This document lists the eligibility requirements

Latest update: January 12, 2016 – subject to change without notice

This document lists the eligibility requirements for graduating high school seniors.

This is 16 pages long. This is not a locked doc and may be printed in individual pages.

/ accf@

Adams County Community Foundation (ACCF)

Details for Scholarship Requirement

for graduating high school students

Traditional student scholarship applications are due by: 4:00* pm the first Thursday in February of each awarding year

(no exceptions – even if schools are closed due to inclement weather, etc – please plan accordingly)

Scholarships (and eligibility requirements): applications available:

There are several scholarships awarded through the Adams County Community Foundation. On the application Check-Off Sheet submitted, please ‘check’ the scholarships for which you are eligible (this can be obtained at your high school guidance department). Also, be sure to include the Supplemental Eligibility Sheet (also available at your guidance office). The ‘Supplemental’ helps the committees who are following the instructions of scholarships with special requests.

To be eligible, each applicant must submit the 2016 Adams County Community Foundation scholarship application for Traditional students (graduating seniors).

Exception: Trades Application / 2- year degree application: This scholarship application is fewer pages than the 4-year student. This may be obtained at the student’s guidance department or by emailing the ACCF to request this form

Multiple copies: Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and submit the correct number of applications to the ACCF, 102 N. 2nd Street, Decatur, IN 46733. Supplemental materials (essays, proof of attendance, and proof of military association) may be turned in until 4:00 pm the second Thursday in February.

These 15 pages are not a locked document. You may copy individual pages if needed.

New in 2015: numerous new scholarship opportunities are listed, depending upon the committee; this listed scholarship may be awarded in 2016.

Supplemental Material proof: Arven, American Legion, Post #43 (Decatur) and American Legion, Post #468 (Berne), Decatur Vol. Fire Department, Meshberger/LICA, Smith Bros of Berne /

Nick Taylor / Essay: Trooper Elson, Bryan Miller, (the) Nut Tree Reading, Officer Wyss. These are due: by 4:00*pm the 2nd Thursday in February.

The ‘supplemental materials’ refer to the essays, proof of association, etc. This supplemental material may be submitted on the same day as the application; however, please have this material separate from the application as these will be provided to different scholarship committees. Likewise, these essays (Elson, Miller, Nut Tree, Wyss) and proof of military association (Arven, American Legions), proof of employee association (Meshberger/LICA) may be submitted up to seven days later after the application due date.

These items may be put into a single large envelope and brought in to the ACCF or deposited into the mail slot of the ACCF, Madison St. door. Please paperclip like-essays together.

For Your Information (FYI):

When reviewing these scholarship descriptions, the following abbreviations and definitions are commonly used: ACCF: Adams County Community Foundation / A.C.: Adams Central / N.A.: North Adams (Bellmont High School) / S.A.: South Adams. If you have any questions, please call the ACCF at: 260.724-3939 or email: ACCF@

4:00 pm/ Time: The common-time used will be the Decatur Bank and Trust Co./ First Merchant’s recorded call-in time/temp (724-1234) measured by the U. S. Atomic Clock. The ACCF will not accept late applications. In 2011 Adams County experienced a severe ice / snow storm. Many schools in Adams County and the surrounding areas were closed. The due date was not extended. Please plan for circumstances such as this.

Scholarship details are listed by: Title of Scholarship, Eligibility and Student requirements: / Number/Amt awarded in 2015: / Scholarship will be awarded based on: / Who selects the scholarship recipients

* This asterisk means the amount of each scholarship award is subject to change as the amount of the scholarship award is determined by the rate-of-return on investments of the previous year. Exception Lilly Scholarship (p. 2).

Designated scholarship committees will review the applications which the student has indicated he/she is eligible. If a student has any questions about the scholarship requirements beyond these instructions, please contact your high school guidance office or the ACCF office.

The scholarships are listed in this order of eligibility: 1. All Adams County Students eligibility pages: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

2. Adams Central and North Adams eligibility pages: 6, 7, 8

3. Adams Central and South Adams eligibility pages: 9,

4. Adams Central eligibility pages: 9, 10

5. North Adams eligibility pages: 10, 11, 12, 13

6. South Adams eligibility pages: 13, 14, 15, 16

Cover: 1 / 16 pp

All Adams County Students – graduating high school seniors, eligibility

|Title of Scholarship |Eligibility and Student requirements |Number / Amount awarded in 2015: |Special note: |award based on: |scholarship committee |

|All Adams Co. students |Student must (be): | | |ACCF / AHAIN application and | |

|Affordable Housing Assoc | |1 (non-renewable) / $1,000* |ACCF Scholarship Application |housing location of residence. |The AHAIN Scholarship Committee+ |

|Indiana (AHAIN) |* a resident of Indiana / graduating senior from | | |This scholarship has a special |ACCF Representative |

|Ralph Biggs Memorial |an accredited high school (this scholarship is | |Interesting note: This |application process. If you | |

|Scholarship |open to all of Indiana) | |scholarship may be awarded to a |feel you qualify, please | |

| | | |Traditional, On-Track (O-T), or |contact the ACCF for details. | |

| |* student lives in an AHAIN housing | |NonTraditional (N-T) student. | | |

|All Adams Co. students |Student must (be): |1 (non-renewable) / $1,000 each ($500 per | |ACCF Scholarship Application + | |

| |* Adams Co. resident / graduating senior from an |semester) |ACCF Scholarship Application and |Personnel associated West End |The Appelman Scholarship |

|Andy and Bessie Appelman |Adams County High School | |Association West End Employee (as | |Committee + ACCF Representative |

|Scholarship |* Will attend an accredited college this fall | |a current or former employee) |Due date for proof of | |

| |* Priority is given to students with | | |association: by 4:00 the 2nd | |

| |association with West End Restaurant | | |Thursday in February | |

|New in 2014 |Student must (be): | | | | |

|All Adams Co. students |* Adams Co. resident / graduating senior from an |1 (non-renewable) / $500 |Priority is given, but not limited|ACCF Application |The David Baily Scholarship |

