Personal Letter Rubric - Leon County Schools

Personal Letter Rubric

8th Grade Language Arts

Skill 1 2 3 4 Total Points

| |Little or no attention |Letter lacks two or |Follows most format |Follows proper letter | |

|Letter Format |paid to format |more key format |guidelines but has one |format guidelines | |

| |instructions. |elements and/or drafts,|or two inaccurate |precisely with | |

| | |has little presentation|elements. Pre-writing, |heading, | |

| | |value. |draft is handed in. |greeting,body, | |

| | | | |closing. | |

| |Letter lacks specific |Letter lacks one key |Letter contains all key|Letter contains all | |

|Content |examples and is missing|information category, |information categories |key information | |

| |key elements of |needs development |and is generally |categories, each | |

| |required information. |through specific |supported with specific|supported with | |

| | |details. |details. |specific and engaging | |

| | | | |details. | |

| |No sense or |Organization is hard to|Letter generally |Letter has smooth | |

|Organization |organization is |follow at times, |follows required |transition between all| |

| |evident. |little transition |organizational format |key elements. | |

| | |between ideas. |but needs better | | |

| | | |transition between | | |

| | | |ideas. | | |

| |Meaning is seriously |Sentences reflect |Most sentences present |Letter contains good | |

|Sentence Structure |impacted by unclear |little variety, and |information clearly. |sentence variety. All| |

| |sentences. |meaning is often |There is some evidence |sentences have clear | |

| | |unclear. |of sentence variety. |and correct structure.| |

| |Frequent error in |Several errors in |Letter has generally |No errors. | |

|Mechanics/Usage/ |mechanics, usage, and |mechanics, usage, and |"clean" mechanics, | | |

|Spelling |spelling make writing |spelling seriously |usage, and spelling, | |______ |

| |difficult to |impact paper's |but may contain a few | | |

| |understand. |effectiveness. |mistakes. | | |

| | | | | | |

| |No evidence of thought |Letter needs revision |Most words add to |Words add color, | |

|Word Choice |in word selection. |to slot in better word |effectiveness. Some |engaging the reader. | |

| |Many examples of slang |choice; contains some |slotting to add color |No slang is evident. |______ |

| |evident. |slang. |is needed. | | |

Total Points _______/ 20

Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________________



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