INTRO: Proverbs 14:34 says, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a

reproach to any people.” Friends, our nation has strayed far from its

Christian roots. In their book, What If America Were A Christian Nation

Again?, D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe present a sweeping

analysis of American from its inception to the present day. They

challenge many of today’s beliefs, which have strayed from those of our

founding fathers and are impacting each of our lives in detrimental

ways. Our nation was founded upon the principles of the Bible and

a reliance upon Almighty God! As George Washington said in his first

inaugural address, “[I]t would be peculiarly improper to omit in this

first official act my fervent supplications to the Almighty Being who

rules over the universe, Who presides in the council of nations, and

whose providential aids can supply every human defect.” Sadly, we

have now turned our backs on the God of our founding fathers.

George Washington warned that “reason and experience both forbid us

to expect that national morality can prevail in the exclusion of

religious principles.” Yet America has chosen to exclude religious

principles. (D. James Kennedy with Jerry Newcombe. What If America

Were A Christian Nation Again? p. 41).

On July 9, 1776, upon receiving a copy of the Declaration of

Independence from the Continental Congress, General George

Washington issued orders from his headquarters in New York

authorizing the Continental Army to appoint and pay chaplains in

every regiment.” Washington declared that these chaplains were there

“to see that all inferior officers and soldiers pay them a suitable respect

and attend carefully upon religious exercises.” Why? “The blessing

and protection of Heaven are at all times necessary but especially so in

times of public distress and danger…” (D. James Kennedy with Jerry

Newcombe. What If America Were A Christian Nation Again? p. 41).

Folks, one of the ways in which American has strayed from its

Christian beginnings is the idea of tolerance. The word “tolerance”

simply means “freedom from bigotry or from racial or religious

prejudice.” (Funk & Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary. Volume 2. N-

Z. p. 712). Our founding fathers came to this country so that they

might enjoy the freedom of worshipping God in the manner they saw

fit without interference from the government. But the idea of tolerance

has taken on a whole new meaning today. Folks, have you ever

noticed that those people who shout the loudest for tolerance are some

of the most intolerant people you will every meet? They clamor for

freedom of speech but their view of freedom of speech is that you have

complete freedom of speech IF you agree with their views and toe their

line! But woe be unto to you if you dare say that whatever they stand

for is sin according to the Bible.

I want to begin a new series of messages today on the subject, “Is

There Hope for America?” If America is ever going to become a

Christian nation again we MUST go back to the traditional definition of

tolerance and promote it. We also must discern and declare the

difference between good and evil. God says in Isaiah 5:20—“ Woe unto

them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and

light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” God

will not take lightly those who rename evil things good and good things

evil! I want us to see today how THE NEW TOLERANCE manifests

itself in our society and what our Lord and Savior taught about



ISAIAH 5:2Oa—“ Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil…”.

A. THE BLIGHT OF MODERN REASONING. A myth which is very prevalent

in our society today is “there are no absolutes. All truth is relative.”

ILLUS: Social analysts point out that people turn to religion in times of

crisis and instability. The terrorist attacks on September 11

certainly shattered the stability and comfort of American's lives,

leading to a surge in church attendance and Bible sales

immediately after the attacks. But what is the lingering effect of

the attack and continued tension on people's religious beliefs and

practices? The most startling shift has been in people's views

about moral truth. Given the nature of the terrorist attack, one

might have expected Americans to become more convinced of the

presence of good and evil, and that there are absolute moral

principles that exist regardless of cultural realities and personal

preferences. However, Barna's research showed exactly the

opposite outcome. Prior to the attacks the most recent inquiry

concerning truth views was in January 2000, some 20 months

prior to the terrorist activity. At that time, people were asked if

they believed that "there are moral truths that are absolute,

meaning that those moral truths or principles do not change

according to the circumstances" or that " moral truth always

depends upon the situation, meaning that a person's moral and

ethical decisions depend upon the circumstances." At the start of

2000, almost four out of ten adults (38%) said that there are

absolute moral truths that do not change according to the

circumstances. When the same question was asked in the just-

completed survey, the result was that just two out of ten adults

(22%) claimed to believe in the existence of absolute moral truth.

The people groups least likely to believe in absolute moral truth

were Baby Busters (i.e., those 36 and younger - only 13% embrace

absolute truth), Catholics (16%) and adults who are not born again

Christians (15%). The groups most likely to endorse the existence

of absolute moral truths include Baby Boomers (i.e., people 37 to

55 years of age - 28% of whom embrace absolute truth), adults

who attend non-mainline Protestant churches (32%) and born

again individuals (32%). Interestingly, when people were further

queried as to the source of the principles or standards on which

they base their moral and ethical decisions, the post-attack

survey discovered that only one out of eight adults - just 13% -

cited the Bible. The most common sources of guidance regarding

moral decisions trusted by Americans are feelings (25%) and the

lessons and values they remember from their parents (14%). (How

America's Faith Has Changed Since 9-11. November

26, 2001).