|David Baily Memorial |Adams County High School / GED | |to: |and students planning to major |Committee and the ACCF Scholarship|

|Vocational Scholarship |* Plans to attend an accredited 2-year college in | | |in automotive / truck study and|Committee |

| |the fall | |Mechanical / Vocational majors |repair | |

| | | | | | |

|All Adams Co. students |Student must (be): | | | | |

|Adams County Coon Hunters |Priority is given, but not limited to: |1 (non-renewable) / $500 |Priority is given, but not limited|ACCF Application and student’s |The ACCF Scholarship Committee |

|Scholarship |* a resident of Adams County (living in the Adams | |to: majors that best represent |interest in outdoor shooting / | |

| |County School district) | |the spirit of this scholarship |hunting sports | |

|Outdoor Sports interest | | | | | |

| |* student has shown interest in outdoors | | | | |

| |sports such as hunting, trapping, shooting | | | | |

| |sports, etc | | | | |

2 / 16

All Adams County Students – graduating high school seniors (cont)

|Title of Scholarship |Eligibility and Student requirements |Number / Amount awarded in 2015: |Special note: |award based on: |scholarship committee |

|All Adams Co. students |Student must (be): | | | | |

|Ehrman Memorial Vocational |* a resident of Adams County / graduating senior |12 total (non-renewable) / $500 |This scholarship is awarded to |This scholarship is issued | |

|Scholarship |from an accredited high school in Adams County |(4) A.C. |Adams County (and Wells County) |through the Wells County |The ACCF & Wells County Comm. |

|(fund located at the Wells |* Presently (or plans) to attend an accredited |(4) N.A. |students. |Foundation; however, |Foundation Scholarship Committees|

|County Foundation) |college to earn a vocational / 2 year-degree |(4) S.A. |* Students may be eligible either |applications are | |

| |* Financial need is reviewed |This scholarship may be awarded to an alumni |by submitting an ACCF application |accepted at the ACCF | |

| | |(a student currently in college) from each of|or an ACCF Nomination application.|ACCF Application: 2 or 4 year | |

| | |these schools as well. | |degree application will be | |

| | | | |considered. | |

|All Adams Co. students |Student must (be): | |Required composition: |ACCF Scholarship Application + | |

|Trooper Cory Elson Memorial|* a resident of Adams County / graduating senior |1 (non-renewable) / $700* |Trooper Cory Elson |Trooper Cory Elson essay |The Trooper Cory Elson |

|Scholarship |from an accredited high school in Adams County | |essay required |(see essay requirements below) |Scholarship Committee |

|Essay required |* student plans to attend an accredited college or| |(see essay requirements below) | | |

| |university in the fall | | | | |

| |* priority is given but not limited to: plans to | | | | |

| |major in a community service field | | | | |

| |* Complete the essay requirement. | | | | |

Trooper Cory Elson Memorial Scholarship essay requirement

Essay Requirements:

Student must submit 6 copies (total) of the essay to the Foundation. Submit essays separate from your application.

Length / Font: maximum two pages, double spaced, margins: 1” / 12 (maximum), 10 (minimum)

Author: Student’s name, high school, and anticipated college in the upper right corner.

Essay title: Trooper Cory Elson Memorial Scholarship (centered)

Due: by 4:00 pm the 2nd Thursday in February (late essays will not be considered)

* What is community service

* How have you participated in community service, (and)

* How has this community service impacted you?

In this essay, please give personal illustration(s) of how your life (or attitude) resembles these topics given. – max. two pages.

|All Adams Co. students New |Student must (be): | | | | |

|in 2015 |Adams County resident / Adams County high school |1 (non-renewable) / |ACCF Scholarship Application + 4-H|ACCF Scholarship Application |The 4-H Scholarship Committee + |

|4-H / Four-H |Outstanding 4-H member - Final / 10th year |First time award: $TBA |involvement. Summer award during |and 4-H involvement |ACCF representative |

|Scholarship | | |the 4-H Fair | | |

3 / 16

All Adams County Students – graduating high school seniors (cont)

|Title of Scholarship |Eligibility and Student requirements |Number / Amount awarded in 2015: |Special note: |award based on: |scholarship committee |

|All Adams Co. students |Student must (be): | | | | |

|Knights of Columbus |* a resident of Adams or Wells County / graduating|1 (non-renewable) / $500* |ACCF Scholarship Application |ACCF Scholarship Application |The Knights of Columbus |

|Scholarship |senior from an accredited h.s. | | |and the community involvement |Scholarship Committee+ ACCF |

|Association with the local |* Presently (or plans) to attend an accredited | |Interesting note: This | |Representative |

|Catholic Church |college | |scholarship may be awarded to a |* Demonstrate involvement in | |

| |* Male student who is a practicing Catholic | |Traditional, On-Track (O-T), or |the Catholic Church and his | |

| |priority is given but not limited to a member (or | |NonTraditional (N-T) student. |community | |

| |intends to join) the Knights of Columbus | | | | |

|All Adams Co. students |Student must (be): | | | | |

|New in 2015 |* a resident of Adams County / priority is given |1 (non-renewable) / |This scholarship is awarded to |Student’s major field of study:|The Lehman Family Scholarship |

|(Doyle & Anna) Lehman |to a SA senior | |Adams County student. Priority: |vocational study / education, |Committee |

|Family Scholarship |* priority is given to major in a vocational field|First time award 2015: $500 |SA (but also may be awarded to AC |vocational-technical |+ ACCF Representative |

| |of study | |or NA student) | | |

|All Adams Co. students |Student must (be): | | | | |

|Lutheran Hospital School of|* a resident of Adams County / graduating senior |1 (non-renewable) / $500* |This scholarship is awarded to an |ACCF Scholarship Application |The LHSN, Class of 1970 |

