Registered chemicals for crops during winter and spring 2020

Winter spring insecticide guide 2020Registered chemicals for crops during winter and spring 2020The pesticides listed in the tables below can be used on any crop appearing on the chemical label, as long as the rate used does not exceed the highest rate that is registered for use on that crop.There are many products with different trade names that contain the same active ingredient. This list is not exhaustive and does not imply any specific recommendations of brand names.Unless otherwise specified all insecticides listed are emulsifiable concentrate (EC). Insecticides with SC are suspension concentrate, WP is wettable powder, WG are wettable granules (water dispersible granules), EW is emulsion, oil in water. Ultra low volume (ULV) insecticides are not listed.Read chemical label before use; check label withholding periods for grazing or hay/silage/fodder production before application. The below information is a guide only. Whilst every care has been taken in preparation of the information some errors or omissions may have occurred.For corrections, inform Svetlana Micic or Alan Lord ( or turn on punctuation if using a screen reader.Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Registered chemicals for crops during winter and spring 2020 PAGEREF _Toc453316530 \h 1Control of cereal pests PAGEREF _Toc453316531 \h 3Control of lupin pests PAGEREF _Toc453316532 \h 4Control of canola pests PAGEREF _Toc453316533 \h 5Control of field pea pests PAGEREF _Toc453316534 \h 6Control of pasture pests PAGEREF _Toc453316535 \h 7Pesticide active ingredient and equivalent trade names PAGEREF _Toc453316536 \h 8Important disclaimer PAGEREF _Toc453316537 \h 9Control of cereal pestsTable 1 Registered insecticides for winter spring cereal pests 2020 (Chemical active ingredient names are listed. Rates are given as millilitres per hectare (mL/ha) unless specified otherwise; g/L refers to grams per litre; g/ha refers to grams per hectare; N/A refers to Not applicable)No dataAphidsRussian Wheat AphidArmywormAlpha-cypermethrin 100g/LBYDV onlyN/A160-240Alpha-cypermethrin 250g/LBYDV onlyN/A96Chlorpyrifos 500g/LN/A600 (APVMA permit 83140)700-900Chlorpyrifos 300g/L + Lambda-cyhalothrin 15.4g/L200 or 300 N/AN/ACypermethrin 200g/L N/AN/A170Cypermethrin 250g/LN/AN/A135Cypermethrin 260g/LN/AN/A130Deltamethrin 27.5g/LN/AN/A500Dimethoate 400g/L500+++N/AN/AEsfenvalerate 50g/LBYDV onlyN/AN/AGamma-cyhalothrin 150g/LBYDV onlyN/AN/ALambda-cyhalothrin 250g/LBYDV only40 (barley & wheat)N/AMethomyl 225g/LN/AN/A1000-1500Permethrin 500g/LN/AN/A100-200Sulfoxaflor 240g/L 50-100*100N/ASulfoxaflor 500g/kg25-50*g/ha50g/haN/ATrichlorfon 500g/LN/AN/A1200Btk [SC] (pest specific)N/AN/A1000-4000Btk [WG] (pest specific)N/AN/A500-2000g/haPirimicarb 500g/kg (pest specific)150-300g/ha225-300g/haN/ADose rates with three plus symbols (+++) indicate 300-500mL/ha of dimethoate may be used up to early tillering. Trial results show that 800mL/ha may be required in advanced high yielding crop.Dose rates with an asterisk (*) indicate the chemical can only be applied up to flag leaf stage.References to ‘BYDV only’ in the table means the chemical can only be applied for the control of cereal aphids in autumn for barley yellow dwarf virus disease (BYDV).Control of lupin pestsTable 2 Registered insecticides for winter spring lupin pests 2020 (Chemical active ingredient names are listed. Rates are given as millilitres per hectare (mL/ha) unless specified otherwise; g/L refers to grams per litre; g/ha refers to grams per hectare; N/A refers to Not applicable)No dataAphidsNative budwormAlpha-cypermethrin 100g/LN/A120-300Alpha-cypermethrin 250 g/LN/A48-120Chlorantraniliprole 350g/kgN/A70g/ha^ Cypermethrin 200g/LN/A120-300Cypermethrin 250g/LN/A120-240Cypermethrin 260g/LN/A115-230Deltamethrin 27.5g/LN/A200-500Dimethoate 