Americans who awoke on 9-11 believing there were no absolutes. They

believed there wasn’t any objective right or wrong. But many of these went

to bed convinced that what the hijackers did was wrong! These people

rallied around President Bush when he declared that the unprovoked

attack was evil. God in His Word has given us the standard to gauge what

is good and what is evil! It is not based upon our own ideas, preferences,

or desires but solely and wholly upon His Word!

ILLUS: “Every word of God is pure: He is a shield unto them that put their

trust in Him.” Proverbs 30:5

Postmodernism tells us that there is no absolute truth. What you

believe is okay. What I believe is okay, too. Whether they agree or

not doesn’t matter. But, in this age of postmodern thought we

must contend with this basic truth: Truth stands alone. It doesn’t

require human interpretation. And let me add that in discussing

Christian Truth, there is a divine disturbance that occurs. I don’t

believe we can be neutral about real truth. If Jesus is God, then

we must bow down and worship. If Jesus is not God, we ought to

boot Him out the door as a liar and a lunatic. You must decide.

There is no neutral ground. Either you are with Him, or you are

against Him. --Adrian Rogers (Bible Illustrator For Windows.

Version 3.0f. Copyright 1990-1998 by Parsons Technology, Inc.

All Rights Reserved).

ILLUS: Dr. Paul Vitz, professor at New York University, observes that the

moral decline in America is directly related to the widespread

acceptance of this myth [moral relativity]: “One of the major

characteristics of moral decline in the United States in recent

decades has been the rapid growth of moral relativism” (D. James

Kennedy with Jerry Newcombe. What If America Were A Christian

Nation Again? p. 74).

But friends, moral relatively has a problem, a snag: “If there

aren’t any absolutes, if everything is relative to our circumstances, if

everything is culturally initiated, if we cannot impose our culture upon

another culture, then how dare we condemn and declare the Nazis were

wrong for killing millions of people?” See folks, there’s the backlash! When

we “call evil good and good evil,” we are faced with a dilemma. That’s where



ISAIAH 5:20b—“ Woe unto them…that put darkness for light, and light for

darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

A. A CONCRETE DEFINITION. Probably all of us know the definition of

tolerance. It means “to put up with or bear with those who hold differing

views, beliefs, values, or lifestyles than what we agree with.” If you are a

Christian, you will try to be kind and tolerant to these people even though

you don’t hold their viewpoint. This has been the definition that almost all

have held to until recently. When something is concrete it means “specific”

(Funk & Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary. Volume 1. A-M. p. 131). The

concrete definition of tolerance is motivated by what we call The Golden

Rule—“ Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you,

do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 7:12).

B. A CULTURAL DECISION. It seems that very quickly our society and

culture has decided to redefine the meaning of tolerance. The definition of

tolerance has gone through a dramatic change. According to Josh McDowell

and Bob Hostettler in their book, The New Tolerance: “The new tolerance is

that we are not only to put up with values, habits, lifestyles, and beliefs

differing from our own, but we are to accept those values, those lifestyles,

those beliefs as absolutely equal to, as valid as, our own.” This new

tolerance is being pounded in to the minds and hearts of scores of millions

of students each week. So your religious beliefs are not better than anyone

else’s since, after all, every thing is relative. And your since your beliefs are

not any better than theirs, and since your moral views are not superior to

their moral views—no matter if they are little more than alley cats in their

sexual life—you cannot impose your view upon them. And if you don’t

accept their lifestyles, their beliefs, their habits, you are an intolerant bigot.

Kids by the millions have been called that in front of their classmates in the

classrooms of this country. Most them, indeed quake, before such an

assault. Well, any person who gives up a belief in moral absolutes and the

absolute truth of the faith will be incapable of distinguishing right from

wrong, and will, as McDowell and Hostettler say, be powerless to resist

temptations and choose the right. This is what is happening in our schools

today. We have moved from respect for a person to accept of wrong. (D.

James Kennedy with Jerry Newcombe. What If America Were A Christian

Nation Again? Pp. 76-77).

Folks, all of this is taking place because our society has forsaken God and

His Word! Listen what is taking place in light of this NEW TOLERANCE:

➢ In New York City’s medical schools, effective 2002, every student has to participate in on-the-job abortion training and must perform abortions, regardless of his or her opinion on the grisly trade of the abortionist. Failure to participate results in failure to graduate. Before this, it was an elective; now it is required.