|Nursing, LHSN, Class of |from an accredited high school in Adams County | |Adams County student majoring in | |Scholarship Committee |

|1970 Scholarship |* plan to complete a degree in the health-care | |the healthcare field. | | |

| |field from an accredited college or university | |Priority is nursing majors. | | |

| |* Student has worked or volunteered at a health | | | | |

| |care (or related) facility (priority is given but | | | | |

| |not limited to) | | | | |

|All Adams Co. students |Student must (be): | | | | |

|4-H / Mark P. Merkel |Adams County resident / Adams County high school |1 (non-renewable) / $300* |ACCF Scholarship Application + 4-H|ACCF Scholarship Application |The Mark P. Merkel Scholarship |

|Scholarship |or home school graduating senior | |involvement |and 4-H involvement |Committee |

|4-H involvement required | | | | | |

| |Outstanding 4-H member - Final year | | | | |

| |priority is given but not limited: Plans to attend| | | | |

| |Purdue, W. Lafayette, IN | | | | |

|All Adams Co. students |Student must (be): |6 (non-renewable) / $2,500 each ($1,250 per |ACCF Scholarship Application and | | |

|Meshberger / LICA |* Adams Co. resident / graduating senior from an |semester) |supplemental material showing |ACCF Scholarship Application + |The Meshberger / LICA Scholarship|

|Scholarship |Adams County High School |(2) A.C. |proof of |Personnel associated with LICA |Committee + ACCF Representative |

| |* Will attend an accredited college this fall |(2) N.A. |Meshberger / LICA |/ Meshberger | |

| |* Priority: students majoring in engineering |(2) S.A. |Employee Association | | |

| |* association with a Meshberger / LICA |Proof of Assoc. forms are available at the | | | |

| |* Please submit one copy of proof of |high school guidance office or: |Due date for proof of association:| | |

| |Meshberger/LICA association. | |by 4:00 the 2nd Thursday in | | |

| | | |February | | |

4 / 16

All Adams County Students – graduating high school seniors (cont)

|Title of Scholarship |Eligibility and Student requirements |Number / Amount awarded in 2015: |Special note: |award based on: |scholarship committee |

|All Adams Co. students |Student must (be): | | | | |

|Dennis & Sylvia Scheumann |* Adams Co. resident / graduating senior from an |1 (non-renewable) / $500 |All seniors who are interested in |ACCF Scholarship Application + |The Scheumann Family Scholarship |

|Scholarship |Adams County High School / GED | |earning a vocational / 2-year |student’s major |Committee+ ACCF Representative |

|Major: vocational field of|* Plans to attend an accredited 2-year college in |Nomination forms are available through the |degree qualify. | | |

|study |the fall |student’s guidance office or by emailing the | | | |

| |* Priority is given (but not limited to): major: |ACCF to request this form |Submit: An ACCF scholarship | | |

| |vocational education to pursue a job in a | |application or ACCF Nomination | | |

| |vocational area or Healthcare | |Application | | |

|All Adams Co. students |Student must (be): | | | | |

|New in 2014 |*a resident of Adams County and / or a graduating |3 (non-renewable) $1,000* |Nick Taylor essay required |ACCF Scholarship Application + |The Nick Taylor / Smith Brothers|

|Nick Taylor Memorial |senior from an accredited high school in Adams, |($500.00 per semester / 2 sem) |(see essay requirements below) |Nick Taylor essay |Furniture committee + ACCF |

|Scholarship / sponsored by:|Allen, Jay or Wells Counties / Ohio: Mercer, Van |N.A. | |(see essay requirements below) |Scholarship Committee |

| |Wert Counties |S.A. |Priority is given to students who | | |

|Smith Brothers Furniture | | |have proof of association with | | |

|essay required |*student plans to attend an accredited college or |Proof of Assoc. with Smith Bros Furniture AND|Smith Brothers Furniture | | |

| |university in the fall |Essay required for consideration | | | |

| | | | | | |

Smith Brothers Furniture / Nick Taylor Memorial Scholarship essay requirement

Essay Requirements:

Student must submit 6 copies (total) of the essay to the Foundation. Submit essays separate from your application.

Length / Font: maximum two pages, double spaced, margins: 1” / 12 (maximum), 10 (minimum)

Author: Student’s name, high school, and anticipated college in the upper right corner.

Essay title: Nike Taylor Memorial Scholarship (centered)

Due: by 4:00 pm the 2nd Thursday in February (late essays will not be considered)

Note to applicant: When evaluating the Nick Taylor essays, the selection committee will look for the description of behavior or the lifestyle of the applicant. The scholarship committee will review how an applicant handled a situation and/or how the applicant possesses one or more of the key qualities and values admired in Nick Taylor. Applicants may choose to address and give examples using one or two of the following qualities/values:

Served Others: Nick worked hard while serving others. He was selfless and giving. He did not seek undue recognition for his kindness and compassion for others.

Strong Faith: Nick had an attitude that shared his commitment to God and devotion to his faith.

Dedicated to Family: Nick’s family was a top priority, and he loved them infinitely. He treasured every minute with them.

In this essay, please give personal illustration(s) of how your life resembles Nick’s, and /or an example of how your attitude, and / or life experiences best parallels these endearing values described. For a completed essay, please address only one or two virtues in your essay – max. two pages.

5 / 16

All Adams County Students – graduating high school seniors (cont)

|All Adams Co. students |Student must (be): | | | | |

|Officer Jerry Wyss Memorial|*a resident of Adams County / graduating senior |1 (non-renewable) $1,500* |Officer Jerry Wyss essay required |ACCF Scholarship Application + |The Wyss Scholarship committee + |

|Scholarship |from an accredited high school in Adams County |($750.00 per semester / 2 sem) |(see essay requirements below) |Officer Jerry Wyss essay |ACCF Scholarship Committee |

|essay required | | | |(see essay requirements below) | |

| |*student plans to attend an accredited college or | | | | |

| |university in the fall | | | | |

Officer Jerry Wyss Memorial Scholarship essay requirement

Essay Requirements:

Student must submit 6 copies (total) of the essay to the Foundation. Submit essays separate from your application.

