Part Two - Sons of the American Revolution

News Releases for Chapter and State Activities


Chapter Meeting Notice

Chapter Election of Officers

Chapter Activity

American History Teacher Award Winner

Knight Essay Contest Award Winner

Rumbaugh Oration Contest Award Winner

Poster Contest Award Winner

Chapters or State Societies may utilize these news releases for various activities. The releases are in a Microsoft Word format so they can be downloaded and each chapter or state can simply fill in the blanks and delete the reference to the information contained within the ( ) as well as the ( ) itself. Chapters may wish to modify or add to the release as necessary. Remember that brevity is the soul of wit and that newspapers are generally looking for short articles, and adding too much may make it too long and therefore not printable.

Good pictures always help get your article published. You can take a digital photograph and e-mail it to the paper or you can have it printed and deliver it by hand with your article.

Chapter Meeting Notice

Sons of the American Revolution to Meet


Revolutionary War Group Meets


History Professor to Speak On Revolutionary War

The (Name) chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) will hold their regular meeting on (Date) at (Time) at (Location). The speaker will be (Name) who is (Title or Occupation) and will speak on (Subject). (Speaker’s Name) is an authority on (Subject) and (Briefly List Qualifications).

Membership in the SAR is open to men who can demonstrate that their ancestor provided active service in the cause of American independence either by serving in the military or in some other significant role.

Goals of the 118 year old patriotic organization include promoting patriotism, and building respect for American history and the founding fathers. The SAR also supports veterans in VA hospitals, the Boy Scouts and ROTC cadets. Awards and scholarships are also given to students who win oration, essay and poster contests on patriotic topics. One of the SAR’s newest programs is to select an American history teacher and send the winner to the Freedoms Foundation Teacher Workshop in Valley Forge, PA.

The (Chapter Name) chapter meets at (Location) on (Meeting Date) at (Time). If you would like to attend the meeting as a guest or if you would like to get more information about the SAR or its activities please contact (Name) at 123-456-7890.

News Release submitted by: (Name) (Chapter Title)

For more information contact me at (Phone Number) or (E-Mail)

Chapter Election of Officers

Revolutionary War Group Elects Officers


Patriotic Group Picks New Leaders

(Hometown) (Occupation) (Name) will be the new president of the (Name) chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR). Mr. (Last Name), a member of the SAR since (Year), has also served as (List Past Offices Held).

Mr. (Last Name), who is a (occupation) will succeed (Name of Outgoing President), a (List Occupation) from (Hometown). Other officers elected at a recent chapter meeting on (Date) were (List Names and Offices).

They will be installed during the (Upcoming Meeting Date) by (Name) who is (List Office) of the parent (State) society of the SAR. The speaker at the meeting will be (name of Speaker) from (Occupation or Organization) who will speak on (Topic).

Membership in the SAR is open to men who can demonstrate that their ancestor provided active service in the cause of American independence either by serving in the military or in some other significant role.

Goals of the 118 year old patriotic organization include promoting patriotism, and building respect for American history and the founding fathers. The SAR also supports veterans in VA hospitals, the Boy Scouts and ROTC units. Awards and scholarships are also given to students who win oration, essay and poster contests on patriotic topics. One of the SAR’s newest programs is to select an American History Teacher and send the winner to the Freedoms Foundation Teacher Workshop in Valley Forge, PA.

The (Chapter Name) chapter meets at (Location) on (Meeting Date) at (Time). Further information about the SAR and its activities are available by calling 123-456-7890.

News Release submitted by: (Name) (Chapter Title)

For more information contact me at (Phone Number) or (E-Mail)

Chapter Activity

Revolutionary War Soldiers March in Parade


Patriotic Group Helps Veterans at VA hospital


Revolutionary War Group Marks Grave

The Color Guard of the (Name) chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) recently marched in the (List Parade or Event). Outfitted in their Revolutionary War regalia, the SAR members were a colorful and popular attraction. The SAR Color Guard participates in many events and members often go to schools to talk about the American Revolution. (If at all possible enclose a picture).


The (Name) chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) recently took supplies to our veterans at the (Name) VA Hospital in (City). Members took books, magazines, toilet articles and clothing to these veterans who are hospitalized. Although the VA provides medical care they do not provide clothing or toilet articles such as shampoo, toothpaste and shaving items.

