Los Angeles Mission College

Political Science 001 – Exam #1 Study Guide - American Political Culture, The Constitution, Federalism, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

Format of the Exam

1st Section – Multiple Choice

There will be 25 multiple choice questions worth 2 points each for a total of 50 points. Each of the questions will have 4 possible answers to choose from. To get practice at multiple choice questions, “We the People” website at and take the practice quizzes for chapters 1 – 5.

2nd Section – True or False

There will be 25 true or false questions worth 2 points each for a total of 50 points, which you will answer each statement you see as either true or false to the best of your ability and knowledge.

What to study per lecture.

American Political Culture

You should study the following from the American political culture lecture notes and/or “American Government and Politics” book:

• What is the definition of Government?

• What are the different types of government?

• The three core values of American politics: liberty, equality, and democracy

• The idea of limited government and the concept of liberty

• What is the main benefit of having a constitutional government? (Hint: limiting power)

• The upper economic class in Europe and its impact on pushing limited government

• What is the goal of politics? How is politics defined?

• The importance of political knowledge

• Was the working class in Europe a key social force leading to limited government in 18th century?

• What is direct democracy?

• The principle of popular sovereignty

The Constitution

You should study the following from the Constitution lecture notes and/or “American Government and Politics” book:

• The 1787 Constitutional Convention

• The Principles of the Constitution

• Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances

• The Articles of Confederation

• The Articles of Confederation and the establishment of America’s 1st constitution

• The Connecticut Compromise/The Great Compromise

• The Three Fifths Compromise

• The Constitution and the power of judicial review to the Supreme Court

• The Declaration of Independence

• The Federalist Papers and Federalists and Antifederalists

• The Amendment process for changing the Constitution

• The 10th Amendment to the Constitution


You should study the following from the Federalism lecture notes and/or “American Government and Politics” book:

• An understanding of the federal system of government

• The definition of Federalism

• Police power and the state government

• State governments and establishing criminal laws

• What is the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution?

• The Constitution’s protection on discrimination

• The New Deal and expanding national government powers

• Are local governments mentioned in the U.S. Constitution?

Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

You should study the following from the civil rights and civil liberties lecture notes and/or “American Government and Politics” book:

• The year that the Bill of Rights was ratified by the states.

• Why was the Bill of Rights written?

• Types of speech that receive the greatest level of First Amendment protection

• Which Amendment in the Bill of Rights gives the right to legal counsel in a criminal trial

• The Civil Rights Act of 1964

• The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth amendments of the U.S. Constitution

• The 1st Amendment and burning the American flag

• The 1st Amendment and the free exercise clause

• The Second Amendment and the right to bear arms

• The increase of the number of groups seeking protection of their civil rights (African Americans, Latinos, Gays and Lesbians, etc.) since the 1960s.

• Affirmative Action programs

• The Eighth Amendment of the Constitution, which bans cruel and unusual punishment

• The Voting Rights Act of 1965

• The Supreme Court, the 2nd Amendment, and private militias.

• The Miranda Rule

• Did some founding fathers of the Constitution think that adding a bill of rights would be dangerous?


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