Life Science - Weebly

Life Science

Chapter 8

1. Biblical creationism:

a. The belief that the physical universe, the earth and all living things, were created by God.

b. It is NOT part of science because science is based on observation and no human observed it.

c. Must be accepted by faith.

2. Evolution:

a. The belief that the physical universe, the earth and all living things, happened by a natural process.

b. It is NOT part of science because science is based on observation and no human observed it.

c. Must be accepted by faith.

3. The Bible’s teaching on creation includes many doctrines including Creation, Fall, Redemption.

4. Biblical teachings concerning creation are:

a. God created by direct acts (He spoke everything into existence) [Genesis 1-2]

b. God sustains His creation (all living things exist by His power) [Colossians 1:17]

c. God reveals His power through His creation (God gave everyone, even those who have never read the Bible, creation to bring them to Himself) [Psalm 19:1]

d. God revealed the sequence of Creation in the Bible (God purposely created all living in a specific order) [Genesis 1]

e. God specially created mankind.

f. God did not speak man into existence

g. God gave souls only to humans

h. God gave mankind dominion over creation

i. Man is superior to everything else in His creation

j. Because God created mankind, mankind is responsible to God.

k. humans were made by God therefore, we belong to God

l. humans were made by God, therefore we are accountable to Him

m. God’s creation is degeneration. (things are getting worse and wearing out)

5. Literal or short-day view: Creation week was made of six, 24 hour days.

(…the evening and the morning…) Genesis 1

------------ Quiz A ------------------------------

6. Days of Creation

Day 1: lightness and darkness

Day 2: firmament (sky) and waters

Day 3: land and plants

Day 4: sun, moon and stars

Day 5: fish and birds

Day 6: land animals, man and woman

Day 7: God rested

------------ Quiz B ------------------------------

7. The origin of life debate is about both when and how life began!

8. genealogy—a listing of a family history

9. young-earth creationists—those who believe the earth is about 6,000 years old

10. old-earth theory—those who believe the earth is billions of years old

11. Why do evolutionists believe the earth is billions of years old? Because they think that is enough time for evolution to have taken place

12. fossils—a trace or remnant of an organisms that has been preserved by natural means (in ice, tar, amber…, shells or bones)

13. sedimentary fossils—these fossils formed from the settling out of materials as moving substance slow down

a. requires large amount of water

b. buried quickly

c. most scientist think a major catastrophe would have provided the right conditions to form the vast number of sedimentary fossils we have today!...hmmm…(

Interpretation of Fossils

14. both creationists and evolutionists have the same scientific evidence but their interpretation of that evidence is different.

15. Evolutionists interpretation

a. Evolutionist believe fossils indicate the earth is old

b. Evolutionists believe it took a long time to form each fossil layer

c. Evolutionists believe it took multiple of catastrophic events to form these fossils

d. Geologic column—rock layers that contain fossils evolutionists say proves evolution

16. Creationists interpretation

a. Majority of fossils were formed by one major catastrophe—the Genesis Flood

b. The Genesis Flood explains why fossils are in no particular order

c. Most fossils require a lot of water

17. Scientific data, correctly interpreted, supports the Christian faith!

------------ Quiz C ------------------------------

18. theory of evolution: the process of random changes

19. Biological evolution: the change of one kind of organism into another kind of organism over many generations

20. God created plants, animals, and by direct acts, nothing indicates He used evolutionary processes to create.

21. Jean Lamarck’s theories:

A. theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics: a trait that is caused by an organism’s environment; the organism is not born with the trait.

B. Lamarck also theorized that a loss of feature through lack of use or disease could be passed down to offspring. (give an example: pierced ears, body builder, playing an instrument, playing a sport…)

22. Charles Darwin’s theories:

A. Darwin was a naturalist—someone who observes things in nature)

B. popularized the theory of natural selection: only organisms best suited for their environment will survive and reproduce, causing certain traits to become more common in population

C. the environment determines which genes are passed on

D. descent with modification: newer organisms are the modified descendants of much older organisms

23. “Natural selection works only on traits that already exist.” (p 166)

24. Hugo De Vrie’s theories:

A. mutation theory of evolution—mutations could produce the genetic changes needed for biological evolution

B. Mathematicians have proven that it is statically impossible for gene mutations to mutate enough make a new organism.

25. mutation-selection theory: mutation provide variations and natural selection decides which variations survive This combines Darwin and De Vrie’s theories.

--------------- Quiz D --------------------------------

26. intelligent design—living things show such complexity that they could have not evolved by chance

27. ID starting point in science

28. creationist starting point is scripture

29. evolutionary family tree—a line up of organism that show the path of biological evolution

30. Christians should avoid stating two groups are related but use the term “classified in the same group”. Why? because relatedness is an evolutionary idea

31. common ancestor—an organism that supposedly gave rise to two or more different type of organisms (commonly called missing link)

32. Missing links are transitional forms that are hypothetical organisms that should exist if evolution were true.

33. vestigial structure—according to evolution, no longer has a major function

34. The fact that we do not know the function of a certain structure does not mean it doesn’t have a function. It is quite possible that scientists simply haven’t discovered it yet.

---------------------------- Quiz 8E---------------------------

35. fossil record—remaining evidence of past living things

36. scientists have not found a complete and uninterrupted series of fossil layers that support evolution.

37. No credible example of missing links.

38. Most evidence supports the idea that the layer of fossils were laid down quickly.

39. Most extinct organisms have been preserved as sedimentary fossils.

40. speciation—evolutionary theory the forming of a new species

41. A species is a different form of a biblical kind.

42. The big question, “How did it all start”? The answer must involve faith—not whether people have it but where they place that faith.

------------------- Quiz 8F --------------------------------------------


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