These veterans, both men and women, many of whom fought in wars for the United States are unable to buy these things for themselves and need our help. The SAR has a very active program dedicated to helping these veterans. If you would like to help please contact (name) at 123-456-7890.


The (Name) chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) recently participated in a celebration honoring the Battle of (List Event) in (Location). The SAR is dedicated to honoring our patriot ancestors who established this country. The Battle of (Name) was an important battle which occurred on (Date of Battle). (Describe in two or three sentences why it was important and what happened).


The (Name) chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) recently marked the grave of a Revolutionary War soldier in (Location). The SAR is dedicated to preserving the memory of our brave Patriot ancestors who fought to establish the United States of America. This patriot was (Name of Patriot) who was from (Location) and fought (List units he fought in, famous commanders he fought for, or famous battles he fought in) After the Revolutionary War he settled in (Location) and died on (Date of Death). (Name of Patriot) was a (Occupation) and (List any notable activity he participated in after the war, or list any famous ancestors, or anything about his family).

If you know of any of your ancestors who were Revolutionary War veterans please contact (Name) at 123-456-7890.

Membership in the SAR is open to men who can demonstrate that their ancestor provided active service in the cause of American independence either by serving in the military or in some other significant role.

Goals of the 118 year old patriotic organization include promoting patriotism, and building respect for American history and the founding fathers. The SAR also supports veterans at VA hospitals, the Boy Scouts and ROTC units. Awards and scholarships are also given to students who win oration, essay and poster contests on patriotic topics. One of the SAR’s newest programs is to select an American History Teacher and send the winner to the Freedoms Foundation Teacher Workshop in Valley Forge, PA.

The (Chapter Name) chapter meets at (Location) on (Meeting Date) at (Time). Further information about the SAR and its activities are available by calling 123-456-7890.

News Release submitted by: (Name) (Chapter Title)

For more information contact me at (Phone Number) or (E-Mail)

Tom and Betty Lawrence American History Teacher Award

Sons of the American Revolution Gives Award to History Teacher


American History Teacher Gets Award From Revolutionary War Group

(Teacher’s Name) who teaches (Subject Taught) to (Class i.e. 8th Graders) at (Name of School) was recently honored by the (Chapter Name) chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution. (Teacher’s Name) was presented with the Tom and Betty Lawrence American History Teacher Award by the chapter. This is awarded to a teacher who has demonstrated creativity and excellence in teaching the American Revolution.

(Teacher’s Name) is a graduate of (College) with a degree in (Subject). He/She has taught in the (Name of School District) for (Number) years and is respected for his/her professionalism and dedication.

Chapter winners compete for the award at the (State Society) SAR convention with the winner competing with other state winners at the SAR National Congress. The national winner will receive a scholarship to the Freedoms Foundation Graduate Teacher Workshop in Valley Forge, Pa.

Membership in the SAR is open to men who can demonstrate that their ancestor provided active service in the cause of American independence either by serving in the military or in some other significant role.

Goals of the 118 year old patriotic organization include promoting patriotism, and building respect for American history and the founding fathers. The SAR also supports veterans in VA hospitals, the Boy Scouts and ROTC cadets. Awards and scholarships are also given to students who win oration, essay and poster contests on patriotic topics.

The (Chapter Name) chapter meets at (Location) on (Meeting Date) at (Time). Further information about the SAR, the American History teacher Award and its activities is available by calling 123-456-7890.

News Release submitted by: (Name) (Chapter Title)

For more information contact me at (Phone Number) or (E-Mail)

Knight Essay Contest Winner

Student Wins Revolutionary War Essay Contest


Revolutionary War Group Selects Essay Contest Winner


Essay Winner Picked by Patriotic Group

The (Name) chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) has selected the winner of their chapter’s Knight Essay Contest. The winner is (Name) who is a (Age) (Grade Level) student at (School). His/Her parents are (Names) and they live in (City).

(Name of Winner) is involved in many school and extra-curricular activities. He/She is involved in (List Winners Activities Such As School, Church, Athletic Etc.) He/She plans to attend (College) after graduation and major in (List Major) or plans a career in (List Career).