➢ In Ohio, several nurses were reprimanded and penalized because they protested participating in therapeutic abortion procedures on religious grounds.

➢ At Stanford University, the gay and lesbian alliance promotes a shorts day each spring during which people are exhorted to wear shorts to show their support for homosexual lifestyles. It just so happens that most of the students wear shorts every day, so they are put in a position of either having to change their dress or appear to support what is being done.

➢ In another college, students who indicated their disapproval of the homosexual lifestyle were forced to watch hours of XXX-rated pornographic homoerotic films while being observed by a professor. If the students showed any sings of disgust or revulsion, they were forced to watch more films. Sound like the Chinese communist’s reeducation camps? (D. James Kennedy with Jerry Newcombe. What If America Were A Christian Nation Again? Pp. 77-78).

THE NEW TOLERANCE manifests itself by declaring: THERE ARE NO ABSOLUTE TRUTH and THE NEW TOLERANCE justifies itself by changing the definition of tolerance but also note THE NEW TOLERANCE says…



ISAIAH 5:20—“Woe unto them that call evil good…”

LEVITICUS—“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is


A. THE CHANGING FACE OF AMERICA. Even though God, in His Word,

condemns this sinful practice; our society is not only embracing it but

calling it good! God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. In

Canada, our neighbor to the north, anyone who reads Romans 1 or any

other passage of Scripture from the Bible condemning homosexuality, is

going straight to jail. And folks, if the Lord tarries, it will happen in

our country also.

ILLUS: FBI examines pastor's sermons on abortion & homosexuality

Feb 2, 2005 /By Lee Warren/

MOUNT VERNON, Ill. (BP)--Nov. 23, 2004, started out like any

other normal morning for Randy Steele, senior pastor at Southwest

Christian Church in Mount Vernon, Ill., a town about 80 miles

southeast of St. Louis. One of the longtime members of his church

was on her deathbed and he planned to spend the day consoling

her family. Then the phone rang.

It was the FBI. Steele said they wanted to meet with him

personally. After agreeing to a time later that same afternoon, he

said his first thoughts turned to his congregation. "I was

wondering what somebody in my church might have done," Steele

said. "So I was in a lot of prayer asking God to give me the right

words to say." When two FBI agents arrived at the church, Steele

said they traded small talk for a few minutes before the suspense

got to him and he asked about the nature of their visit.

Their answer stunned him.

"One guy opened a file," Steele said. "And he said, 'This is

pertaining to a sermon that you preached on Memorial Day.'"

On Memorial Day 2004, Steele was in the middle of preaching a

sermon series he called "Life Issues" dealing with controversial

cultural issues from a biblical perspective. One such sermon was

about abortion and Steele chose Memorial Day to preach about it.

"I shared the number of people who have died in wars versus the

number who had died through 'legal' abortion since 1973," Steele

said. "I stated that we are in a different type of war that is being

fought under the 'presupposition of freedom.'" Steele said that he

went on to name an abortion clinic in Granite City, Ill., a city just

outside St. Louis, and pointed out that they perform as many as

45 abortions per week. Somebody in the church that day

apparently misunderstood Steele's "different type of war" comment

to mean that he was actually calling his congregation to a physical

war against abortion clinics, so he or she placed an anonymous

phone call to the FBI.

The informant allegedly told the FBI that in addition to Steele

calling for a war against abortion clinics, he also said he was

willing to go to jail over such a cause. Steele said that he had

spoken about his willingness to go to jail, but that he made those

remarks in a different sermon that dealt with homosexuality from

the same sermon series. "I had mentioned a pastor in Canada who

had been arrested for speaking about homosexuality in his

church," Steele said. The pastor said he went on to tell his

congregation that "if speaking the truth means that we go to jail,

then by golly, that's where I'm going to be and I'm going to save

you a seat next to me." "That was the major gist of why [the FBI]

felt like they could come here and look through my sermons,"

Steele said.

Marshall Stone, FBI supervisory special agent and media

coordinator for the Springfield (Ill.) division of the FBI, was

unwilling to speak specifically about the FBI's visit to Southwest

Christian Church, but when asked to speak in general terms about

whether the FBI normally looks through pastors' sermons after

receiving anonymous tips about them being a possible danger, he

did offer a few comments. "I don't know that there's any case

where we would say, 'This is typical,'" Stone said. "Each complaint,

each investigation is followed up based upon facts and specific

circumstances of that complaint, allegation or investigation."

