Ionic Formulas (Binary, Polyatomic, Transition Metals)

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Chemistry: Ionic Formulas (Binary, Polyatomic, Transition Metals)

Write the formula for each of the following compounds.

1. sodium hydroxide Na1+ OH1- 1. NaOH

2. mercury (II) sulfate Hg2+ SO42- 2. HgSO4

3. lead (II) phosphate Pb2+ PO43- 3. Pb3(PO4) 2

4. ammonium sulfide NH41+ S2- 4. (NH4) 2S

5. aluminum chlorate Al3+ ClO31- 5. Al(ClO3) 3

6. copper (I) carbonate Cu1+ CO32- 6. Cu2CO3

7. manganese (IV) oxide Mn4+ O2- Mn2O4 7. MnO2

8. manganese (II) sulfate Mn2+ SO42- 8. MnSO4

9. iron (III) oxide Fe3+ O2- 9. Fe2O3

10. magnesium nitrate Mg2+ NO31- 10. Mg(NO3) 2

11. calcium sulfide Ca2+ S2- 11. CaS

12. potassium oxide K1+ O2- 12. K2O

13. magnesium chloride Mg2+ Cl1- 13. MgCl2

14. chromium (III) oxide Cr3+ O2- 14. Cr2O3

15. gold (III) bromide Au3+ Br1- 15. AuBr3

16. beryllium fluoride Be2+ F1- 16. BeF2

17. yttrium (III) sulfide Y3+ S2- 17. Y2S3

18. rubidium oxide Rb1+ O2- 18. Rb2O

19. aluminum nitrate Al3+ NO31- 19. Al(NO3) 3

20. iron (II) phosphide Fe2+ P3- 20. Fe3P2

21. ferric nitrate Fe3+ NO31- 21. Fe(NO3) 3

22. ferrous nitrate Na1+ OH1- 22. Fe(NO3) 2

23. plumbous chloride Pb2+ Cl1- (-ic Pb4+) 23. PbCl2

24. stannic hydroxide Sn4+ OH1- (-ous Sn2+) 24. Sn(OH) 4

25. niobium (V) oxide Nb5+ O2- 25. Nb2O5


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