GSA Advantage!

Professional Services Schedule

Contract Number: GS-23F-0241N

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Contract Period: May 20, 2003 to May 19, 2018


Contractor: McKinley Marketing Partners, Inc.

111 Franklin Street

Alexandria, VA 22314


Telephone: 703.836.4445 

Fax Number: 703.836.4554


Web Site:


Contacts: Susan Aubuchon

703.836.4445 (Voice)

703.836.4554 (Fax)



Business Size: Small Business


McKinley Marketing Partners, Inc. Company Profile

McKinley Marketing Partners is a leading provider of expert personnel and staff in the strategic communications, public affairs and marketing fields here in the Washington metro area. We have been in business since 1995 and have worked with Fortune 1000 companies as well as government agencies, logging over 1 million hours of consulting. In fact, we have repeat business with over 90% of our clients like ExxonMobil, Verizon, Fannie Mae and AOL.

Clients use us for many reasons, often when workload exceeds headcount, for medical leaves, or when specific knowledge is needed and they don’t have that expertise on their team. Our firm is focused on providing our clients the ability to immediately scale personnel with no red-tape. We are as nimble as you require; should your needs change, personnel can come on or off a project at any time – without any penalties or fees.

We have a unique approach in that our base service agreement is free; we don’t require retainer fees or deposits. We also provide flexible, pay-as-you-go pricing. Our personnel bill hourly, only for actual time worked. Our work is guaranteed and we will work closely with you to ensure you are completely satisfied.

We can give this guarantee because we are very selective in our recruiting process; only a small percentage of our applicants are approved as candidates and in most cases our personnel have worked with us for years. As a result, our talent pool is seasoned and our consultants are able to hit the ground running, providing the immediate results you need.


Customer Information

|1a. |Table of Awarded Special Item Numbers with appropriate cross-reference to page numbers: |

| |SIN 541 4A: Page 3 |

| |SIN 541 2RC: Page 3 |

|1b. |Identification of the lowest priced model number and lowest unit price for that model for each special item number awarded in the |

| |contract. This price is the Government price based on a unit of one, exclusive of any quantity/dollar volume, prompt payment, or any|

| |other concession affecting price. Those contracts that have unit prices based on the geographic location of the customer, should |

| |show the range of the lowest price, and cite the areas to which the prices apply. Not Applicable.  |

|1c. |Labor Category Descriptions and Hourly Rates: Page 3  |

|2. |Maximum Order: $1,000,000.00  |

|3. |Minimum Order: $100.00  |

|4. |Geographic Coverage (Delivery Area): Domestic Only.  |

|5. |Point of production: Same as Company Address.  |

|6. |Discount from list prices or statement of net price: Government net prices (discounts already deducted). See the following.  |

|7. |Quantity Discounts: 2% on task order of $225,001.00 or more. |

|8. |Prompt Payment Terms: Net 30 Days.  |

|9a. |Notification that Government purchase cards are accepted at or below the micro-purchase threshold: Government purchase cards are |

| |accepted at or below the micro-purchase threshold.  |

|9b. |Notification whether Government purchase cards are accepted or not accepted above the micro-purchase threshold: Government purchase |

| |cards are not accepted above the micro-purchase threshold.  |

|10. |Foreign Items: None.  |

|11a. |Time of Delivery: As specified on each Task/Delivery Order.  |

|11b. |Expedited Delivery: Items available for expedited delivery are noted in this price list.  |

|11c. |Overnight and 2-day Delivery: Contact Contractor.  |

|11d. |Urgent Requirements: Contact Contractor.  |

|12. |F.O.B. Point(s): Destination.  |

|13a. |Ordering Address: |

| |McKinley Marketing Partners, Inc. |

| |111 Franklin Street |

| |Alexandria, VA 22314  |

|13b. |Ordering Procedures: For supplies and services, the ordering procedures, information on Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs), and a |

| |sample BPA can be found at the GSA/FSS Schedule homepage (fss.schedules).  |

|14. |Payment Address: |

| |McKinley Marketing Partners, Inc. |

| |111 Franklin Street |

| |Alexandria, VA |

|15. |Warranty Provision: Not Applicable |

|16. |Export Packing Charges: Not Applicable.  |

|17. |Terms and Conditions of Government purchase card acceptance: Government purchase cards are not accepted above the micro-purchase |

| |threshold.  |

|18. |Terms and conditions of rental, maintenance and repair: Not Applicable.  |

|19. |Terms and conditions of installation: Not Applicable. |

|20. |Terms and conditions of repair parts indicating date of parts price lists and any discounts from list prices: Not Applicable.  |

|20a. |Terms and conditions for any other services: Not Applicable.  |

|21. |List of service and distribution points: Not Applicable.  |

|22. |List of participating dealers: Not Applicable.  |

|23. |Preventive Maintenance: Not Applicable.  |

|24a. |Special attributes such as environmental attributes: Not Applicable.  |

|24b. |If applicable, indicate that Section 508 compliance information is available on Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) supplies|

| |and services and show where full details can be found (e.g. contractor s website or other location). The EIT standards can be found |

| |at: . Not Applicable.  |

|25. |Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number: 945966802.  |

|26. |Notification regarding registration in Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database: Registered. |

