AP Chemistry Lab Experiments

AP Chemistry Lab ExperimentsYou all have lab experience from your first year in Chemistry. It is expected that you will follow proper safety guidelines at all times during the lab. Many of the lab techniques required will be familiar; anything new will be explained ahead of time.Chemistry lab is NOT a spectator sport! Each student must be actively involved throughout each experiment. Regardless of the size of the working group, each member of the group must significantly contribute to the group activity in the laboratory. Trade tasks throughout the experiment, so all members have the opportunity to become proficient in the task at hand.Expectations for a Formal Lab ReportIf you are assigned to produce a formal lab report, you will be allotted multiple days, including a weekend, if possible, to complete it. We will do just one formal lab report during each marking period.Your formal lab report needs to be completed using lined paper, writing on only one side of the paper. It must be completed in pen. If you make a mistake, you do not need to crumble up your paper and start over. Simply draw a single line through your error, and then continue with your report.In the top right corner of your paper, write your name, your hour, and your table number.On the top line, in the center of the paper, write the title of the experiment.Skip one line and label the first section of your paper “Purpose”. You will then indicate the purpose of the experiment. For a well-designed experiment this is a single simple sentence. Some experiments will require two or three sentences, but if you get beyond three, you have probably missed the point of the experiment.Skip one line and label the next section of your paper “Procedure”. In this section, you will clearly describe the steps that were performed in the lab. This is either a list of required steps or a flow chart showing what you did. A good procedure is one that can be easily followed and repeated by someone who did not watch you perform the experiment.Skip one line and label the next section of your paper “Data/Observations”. This is where you will record any numerical (data) or visual (observations) annotations while doing the lab. Data tables should be well organized, drawn using a straight-edge, and should only include the measurements recorded during the experiment. This is not the proper place to include results of calculations.Keep in mind, some experiments will not have any numerical data; all experiments should have observations.Skip one line and label the next section of your paper “Calculations”. (Skip this step if there are no calculations to show.) In this section you will clearly show all of the calculations for one of the trials in your experiment.Each step should be clearly labeled or should include a formula.Each step should begin on a new line.For the other trials, you need to just neatly indicate the final answer.Skip one line and label the next section of your paper “Chemical Equations”. (Skip this step if there are no chemical equations to show.) For experiments that relate to specific chemical reactions, you will write those equations in this section. Unless otherwise stated, equations should be net ionic equations.Skip one line and label the next section of your paper “Summary”. The summary should revisit the purpose of the lab and summarize the results. The idea of the summary is to provide anyone reading your lab report with a quick overview of what you did and what you accomplished. Skip one line and label the next section of your paper “Error Analysis”. An error analysis should include the following:Identification of one reasonable source of error.Specific description of how that error affects a data value. If you cannot associate your error to a specific data value, you need to identify a different source of error.Specific description of how that data value being wrong affects subsequent calculations and your final answer.If a correct value is provided to you, you will also calculate your percent error.% Error= |experimental value-correct value|correct value×100% ................

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