AREA: HumanitiesSUBJECT: EnglishTEACHER: GLORIA ESTHER S?NCHEZ AGUILARSTUDENT / STUDENTS:GROUP: 7th A / B / CPERIOD: IDATE: 1st / 03 / 2021Good morning for everyone: Keep safe at home!UNIT 1BASIC VOCABULARY AND EXPRESSIONSFORMAL AND INFORMAL GREETINGS / Question Words or “Wh Words”(Saludos Formales e Informales) ACTIVITIES:Recuerden tomar apuntes en el cuaderno de Inglés. Después de observar la imagen, (resumen acerca de los Saludos Formales e Informales; y, despedidas en Inglés), seleccionar algunas palabras conocidas como “Question Words”o “Wh Words”. Agregar las que conocemos y empleamos a diario. Después de observar el video, cuyo contenido comparto, copiar las “Question “Words” o”Wh Words que escuche allí. Agregar las que utilizamos para formular preguntas de información personal.EXERCISES: GREETINGS AND INTRODUCTIONS, (Saludos y Presentaciones).Choose the correct answer. (leer cada enunciado, situación o pregunta; y, Elegir la opción correcta). Hay un ejemplo:Principio del formularioQ1 of 10When we arrive we say: Hello___.?Hello?Goodbye??See you?Q2 of 10When we leave we say: _____.??Hello??Hi??Goodbye?Q3 of 10When we meet a person for the first time we say: _____.??Pleased??Nice to meet you??Enchanted?Q4 of 10If someone says "Thank you", you say: "You're _____."??welcome??well??nothing?Q5 of 10Which answer is correct for this question: "Where are you from?"??Italian??Italy??Spanish?Q6 of 10What is the meaning of "What do you do?"??What are you doing right now???What do you like???What is your profession??Q7 of 10When you want to get someone's attention you can say: _____.??Excuse me??Stop??Sorry?Q8 of 10When you arrive at a hotel, the receptionist says: _____.??What's happening???Welcome??What's up??Q9 of 10I _____ 24 years old.??have??am??has?Q10 of 10At 9 o'clock a.m., you say: _____.??Good evening??Good afternoon??Good morning?NOTE: Wait until the Teacher explain this material, participate in class; and when you be ready, send to my Instiutional may work by pairs, or in Groups of 4 people.Maximum limit date: (Fecha máxima de envío): 12th 03 2021 Final del formulario ................

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