasons for global population distribution (human & | | | |

|physical) | | | |

|Know and understand the causes and consequences of | | | |

|overpopulation and under-population | | | |

|Draw and label the stages of the DTM | | | |

|Recognise how population pyramids reflect levels of development| | | |

| | | | |

|Link differently-shaped population pyramids to different stages| | | |

|of the DTM | | | |

|Understand reasons for population change: | | | |

|Factors affecting birth rate | | | |

|Factors affecting death rate/infant mortality rate | | | |

|Factors affecting migration | | | |

|Understand how development affects birth and death rates | | | |

|Know the difference between voluntary and forced migration | | | |

|Understand how push and pull factors can work together to | | | |

|increase migration | | | |

|Know the advantages and disadvantages of emigration and | | | |

|immigration | | | |

|Know the advantages and disadvantages of population change | | | |

|Know the environmental effects of population change | | | |

|Specific case studies of population policies and change: | | | |

|Anti-natalist policy | | | |

|Resource conflicts | | | |


|Key term |Definition |

|Aspect | |

|Brownfield site | |

|CBD | |

|Commuter/dormitory village | |

|Dry-point site | |

|Green belt | |

|Inner city | |

|Location factors | |

|Rural-urban fringe | |

|Settlement | |

|Settlement function | |

|Settlement hierarchy | |

|Shanty town | |

|Site | |

|Situation | |

|Sphere of influence | |

|Suburbs | |

|Urban morphology | |

|Urban sprawl | |

|Urbanisation | |

|Wet-point site | |

| |Understand Perfectly |Sort of understand |Haven’t got a Scooby |

|Knowledge checklist | | | |

|Know 5 different physical siting factors for settlement | | | |

|Know the human factors that influence settlement growth | | | |

|Understand the settlement hierarchy | | | |

|Examples of settlements with different functions | | | |

|Understand how settlement function can change over time | | | |

|Draw and describe different urban land use models | | | |

|Know that cities in MEDCs and LEDCs have different structures | | | |

|Know the problems of cities in MEDCs and LEDCs | | | |

|Case studies of urban problems in MEDCS - causes, consequences | | | |

|and solutions for: | | | |

|Traffic congestion | | | |

|Urban decay | | | |

|Urban sprawl | | | |

|Case studies of urban problems in LEDCs: | | | |

|Causes of rapid urban population growth | | | |

|Consequences: | | | |

|Development of shanty towns | | | |

|Pollution | | | |

|Traffic congestion | | | |

|Crime, unemployment and poverty | | | |

|Solutions for urban problems | | | |

Economic Activity: Primary Industry

|Key term |Definition |

|Agriculture | |

|Arable farming | |

|Capital | |

|Cash crop | |

|Commercial farming | |

|Common Agricultural Policy | |

|Dairy farm | |

|Diversification | |

|Extensive farming | |

|Extractive industries | |

|Fossil fuels | |

|GM crops | |

|Intensive farming | |

|Irrigation | |

|Market gardening | |

|Mining | |

|Monoculture | |

|Nomadic farming | |

|Open-cast mine | |

|Pastoral farming | |

|Plantation | |

|Plantation | |

|Primary industry | |

|Quarrying | |

|Quotas | |

|Resources | |

|Set-aside | |

|Shifting cultivation | |

|Subsistence farming | |

|Yields | |

| |Understand Perfectly |Sort of understand |Haven’t got a Scooby |

|Knowledge checklist | | | |

|Draw a diagram showing farming as a system | | | |

|Know the physical and human factors that affect farming | | | |

|Know the cycle of “slash and burn” subsistence farming | | | |

|Understand the environmental impacts of intensive agriculture | | | |

|Know how politics can affect agriculture | | | |

|Know the causes and effects of soil erosion and hedge removal | | | |

|Know the costs and benefits of mineral extraction | | | |

|Case studies of agriculture: | | | |

|Subsistence farming in Amazonia | | | |

|Rice farming in the Philippines | | | |

|Organic farming in the UK | | | |

|Cocoa plantations and diversification in Ghana | | | |

|Coffee plantations in Costa Rica | | | |

Economic Activity: Secondary Industry

|Key term |Definition |

|Appropriate technology | |

|Brownfield site | |

|Child labour | |

|Economies of scale | |

|Footloose industry | |

|Globalisation | |

|Greenfield site | |

|Heavy industry | |

|High-tech industry | |

|Industrial decline | |

|Industrial estate | |

|Industrial systems | |

|Informal sector | |

|Location factors | |

|Newly Industrialising Country (NIC) | |

|Quaternary industry | |

|Science park | |

|Sweat-shop | |

|Transnational corporation (TNC) | |

| |Understand perfectly |Sort of understand |Haven’t got a Scooby |

|Knowledge checklist | | | |

|Explain industry as a system | | | |

|Understand what is meant by the term “footloose industry” | | | |

|Know the human and physical factors that affect industrial | | | |

|location | | | |

|Know some of the characteristics of TNCs | | | |

|Know the benefits and disadvantages of globalization | | | |

|Understand how improvements in transport and communications | | | |

|have promoted globalization | | | |

|Understand why many NICs are in East Asia | | | |

|Know the difference between a brownfield site and a Greenfield | | | |

|site | | | |

|Know the difference between an industrial estate and a science | | | |

|park | | | |

|Understand the reasons for the decline of heavy industries in | | | |

|MEDCs | | | |

|Know how employment structures can reflect levels of | | | |

|development | | | |

Economic Activity: Tertiary Industry

|Key term |Definition |

|Day-tripper | |