400g/L500+ or 800+N/AEsfenvalerate 50g/LN/A130-330Gamma-cyhalothrin 150g/LN/A20Lambda-cyhalothrin 250g/LN/A24Methidathion 400g/L1000+N/AMethomyl 225g/LN/A500-2000Sulfoxaflor 240g/LN/AN/ASulfoxaflor 500g/kg N/AN/ABtk [SC] (pest specific)N/A1000-4000Btk [WG] (pest specific)N/A500-2000g/haHelicoverpa NPV (pest specific)N/A100-375Pirimicarb 500g/kg (pest specific)250-300+g/haN/ASpinetoram 120g/L (pest specific)N/A200-300Dose rates with a plus (+) indicate to check aphid species for rates of chemical (usually higher rates for green peach aphid control).Dose rates with a caret (^) indicate the need to apply with a non-ionic wetting agent.Control of canola pestsTable 3 Registered insecticides for winter spring canola pests 2020 (Chemical active ingredient names are listed. Rates are given as millilitres per hectare (mL/ha) unless specified otherwise; g/L refers to grams per litre; g/ha refers to grams per hectare; N/A refers to Not applicable)No dataAphidsNative budwormDiamond back mothAlpha-cypermethrin 100g/LN/A200-300400Alpha-cypermethrin 250 g/LN/A80-120N/ACypermethrin 200g/LN/A200-250N/ACypermethrin 250g/LN/A160-200N/ADeltamethrin 27.5g/LN/A500N/AEmamectin 17g/LN/A150-300^150-300^Esfenvalerate 50g/LN/A130-330250Gamma-cyhalothrin 150g/LN/A20-3020Lambda-cyhalothrin 250g/LN/A24-3624Methomyl 225g/LN/A500-20001000Sulfoxaflor 240g/L 100N/AN/ASulfoxaflor 500g/kg 48×N/AN/ABtk [SC] (pest specific)N/A1000-40001000-4000Btk [WG] (pest specific)N/A500-2000g/ha500-2000g/haHelicoverpa NPV (pest specific)N/A100-375N/APirimicarb 500g/kg (pest specific)500-1000++g/haN/AN/ASpinetoram 120g/L (pest specific)N/A150^150^Dose rates with two plus symbols (++) indicate that a rate of 200-300g/ha of pirimicarb can be effective for canola aphids.Dose rates with a caret (^) indicate the need to apply with a non-ionic wetting agent.Dose rates with symbol (×) indicate the need to apply with a wetting agent.Control of field pea pestsTable 4 Registered insecticides for winter spring lupin pests 2020 (Chemical active ingredient names are listed. Rates are given as millilitres per hectare (mL/ha) unless specified otherwise; g/L refers to grams per litre; g/ha refers to grams per hectare; N/A refers to Not applicable)No dataNative budwormPea weevilAlpha-cypermethrin 100g/L160-300160-200Alpha-cypermethrin 250 g/L64-12064-80Chlorantraniliprole 350g/kg70g/ha^N/ACypermethrin 200g/L200-250160-200Cypermethrin 250g/L160-200160Cypermethrin 260g/L155-208155Deltamethrin 27.5g/L250-500300-500Emamectin 17g/L150-300^N/AEsfenvalerate 50g/L130-330330Gamma-cyhalothrin 150g/L20-3020-30Lambda-cyhalothrin 250g/L24-3624-36Methomyl 225g/L500-2000N/APermethrin 500g/L150-250N/ABtk [SC] (pest specific)1000-4000N/AHelicoverpa NPV (pest specific)100-375N/ASpinetoram 120g/L (pest specific)200-300N/ADose rates with a caret (^) indicate the need to apply with a non-ionic wetting agent.Control of pasture pestsTable 5 Registered insecticides for winter spring pasture pests 2020 (Chemical active ingredient names are listed. Rates are given as millilitres per hectare (mL/ha) unless specified otherwise; g/L refers to grams per litre; g/ha refers to grams per hectare; N/A refers to Not applicable)No dataAphidsRedlegged earth miteAlpha-cypermethrin 100g/LN/A50#Alpha-cypermethrin 250 g/LN/A20#Bifenthrin 20g/L and chlorpyrifos 500g/L250-375 (lucerne)N/AChlorpyrifos 500g/L200-300140-300Chlorpyrifos 300g/L + Lambda-cyhalothrin 15.4g/L300 or 500150Dimethoate 400g/LN/A55-85Esfenvalerate 50g/L100 (lucerne)50-70 (autumn)Gamma-cyhalothrin 150g/L20 (lucerne)8 (autumn)Lambda-cyhalothrin 250g/L24 (lucerne)9 (autumn)Maldison 440g/L1250N/AMaldison 500g/L1100N/AMaldison 1150g/L500N/AOmethoate 290g/L100100Phosmet 150g/LN/A250-350Pirimicarb 500g/kg (pest specific)100-150g/haN/ADose rates with a pound (#) indicate that the rate will be too low to give good control in bulky