Length / Font: maximum two pages, double spaced, margins: 1” / 12 (maximum), 10 (minimum)

Author: Student’s name, high school, and anticipated college in the upper right corner.

Essay title: Officer Jerry Wyss Memorial Scholarship (centered)

Due: by 4:00 pm the 2nd Thursday in February (late essays will not be considered)

Note to applicant: When evaluating the Officer Jerry Wyss essays, the selection committee will look for the description of behavior or the lifestyle of the applicant. The scholarship committee will review how an applicant handled a situation and/or how the applicant possesses one or more of the key qualities and values admired in Jerry Wyss. Applicants may choose to address and give examples using one or two of the following qualities/values:

Hard-working: Jerry worked hard in every thing he did. He did not shy away from hard work, and he did not seek undue recognition or sympathy for it; Jerry’s perseverance paid off for him on many occasions.

Positive Outlook: Jerry had an attitude that integrated fun into everything he did, whether it was work or play. He made hard work enjoyable, recreation was pleasant, and he remained upbeat and didn’t dwell so such matters when things did not go his way.

Loyalty: Jerry was a loyal friend that could always be depended on to jump into action, even if it was inconvenient for him (outside of work) or dangerous for him (while on duty). He would not betray the trust between friends.

Dedicated to Family: Jerry’s family was at the top of his life and he loved them fiercely. He looked forward to every minute spent with them, and would conscientiously look after extended family members.

In this essay, please give personal illustration(s) of how your work ethic resembles Jerry’s, and /or an example of how your attitude, and / or life experiences best parallels these endearing values describing Jerry’s qualities. For a completed essay, please address only one or two virtues in your essay – max. two pages.

All Adams County Students – Note, this Scholarship is not limited to Adams County

New in 2016: Paul W. Zurcher Memorial Scholarship

Instructions and Information for the Z Fund Scholarship (this proof of association is included in the application)

Applicants will show how they live out Paul’s Nine Commitments (see application) through school, church or community activities, work experience, or family involvement. Applicants must show a connection to the Best-One Tire & Service group (Best-One employee or employee’s spouse/child/dependent). Scholarships may be awarded to students seeking two- or four-year degrees or post-secondary vocational training.

To access the Paul W. Zurcher application: / Scholarships / the ‘Z’ Fund application (this is an electronic submission)

2015-2016 Two Adams County Schools

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Adams Central and North Adams eligibility (specifically)

|Title of Scholarship |Eligibility and Student requirements |Number / Amount awarded in 2015: : |Special note: |award based on: |scholarship committee |

|AC / NA students |Student must (be): | | | | |

|Dixie (Harvey) Arven |*a resident of Adams County / graduating senior: |1 (non-renewable) / $500* |Applicant is a Military Veteran’s |ACCF Application + required |The Dixie (Harvey) Arven |

|Memorial Scholarship |Adams Central / North Adams H.S. | |descendent |material submitted |Scholarship Committee |

|Military Association | |Proof of Assoc forms are available at the | | | |

| |* applicant is a Military Veteran’s descendent |students guidance office or by emailing the | | | |

| |*Please submit one copy of proof of military |ACCF to request this form. | | | |

| |association separate from your application. | | | | |

|AC / NA students |Student must (be): | |Priority is given but not limited | |AC: The Barkley-Pettibone Sch. |

|Barkley - Pettibone |* a resident of Adams County / graduating senior: |2 scholarships awarded: $500 |to: |ACCF Application |Comm + AC administration |

|Scholarship |Adams Central / North Adams H.S. |(1) AC |AC: high academics, financial | |NA: The Barkley-Pettibone Sch. |

| |* Will attend an accredited college this fall |(1) NA |need is reviewed | |Comm + NA administration |

| |* note: there are two separate eligibility | |NA: high academics, recognized | | |

| |requirements listed | |athlete | | |

|AC / NA students |Student must (be): | | | | |

|Decatur Volunteer Fire |* a resident of Adams County / graduating senior: |2 (non-renewable) / $500* |Student’s class attendance is |ACCF Application + required |DVFD Scholarship Committee |

|Department Scholarship |Adams Central / North Adams H.S. |(1) AC |reviewed |material submitted |selects top candidates while ACCF|

|Community Association |* plans to attend an accredited college in fall |(1) NA |Student’s financial status is | |Scholarship Committee makes final|

| |Priority is given but not limited to: a descendent| |reviewed | |selection. |

| |or associated with community service personnel. |Proof of Assoc. forms are available at the |Please submit one copy of proof of| | |

| |Ex: Fire Depart, Police Depart, Emergency / EMS |high school guidance office or: |community service association. | | |

| |Department descendent | | | | |

| | |. | | | |

|AC / NA students |Student must (be): |1 (non-renewable) scholarship/ | | | |

|Master’s Heating & Cooling |* a resident of Adams County / graduating senior: |no award in 2015 |Plans to attend an accredited |ACCF Application: 2 or 4 year |The ACCF Scholarship Committee |

|/ |Adams Central / North Adams H.S. |In 2016: $400 |vocational or 2-year college in |degree application will be | |

|Mark Bulmahn |* Will attend an accredited college this fall |Nomination forms are available at the |the fall |considered. | |

|Scholarship | |student’s guidance office or by emailing the | | | |

| | |ACCF | | | |

|AC / NA students |Student must (be): | | | | |

|Bryan Miller Memorial |* a resident of Adams County / graduating senior: |Multiple awards in 2015: |Priority is given but not limited |ACCF Application and essay |The Bryan Miller family + ACCF |

|Scholarship |Adams Central / North Adams H.S. |3 (non-renewable) / $1,000* each, |to: Community Service involvement |review |representatives |

|Community Association |* plans to attend an accredited college in fall |(1) AC |(see essay requirements below) |Student’s involvement in their | |

|essay required |* Complete the essay requirement |(2) NA | |church, youth group, and | |

| | | | |student has shown strong moral| |

| | | | |values | |

7 / 16

Bryan James Miller Memorial Scholarship essay requirement

Essay Requirements:

Student must submit 6 copies (total) of the essay to the Foundation. Submit essays separate from your application.

