Annotated Bibliography Assignment & Rubric

Annotated Bibliography Directions & Rubric

This assignment is designed to help you evaluate sources of information about your research topic. An annotated bibliography includes all of the citation information needed to find a source and a paragraph describing the source.

1. Find a minimum of eight sources on your topic – these should be your best sources so that means you will likely have reviewed at least twice this many. You may include the two websites and two database articles you already reviewed.

2. Cite each source in correct MLA format.

3. Use only reliable and valid sources.

4. After each source listed, write a paragraph that includes both a summary of the source AND an evaluation of the validity of the source and its usefulness. Paragraphs should be between 5 and 8 sentences words long.

a. Summarize the content of the source – be descriptive and specific

b. Evaluate the accuracy and validity of the source

c. Describe the usefulness of the source

For examples and directions on formatting citations see worldhistoryhonors1. and click the “Research Project” link.

Identifying valid sources:

• Look for the author’s credentials. Are they a person who has a documented knowledge of science?

• When was the source created? Could research since that time have changed the information included in your source? If so, look for more recent works that give you the same (or different) information.

• What type of source is this – popular, journal, web?

• The depth and level of detail offered in the source. It should be appropriate to your level of understanding but use relevant vocabulary and cite research to support its information.

|Rubric: Annotated Bibliography |

| |6 |4 |2 |0 |TOTAL |

| | | | | |________/30 |

|Quality of Sources |Includes 8 or more sources; all sources are |8 sources; most sources are credible |6-8 sources; some sources are |Less than 6 sources; | |

| |valid and sources do not repeat same |and most sources do not repeat |credible. |Sources are not credible | |

| |information |information | | | |

|Accuracy |Includes the complete and accurate citation |Makes 1-5 errors on citations. |Makes 6-10 errors on citations. |Makes more than 10 errors | |

| |for each source and is organized according to| | |on citations. | |

| |MLA format | | | | |

|Annotations Content |Summaries are accurate, evaluation addresses |A few sources are missing summaries, |Many sources are missing |Little or no information | |

| |validity of source and usefulness for |evaluation, and/or usefulness |summaries, evaluation, and/or |specific to the source is | |

| |assignment is included for every source | |usefulness |included | |

|Annotations Structure |Well-written, unique to the source, avoids |Well written but contain some generic|Poorly written, many generic |Annotations are missing or| |

| |vague statements. Each annotation is at |statements OR not appropriate length.|statements, too short |are not coherent | |

| |least a complete paragraph | | | | |

|Formatting |Size 12, Times New Roman, double spaced, one |Missing 1-2 of the items listed |Missing 3-4 of the items listed |Missing 5 or more of the | |

| |inch margins. Bibliography is alphabetized | | |items listed | |

| |and uses hanging indents. Includes a header | | | | |

| |with name, date, class and a descriptive | | | | |

| |title. | | | | |


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