The Korean American Community Foundation (KACF) was ...

The Korean American Community Foundation (KACF) was founded in 2002 with the vision of strengthening the lives of individuals and families in the Korean American community and beyond. Through grantmaking and other initiatives, the goal was to support community-based organizations that are making a difference.

Since then, KACF has grown to become a trusted source of philanthropy within the Korean and Asian American communities. Equally important, KACF is cultivating a culture of giving and community-building among Korean Americans of all generations.


The Korean American Community Foundation transforms and empowers communities through philanthropy, volunteerism and inter-community bridge building. KACF pursues these goals through grantmaking that promotes self-sufficiency for the underserved and under-resourced, through raising awareness of needs and issues, and by fostering a culture of giving.

1. Grant Information

KACF funds organizations and programs within the greater metropolitan New York area that are focused on helping individuals and families become self-sufficient. The Foundation prioritizes programs that are addressing the critical needs of underserved and under-resourced communities, particularly low-income individuals and families; immigrants; individuals with disabilities and their families; survivors of domestic violence and other forms of violence; the elderly; and disadvantaged youth.

KACF will give priority to organizations that are working with Korean Americans either as a target population or within the larger group of constituents served by the program as well as those organizations that are seeking to outreach to and/or work with the Korean American community

▪ All Community Grants are for a one-year period.

▪ Grantee partner organizations must re-apply each year up to a maximum of 3 consecutive years and then take one-year mandatory “break”. Grantee partners are eligible to apply the following year.

▪ No organization will receive more than one Community Grant from KACF in any one grantmaking year.

▪ Grants typically range from $12,000 to $30,000 per year.

▪ KACF provides general operating and program-specific support. An organization with a budget of $1 million or less may request a general operating or a program-specific support.

▪ The Foundation awards Community Grants once a year.

2. Grant Criteria

KACF will consider organizations that:

▪ Are a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization or have a fiscal sponsor that is 501(c)3;

▪ Are located within the greater New York Metropolitan area (CSMA as defined by the US Government);

▪ Have an operational history of at least 6 months;

▪ Have an established and working Board of Directors; and

▪ Have filed IRS Form 990 and/or audited financials.

3. Grant Priorities

KACF is particularly interested in organizations that:

• Are addressing the critical needs of underserved and under-resourced communities;

• Are providing programs with the intention of helping individuals and families to move towards self-sufficiency;

• Are engaging in partnerships with other community organizations and stakeholders;

• Have quality support services with the intention of providing comprehensive support;

• Have limited access to ongoing traditional funding sources such as foundations, government, corporations, etc.; and

• Are working with Korean Americans either as a target population or within the larger group of constituents served by the organization/program.

4. Funding Restrictions

KACF does not provide funding for:

▪ Individuals;

▪ Capital fund projects;

▪ Endowments;

▪ Fundraising events;

▪ Feasibility studies;

▪ Real estate purchases;

▪ National or international organizations;

▪ Public or private schools, colleges or universities;

▪ Political causes or campaigns to elect candidates to public office;

▪ Programs that do not comply with Federal, state, or local equal employment statues; or

▪ Organizations that are based outside the New York Metropolitan area.

5. Program Areas

KACF will consider organizations working in the following program areas:

Economic Security

KACF supports organizations and programs that are aiming to move individuals and families towards sustained economic security. We are interested in organizations and programs that provide adult education, English as Secondary Language, access to post-secondary education, job training/placement, access to government benefits, financial literacy, and access to affordable housing. Particular consideration will be given to organizations and programs serving recent immigrants.


KACF funds organizations and programs that are working to help individuals and families to improve physical and mental health. The Foundation is particularly interested in organizations and programs that are focused on providing mental health counseling and support services, access to health insurance and benefits, community education on health and wellness, and support services to promote socio-emotional health of individuals with physical, mental and developmental disabilities and their families.

Inter-Community Development

KACF supports organizations and programs that help build bridges of cooperation among the Korean American community and the community at large, including other ethnic communities by promoting understanding and respect, engaging in dialogue about shared agenda, and working together to address issues that affect our collective community. 


KACF supports organizations and programs that are working to help survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and trafficking to achieve emotional and physical safety. We are particularly interested in programs that are focused on counseling, comprehensive support services, and community education and advocacy focused on prevention and victims’ rights.