Length / Font: maximum two pages, double spaced, margins: 1” / 12 (maximum), 10 (minimum)

Author: Student’s name, high school, and anticipated college in the upper right corner.

Essay title: Bryan James Miller Memorial Scholarship (centered)

Due: by 4:00 pm the 2nd Thursday in February (late essays will not be considered)

Note to applicant: When evaluating the Bryan James Miller essays, the selection committee will look for the description of behavior or the lifestyle of the applicant. The scholarship committee will review how an applicant handled a situation and/or how the applicant possesses one or more of the key qualities and values admired in Bryan. Applicants may choose to address and give examples using one or two of the following qualities/values:

Faith: Bryan had a very strong faith and was involved in his church’s youth ministry programs. Give an example of how your faith has impacted your life.

Honesty: Bryan’s strong morals and integrity were admirable. Give an example of an experience you had that questioned your honesty, but you made a good choice to exercise honesty & integrity.

Humor: Bryan’s friends often shared stories of Bryan’s humor and wit. Courteous or polite humor is a trait often appreciated. Describe an example of an incident where you exercised good-taste

in a humorous situation.

Family and friends: Bryan’s was very close to his family and friends. Rarely would he be alone. He loved his parents, sister, grandparents and friends. His family treasured the time they spent together.

In this essay, please give personal illustration(s) of how your life resembles Bryan’s, and /or an example of how your attitude, and / or life experiences best parallels these endearing values describing Bryan’s qualities. For a completed essay, please address only one or two virtues in your essay – max. two pages.

Adams Central and North Adams eligibility (continued)

|Title of Scholarship |Eligibility and Student requirements |Number / Amount awarded in 2015: |Special note: |award based on: |scholarship committee |

|AC / NA students | | | | | |

|New in 2015 |Student must (be): |1 (non-renewable) / |St. Joseph Alumni |ACCF Application |The Smith Scholarship |

|Medford and Shirley Smith |* a resident of Adams County (student has attended|First time award: $TBA |Minimum 3.0 GPA | |Committee + ACCF representative |

|Scholarship |St. Joseph School, Decatur) / graduating senior | |Plans to attend an Indiana 2- or | | |

| |from AC or NA High School | |4-year college | | |

|AC / NA students | | | | | |

|Elizabeth |Student must (be): |1 (non-renewable) / $500 |Major: Education / Journalism |ACCF Application |The Liz Souder Scholarship |

|‘Liz’ Souder Memorial |* a resident of Adams County (living in the AC or | | | |Committee + ACCF representative |

|Scholarship |NA School districts) / graduating senior from AC | |New this year: a scholarship to be| | |

| |or NA High School | |awarded to an AC and NA senior | | |

| |* Major: Education or Journalism | | | | |

|AC / NA students |Student must (be): | | | | |

|New in 2015 |* a resident of Adams County (living in the AC, NA|1 (non-renewable) / |Major: Vocational occupation / |ACCF Application |The Sprunger Family Scholarship |

|Richard ‘Hap’ Sprunger |School districts) / graduating senior from A.C. or|First time award: $TBA |2-year degree | |Committee + ACCF representative |

|Memorial Scholarship |N.A. High Schools | |Has experienced or overcome | | |

| |AC and NA eligible | |hardship | | |

8 / 16

Adams Central and South Adams eligibility (specifically):

|Title of Scholarship |Eligibility and Student requirements |Number / Amount awarded in 2015: |Special note: |award based on: |scholarship committee |

|A.C. Students only |Student must (be): | | Student plans to attend college | | |

| |* a resident of Adams County (living in the AC/SA |1 (non-renewable) / $500. |this coming fall |ACCF Application |The Gilbert Family + ACCF |

|Katelyn Gilbert Memorial |School district) / graduating senior from AC or SA| | | |representative |

|Scholarship |High School | |Student financial need is reviewed| | |

| |* Major: Education (health care may be | | | | |

| |considered) | | | | |

|AC / SA students |Student must (be): | | | | |

| |* a resident of Adams County / graduating senior: |2 (non-renewable) / $500. |Priority is given to: students who|ACCF Application and essay |The Nut Tree Scholarship |

|Nut Tree Reading |Adams Central / South Adams H.S. |AC: $500 |have shown reading has impacted |(topic below) |Committee + ACCF representatives |

|Scholarship |* plans to attend an accredited college in fall |SA: $500 |their lives. | | |

|essay required | | |Essay reviewed | | |

(the) Nut Tree Reading Scholarship essay requirement

Essay Requirements:

Student must submit 6 copies (total) of the essay to the Foundation. Submit essays separate from your application.

Length / Font: maximum two pages, double spaced, margins: 1” / 12 (maximum), 10 (minimum)

Author: Student’s name, high school, and anticipated college in the upper right corner … Specifically, upper right side.

Essay title: How Reading Has Impacted My Life (centered) …..... Specifically, centered

Due: by 4:00 pm the 2nd Thursday in February (late essays will not be considered)

For example, (but not limited to): You may opt to use these suggestions only to springboard into the topic of your choice

1. Have you learned a life’s lesson through your reading experiences? If yes, how?

2. Was there a book you read that you felt compelled to share with a friend? If yes, what book and why.

3. Has reading helped you to form the educational goals you have set for yourself? If yes, how?

4. What books draw your attention? Why?

Note to applicant: When evaluating The Nut Tree Reading essays, the selection committee will look for the applicant’s description of behavior or the lifestyle as it relates to the applicant’s reading.