Since there aren't any typical cases, Stone was asked if FBI agents

would make a determination on site regarding whether to examine

a pastor's sermons. He responded in the affirmative. Steele said

that after the two FBI agents examined his two sermons in

question, they realized he was not a physical threat to abortion

clinics and apparently dropped their investigation.

When asked whether a case like this would be dropped on site,

Stone said, "We get complaint calls or allegations all the time –

whether it's over e-mail, telephone or letters. We do a lot of looking

into things on the surface to make a determination of whether

there's something we need to be doing and make determinations

all the time that there is nothing there that we need to be

concerned about or have jurisdiction over. So, technically there's

nothing to drop if it's looked into without ever opening a formal


Steele said he was initially a little irritated that the FBI would ask

to see his sermons, especially since he had to take time away from

the grieving family in his congregation to answer questions, but he

said he has no plans to stop preaching messages that are

culturally relevant. "As a pastor I believe that as Christians we are

called to speak the truth no matter what," Steele said. "And we

have to continue to speak that truth in love to all people and to

share the message of Christ because it's the only message that's

going to change the lives of people."

Roger Lipe, senior pastor at Woodlawn Baptist Church, a Southern

Baptist Convention congregation, in nearby Woodlawn, Ill., agreed

with Steele's position of speaking the truth in love to a culture that

isn't always going to be tolerant of such a message. "Just look at

what's happening in our society and what's happening in Canada –

- the laws that have been made there -- and the pressure on

Americans today to enforce hate crime laws," Lipe said. "Obviously

it's going to mean that someday when you [as a pastor] get into

your own pulpit, your own church, among your own people to

preach against subjects like abortion and homosexuality and other

biblical things that we've got to preach on, then there's probably

going to be a price to pray."

In spite of his admitted initial irritation about being questioned by

the FBI, Steele said that after his meeting with the two agents, he

printed off the two sermons, handed them to the agents and

invited them back to his church hoping that as private citizens

they might be interested in hearing the Word of God. //Story

provided courtesy of The Pathway, news journal of the Missouri

Baptist Convention. Lee Warren is a freelance writer in Omaha,


Friends, the face of America is changing! But we must stand strong in our

faith and courageous in our witness. Ephesians 5:6-11 tells us, “Let no

man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the

wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore

partakers with them. For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light

in the Lord: walk as children of light: (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all

goodness and righteousness and truth;) Proving what is acceptable unto the

Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but

rather reprove them.”


TOLERANCE changing the face of America but also it is a challenge to the

faith of America. Psalm 33:12 says—“Blessed is the nation whose God is the

LORD…”. Swiftly, we see our country setting God aside and making Him

to feel as unwelcomed guest in our society and lives! Many are trying to

change the character of God to justify their sin and wickedness.



Friday Church News Notes, April 15, 2005 (Fundamental Baptist

Information Service, fbns@, 866-

295-4143) - V. Gene Robinson, the homosexual who was ordained

a bishop in the Episcopal Church in America in 2003, implied

recently that the Lord Jesus might have been "gay." Speaking at

Christ Church of Hamilton and Wenham, Mass., he said: "...this

man that we follow was single, as far as we know, traveled with a

bunch of men, had a disciple who was known as 'the one whom

Jesus loved'..." ("Rev. Gene Robinson: Jesus might be gay,"

WorldNetDaily, April 3). Undaunted by the criticism against his

ordination, he declared, "God's light and God's life ooze over me

like warm butter." The Bible identifies that "ooze" more precisely as

the spirit of the devil. "Wherein in time past ye walked according to

the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the

air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience"

(Eph. 2:2). "But there were false prophets also among the people,

even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall

bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought

them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many

shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of

truth shall be evil spoken of" (2 Pet. 2:1-2).

Advocates for political correctness have been the leading force in THE NEW

TOLERANCE. Polls have repeatedly shown that high-school students in

this country believe that you cannot criticize anything that anyone believes

without finding fault with that person. Therefore, if you have a discussion

of atheism with an atheist, you are finding fault with that man and

criticizing his views. You can’t separate the two. The same is true of a

homosexual. You cannot have a rational discussion of the rightness or

wrongness of homosexuality, because if you find any fault with it, you are

finding fault with that person, who will tell you, “What I do is what I am,”

and you cannot divide the two. (D. James Kennedy with Jerry Newcombe.

What If America Were A Christian Nation Again? p. 79).

But folks, that just isn’t true! Jesus did! He loved the sinner but hated the


THE NEW TOLERANCE manifests itself by declaring: THERE ARE NO ABSOLUTE TRUTH and THE NEW TOLERANCE justifies itself by changing the definition of tolerance, THE NEW TOLERANCE says THERE SHOULD BE NO CRITICISM OR CONDEMNATION OF HOMOSEXUALITY and finally let us see…


MATTHEW 9:36—“And Jesus went about all the cities and villages,

teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the

kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the

people. But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with

compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered

abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith he unto his

disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few;

Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth

laborers into his harvest.”