spring pastures.Reference to (lucerne) indicate that the rate can only be used on lucerne pasture.Reference to (autumn) indicate that the rate should only be used in pastures in autumn.Pesticide active ingredient and equivalent trade namesTable 6 Pesticide active ingredient and equivalent trade names. List may not be comprehensive – check with your retailerInsecticide group Chemical namesTrade names (list may not be complete - check with your retailer) 1A CarbamatesPirimicarb 500g/kgAtlas, Aphidex 500, Piricarb WG, Piri-Ken, Pirimicarb 500, Pirimidex, Pirimor WG1A CarbamatesMethomyl 225g/LElectra 225, Landrin, Lannate, Lymo,, Mayhem, Metho Insecticide, Methomyl, Nudrin, Pirate, Seneca Insecticide, Sinmas, ThanosVitnam1B Organophosphates Chlorpyrifos 500g/LArysta LifeScience Chlorpyrifos 500, Chlorpyrifos, Chemicide, Chlorban, Chlorpos, Chlorpyrifos 500, Chop 500, Cobalt (also contains group 3A Lamda-cyahlothrin15.4g/L), , Cuft, Cyren , Dingo Fortune 500, Generifos 500, Pest Controller, Kensban, Lorsban 500, Strike-Out, Pyrinex, Pyrinex Super (also contains group 3A bifenthrin 20g/L), Task1B Organophosphates Dimethoate 400g/LDanadim, Decimator, Dimetholinx, Dimethoate, Dimethoate 400, Dimethoate Insecticide, Dimethon, Katar, Rover, Saboteur, Stalk1B Organophosphates Maldison 440g/L or 500g/L or 1150g/LFyfanon 440EW, Fyfanon 500EC, Hy-Mal 11501B OrganophosphatesOmethoate 290g/L Le-mat 290 SL1B OrganophosphatesPhosmet 150g/LImidan1B OrganophosphatesTrichlorfon 500g/LDipterex, Lepidex, Tipster, Trepidex, Tyranex3A Pyrethroids PyrethrinsAlphacypermethrin 100g/LAce, Alf, Alfa, Alpha100, Alpha C, Alpha Cyper, Alpha-Cyp, Alpha-cypermethrin 100, Alpha Duo, Alpha Duop 100, Alphanex, Alpha-Scud Elite, Alphasip Duo, Antares, Annihilate, Astound Duo, Buzzard, Centaur 100, Chieftain Duo, Dictate 100, Dominex Duo, Fastac Duo, Ferocity, Ken-Tac 100, Unichoice1003A Pyrethroids PyrethrinsAlphacypermethrin 250g/LAlphacypermethrin, Alphacyp, Alpha Duo, Alpha Forte, Alphanex, Prevail3A Pyrethroids PyrethrinsBifenthrin 20g/LPyrinex Super (Also contains Group 1B Chlorpyrifos 400g/L + Bifenthrin 20g/L)3A Pyrethroids PyrethrinsCypermethrin 200g/LBoom, Cypermethrin 200, Cypershield, Cyrux, Scud 200EC, Scud Elite, 3A Pyrethroids PyrethrinsCypermethrin 250g/LCyper Plus, Cypermethrin 250, Cyrux, 3A Pyrethroids PyrethrinsCypermethrin 260g/LCypermethrin 260EC3A Pyrethroids PyrethrinsDeltamethrin 27.5g/LBallistic, Deltamethrin Duo, Delta Duo, Decis Options, D-Sect, Deltashield, DiCast3A Pyrethroids PyrethrinsEsfenvalerate 50g/LSumi-Alpha Flex3A Pyrethroids PyrethrinsGamma-cyhalothrinTrojan3A Pyrethroids PyrethrinsLambda-cyhalothrin 250g/LCyhella, Cobalt (Also Contains Group 1B Chlorpyrifos 300g/L + Lambda-cyhalothrin 15g/L), Fizzle, Flipper, Karate Zeon, Kick, Kung Fu, Lambda, Lambdacyhalothrin, Longbow, Matador with Zeon Tech, Miyagi, Taekwando, 3A Pyrethroids PyrethrinsPermethrin 500g/LAmbush, Axe, Hellfire EC, Permekil, Permerid EC, Pounce, Stakeout, Zeeper EC 5 SpinosynsSpinetoram 120g/LSuccess Neo6 AvermectinsEmamectin Benzoate 17g/LAffirm4C SulfoximinesSulfoxaflor 240g/L Or 500g/kgTransform, Transform WG28 DiamidesChlorantraniliprole 350g/kgAltacorBiological controlBtk (Bacillus Thur.)Bacchus WG, Biocrystal, BTK Biological Insecticide, Delfin WG, Dipel DF or SC, Xentari WGBiological controlAmorphous SilicaAbrade (for addition to Bt for use on DBM in canola)Biological controlHelicoverpa NPVArmigen, Gemstar, Helicovex, Vivus, Vivus Max, Vivus GoldImportant disclaimerThe Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and the State of Western Australia accept no liability whatsoever by reason of negligence or otherwise arising from the use or release of this information or any part of it.Copyright ? Western Australian Agriculture Authority, 2020 ................

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