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Minutes of Regular Meeting

April 7, 2008

The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, April 7, 2008, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina.

Members present: Teddy J. Byrd, Chairman

Beatrice B. Hill, Vice Chairman

Dan B. Andrews

Tim McNeill

Gary House

Staff present: Neil Emory, County Manager

Wm. A. (Tony) Wilder, Assistant County Manager

Dwight W. Snow, County Attorney

Vanessa W. Young, Finance Officer

Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board

Chairman Byrd called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and Commissioner McNeill led the pledge of allegiance and prayer.

Vice Chairman Hill moved to approve the agenda as published with removal of item 4D, Contract with Central Carolina Holdings, from the consent agenda. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The contract will be considered separately.

Upon motion by Commissioner McNeill and seconded by Commissioner Andrews, the Board unanimously approved the following items on the consent agenda:

1. Minutes: Regular Meeting, March 17, 2008

2. Budget amendments:

325 Single Family Housing Renovations (Fund 379-“CP0606”)

Code 379-0000-334.30-64 Single Family SFR CDBG II $400,000. decrease

379-0000-331.30-64 Single Family SFR CDBG II 400,000. increase

327 Fort Bragg Water & Wastewater Project (Fund 568-“PU 0704”)

Code 568-0000-356.91-03 Reimbursement-US Gov. DFAS 1,504,634. increase

568-0000-356.91-02 Reimbursement-PWC

Transition Cost 1,255,366. increase

568-9100-431.33-48 American Water 2,760,000. increase

328 Sheriff’s Department Grants (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-0000-331.51-13 Edward Byrne Justice Grant 13,410. increase

110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance appropriated 1,340. increase

110-5103-420.74-83 Edward Byrne Justice Assistance 14,750. increase

343 Sheriff (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-5100-420.60-31 Gas, Oil & Auto Supplies 62,000. increase

110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 62,000. increase

345 Sheriff (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-5100-420.12-00 Salaries & Wages, p.t. 21,000. increase

110-5100-420.12-00 Worker’s Compensation 315. increase

110-5100-420.32-56 Crime Prevention 2,000. decrease

110-5100-420.43-21 Maintenance & Repair Auto 10,000. decrease

110-5100-420.60-36 Uniforms 3,000. decrease

110-5100-420.60-46 Medical Supplies & Drugs 1,000. decrease

110-5100-420.43-16 Maintenance & Repair Equipment 5,315. decrease

347 Coop. Ext.-Family Child Care Home Licensure

Code 110-7312-465.11-00 Salaries & Wages 478. increase

110-7312-465.21-00 Group Insurance Expense 200. decrease

110-7312-465.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 12. increase

110-7312-465.23-00 Retirement 24. increase

110-7312-465.23-01 Supplemental Retirement 10. increase

110-7312-465.26-08 Worker’s Compensation 10. increase

110-7312-465.32-26 Incentives 4,480. decrease

110-7312-465.41-11 Telecommunication & Postage 1,185. increase

110-7312-465.58-01 Training & Meetings 60. increase

110-7312-465.60-33 Materials & Supplies 1,933. increase

110-7312-465.60-47 Food & Provisions 300. increase

110-7312-465.60-53 Dues & Subscriptions 100. increase

110-7312-465.64-25 Books & Publications 568. increase

348 Coop. Ext.-Child Care Resource & Referral (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-7301-465.11-00 Salaries 7 Wages 120. increase

110-7301-465.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 10. increase

110-7301-465.23-00 Retirement 10. increase

110-7301-465.23-01 Supplemental Retirement 5. increase

110-7301-465.26-08 Worker’s Compensation 5. increase

110-7301-465.60-33 Materials & Supplies 150. decrease

349 Transportation (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-0000-334.55-03 Transportation Assistance-TDP 5,387. increase