|Ecotourism | |

|Finance and banking industries | |

|Footpath erosion | |

|Game parks/reserves | |

|Honeypot site | |

|Leakage | |

|Long-haul flights | |

|Mini-break | |

|Multiplier effect | |

|National Park | |

|Out-of-town shopping centre | |

|Package holiday | |

|Purpose-built amenities | |

|Resort | |

|Retail park | |

|Services | |

|Sustainable tourism | |

|Tourist | |

| |Understand perfectly |Sort of understand |Haven’t got a Scooby |

|Knowledge checklist | | | |

|Know the reasons for the growth of the tourist industry | | | |

|Know the difference between domestic and international tourism | | | |

|Understand the social, economic and environmental impacts of | | | |

|tourism | | | |

|Understand the concept of sustainable tourism | | | |

|Know the reasons why National Parks and reserves have been | | | |

|established | | | |

|Recognise the need for careful management of areas of great | | | |

|natural beauty and/or historical significance | | | |

|Case studies of tourism: | | | |

|Tamarindo, Costa Rica | | | |

|Costa Rica’s National Parks | | | |

|Understand the different stages of Butler’s Life Cycle Model of| | | |

|Tourism | | | |

|Understand the different stages of Rostow’s Model of Economic | | | |

|Development | | | |

|Know how and why employment structures in MEDCs have shifted | | | |

|towards tertiary industries | | | |

|Understand the locational factors for an out-of-town shopping | | | |

|centre | | | |

|Case study of an out-of-town shopping centre: | | | |

|Multiplaza, San Jose | | | |


|Key term |Definition |

|Adult literacy | |

|Economic indicators | |

|Free trade | |

|GDP per capita | |

|GNP per capita | |

|HDI | |

|Indicators of development | |

|Interdependence | |

|International aid | |

|Multilateral aid | |

|Product dependency | |

|Quality of life | |

|Real GNP per capita | |

|Short-term & long-term aid | |

|Social indicators | |

|Sustainable development | |

|Tied aid | |

|Trade balance | |

|Trade deficit | |

|Trade surplus | |

| |Understand perfectly |Sort of understand |Haven’t got a Scooby |

|Knowledge checklist | | | |

|Know that there is a North-South divide in terms of economic | | | |

|development | | | |

|Understand that development is not just about money | | | |

|Recognise how health, nutrition, literacy, access to clean | | | |

|water and housing can influence development | | | |

|Know the social, historical and physical reason why some | | | |

|countries are less developed than others | | | |

|Understand the causes and consequences of product dependency | | | |

|Understand how some countries are caught in a “poverty trap” of| | | |

|indebtedness | | | |

|Know the general patterns of world trade | | | |

|Know what is meant by interdependence | | | |

|Know how trade groupings can remove barriers to trade, or | | | |

|protect their own interests | | | |

|Know the causes and consequences of the imbalance of trade | | | |

|between MEDCs and LEDCS | | | |

|Understand the difference between short-term and long-term aid | | | |

|Know the benefits and disadvantages of the different types of | | | |

|aid | | | |

Practical Skills Checklist

| |Understand Perfectly |Sort of understand |Haven’t got a Scooby |

|Skills | | | |

|Draw and interpret line graphs | | | |

|Draw and interpret bar graphs | | | |

|Draw and interpret triangular graphs | | | |

|Draw and interpret divided bar graphs | | | |

|Draw and interpret scatter graphs | | | |

|Draw and interpret pie charts | | | |

|Draw and interpret isoline graphs | | | |

|Draw and interpret choropleth maps | | | |

|Draw and interpret flood hydrographs | | | |

|Construct a cross-section of a river from a map | | | |

|Identify river and valley landforms on a map | | | |

|Identify coastal landforms on a map | | | |

|Draw and label diagrams of river landforms | | | |

|Draw and label diagrams of coastal landforms | | | |

|Draw and label diagrams of volcanic landforms | | | |

|Draw and label diagrams of desert landforms | | | |

|Construct and interpret population pyramids | | | |

|Calculate natural increase | | | |

|Calculate dependency ratios | | | |

|Use a map to describe and interpret: | | | |

|Patterns of settlement | | | |

|Site and situation of a settlement | | | |

|Location and shape of a settlement | | | |

|Different zones of land use within an urban area | | | |

|Use an OS map to describe and/or interpret: | | | |

|Distances | | | |

|Physical features | | | |

|Land use | | | |

|Compass bearings | | | |

|General locations (4-figure grid references) | | | |

|Exact locations (6-figure grid references) | | | |

|Slope gradients | | | |

|Features of settlement, industry, transport and communication | | | |

|Use photographs to describe and/or interpret human and physical| | | |

|landscapes | | | |

|Link photographic material to OS maps | | | |

|Draw and interpret annotated field sketches | | | |

|Formulate hypotheses | | | |

|Describe fieldwork activities to test hypotheses | | | |

|Read and interpret weather instruments | | | |

|Link data to theory in support or denial of a fieldwork | | | |

|hypothesis | | | |



Created especially for you...

so use it!!

How did it happen?

Where & when?

What happened? (short-term physical effects)

Implications for the future – prediction, planning, preparation, management

Name of case study

Implications for the future?

Impact on economy

Impact on environment

Impact on people

What happened afterwards? (longer-term physical effects)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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