The Knight Essay Contest is open to sophomores, juniors or seniors who write an essay about an event, person or ideal associated with the American Revolution or the U.S. Constitution. (Name of Winner) will compete with other chapter winners at the (State Society) convention in (City) in (month). State winners will then compete in the national SAR contest in July (Year) in (City).

Membership in the SAR is open to men who can demonstrate that their ancestor provided active service in the cause of American independence either by serving in the military or in some other significant role.

Goals of the 118 year old patriotic organization include promoting patriotism, and building respect for American history and the founding fathers. The SAR also supports veterans in VA hospitals, the Boy Scouts, and ROTC cadets. Awards and scholarships are also given to students who win oration and poster contests on patriotic topics. One of the SAR’s newest programs is to select an American History Teacher and send the winner to the Freedoms Foundation Teacher Workshop in Valley Forge, PA.

The (Chapter Name) chapter meets at (Location) on (Meeting Date) at (Time). Further information about the SAR, the Knight Essay Contest or its other activities is available by calling 123-456-7890.

News Release submitted by: (Name) (Chapter Title)

For more information contact me at (Phone Number) or (E-Mail)

Rumbaugh Oration Award Winner

Oration Winner Announced


Patriotic Group Selects Oration Winner


Revolutionary War Group Picks Oration Winner

The (Name) chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) announced the winner of their Rumbaugh Oration Contest. The winner is (Name) who is a (Age) (Grade Level) student at (School). His/Her parents are (Names) and they live in (City).

(Name of Winner) is involved in many school and extra-curricular activities. He/She is involved in (List Winners Activities Such As School, Church, Athletic Etc.) He/She plans to attend (College) after graduation and major in (List Major) or plans a career in (List Career).

The Rumbaugh Oration Contest is open to sophomores, juniors or seniors who perform an original oration about an event, person or ideal associated with the American Revolution. (Name of Winner) will compete with other chapter winners at the (State Society) convention in (City) in (month). State winners will then compete in the national SAR contest in July (Year) in (City).

Membership in the SAR is open to men who can demonstrate that their ancestor provided active service in the cause of American independence either by serving in the military or in some other significant role.

Goals of the 118 year old patriotic organization include promoting patriotism, and building respect for American history and the founding fathers. The SAR also supports veterans in VA hospitals, the Boy Scouts, and ROTC cadets. Awards and scholarships are also given to students who win oration and poster contests on patriotic topics. One of the SAR’s newest programs is to select an American History Teacher and send the winner to the Freedoms Foundation Teacher Workshop in Valley Forge, PA.

The (Chapter Name) chapter meets at (Location) on (Meeting Date) at (Time). Further information about the SAR, the Oration Contest or its other activities is available by calling 123-456-7890.

News Release submitted by: (Name) (Chapter Title)

For more information contact me at (Phone Number) or (E-Mail)

Elementary School Poster Contest

Patriotic Group Selects Poster Contest Winner


Fourth/Fifth Grader Wins Revolutionary War Poster Contest

The (Name) chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) announced the winner of its chapter’s Elementary School Poster Contest. The contest is open to fourth or fifth graders who submit a poster about a selected topic on the American Revolution.

The winner this year is (Name) who is a fourth/fifth grader at (School) in (City). His/her parents are (Name) and they live in (City). The winning poster was on the (Subject) and will be sent to the (State Society) convention in (City) to compete with other chapter winners. The state winners are sent to the SAR National Congress in July in (Location).

Membership in the SAR is open to men who can demonstrate that their ancestor provided active service in the cause of American independence either by serving in the military or in some other significant role.

Goals of the 118 year old patriotic organization include promoting patriotism, and building respect for American history and the founding fathers. The SAR also supports veterans in VA hospitals, the Boy Scouts, teachers of American history and ROTC units. Awards and scholarships are also given to students who win oration and essay contests on patriotic topics. One of the SAR’s newest programs is to select an American History Teacher and send the winner to the Freedoms Foundation Teacher Workshop in Valley Forge, PA.

The (Chapter Name) chapter meets at (Location) on (Meeting Date) at (Time). Further information about the SAR, the Poster Contest or its other activities is available by calling 123-456-7890.

News Release submitted by: (Name) (Chapter Title)

For more information contact me at (Phone Number) or (E-Mail)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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