Pulley Problems - Mr Desantis- OLD SITE

Pulley and Gear Problems

|Engineering Formula Sheet |

|Gear Ratios |

|Formulas |Variables |

|[pic] |GR = Gear ratio |

| |ωin = Driver gear, rpm |

| |ωout = Driven gear, rpm |

|[pic] |Nin = Number of teeth on driver |

| |Nout = Number of teeth on driven |

| |din = Diameter of driver |

|[pic] |dout = Diameter of driven |

| |τin = Torque of driver, ft-lbs |

| |τout = Torque of driven, ft-lbs |

SR= Win/Wout

Pulley Problems

Solve for the unknown quantities in problems 1 through 5. Show all your work. List the equations used and units for your answers.



Gear Problems

Solve for the unknown quantities in problems 1 through 5. Show all your work. List the equations used and units for your answers.





|Definitions: | | | |

|D in = Driver pulley diameter, in | |

|SR = Speed Ratio = Input Rate / Output Rate |

|D out = Driven pulley diameter, in | |

|w in = Driver pulley speed, rpm | |

|w out = Driven pulley speed, rpm | |

|T in = Torque of driver pulley, ft lbs. | |

|T out = Torque of driven pulley, ft lbs. | |

|Prob # |D in |D out |SR |w in |w out |T in |T out |

|  |

|2 |6 |3 | |200 | |100 | |

|  |

|3 | |4 | |100 |800 |20 | |

|  |

|4 | |8 | |700 |150 | |100 |

|  |

|5 |5 | | | |150 |200 |800 |

|Definitions: | | | |

|N in = Number of teeth on Driver gear | |

|N out = Number of teeth on Driven gear | |

|D in = Driver gear diameter, in | |

|D out = Driven gear diameter, in | |

|GR[?]468jnprŠŒ²´¶âäæèêüçüãÕĽ²¢›‹›whQ=w0h• |



|^J[?]phh• |

|´h¤h6?B*[pic]]?^J[?]phhÔb—h¤hh• |

|´h¤h5?B*[pic]\?^J[?]phh¨O…h¤hCJaJ = Gear ratio = Input Rate / Output Rate |

|w in = Driver gear speed, rpm | |

|w out = Driven gear speed, rpm | |

|T in = Torque of driver gear, ft lbs. | |

|T out = Torque of driven gear, ft lbs. | |

|Prob # |N in |N out |D in |D out |GR |w in |w out |T in |T out |

|  |

|2 |12 | |6 | |3.17 |1800 | |100 | |

|  |

|3 |24 |12 |6 | | |1800 | |100 | |

|  |

|4 |24 | | |6 |3.17 | |1800 | |100 |

|  |

|5 | |12 | |6 |3 | |1800 | |100 |



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