Kennedy Scholarship Essay Rubric

Kennedy Scholarship Essay Name: ___________________________________

|Scoring Guide |Superstar |Good |Proficient |Needs Revision |

| |100-90 |89-80 |79-70 |69-0 |

|Content: Political Courage |Integrates an understanding of political courage|Demonstrates an understanding of political |Outlines the basic tenets of political |The basic idea of political courage as |

| |as described by JFK in Profiles of Courage with |courage as described by JFK in Profiles of |courage as described by JFK in Profiles of |described by JFK is outlined but not |

| |the obstacles, dangers and pressures affecting |Courage. Outlined the obstacles, dangers, |Courage. Describes the obstacles the elected|described. Obstacles faced by the elected |

| |the elected official. Identifies and illustrates|and pressures the elected official is |official faced. Identifies an act of a U.S. |official are mentioned. The subject is not|

| |how political courage is shown by the U.S. |encountering or has encountered. Identified |elected official that occurred after 1956 and|an elected official. Essay focuses on an |

| |elected official that occurred after 1956. |an act of political courage by a U.S. elected|partially links it to the definition of |act of courage that occurred prior to 1956.|

| |Explains and assesses why the official’s course |official that occurred after 1956. Explained|political courage. Identifies why the |An U.S. elected official is identified. |

| |of action best serves or has served the larger |why the official’s course of action best |official’s course of action best serves or |Identifies actions of the official that |

| |public interest. |serves or has served the larger public |has served the larger public interest. |were unpopular |

| | |interest. | | |

|Elements of style |Strong, argument paper with appropriate |Organized argument paper, acceptable word |Lacking some elements of an argument paper, |. Not an argument paper, poor diction, |

| |organization. Appropriate and compelling |choice, thesis and conclusion |some issues with word choice, thesis, and/or |thesis, and/or conclusion |

| |diction and syntax. Strong, clear thesis and | |conclusion. | |

| |compelling conclusion. | | | |

|Grammar/mechanics |Nearly flawless grammar, syntax, spelling, and |. Minor errors in syntax, grammar, spelling |Persistent errors in syntax, grammar, |Persistent errors in syntax, grammar, |

| |punctuation |and punctuation. |spelling and punctuation that do not inhibit |spelling and/or punctuation inhibit |

| | | |meaning. |meaning. |

|Research & Format |Bibliography of five or more sources including |Bibliography of five sources including one |Bibliography of five sources including |Includes less than the minimum of five |

| |one non-internet source. Correct format of MLA |non-internet source. Minor errors in MLA |non-internet source. Persistent errors in |sources. Sources may lack reliability. |

| |style. Sources used demonstrate depth of |style. Thoughtfully selected, reliable |MLA style. Reliable sources. |Lack of one non-internet source. |

| |perspective and are supported and argued. |sources. | | |

|Requirements |Meets all basic project requirements |Meets most of the project requirements |Meets some of the project requirements. |Seriously lacking in fulfilling |

| | | | |requirements. |

|2015 |Bob Inglis |

|2014 |George H.W. Bush | Paul W. Bridges |

|2013 |Gabrielle "Gabby" Giffords |

|2012 |David Baker, Michael Streit, Marsha Ternus | Robert Ford |

|2011 |Elizabeth Redenbaugh | Wael Ghonim and the People of Egypt |

|2010 |Karen Bass, David Cogdill, Darrell Steinberg and Michael Villines |

|2009 |Edward M. Kennedy | Brooksley Born | Sheila Bair  |

| |Leymah Gbowee and the Women of Liberia |

|2008 |William Winter | Debra Bowen | Jennifer Brunner |

|2007 |Doris Voitier | Bill White |

|2006 |John Murtha | Alberto Mora |

|2005 |Viktor Yushchenko | Bill Ratliff | Shirley Franklin | Joseph Darby |

|2004 |Cindy Watson | Sima Samar | Paul Muegge |

|2003 |Dan Ponder, Jr. | David Beasley | Roy Barnes |

|2002 |Public Servants of September 11 | Dean Koldenhoven | Kofi Annan |

|2001 |Gerald Ford | John Lewis |

|2000 |Hilda Solis |

|1999 |John McCain | Russell Feingold |

|1998 |Peacemakers of Northern Ireland | Nickolas Murnion |

|1997 |Charles Price |

|1996 |Corkin Cherubini |

|1995 |Michael Synar |

|1994 |Henry Gonzalez |

|1993 |James Florio |

|1992 |Lowell Weicker, Jr. |

|1991 |Charles Weltner |

|1990 |Carl Elliott, Sr. |


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