Sample questions about mitochondria & chloroplasts

Sample questions about mitochondria & chloroplasts

4. Some mitochondrial proteins are encoded by mitochondrial DNA; others are encoded by nuclear DNA. How are nucleus-encoded proteins specifically targeted to the mitochondria? (5 pt)

5. Briefly list the key pieces of evidence suggesting that mitochondria and gram-negative bacteria shared a common evolutionary ancestor. (10 pt)

6. Two key approaches to studying the electron transport chain in mitochondria are (a) studies of electron transport using different electron donors and inhibitors, and (b) difference spectroscopy. Briefly (but thoroughly) describe each approach, giving at least one specific example of each. Also, contrast the two approaches with respect to the type of information they provide about electron transport. (16 pt)

7. Contrast substrate-level phosphorylation (for example, the formation of ATP during glycolysis) with oxidative phosphorylation via chemiosmosis. In your answer, you should provide details about the mechanism of ATP formation by ATP synthase (Racker’s enzyme). (15 pt)

A. Matching, Part 1. Pick the best choice from the list of choices, and write it in the space provided. Some choices may be used more than once, and other choices may not be used at all. Each question has only one correct choice – if you write more than one answer, you will not receive credit for the question. (2 pt each)

Light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis

Light-independent reactions of photosynthesis

______________________________ 1. In this process, water is oxidized to form oxygen.

______________________________ 2. In this process, carbon dioxide is reduced to form carbohydrates.

______________________________ 3. In this process, light energy is used to drive electron transport and ATP formation.

______________________________ 4. The Calvin-Benson cycle is an example of this type of process.

______________________________ 5. In this process, one of the end products is NADPH.

B. Matching, Part 2.

Fill in the blanks in the diagram below with the names of the following electron carriers. Each term is used once in this section. (18 pt total)

Cytochrome b6-f


Oxidized P680

Oxidized P700




Reduced P680

Reduced P700


C. Discussion & Short Essay Questions.

1. In the early 1940s, Ruben and Kamen examined the generation of molecular oxygen in the process of photosynthesis. They used compounds labeled with heavy oxygen, 18O. In one set of experiments, plants were given carbon dioxide that contained 18O, and in another set of experiments they were given water that contained 18O. Briefly state the results of these experiments. (6 pt)

2. Discuss the structure of chlorophyll. You need not draw it, but you should discuss the functions of its most important structural features. (8 pt)

3. Discuss the process of light absorption by chloroplasts. (10 pt)

4. Briefly describe the process of ATP formation by photophosphorylation. (10 pt)

6. List the major functions of microtubules. (8 pt)

7. It is possible to attach an isolated microtubule to a microscope slide (the microtubule is suspended in a buffered solution, with a cover glass over the solution). The microtubule can be observed by using video digital enhancement techniques. It is possible to control the composition of the buffered solution in which the microtubule is suspended.

Design two different experiments to identify the plus (+) and minus (-) ends of the individual microtubule. One experiment should involve the polymerization behavior of the ends; and the other experiment should involve microtubule motor proteins. (20 pt)


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