110-4650-410.32-70 Capital Assistance-TDP 5,985. increase

110-4650-410.23-01 Supplemental Retirement 598. decrease

350 South Central Wastewater Project (Fund 553-“PU014B”)

Code 553-9100-431.45-02 Utilities Plus 44,943. increase

553-9100-431.45-20 Legal & Administrative 14,057. increase

553-9100-431.45-80 Contingency 59,000. decrease

351 Fort Bragg Housing NTA Project (Fund 561-“PU0601”

Code 561-9100-431.45-02 Caldwell Tanks 1,758,000. increase

561-9100-431.45-30 Engineering 225,000. increase

561-9100-431.45-33 Materials & Supplies 25,000. increase

561-9100-431.45-80 Contingency 87,900. increase

561-9100-431.45-45 Billings & Garrett 5,181. decrease

561-9100-431.45-27 Utilities Plus 1,130. decrease

561-9100-431.90-30 Interfund Transfer-HCDPU 1,029,139. decrease

561-9100-431.90-02 Contributions & Donations-

Bragg Communities LLC 1,060,450. increase

352 Parks & Recreation (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-0000-370.20-00 Loan Proceeds-Capital Lease 73,500. increase

110-8200-450.74-76 Lease-Other Financing Uses 73,500. increase

354 Register of Deeds (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-4800-410.23-09 Register of Deeds-Special 7,095. decrease

110-4800-410.12-00 Salaries & Wages, p.t. 6,500. increase

110-4800-410.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 497. increase

110-4800-410.26-08 Worker’s Compensation 98. increase

357 Cooperative Extension (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-7300-465.32-12 County Fair 5,000. increase

110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 5,000. increase

358 General Services (Fund 110-General (Fund 110-General)

Code 110-4600-410.74-74 Capital Outlay-Equipment 4,000. increase

110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 4,000. increase

3. Tax refunds and releases (Attachment 1)

4. Waive solid waste tipping fee associated with the clean-up of the vegetative waste from the Dunn-Erwin Trail. The City of Dunn is cleaning up a portion of the rail/trail in partnership with Gray Metal South.

5. Authorization for Coats-Grove Fire & Rescue, Inc. to enter into a loan modification agreement with Branch Banking and Trust Company (BB&T) for the purpose of re-financing the fire station loan. This modification agreement affects the same property as the original agreement and deed of trust with BB&T. This motion rescinds action taken by the Board on February 18, 2008, for refinancing of the Coats-Grove Fire & Rescue building and property with First Citizens Bank and Trust Company.

6. Authorization for the Library to donate withdrawn library materials to the Friends of the Library for their annual book sale.

7. Increasing Change Order in the amount of $44,942.80 for Utilities Plus associated with the South Central Wastewater Project. The increase is due to additional materials and a bore that was needed because of a conflict with an existing water line and will be paid from the project’s contingency.

8. Request from Central Carolina Community College for local funding for the purpose of constructing a metal service building on the Harnett Campus. The request requires an appropriation from Fund Balance of $27,000.

9. County Services Summary and Provider Services Summary for Mid-Carolina Area Agency on Aging. Harnett County received a funding increase of $8,159 for FY 2007-2008. The funds will be distributed to Congregate Nutrition ($5,000), and Medical Transportation ($3,159). The total Federal and State Home & Community Care block Grant funding for FY 2007-2008 is $616,457.

10. County Holiday Schedule for calendar year 2009 (Attachment 2)

11. Resolution supporting Criminal Justice Partnership Program (Attachment 3)

12. Authorization for Sheriff’s Department to submit an application for a Criminal Justice Partnership Grant from the North Carolina Department of Correction, Division of Community Corrections. The program this grant funds provides services to sentenced offenders, including GED classes, Life Skill classes and Drug Counseling.

13. Authorization for Sheriff’s Department to use sole source purchasing for Communications International to provide services for fleet map structuring. Funds for this ($19,500.00) were approved in the FY 2007-08 Budget. Communications International currently provides maintenance and programming for the Sheriff’s Department radio system.

Chairman Byrd stated the Board would now consider the item that was removed from the consent agenda. Commissioner McNeill asked to recuse himself from voting on the scrap tire recycling and disposal contract because he is employed by Central Carolina Holdings. Commissioner Andrews moved to excuse Commissioner McNeill from voting on the matter. Commissioner House seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Commissioner Andrews moved to approve a contract with Central Carolina Holdings, LLC for recycling and disposal of scrap tires at a cost of $47.00 per ton, with a freight charge of $130.00 per tractor trailer load. This is a $2.00 per ton increase with freight remaining the same with present contract.

