City Vision Syllabus




Instructor: Shirl Smith (primary), Andrew Sears (secondary)


Phone: (303) 941-0375

Course Description

Students in this course will apply many of the basic tools economics use to understand the components of the U.S. economy, analyze its current performance, evaluate predictions of future performance through economic cycles, and assess how the U.S. is linked to the global economy via trade.

The course explains the importance of supply and demand, economic measures such as GDP, growth, employment and inflation, and how these relate to the business cycle and the health of the economy. Students develop knowledge of aggregate expenditures and aggregate supply and demand, in the context of the macroeconomy. In order to complete this course, students will also develop basic graphic skills and learn how to interpret macroeconomic statistics.

In addition to issues affecting U.S. markets, the course examines various international issues important in today's global economy.

Degree Program Outcomes

At the conclusion of this degree program, the student will able to:

1. Demonstrate the ability to understand and apply traditional theories and concepts of business management and the ability to do this an in depth in one area of specialty: nonprofit management, accounting, technology or general management.

2. Understand their vocation in business and their unique identity and role within their field in a way that maximizes their calling and enables 24/7 Christian ministry.

3. To be able to develop and grow businesses and nonprofit organizations in a way that is socially responsible and that reflects God’s love and purposes for the world.

4. Communicate effectively and professionally in business situations through physical or virtual presence, writing, speaking, listening, and electronic media.

5. Interpret and analyze accounting information for internal control, planning, performance evaluation, and coordination to continuously improve business processes.

6. Integrate and apply Biblical, ethical, legal, economic and business principles into effective managerial decision-making.

7. Demonstrate the ability to understand and apply traditional theories and concepts of a Christian liberal arts education, equipping students with the knowledge and skills to facilitate intellectual, spiritual, and personal growth, pursue their advanced studies, and improve the world in which they live.

ECON102 helps students learn the basic accounting principles focusing on corporate accounting in order to meet program outcome 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 above.

Course Objectives

After completing this course, students will be able to:

LO1: Identify and apply relevant terminology and concepts to economic issues and problems.

LO2: Describe the main goals and problems in macroeconomic analysis

LO3: Compare and contrast the free market system with other economic systems.

LO4: Analyze the public and private sectors of the U.S. economy and their relationship

LO5: Compare and contrast various macroeconomic theories

LO6: Analyze international economic activity, and use the results to predict the impact on U.S. macroeconomic activity

LO7: Evaluate government macroeconomic policy tools, and explain how they are used to stabilize the national economy.

LO8: Explore the use of models to understand and predict macroeconomic activity

Required Texts

McConnell, C.R., Brue, S. L. & Flynn, S.M. (2009). Macroeconomics: Principles , Problems and policies (18th ed. NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. ISBN:13-978-0-07-556594-7

McConnell, C.R., Brue, S. L. ,Flynn, S.M & Walstad, W. B. (2009). Study guide for use with macroeconomics (18th ed.). NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. ISBN: 978-0-07-336884-9

Writing Resources:

Dalhousie University Libraries. (2009, August). APA Style (6th) quick guide.

University of Akron. (n.d.). Paraphrasing

Guide for Using References:

Use references in the following situations:

1. for documenting facts and data

2. for supporting comments that you make -- for instance if you are talking about leadership, turnover, exit interviews or other HR/business concepts, find peer reviewed articles in the library to support what you say. This tells your reader that you have been researching the literature and that you know others have published articles on these topics.

3. for documenting and supporting statements that could be considered controversial or for which your reader would ask “how do you know that?” This is essential for research papers. You are not the expert in academic essays; you are building on the ideas of the authors and gurus who have published.

4. for documenting quotations (the rule of thumb with quotations is to use only the essential words (3-4 words) in the sentence you are quoting, not the entire sentence, and definitely not paragraphs!) Your originality is challenged the more you quote!!

5. for documenting paraphrases (paraphrases also require a page number) or summaries of ideas from published sources

Recommended Texts

See videos listed below as supplemental resources.

Lectures from Missouri State University on Youtube:

This is a series of lectures by Tom Wyrick from Missouri State University. Each of his lectures provides audio / visual background to help you get oriented to Macroeconomics. His course explains what economics is and what the key elements of Macroeconomics are. Each of his lectures are about 45 minutes. They will provide background and discussion about economics. You will see that there are 39 lectures here. You can choose from among them if you need more information about concepts and themes. Selected videos will accompany our work each week. You are welcome to explore the others as needed. There are also other youtube videos on Macroeconomics that can be very helpful. For those of you who are audio learners, you could access these videos with your Smart Phone, tablet or computer and enhance your learning experience.

Course Outline

|Week |Assessments |Due Date |Est hrs |

|A |Excellent |4.0 |95-100 |

|A- |  |3.67 |90-94.99 |

|B+ |Good |3.33 |87-89.99 |

|B |  |3.00 |84-86.99 |

|B- |  |2.67 |80-83.99 |

|C+ |Average |2.33 |77-79.99 |

|C |  |2.00 |74-76.99 |

|C- |  |1.67 |70-73.99 |

|D+ |  |1.33 |67-69.99 |

|D |  |1.00 |64-66.99 |

|D- |Passing |0.67 |60-63.99 |

|F |Failure |0.00 | ................

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