|Name: | | |ENG 4UI Formal Comparative Essay Rubric | |Due Date: | |

| |curriculum |4 |3 |2 |1 |R - 0 |

|Knowledge | |Flawless first page set up, documenting and |Mostly correct first page set up, |Some significant errors |Several significant errors |Components missing |

| | |works cited; appropriate presentation |documenting and works cited; | | | |

|Formatting |RLS 2.3 | |appropriate presentation | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Structure: | |Complete coherence and clarity attained through |Generally clear and coherent, attained |Some clarity and/or coherence, |Little clarity or coherence: |Mostly unclear and/or |

|Paragraph |W 2.1 |- Appropriate Paragraphing (for idea, |through: |attained through some of: |Paragraphing |incoherent |

|Transitions | |Subject) Topic sentence, conclusion. |Paragraphing |Paragraphing |Transitions | |

|Introduction | |- Appropriate Transitions |Transitions |Transitions |Introduction | |

|Conclusion | |- Complete Introduction (topics, titles, |Introduction |Introduction |Conclusion | |

| | |authors, thesis, supports) |Conclusion |Conclusion |Seriously misused or absent | |

| | |- Complete Conclusion (thesis restated, | | | | |

| | |Proofs summarized, authors, titles) | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |Excellent point by point comparison that | | | | |

|Structure : |W 2.1 |emphasizes similarities/differences in ideas |Point by point comparison that points |Unclear point by point comparison |Weak point by point comparison |Unpatterned comparison/contrast|

|Comparison-contras| | |out similarities/differences | | |which impairs clarity |

|t | | | | | | |

|Thinking | |Argument reduced to one accurate, arguable |Argument reduced to one accurate, |Argument in one accurate, arguable |Argument reduced to one |No thesis, or thesis vague or |

|Thesis | |statement, specific and clearly worded, |arguable statement, specific and |statement, specific or clearly |statement of little interest. |poorly worded, confuses. |

| | |expressing a complex and true idea. Excellent |clearly worded. Good supporting ideas |worded, of limited interest. |Few adequate supporting ideas |Inadequate supporting ideas |

| | |supporting ideas | |Adequate support | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Quotations used to create a convincing | | | |

|Using literature |RLS 1.2 |Clear, convincing, specific references made to |argument; informed knowledge of the | |Irrelevant or misleading |No quotations used or |

|to develop and |RLS 1.3 |the literature in support of thesis; significant|literature is evident. Quotations |Inadequate quotations used to |quotations used; knowledge of |quotations vague or misleading |

|support argument |RLS 1.4 |quotations used; demonstrates detailed knowledge|introduced and explained |convince; adequate knowledge of the|the literature is in serious |indicating little knowledge of |

| |RLS 1.5 |of the texts. Quotations introduced with clear | |literature is in doubt. Quotations |doubt. Quotations not |the literature. |

| |RLS 1.6 |context and explained | |sometimes introduced and explained |introduced and explained | |

|Process work: | |Fully. | | | | |

|Gathering ideas |RLS 3.1 | |Preparation work mostly complete and | | | |

| |RLS 3.2 |Preparation work totally complete and organized;|organized; it validates the origin of |Preparation work somewhat complete |Limited preparation work; |Preparation work does not |

| |W 1.1 |it validates the origin of all the work; |all the work; featuring reading notes |and organized; it validates the |reading notes are very basic, |validate the final product. |

| |W 1.2 |featuring detailed class notes containing |containing quotations and page |origin of all the work; featuring |lack detail and insight | |

| |W 1.3 |quotations and page references. |references. |some reading notes containing | | |

|Process work: |W 1.4 | | |quotations and page references. | | |

|drafting and |W 1.5 | |Brainstorming, reading notes, outline | | | |

|revision | |Brainstorming, reading notes, outline and |and revised rough copies, opt. peer |Some drafting and revision; more | | |

| |W 2.6 |revised rough copies, opt. peer evaluation; |evaluation; evidence of considerable |effort needs to be dedicated to the|Limited drafting and revision; |Writing process is barely |

| |W 2.7 |evidence of thorough revision to improve the |revision to improve the quality of the |writing process in the future |significant effort needs to be |used/not used at all to improve|

| | |quality of the final piece. |final piece. | |dedicated to the writing |final product. |

| | | | | |process in the future | |

|Communication |W 2.2 |Forcefully persuades through the use of varied |Persuades through the use of varied and|Persuades through the use of |Little persuasion through the |Not persuasive |

| |W 2.3 |and appropriate diction and sentence structure; |appropriate diction and sentence |diction and sentence structure; |use of diction and sentence | |

|Language: Style |W 2.4 |(uses figurative language effectively) |structure; (uses figurative language |(uses figurative language somewhat |structure; (little figurative | |

| | | |effectively) |effectively) |language) | |

|Language- |W 3.1, 3.2, |Evidence of revision in virtually accurate | | | | |

|Correctness |3.3., 3.4, 3.5 |spelling and grammar. Uses present tense. |Evidence of revision in accurate |Some evidence of revision in |Little evidence of revision in |No evidence of revision; |

| | | |spelling, correct grammar, and verb |generally correct spelling and |often incorrect spelling and |significant number and nature |

| | | |tense. |grammar. Inconsistent tense. |grammar |of errors |

|Application | |Applies comparative essay writing skills with |Applies comparative essay writing |Applies comparative essay writing |Applies comparative essay |Ineffective application of |

|Transferring |W 3.7 |high degree of effectiveness to produce a |skills considerable effectiveness to |skills with some effectiveness to |writing skills with limited |skills. |

|skills to familiar| |cohesive, thoughtful, original piece. |produce a cohesive, interesting piece. |produce a logically argued piece. |effectiveness. | |

|contexts | | | | | | |

Essay Assignment: Formal Essay Comparing Two Short Stories

Write a formal, comparative essay in which you compare “Araby” to one other story we have read. Preparatory work includes the notes you made on the short stories, brainstorming, outline and edited rough draft (s). Consider style, plot, character, setting, conflict, crisis, and theme.

For this assignment you will hand in the following:

• Notes from each story

• Brainstorming

• Outline

• At least one edited rough draft

• The polished essay

• Works cited

• A metacognitive reflection

• The rubrics (on top)

|Name: | | | | |Due Date: | |

| |curriculum |4 |3 |2 |1 |R - 0 |

|Thinking | | | | | | |

| | |Thoughtful and detailed reflection on your |Considerable reflection on your |Some reflection on your strengths |Limited reflection on your |Very limited reflection on your|

|Reflecting on |RLS 4.1 |strengths and weaknesses as a reader/the reading|strengths and weaknesses as a |and weaknesses as a reader/the |strengths and weaknesses as a |strengths and weaknesses as a |

|yourself as a | |process. |reader/the reading process. |reading process. |reader/the reading process. |reader/the reading process. |

|reader | | | | | | |

| | | | | |Limited reflection on your |Very limited reflection on your|

|Reflecting on |W 4.1 |Thoughtful and detailed reflection on your |Considerable reflection on your |Some reflection on your strengths |strengths and weaknesses as a |strengths and weaknesses as a |

|yourself as a | |strengths and weaknesses as a writer/the writing|strengths and weaknesses as a |and weaknesses as a writer/the |writer/the writing process. |writer/the writing process. |

|writer | |process. |writer/the writing process. |writing process. | | |

| | | | | | | |

ENG 4UI Comparative Essay Metacognitive Reflection Rubric


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