Senior Empowerment

KACF supports organizations and programs that help seniors become self-sufficient and independent. We are particularly interested in organizations and programs that offer a comprehensive support program that includes but are not limited to English as Second Language, access to government benefits, and group activities that promote socio-emotional and physical well-being. Particular consideration will be given to programs that engage the seniors not as service recipients but as active participants in their community as well as programs that have an inter-generational model.

Youth Empowerment

KACF supports organizations and programs that promote healthy decision-making and a sense of empowerment to young people up to age 21. We are particularly interested in organizations and programs that promote skills-based learning, critical thinking skills, leadership, community service and engagement, and academic achievement, including access to post-secondary education. Additionally, KACF seeks to support program that provides continuity, structure, a sense of group membership, peer learning and opportunities to lead. Particular consideration will be given to programs that serve low-income youth.

6. Submission

To be considered for funding, please 1) mail one original copy of the application packet including the required attachments to the KACF office (address below) AND 2) email the application and attachments as a PDF document to brennan@.

Both the original and email applications must be received at KACF by 5pm, February 17, 2015. The Foundation will NOT accept applications that arrive at the KACF office after the deadline including those with a February 17 postmark. Applications will not be accepted via fax.

The complete application packet should be addressed to:

Brennan Gang

Program Director

Korean American Community Foundation

31 West 34th St., 8th Floor

New York, NY 10001

If you have any questions, please contact Brennan Gang at brennan@ or 646-757-4814.

7. Timeline

|KACF Grant Application Available |Monday, December 15, 2014 |

|Grant Application Deadline |5pm on Tuesday, February 17, 2015 |

|Initial Review Notification |late-March 2015 |

|Site Visits |April – early May 2015 |

|Notification of Grant Awards |June 2015 |

|2015 Grant Year |July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 |

2015 Community Grant Application


|Name of Organization | |

|Korean Name (if applicable) | |

|Address | |

|City | |State | |Zip | |

|Phone | |Website | |

|Executive Director | |

|Phone | |Email | |

|Primary Contact | |

|(if not Executive Director) | |

|Title | |

|Phone | |Email | |

|Organization EIN Number | |Year Founded | |

|2014 Organization Budget (Actual) | |2015 Organization Budget | |

|Start and End of Fiscal Year | |

|Mission Statement | |

|Primary Language of the Organization | |

|Number of Paid Staff | |Number of Board Members | |

|Has the organization applied for a KACF grant previously? | |


|Type of Support (Please check ONLY one) |General Operating | |Program-Specific | |

|Request Amount | |

|Please select ONLY one program area that reflects your funding request. |

|Economic Security | | |Safety | |

|Health | | |Senior Empowerment | |

|Inter-Community Development | | |Youth Empowerment | |

|If applying for a PROGRAM SPECIFIC GRANT, please answer questions below: |

|Name of Program | |

|Program Description | |

|Year Program Started | |Primary Staff Person | |

|2014 Program Budget (Actual) | |2015 Program Budget | |


|Number of people served by organization annually | |

|Number of people served by program annually | |

|(if applicable) | |

|Please list numbers served for below. If applying for program-specific grant, please provide the information for the program AND |

|organization. Do NOT use percentage. |

| |

|Ethnicity |Number |

| |Organization |Program |

|Example: Chinese Americans |30 |10 |

| | | |

|State(s) Served | |

|Boroughs/Counties Served | |

|(Example: Bergen (NJ), Queens (NY)) | |

|Neighborhoods Served | |

|(Example: Ft. Lee, Flushing) | |

By signing below, I hereby authorize Korean American Community Foundation (KACF) to share the information provided on this form and in other documents as required by the grant application with the necessary staff and volunteers who are reviewing the application. I understand that all the information provided will remain under the control of KACF and is subject to the terms of KACF’s Confidentiality Policy.

|Executive Director (print) | |Date | |

|Signature | |

| |

|Board President/Chair (print) | |Date | |

|Signature | |

I. Proposal Summary (one paragraph maximum)

Please briefly explain the purpose of the grant and the outcomes expected to be achieved.

II. Narrative (six pages maximum)

A. Organization Background

• Briefly describe the organization’s history, mission, goals, programs and achievements.

• Describe the makeup and diversity of staff including the skills and knowledge that they bring to the organization/program. Provide the number of paid full-time, part-time, and unpaid staff.

• Describe the roles and responsibilities of the Board. Include Board Committee structure, the frequency of Board meetings and fundraising expectations. Explain how the Board reflects the community being served.

• If applicable, explain roles and responsibilities of volunteers and the number of volunteers engaged by the organization/program.

