Formal Methods: First-Order Logic 3.3 Proofs - Johns Hopkins University

Formal Methods: First-Order Logic 3.3 Proofs

Johns Hopkins University, Fall 2017

Extending the Fitch System to FOL

Recall our two dicta.

Dictum: To show an argument is invalid, produce a counterexample.

Dictum: To establish an argument is valid, prove the conclusion from the premises.

In order to establish the tautological validity of arguments in the language of sentential logic LSENT , we earlier introduced a Fitch-style natural deduction system F for sentential logic. By the Soundness and Completeness Theorems, 1, ..., n |=SENT iff 1, ..., n F .

We are now going to extend the Fitch system with new rules for the identity symbol = and quantifier symbols and . Doing so will allow us to establish the logical validity of arguments in a first-order language.

But first, let us quickly review the rules in our original proof system (these can now be applied to wff's in a first-order language).

Review of Sentential Rules

Reiteration (a.k.a. Repetition) n ... R: n

Review of Sentential Rules

Conjunction Elimination (I)

n ...

Elim: n

Conjunction Elimination (II)

n ...

Elim: n

Review of Sentential Rules

Conjunction Introduction

n ...

m ...

Intro: n, m

Rather than writing a separate scheme for inferring , let us just say that the order of and as they appear in the proof does not matter. (We may have n < m or m < n.)

Review of Sentential Rules

Negation Introduction (a.k.a. Intuitionistic Reductio)

n ...



? Intro: n-m

Review of Sentential Rules

For reasons of symmetry, we institute the derivational strategy of classical reductio ad absurdum as the rule ? Elim.

Negation Elimination (a.k.a. Classical Reductio)

n ? ...


? Elim: n-m

Review of Sentential Rules

The cancelling of a double negation at the head of a wff is then easily proved from classical reductio as follows.

Double Negation Elimination

1 ?? [Show ]

2 ? 3 4

? Elim: 2-3

Of course, we could have taken double negation elimination as a primitive rule and derived classical reductio from it and intuitionistic reductio. But pedagogically, it's best to emphasize the difference between the two forms of reductio.


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