JOHN 8:10-11—“When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the

woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.”

A. THE LORD OPENLY CONDEMNED SIN. Can anyone question the

compassion of our Lord Jesus? Jesus loved people. Jesus loved sinners!

In fact it was for sinners that He died (John 3:16). But even though Jesus

loved people he did condone their sinful beliefs or behavior. Jesus told the

woman caught in adultery in John 8:11—“… Neither do I condemn thee: go,

and sin no more.” Jesus did not condone her sin but called for

repentance—“ go, and sin no more.” The Lord “He is very merciful, but does

not excuse sin.” (B. W. Johnson. The People’s New Testament. e-Sword.

Version 7.6.1. Copyright 2000-2005. Rick Meyers. All Rights Reserved

Worldwide). Some say that Jesus never condemned homosexuality. But

this only shows their ignorance of the Scripture. In Mark 7:20-23 Jesus

said—“ That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from

within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications,

murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil

eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within,

and defile the man.” I want you to note in v21 the word “fornications” it is

our English translation of the Greek word “porneia”. From this we get our

word “pornography.” This word stood for a laundry list of sexual sins

which every first-century Jew would understand: premarital sex, adultery,

homosexuality, incest, and bestiality. When Jesus condemned “porneia”,

He certainly condemned homosexuality. But to say things like that today

makes you intolerant in the eyes of the “political correctness” crowd.

Friends, Jesus confronted sinners, and we are to do it as well! We must

confront them with the Gospel and lay before the choice of life or death;

blessing or cursing. There is coming a day when we may suffer persecution

for doing so. But for far too long has God’s people kept silent for fear of

offending someone! It’s time for us to get involved! Christianity is not a

spectator sport! We must stand up with courage and conviction for the

things we believe and not back down from them!


Lord condemned sin, He offered compassion and salvation to the sinner. In

John 8:12 Jesus said—“ I am the light of the world: he that followeth me

shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” See friends, it

was the compassion of our Lord Jesus that moved Him to die for our

salvation! It is His grace which changes the sinner into the saint, the hell

bound into the heaven bound, and the useless into the useful.

ILLUS: “According as His divine power hath given unto us all things that

pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that

hath called us to glory and virtue.” 2 Peter 1:3

A violinist stepped out onto stage one evening and drew the bow

across his violin. The room fell silent as out came the most

glorious music the audience had ever heard. When he finished, the

crowd leaped to their feet and gave ovation after ovation. What

happened next, shocked everyone speechless. The violinist broke

the violin on the podium into a thousand pieces. He looked at the

audience and said, “Ladies and gentlemen, don’t be dismayed. This

was only a three and a half dollar violin. It is not so much the

violin that makes the music as it is the man who draws the bow.”

Little is so much when God is in it. God can take a life that may be

comparable to a $3.50 violin and turn it into a masterpiece. –

Adrian Rogers (Bible Illustrator For Windows. Version 3.0f.

Copyright 1990-1998, by Parsons Technology, Inc. All Rights


God’s grace can change any sinner and deliver any soul headed for

destruction (2 Corinthians 5:17).

CLOSING: THE NEW TOLERANCE manifests itself by declaring: THERE ARE


by changing the definition of tolerance, THE NEW TOLERANCE




A survivor of the Holocaust said of the new tolerance, “That is what

happened to the Jews. They first ridiculed them. They laughed at

them. They drew political cartoons with Jews depicted as rats.

And then they began to condemn them, then to silence them. They

Began to persecute them. And then they began to imprison them.

Finally they began to kill them.” The new tolerance leads to

intolerance. In Madison, Wisconsin, a few years ago, militant

homosexuals surrounded a Church that dared to speak out against

the homosexual agenda…one of the protestors is yelling at the top

of her lungs, “Bring back the lions! Bring back the lions!” The

others around her clearly approved of her message: it’s time for

Christians to again be thrown to the lions. (D. James Kennedy with

Jerry Newcombe. What If America Were A Christian Nation Again? p.


Folks, those who shout the loudest for tolerance are some of the

least tolerant people you will find when it comes to conservative

Christians! The only answer is found in the love, grace and mercy

of our Lord Jesus Christ to change the hearts and lives of people!

Friends, in a Christ-like way we MUST stand and witness for the

true righteousness of our Holy God! Will you do that? Will you

stand up for Jesus? The ONLY HOPE America has is JESUS!


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