In the informal comment portion of the meeting, Jim Burgin asked for a budget and business plan for the Harnett Health System Hospital project.

Commissioner Andrews moved for the appointments listed below. Commissioner McNeill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Harnett County Public Library Board of Trustees

Margaret House for a 3-year term to expire 01-01-2011

Nominated by Vice Chairman Hill

Mid-Carolina Workforce Development Board

Angie Stewart to finish Randy McLean’s term which will expire 11-30-08

Nominated by Commissioner Andrews

Agricultural Advisory Board

Johnnie Parker, Jr., Commissioner District 2 (House)

Dudley Langdon, Commissioner District 3 (Byrd)

William Dan Andrews, Commissioner District 4 (Andrews)

L. D. Black, Commissioner District 5 (McNeill)

Brent Royals, at-large member nominated by Commissioner McNeill

Charlie McGougan, Marziano & McGougan, PA, presented a Discussion of Bids for Elevated Tank Construction for Fort Bragg Housing Northern Training Area (NTA) Project. Mr. McGougan presented for the Board’s consideration a contract with Caldwell Tanks of Louisville, Kentucky in the amount of $1,758,000, as they were the low bidder on the one million gallon composite tank. This project will be jointly funded from current HCDPU funds for the project and from Bragg Communities, LLC. Commissioner McNeill moved to award the contract as presented contingent upon contract amendments with Fort Bragg. Vice Chairman Hill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 4)

Neil Emory, County Manager, noted that HUD requires each Housing Agency to submit an Annual Plan of action of the upcoming fiscal year. The Annual Plan has been prepared in accordance with current directives and adoption of the annual Plan is in compliance with all requirements as set forth by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Notice was published February 25, 2008, specifying the Annual Plan was available for public review and that a public hearing would be held April 7, 2008. Chairman Byrd called to order a public hearing regarding the matter and opened the meeting for comments. No comments were offered and Chairman Byrd closed the public hearing. Vice Chairman Hill moved to adopt a resolution approving the Plan for operation of Harnett County’s Section 8 House Program. Commissioner McNeill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 5)

Mr. Emory presented for the Board’s consideration a resolution approving financing terms for construction of Angier Elementary School in the amount of $15,000,000. Commissioner Andrews moved to adopt the resolution as presented. Vice Chairman Hill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 6)

Departmental reports were filed with the Board from Animal Control, Veterans Service and Finance Department (Attachment 7)

Mr. Emory noted that Cooperative Extension has requested permission to recruit a full time livestock/agriculture agent. They would like to reinstate a one county full-time agent instead of the current shared position with two other counties, Lee and Cumberland. The Board will consider funding for a full-time position (50% county and 50% state) during the new budget process. However, they authorized advertisement of the position now.

Vice Chairman Hill moved that the Board go into closed session for the following purposes:

(1) To discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of industries or other

businesses in Harnett County;

(2) To consider and give instructions to the County Legal Staff concerning the

proposed settlement of a claim, namely the workers compensation case of

Ricky Bullock vs. Harnett County;

(3) Instruct the County Staff concerning the position to be taken by the county in

negotiating the terms of a proposed contract for the acquisition of real


This motion is made pursuant to NC General Statute Section 143-318.11(a)(4),(3)&(5).

Commissioner McNeill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Vice Chairman Hill moved for the Board to come out of closed session. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Vice Chairman Hill moved to amend the motion to go into closed session to include:

(4) To consider and give instructions to the County Legal Staff concerning the

handling or settlement of a claim.

Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Commissioner House moved to schedule a public hearing at the Board’s next regular meeting, April 21st, regarding proposal for the City of Dunn to become part of the Averasboro Service District. Vice Chairman Hill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

There being no further business, Vice Chairman Hill moved to adjourn. Commissioner House seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners regular meeting, April 7, 2008, adjourned at 10:40 a.m.


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