In this essay, please give personal illustration(s) of how your life has been impacted by reading. For a completed essay, please address only one or two examples in your essay – max. two pages.

2015-2016 Individual Adams County Schools

Adams Central eligibility

Adams Central students are reminded that they are to submit the ACCF scholarship application to be eligible for these AC scholarships. Adams Central Scholarship Committee requires a separate application for scholarships as determined by the Adams Central Scholarship committee (with a different due date). Be sure to contact the AC Guidance office for details.

9 / 16

Adams Central eligibility continued

|Title of Scholarship |Eligibility and Student requirements |Number / Amount awarded in 2015: |Special note: |award based on: |scholarship committee |

|A.C. Students only |Student must (be): | | | | |

| |* a resident of Adams County / graduating senior |1 (non-renewable) / $350* |Priority is given, but not limited|ACCF Application + student’s |The Encore Scholarship Committee +|

|Encore Scholarship (memory |from Adams Central High School | |to: Music / Vocal / Instrumental/|involvement in performance |ACCF representatives |

|of | | |Drama |events | |

|Theodore Heller) |Priority given but not limited to: applicant | | | | |

| |plans to major in the Performing Arts: Music, | | | | |

| |Vocal, Instrumental, Drama in the fall | | | | |

|A.C. Students only |Student must (be): | | | | |

| |* a resident of Adams County (living in the Adams |1 (non-renewable) / $500 |Priority major: Music, |ACCF Application |The ACCF Scholarship Committee |

|John A. Geimer Memorial |Central School district) / graduating senior from | |Communications, Political Science,|+ student’s major field of | |

|Scholarship |A.C. High School | |U.S History |study | |

|A.C. Students only |Student must (be): | | | | |

| |* a resident of Adams County (living in the Adams |1 (non-renewable) / $500. |In memory of their three children:|ACCF Application |The Kipfer Family + ACCF |

|Kipfer Family Memorial |Central School district) / graduating senior from | | |+ student’s involvement |representative |

|Scholarship |A.C. High School | |Seth (age: 6 months) |in Band and/or 4-H | |

| |* Major: Education (health care may be | |Sierria (at birth) | | |

| |considered) | |Kayla (age: 11 years) | | |

North Adams (NA) eligibility

NA students are reminded that they are to submit the ACCF scholarship application to be eligible for these NA scholarships and all other scholarships as determined by the NA Scholarship committee.

|Title of Scholarship |Eligibility and Student requirements |Number / Amount awarded in 2015: |Special note: |award based on: |scholarship committee |

|N.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | | |

| |* a resident of Adams County / graduating senior |1 (non-renewable) / $500* |student has worked in the |ACCF Application |The Bird-Walter Family Scholarship|

|(Travis Bird-John Walther) |from North Adams High School | |performing arts and / or music |+ performance / music involved |Committee + ACCF rep. |

|Bird-Walther Memorial | | |field | | |

|Scholarship |Priority is given, but not limited to: | | | | |

| |* student has worked in the music and / or | | | | |

| |performing arts field | | | | |

10 / 16

North Adams eligibility (continued)

|Title of Scholarship |Eligibility and Student requirements |Number / Amount awarded in 2015: |Special note: |award based on: |scholarship committee |

|N.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | | |

|New in 2015 |* a resident of Adams County / graduating senior |1 (non-renewable) / |major : engineering |ACCF Application |The Brune Family Scholarship |

|(Charlie & Jean Porter) |from North Adams High School |2015, First time award: $500 |Above average GPA | |Committee + ACCF representative |

|Brune Engineering |Priority is given: | | | | |

|Scholarship |*major: engineering | | | | |

|N.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | | |

| |* a resident of Adams County / graduating senior |1 (non-renewable) / $350 |major: nursing / healthcare |ACCF Application + |The ACCF Scholarship Committee |

|Fern Dierkes Memorial |from North Adams High School | | |Healthcare major, financial | |

|Nursing Scholarship |* major: nursing / healthcare |major: nursing | |need | |

| |demonstrate financial need | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|N.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | | |

| | |9 (some were renewable) / |Note: This scholarship is based |ACCF Application + financial |The Forst Memorial Scholarship |

|Don and Helen Forst |* a resident of Adams County / graduating senior | |on financial need. Should a Forst|need |Committee |

|Memorial Scholarship |from North Adams High School |These are in varying levels of awards $500 - |scholar be awarded other |This scholarship will be | |

|Financial need | |$1,500 |significant scholarships, the |awarded in July by the ACCF | |

| |* demonstrates financial need | |Forst scholarship may be revoked |office. | |

| | | |if financial need cannot be shown.| | |

|N.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | | |

| | | |Priority is given (but not limited|ACCF Application: 2 or 4 year |Fruechte Farms Scholarship |

|Fruechte Farms Scholarship |* Adams Co. resident / graduating senior from the |2 or 3 (non-renewable) / $250 |to) student s majoring in or |degree application will be |Committee + ACCF Representative |

|formerly: |North Adams High School / GED | |working toward an Ag related |considered. | |

|North Adams Vocational |* Plans to attend an accredited 2-year college in |Nomination forms are available through the |2-year degree |+ student’s major | |

|Scholarship |the fall |student’s guidance office or by emailing the | | | |

| | |ACCF to request this form | | | |

| |* Priority is given (but not limited to): major: | | | | |

| |vocational education to pursue a job in a voc’l |Major: Vocational occupation desired | | | |

| |area | | | | |

|N.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | | |

| | |1 (non-renewable) / $500.* |Priority is given but not limited |ACCF Application: 2 or 4 year |The Rick Girod Memorial |

|Rick Girod Memorial |* a resident of Adams County / graduating senior | |to a vocational student |degree application will be |Scholarship Committee + ACCF |

|Scholarship |from North Adams High School | | |considered. |representatives |

|Work ethic reviewed | | | | | |

| |* work ethic is reviewed | | | | |

11 / 16

North Adams eligibility (continued)