• Describe formal and informal partnerships with other organizations, and how these partnerships help the organization further its goals. If the funding request involves a direct partnership with other organizations (i.e. any activities that are tied to grant deliverables), please provide a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or a Letter of Support.

B. Statement of Need

• Explain issues/needs that are being addressed and how this issue/need was identified.

• Describe the population being served, including information on socio-economic status, race, ethnicity, age, gender, immigration history, physical ability and language. Please include and cite sources for statistical data.

C. Grant Request

• Describe the program activities for which the funding is requested, including the goal(s) and expected outcome(s) for each of the activities.

• Include the timeline for the program implementation during the grant year July 2015 through June 2016.

• Describe how the KACF funding will be used.

• Describe how the program contributes to the organization’s overall mission.

• Explain how the program is aligned with KACF’s grantmaking priorities.

D. Evaluation

• Explain what data the organization currently collects to assess the effectiveness of its work. Please include the description of the data collection process.

• Describe the expected outcomes and impact for the individual, community and/or systems during the grant year.

E. Technical Assistance Needs

• Describe, if any, technical assistance needs of organization/program.


• Budget Form and Narrative (sample & template provided)

• 2014 Organization Budget (Actual)

• 2014 Program Budget (Actual), if applicable

• 2015 Organization Budget

• 2015 Program Budget, if applicable

• Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Letter of Support from partner organization(s), if applicable

• Most recent audited financial statements or Form 990

• Most current strategic plan, if applicable

• IRS 501(c)3 determination letter or fiscal sponsor agreement with a 501(c)3 nonprofit

• List of Board of Directors and their company affiliations

• Board of Directors by-laws

• One paragraph biographical statements or resumes of key staff, including the Executive Director

Sample Budget Form

If applying for general operating support, please complete the budget form for the organization. If applying for program-specific support, please complete the form for the program.

| | |Total Budget | |KACF Grant |

|Personnel | | | | |

|Executive Director | |$40,000 | |$5,000 |

|(50% of time on program) | | | | |

|Counselor (100% of time on project) | |$50,000 | |$5,800 |

|Fringe (20% of total) | |$8,000 | |$4,000 |

| | | | | |

|Total Personnel | |$98,000.00 | | |

|Other Than Personnel Services (list all) | | | | |

|Rent | |$8,000 | |$2,000 |

|Supplies | |$1,500 | |$1,000 |

|Telephone | |$1,000 | | |

|Travel | |$500 | | |

|Meals | |$200 | |$200 |

|Postage | |$100 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Total OTPS | | | | |

|TOTAL | |$109,300 | |$18,000 |

Please provide a brief budget narrative explaining the expenditures.

The Executive Director will devote 50% of her time to managing staff and fundraising for the program.

The Counselor will spend 100% of his time providing benefits counseling to families and conducting monthly community outreach events

Fringe is 20% of medical, FICA, disability, and other payroll taxes.

ABC program occupies 25% of the office, and the total rent is $32,000. 25% x $32,000 = $8000

A booklet is printed and distributed to every program participant. Each booklet costs about $20 (paper, binder, printing cartridge) and is distributed to 75 families. $20 x 75/ppl = $1500

During the annual half-day retreat for ABC program staff, light breakfast is provided.

Budget Form

If applying for general operating support, please complete the budget form for the organization. If applying for program-specific support, please complete the form for the program.

| | |Total Budget | |KACF Grant |

|Personnel | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Total Personnel | | | | |

|Other Than Personnel Services (list all) | | | | |

|Rent | | | | |

|Supplies | | | | |

|Telephone | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Total OTPS | | | | |

|TOTAL | | | | |

Please provide a brief budget narrative explaining the expenditures.

Sample Funding Sources

If applying for general operating support, please complete the form for the organization. If applying for program-specific support, please complete the form for the organization AND program.

|Funding Source | |

| |2015 KACF Grant Application Form |

| |Proposal Narrative |

| |Budget Form and Narrative (sample & template provided) |

| |2014 Organization Budget (Actual) |

| |2014 Program Budget (Actual), if applicable |

| |2015 Organization Budget |

| |Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Letter of Support from partner organization(s), if applicable |

| |2015 Program Budget, if applicable |

| |Most recent audited financial statements or Form 990 |

| |Most current strategic plan, if applicable |

| |IRS 501(c)3 determination letter or fiscal sponsor agreement with a 501(c)3 nonprofit |

| |List of Board of Directors and their company affiliation |

| |Board of Directors by-laws |

| |One paragraph biographical statements or resumes of key staff, including the Executive Director |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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