Spanish III Pacing Guide

Spanish for Native Speakers Pacing Guide

Middle School Year 1 Sequence

Excerpt from the North Carolina Standard Course of Study

This course is designed specifically for native/heritage speakers of Spanish who already have some oral language proficiency. The purpose of this course is to enable students whose heritage language is Spanish to develop, maintain, and enhance proficiency in Spanish by providing them the opportunity to listen, speak, read, and write in a variety of contexts and for a variety of audiences including the family, school, and the immediate community. The course will allow students to explore the cultures of the Hispanic world including their own and it will enable students to gain a better understanding of the nature of their own language as well as other languages to be acquired.

This guide is for an A/B day schedule. This means that if a unit takes 8 days you can figure on 16 days in total. This also means that weeks will only include 2 – 3 days of class. The plans are to begin after the first two days of class allowing for introduction to course, issuing of textbooks, and other beginning of school tasks. The NC SCS goals and objectives are listed for each unit. These are goals and objectives that can be met by the various activities and lessons in each unit. Understandably, you may or may not finish the textbook. This guide should serve as a “best-case scenario.” Focus more on students’ language acquisition rather than on finishing the text.

On-going projects for entire year:

• Students will participate in a Reading Group by genre (fiction, short stories, novels, non-fiction, drama, poetry, mysteries).

• Students will keep a Response Journal in a composition notebook.

• Students will read newspaper articles and present the information contained in the article.

(NCSCOS: 1.02, 2.06, 2.07, 4.01, 4.07, 5 & 7)

Objectives Students will talk about, read, listen to, and understand:

• Who am I? - ¿Quién soy yo?

o Descriptive writing (Unit 1)

o How to use the dictionary (Unit 2)

o Informal letter writing (Unit 2)

• The Hispanic World

o Geography of Spanish speaking countries (Unit 3)

o How to classify nouns (Unit 5)

o Informal vs. Formal persuasive writing (Unit 6)

• Research and Presentations

o How to conduct an interview (Unit 7)

o Informative writing (Unit 8)

• Famous Hispanics

o Writing directions (Unit 9)

o Writing biographies (Unit 10)

o Formal letter writing (Unit 10)

|EQ/ Time |Topic |NC |Unit / Resources |Suggested |

| | | | |Activities |

| |Vocabulary |Grammar |Reading/Writing |SCOS | | |

|Quarter 1: | | | |1.01, 1.02, 3.01, | |Introduce the purpose of the course. They will be able |

|¿Quién soy yo? | | | |6.01, 6.02 | |to read and write Spanish more proficiently by the end of|

| | | | | | |the year. |

|Weeks 1 – 2 | | | | |

| |Vocabulary |Grammar |Reading/Writing |SCOS | | |

|Week 5 - 6 |Descriptive writing |Review subjects and predicates |Poem about the meaning of friendship; Fictional story |

| | | |about making new friends; Write a description about a |

| | |Capitalization, punctuation |friend |

| | |(hie, hue, & hum) | |

|Weeks 1 – 4 |Geography |Interrogative & exclamatory |Informative text about | |Unit 3 |Give the students a blank map of all Spanish speaking |

|¿Cómo son los países del |Context Clues |sentences |Chichén-Itzá and St. Augustine | |Cowboys to Castles |countries for them to fill in and decorate. |

|mundo hispano? | |Wish & exhortative statements| | | |Highlight the countries of focus for this unit. |

| | |(g vs. j) |Write a description of a special | | |Provide information packets for the students to fill in |

| | | |place | | |on the countries. |

|Week 9 | | | | | |Summary |

| | | | | | |Review |

| | | | | | |Assessment |

|Quarter 3: | | | | | | |

|Weeks 1 – 2 |Interview; |Review forms and placement of|Informative text about means of | |Unit 7 |Use unit resources to create a script for them to use to |

|¿Cómo hacemos una |Compound words |determiners: articles, |communication; Fictional story | | |interview classmates. |

|entrevista? | |possessive and demonstrative |about a school boy who invents a | | |Interviews could include family history, traditions, |

| | |adjectives |secret code; Write an interview | | |stories or the most influential person in their life. |

Weeks 1 - 4 |Word families |Verb infinitives

Personal, impersonal and accidental forms of the infinitives |Informative text about games children play

Tongue-in cheek mystery story

Write a mystery story |1.05, 2.04, 2.05, 3.03, 3.05, 6.01, 6.02 |Unit 9

World Languages textbook |Write the directions to play the children’s games

• Linguistics – Compare Spanish to Italian, French & Latin (oral and written recognition of tapes & text)

• Discuss dialects and neutral Spanish | |Weeks 5 - 9 |Famous Hispanics; Biography; Autobiography |Review the indicative mood, Review simple and compound verb forms

Commas & ellipsis |Informative text about José Martí; Brief biography about Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz; Write a personal narrative | |Unit 10

Pasos books

Media Center |Discuss and read about famous Hispanics.

• Discuss non-fiction, autobiographies and biographies

• Students will write a short essay or biography about a famous person.

• Students will write a formal letter to the person. | |


• Cuadros de Familia for 1st quarter

• Pasos books from Santillana

• Que Pasa newspaper

• Nuevo Siglo 5 / Santillana

• Castles to Cowboys for 2nd quarter

• Grolier La Nueva Enciclopedia de Cumbre on NCLearn / NCWISEOWL websites

• (Graphic organizers in Spanish)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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