|Title of Scholarship |Eligibility and Student requirements |Number / Amount awarded in 2015: : |Special note: |award based on: |scholarship committee |

|N.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | | |

|Meghan Hormann Memorial |* a resident of Adams County / graduating senior |1 (non-renewable) / $1,000* |student has worked in the music |ACCF Application |The Meghan Hormann Memorial |

|Scholarship |from North Adams High School | |field and/or plans to major (or |+ musically involved |Scholarship Committee + ACCF rep. |

| | | |minor) in music | | |

| |Priority is given, but not limited to: | | | | |

| |* student has worked in the music field and/or | | | | |

| |plans to major (or minor) in music | | | | |

|N.A. Students only | | | | |The McConnell Scholarship |

|New in 2015 |Student must (be): |1 (non-renewable) / |Priority is given but not limited |ACCF Application |Committee + ACCF Representatives |

| |* a resident of Adams County / graduating senior | |to a business or healthcare |+ major: business or healthcare| |

|Kenneth/ Geraldine |from North Adams High School |2015 First time award: $TBA |student | | |

|McConnell Memorial |*student plans to major in business or healthcare | | | | |

|Scholarship | | | | | |

|N.A. Students only |Student must (be): |1 (non-renewable) / $500* |former St. Joe student |ACCF Application |The Rosanne Miller Scholarship |

| |* a resident of Adams County / graduating senior | |The ACCF provides the Miller |+ St. Joseph School attendance|Committee + ACCF Representatives |

|Rosanne Miller Memorial |from North Adams High School |Priority given but not limited to: |family with a roster of the St. | | |

|Scholarship |*applicant attended the St. Joe Catholic |* student plans to major in a health, |Joe 8th grade graduating class of | | |

|former St. Joe students |School, Decatur, IN. |medical, or social sciences field |this year’s seniors. If an | | |

| | |* student plans to attend an in-state |applicant did not attend St. Joe | | |

| | |accredited college or university |their 8th grade year, they must | | |

| | | |provide proof of attendance. | | |

|N.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | |The ACCF Scholarship Committee |

| |* a resident of Adams County / graduating senior |1 (non-renewable) / $750* |Priority given (but not limited |ACCF Application | |

|Donald ‘Don’ Ray Memorial |from North Adams High School | |to) to a student majoring in the | | |

|Scholarship |* Financial need is considered | |business field | | |

| |* Student plans to attend an in-state accredited | | | | |

| |college or university | | | | |

|N.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | | |

| |* a resident of Adams County / a graduating senior|1 (non-renewable) / $500 |Interesting note: This |ACCF Application |The Sandy Sailsbery Scholarship |

|Sandy Sailsbery Memorial |from North Adams High School | |scholarship may be awarded to a | |Committee |

|Scholarship |Priority given but not limited to: | |Traditional (T), On-Track (OT), or| | |

| |* Northwest Ele. School Assoc. (priority) | |NonTraditional (NT) student. | | |

| |* an Education major | | | | |

12 / 16

North Adams eligibility (continued)

|Title of Scholarship |Eligibility and Student requirements |Number / Amount awarded in 2015: |Special note: |award based on: |scholarship committee |

|N.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | |The Emily Wilder Family |

| | |1 (non-renewable) / $500 |Major: Education or healthcare |ACCF Application |Scholarship Committee + ACCF |

|Emily C. Wilder Memorial |* a resident of Adams County / a graduating senior| | | |representative |

|Scholarship |from North Adams High School |Major: Education or healthcare major | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |*major: Education / healthcare major | | | | |

South Adams eligibility

SA students are reminded that they are to submit the ACCF scholarship application to be eligible for these SA scholarships and all other scholarships as determined by the SA Scholarship committee.

|Title of Scholarship |Eligibility and Student requirements |Number / Amount awarded in 2015: |Special note: |award based on: |scholarship committee |

|S.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | |The South Adams Scholarship |

| |* a resident of Adams County / a graduating |1 (non-renewable) / $500 |Major: business |ACCF Application |Committee |

|Herman Bixler Memorial |senior from South Adams High School | |Priority given but not limited to: | | |

|Scholarship |* student plans to major in a business field | |student is involved in golf | | |

|S.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | |The Drake Scholarship Committee + |

|New in 2015 |* a resident of Adams County / a graduating |1 (non-renewable) / |Major: business |ACCF Application |ACCF representative |

|Gregory Drake Memorial |senior from South Adams High School |2015 First time award: $500 | | | |

|Scholarship |* student plans to major in a business field | | | | |

13 / 16

South Adams eligibility (continued)

|Title of Scholarship |Eligibility and Student requirements |Number / Amount awarded in 2015: |Special note: |award based on: |scholarship committee |

|S.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | | |

| |* a resident of Adams County / a graduating |2 (non-renewable) / $500 |Student lives in the southern part |ACCF Application |The Geneva Proud Scholarship |

|Geneva Proud Scholarship |senior from South Adams High School | |of Adams County | |committee |

| | | | | |+ ACCF representative |

| |* lives in zip code area: 46740 | | | | |

|S.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | | |

| |* a resident of Adams County / a graduating |1 (non-renewable) / $500 |Major: Sports related field |ACCF Application |The South Adams Scholarship |

|David Habegger Memorial |senior from South Adams High School | | | |Committee |

|Scholarship |* major: student plans to major in a sports | |involvement: student has been | | |

|Sports related field |related field (ex. sports medicine, sports | |involved in sports | | |

| |broadcasting, etc) | | | | |

|S.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | | |

| |*a resident of Adams County living in the South |1 (non-renewable) / $500 |Priority is given to: |ACCF Application |The South Adams Scholarship |

|Derryl Lehman Memorial |Adams School district (to include home school | |Major: agri-business | |Committee |