Government Awarded Prices (Net Discount): Labor Category Names and Hourly Rates

|Labor Category |2017 |2018 |

|Sin 541-4A, 2RC | | |

|Coordinator I |$62.00 |$63.86 |

|Coordinator II |$67.00 |$69.01 |

|Coordinator III |$71.00 |$73.13 |

|Manager I |$76.00 |$78.28 |

|Manager II |$80.00 |$82.40 |

|Manager III |$85.00 |$87.55 |

|Senior Manager I |$89.00 |$91.67 |

|Senior Manager II |$94.00 |$96.82 |

|Senior Manager III |$98.00 |$100.94 |

|Director I |$103.00 |$106.09 |

|Director II |$107.00 |$110.21 |

|Director III |$116.00 |$119.48 |

|Principal I |$118.00 |$121.54 |

|Principal II |$127.00 |$130.81 |

|Principal III |$156.00 |$160.68 |

|Principal IV |$230.00 |$236.90 |

 Labor Category Descriptions

| |  |

|Coordinator   |Coordinator I: Scope of work specifies a minimum of 3-5 years of marketing project or analyst experience. |

|  |Coordinator II: Scope of work specifies a minimum of 5-7 years of marketing project or analyst |

|  |experience.  |

|  |Coordinator III: Scope of work specifies a minimum of 5-7 years of marketing project or analyst experience|

|  |with leadership abilities.  |

| |  |

|Manager  |Manager I: Scope of work specifies a minimum of 8-10 years of marketing experience, with at least 5 years |

|  |of project or product management experience.  |

|  |Manager II: Scope of work specifies a minimum of 8-10 years of marketing experience, with at least 7 years|

|  |project or product management experience.  |

|  |Manager III: Scope of work specifies a minimum of 8-10 years of marketing experience with at least 7 years|

|  |management experience in a supervisory or leadership role. |

|Senior Manager  | |

|  |Senior Manager I: Scope of work specifies a minimum of 10-12 years of marketing experience with at least |

|  |3-5 years in a program management or leadership role. (Advanced degree may be substituted for years of |

|  |experience).  |

|  |Senior Manager II: Scope of work specifies a minimum of 10- 12 years of marketing experience with at least|

|  |5-7 years in program management and supervisory roles. (Advanced degree may be substituted for years of |

|  |experience).  |

| |Senior Manager III: Scope of work specifies a minimum of 10-12 years of marketing experience with at least|

| |7-10 years in program management and supervisory roles and progressive experience towards department |

| |leadership roles. (Advanced degree may be substituted for years of experience). |

| | |

|Director  | |

|  | |

|  |Director I: Scope of work specifies a minimum of 3-5 years experience as a department leader or director. |

|  |(Advanced degree may be substituted for years of experience).  |

|  |Director II: Scope of work specifies a minimum of 5-7 years experience as a department leader or director.|

|  |(Advanced degree may be substituted for years of experience). |

| |Director III: Scope of work specifies a minimum of 7+ years experience as a department leader or director.|

| |(Advanced degree may be substituted for years |

| |  |

|Principal  |Principal I: Scope of work specifies a minimum of 3-5 years experience as a senior strategist or marketing|

|  |executive. (Advanced degree may be substituted for years of experience).  |

|  |Principal II: Scope of work specifies a minimum of 5-7 years experience as a senior strategist or |

|  |marketing executive. (Advanced degree may be substituted for years of experience). |

|  | Principal III: Scope of work specifies a minimum of 7-10 years experience as a senior strategist or |

|  |marketing executive. (Advanced degree may be substituted for years of experience). |

|  |Principal IV: Scope of work specifies 12+ years experience as a senior strategist or marketing executive. |

|  |(Advanced degree may be substituted for years of experience). |

Service Contract Act

The Service Contract Act (SCA) is applicable to this contract and as it applies to the entire Professional Services Schedule and all services provided. While no specific labor categories have been identified as being subject to SCA due to exemptions for professional employees (FAR 22.1101, 22.1102 and 29 CFR 541.300), this contract still maintains the provisions and protections for SCA eligible labor categories. If and/or when the Contractor adds SCA labor categories / employees to the contract through the modification process, the Contractor must inform the Contracting Officer and establish a SCA matrix identifying the GSA labor category titles, the occupational code, SCA labor category titles and applicable wage determination (WD) number. Failure to do so may result in cancellation of the contract.


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