|Scholarship |students) | | | | |

|Major: agri-business |* major: agri-business, agriculture related | | | | |

| |* Priority but not limited to: plans to pursue a | | | | |

| |occupation in agriculture | | | | |

|S.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | | |

|New in 2016 |*a resident of Adams County living in the South |1 (non-renewable) |GPA reviewed |ACCF Application + |The ACCF Scholarship Committee |

|(Brad & Sherry) |Adams School district (to include home school |2016 First time award: $TBA |proven life style that reflects |Student’s involvement in school| |

|Lehman Family / |students) | |kindness & compassion |activities and their community | |

|Excel Scholarship | | | | | |

| | | |Financial need is reviewed | | |

|S.A. Students only |Student must (be): | |Major: education- working with | | |

|New in 2015 |*a resident of Adams County living in the South |1 (non-renewable) / |students with challenges, health |ACCF Application |The Lehman Family Scholarship |

|Jessica Lehman Memorial |Adams School district |2015 First time award: $1,000 |care- therapeutic care, | |Committee + ACCF representative |

|Scholarship |* major: education, health care, social work | |rehabilitation, social work- case | | |

| | | |management | | |

|S.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | |South Adams Scholarship Committee |

| |* a resident of Adams County / a graduating |1 (non-renewable) / $500* |Priority is given to: |ACCF Application |+ ACCF representative |

|Harold and Dora Long |senior from South Adams High School | |education major | | |

|Memorial Scholarship | | | | | |

|major: education |* major field of study: education | | | | |

14 / 16

South Adams eligibility (continued)

|Title of Scholarship |Eligibility and Student requirements |Number / Amount awarded in 2015: |Special note: |award based on: |scholarship committee |

|S.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | |South Adams Scholarship Committee,|

|New in 2015 |* a resident of Adams County / a graduating |1 (non-renewable) / |Priority is given to: |ACCF Application |McDonald Committee + ACCF |

| |senior from South Adams High School |First time award: $500 |major: Education | |representative |

|McDonald Family Education | | |(Elementary then secondary) | | |

|Scholarship |* major field of study: education | | | | |

|S.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | |ACCF Scholarship Committee |

|New in 2016 |* a resident of Adams County / a graduating |Note: 2016 |major: business, creative design, |ACCF Application | |

|Peter Minnich Memorial |senior from South Adams High School |1 (non-renewable) / |horticultural or agriculture or | | |

|Scholarship |* major field of study: business, horticulture |First time award: $TBA |creative design | | |

| | |May be multiple awards | | | |

|S.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | |ACCF Scholarship Committee |

|New in 2015 |* a resident of Adams County / a graduating |1 (non-renewable) / |major: visual arts, art-ed., |ACCF Application | |

|Ted Schwartz Memorial |senior from South Adams High School |First time award: $500 |illustration, interior/graphic | | |

|Scholarship | | |design, photography, etc | | |

|S.A. Students only | | | | |The Amy Meyer Scholarship |

|Amy Meyer Memorial |Student must (be): |1 (non-renewable) / $1,000 |Priority is given to: |ACCF Scholarship Application |Committee + ACCF representative |

|Scholarship |* a resident of Adams County / a graduating | |SA female athlete | | |

|female athlete |senior from South Adams High School | | | | |

| |* student is a female athlete | | | | |

|S.A. Students only | | | | |The Morris Scholarship Committee +|

| |Student must (be): |1 (non-renewable) / $1,000 |Priority is given to: |ACCF Scholarship Application |ACCF representative |

|William ‘Bill’ Morris |* a resident of Adams County / a graduating | |SA graduating senior | | |

|Memorial Scholarship |senior from South Adams High School | |*Above average participation in | | |

| | | |beneficial community-related | | |

| |*Potential scholar has an above average GPA | |activities | | |

| | | |*Student has participated in high | | |

| | | |school sports | | |

15 / 16

South Adams eligibility (continued)

|Title of Scholarship |Eligibility and Student requirements |Number / Amount awarded in 2015: |Special note: |award based on: |scholarship committee |

|S.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | |South Adams Scholarship Committee,|

|New in 2015 |* a resident of Adams County / a graduating |1 (non-renewable) / |Priority is given to: |ACCF Application |Speicher Committee + ACCF |

|Phyllis Speicher |senior from South Adams High School |First time award: $250 |major: Education | |representative |

|Scholarship | | |science, math, engineering, computer| | |

|major: education |* major field of study: education | |science | | |

|S.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | |ACCF Scholarship Committee |

|New in 2015 |* a resident of Adams County / a graduating |1 (non-renewable) / |Priority is given to: |ACCF Application | |

|Betty Jean Jones-Seffernick|senior from South Adams High School |First time award 2015 |major : priority is given to a | | |

|Scholarship | |Two awards: $450 each |student majoring in the healthcare | | |

| |* major field of study: healthcare | |field | | |

|S.A. Students only |Student must (be): | | | | |

| |*a resident of Adams County |2 (non-renewable) / $500* |SA graduating senior |ACCF Scholarship Application |The Nick Taylor Family committee|

|Nick Taylor Memorial |*South Adams student | | | |+ ACCF Scholarship Committee |

|Scholarship | |*This scholarship is different from the Nick |TBA | | |

| |*student plans to attend an accredited college or |Taylor / Smith Brothers Furniture Scholarship| | | |

| |university in the fall |for all county students. | | | |

|S.A. Students only | | | | |South Adams Scholarship Committee |

|Kenneth and Eula VanEmon |Student must (be): |1 or 2 (non-renewable) / |Priority is given to: |ACCF Scholarship Application |+ ACCF representative |

|Memorial Scholarship |*a resident of Adams County / a graduating senior|$600.00 - $1,000.00* |Education major | | |

| |from South Adams High School | | | | |

| |major: student plans to major in education | | | | |

FYI: Adams County Community Foundation also offers scholarships for students out of high school. This due date is the first Thursday in June of each year.

This concludes the review of the ACCF Scholarship opportunities for graduating high school seniors. Other scholarship opportunities may be added without notice.

~ end ~ 16 / 16[pic]




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